The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, March 26, 1898, Image 2

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Gteie Dyspepsia Cored. Ia-shrewdadvertiser. John Wanamaker Tells Why He Used Newspapers Only. . 1 ‘I never in 11137 life used such a thing as» a poster or dodger or handbill,’ ’ said John "Wanamaker. ««My p] a it for twenty years has been to buy so much space in a Old. Southern Womanhood. The old South settled by caval iers from the old world, produced an old Southern gentleman of a peculiar type, and or a very high order of civilization, says -the Americus Times-Recorder, but its best production wa-s its woman hood, for it was the fairest, pm- est and grandest that God s sun ever shone upon. It could not newspaper and fill it upas I want- ed. I would not give an advor- have been otherwise, with brave, tisement in a newspaper of 500 generous, educated fathers, wnose hospitality gentility ' had a \forld- Tallulah rta.Llvv.-ay. j What do we He Secretary of Stale Candler lasttfy> rrnke life loss ifii FTEE stiff; ri -g tu nearly thirty years from dysnsp :?a, Airs. IT. B. Dugdals, wife of a rrominent business man of Warsaw. N. writes: ’‘Tor 28 years, i wa3 a constant, sufferer irom dyspepsia and a, weak stomach! The lig utest food produced distress, causing severe pain and the forma tion of gas. No matte? how careful of my diet I suffered agonising pain after eating. I was treated by many physicians and tried numerous remedies without permanent hs^p. Two years ago I began taking Dr. Miles’ Nerve and Liver Pills and Nervine. 'Within a week I commenced improving, and per sisting in the treatment I was soon able to eat what I iikeu with no evil effects Ikeep them at hand and a single dose dispels any old symptoms.** Dr. Miles’ Remedies I are sold by all drug gists under a. positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and nerves free. Address, DR. MII.ES MEDICAL, CO., Elkhart, Ind. circulation for o,00j dodgers or posters. If I wan ted to sell oil cap jewelry -or run a gambling scheme I might use posters ; but I would • not insult a decent reading public dren. This womanhood to be fnl- ! vith handbills. The class of peo- jy and properly appreciated should ! r)]e who read them are too poor to j have been seen on the Southern j ^ 'look to support im mercantile plantation, her ancestral acres, ; Jm: now. affairs. I deal directly with tha where in her queenly reign all vied weed: issued a charter to the Tall :- lah Falls Railway company, em powering it to continue business in Georgia for 101 years. The road is the old blue Ridge and Atlantic, which went into the hands of a re ceiver sometime ago, and v as bought by the present, owners on September 27, 1897. It is twenty- two miles long, running from Cor nelia, in Habersham county, to Tallulah Falls, in Rabun. Its ihoi. —Ge« i ■ J'u 1; ioi ONE OF TW Cf wide reputation,and virtuous edn-1 pr-ncipa. office is at C!™—y o.tea mothers, whose lives were j and the directors, under devoted to God, husband and chi!- gaimnt.on, are George L- -y - •; - tice, Charles 'F. Street, Jack a. The. bladder was e pose, namely, a ...... urine, and as such i- i, any form of disease t - : ,. two ways. The first perfect action of +h second‘way is \- ment of other di •-e cuir.v •' >! Unhealthy 7 kidneys is the Spalding, William H. Black and troubles. .So • C dr roll.—At Ian ta j der, was creat Use Your t.oeal Papers. The following is from the St. Louis Drv Goods Reporter, a pa-., per that is not interested in the in terest of tbediy goods merchants: To those of oar readers who do not use printers ink freely, we can give no better advice than that they should advertise in their local paper during 1898. By making,a vearly contract for the space needed, the cost wall be reduced to a minimum, and by the insertion of a readable advertisement during the year, any store-keeper cannot only increase his trade but will in crease his standing in the com munity as a live and progressive citizen.” publ i sh er. I say to h im : “ ‘How long will you let me run a coiu'mn of matter through your paper for $100 or $500?’ as the case may be. I» let him do the figuring, and if I think he is not trying to take more than his share I give him the copy. I lay aside the profits on a particular class of goods for advertising purposes. “At first I laid aside $3,000. Last year I laid aside $40,000. I have done better this year, and shall increase the sum as the prof its warrant it. I owe my success to newspapers, and to them I freely give a certain part of the profit of my yearly business. ” It is said of a cyclone out West that it “turned a w'ell wrong end up, a cellar 1 pside down, moved township lines, blew all the staves out of a whiskey barrel and left nothing but the bung-hole, chang ed the day of the week, blew the hair off the head of a bald headed man, bio„ mortgages off a farm, blew all the cracks out of the fen ces and took all the wind out of a populist politician.” If Spain has to chase men as she does money for war with this coun try, they’ll be a mighty breathless lot to line up against our sturdy American volunteers. It is the Greatest. “I was afflicted with humor* in ray blood which caused jne to be covered with sores. After taking six bottles of Hood’s Sarsaparilla I was completely cured and it affords me pleasure to recommend this medicine for impure blood. It is the greatest medicine on earth.” J. H Brock, Sandtown, Geor gia. HOOD’S PILLS are the only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Cure all liver ills. Unthinking persons sometimes refer to the Jews as a people with out a country. Should the United States become involved in wRr with Spain, there is not a particle of doubt that the American Jews would prove that they have a country and that they are ready to fight for it. It was abundant ly demonstrated in the late civil war ■what sort ot fighters they are. A number of Jewish veterans of the late war now reside in New York have put-themselves on record as ready to go to the front again if needed, and their example would be quickly followed in all parts of the country. to show her homage. All ot her wants were supplied by her leige lord with a lavish hand. Her diaings, teas and parties were af fairs to be remembered and talk ed about for their variety, delica cy, splendid preparation and roy al service. Her conversational powers had a peculiar charm, known nowhere but in the beauti ful Southland. Her affection for husband, home and children was one of her predominant character istics that ennobled, adorned and beautified home and its surround ings. To the poor, the sick and unfortunate^ she was ever ready and willing to lighten life's bur dens and sorrows-—freely she gave of her bounty* to less for tunate neighbors. 'Her time was fully occupied with home du ties, which never ended, of which she never seemed to tire. Home and church were her sanctum sanctonum ; in them,and for them life’s best efforts were put forth, and both were ennobled and beau tified by her delicate touch and presence. Joaquin Miller said : “The grandest battle that ever was fought, Shall I tell you where and when? On the maps of of the world you will find it not For it was fought by the mothers of men.” This grand Southern woman hood for the Southern Confeder acy that will live in history as true history is read and written, or the heart of man has a tender re sponsive chord for the name of woman, wife, sister, daughter and mother. Wonders Never Cease. No one need suffer the tortures of rheumatism, because that modern .lini ment, Salvation Oil, positively cures it. “I was a great sufferer from sciatic rheumatism, and the best of doctors attended me without relief. I com menced using Salvation Oil, and two bottles helped me wonderfully. It certainly has worked wonders with me. Mrs E. J. Phelps, Box 28, Enfield, Conn.” Salvation Oil is for sale by all dealers for 25 cts. Take no substitute. is ea> voided. urj ae a*d a ^edinent J ’adderi “Shall I nr>t take mine ea?e in mine inn ?”—Renky I\ . ! if not doc tort* C ir;.j j ro weakness or ! eases. It is v.tuan - } dose to the hk -r | pain, disease a . • fesU’d in the bu-.k .. | sage is often, by lisp j female weaknes- - • i some sort. The error i and may be easily a out correctly, set your twenty four hour tling indicates kidney or ble. The mild and the extract? effect of. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Ro, great kidney, and bladder re- soon realized. If you need a „ you should have the best. At gists fifty cents and one dollar, may have a sample bottl phlet, both sent free by is | ceipt of three two-cent st?.i : cost of postage on the Wtt ! The Georgia Cracker and $ dress to Dr. Kilmer & | ton, N. Y. The pre per guarantee the g ofier. ani ) net jL. .4- Kissing is uk etlthy—if her father catclies you at it - Court A Ol TV • ( mm Appeal. When a ca so is re fferred to a court of final appeal its decision is irrevocable. Whr n you have Hamburg, Mo., September 5, 1898.— Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic has given satisfaction in every respect.—J. L. Martin. M. D. lost all hope, in v mr own case, of • being cured of Kneumatism or any disease caused by impure blood, try African a, Africana cures positively. Afrieana cures permanently. | * Africana ev.res perfectly. Africana cures .quickly. Read what a prominent Atlanta Broker writes us *. Africana Company : I was attacked with Rheuma tism in my feet and knee joints, was induced to try Africana, and after using five bottles as pre scribed and not using any other remedy or treatment during use of Africana. I now regard myself as free from Rheumatism. Yours truly, J. M. Ponder. Mr. William Jennings Bryan paid a high tribute to Gen. Fitz- liugh Lee in one of his recent speeches. Among other things he said: “Fitzhugh Lee has dis charged his duties with such cour age, such prudence, and such pa triotism that yon cannot find one man in all the Northland who would suggest his removal.” - Great Oaks From little acorns grow, so also do fa tal diseases spring from small begin nings. Never neglect symptoms of kid ney troubles; if allowed to develop they cause much suffering and sorrow. Dr. J. II. Mclean’s Liver and Kidney Balm is a certain cure for any disease or weakness of the kidneys A trial will convince you of its great potency price $1.00 a bottle. For sale by M. C. Brown &. Go. T’m in the Ck~. Prompt .Attention and l'i-rh, Co*>i, Airy Rooms. Tv* pay only 5 i what you order. erner s Nonesuch For Lqdies and Gentlemen. Sitting Room and Toilet Conveniences are provided. Cor» Peachtree and Marietta Sts. Norcross Building. ATLANTA, GA. TAKE ELEVATOR. FIFTH FLOOR. Free tuition. We give one or • rsnip's in every eonnty in theU.S. :j Will accent r.etesiea or can deposit ma»j until position iss ' ^Positions, • • Guaranteed Under reasonable conditions .... fare paid. None ter at any tira sexes. Cheap bocii free illustrated au Rooms 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE i Address J. F. Braughon. Pres t at | Draughon's i Practical...., Business.... NASHVILLE, TENN., AND luMw k Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tyrwfi| The most thorough, practical schools of the kind in the world, ais patronized ones in the South. Indorse^ ers, merchants, ministers asJ others weeks in bookkeeping with us are! | twelve weeks by the old ttea. VF. r i President, is author 7 :i of bookkeeping, “PouMe EtVffha-e liome study. V e haxy pvtyrtr study, books on bookkeeping, traa shorthand. Write ror price list Ha i Extract. ‘‘Prof. Dkafghon keeping at home from your boo a position as night zelegraph c, Leffingwell, Bookkeeper for G— Wholesale Grocers South Chicago,! (Mention this paper. wh*n ■writ Horse Owners! GCHiAt Marriage, is not a failure as often as it is a sort of cotapromise on both sides. Trade ?^arks Designs ... Copyrights ate. Anyone sending a sketch and description mat* quickly ascertain our opinion free un-ether eu invention is probably patentable. \ < ^-men tions strictly confldential. Handboyxoni ■ xyux.s sent free. Oldest agency for aecunnBpatents. Patents taken through Mtinn A Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific Jftnerlcait, A handsomely illustrated weekly, barvest cir culation of any scientific journal.. reras, a year; four months, ft. Sold by aS newsd ..ers. MiJNN & Co ^361 Broadway, f|gV'/ YOrR Branch Office. 625 F St.« Washington, D. C. *r~Z6>^ ** ’The Safest, TScst BLISTER' [ the place of all liniment- * r • i: * t i Removes all Bunches or Blemish? I and Cattle. SUPERSEDES j 09 FIRING. Irnpozi %Lie to prod Bvery bottle sold is wtrrcr*r* " Price *1,50 per c- • ie 1 sentbv express, r-u 1 I for its use. - Send for dc-: cnpi*v THE liAWRSNCE-WaJA’A ? G ap'-i—iiii "h I "nr^ frol TORIA For Xafants and Children. Tis faa- simild signature of ’ IS 68 every wrapper. Since the year 1880 the Paris police have arrested as many as 29,000 children who were being trained for begging and yice. An Uncertain ^Disease. There is no disease more uncertain in its nature than dyspepsia. Physicians say that the symptoms of no two eases agree. It is therefore most difficult to make a correct diagnosis. No matter how severe, or under what disguisedyspepsiaattacks you, Browns’ Iron Bitters will cure it. Invaluable iu all diseases of the stomach, blood and nerves. Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by ail dealers. Gainesville 5/*0 H .. m i i r OPES ATE S*¥’« LINES ON SCBTEPH The State of Matrimony is one of the United States—even if it isn’t on the map. Veteran. NA8HVILLE, TENN. OFFICIAI,X,Y REPRESENTS United Confederate Veterans, United Daughters of the Confederacy, The Sons, and other Organizations. $1.00 a year. Two Samples) Four Two-Ceut Stamp*. S. A. CUNNINGHAM. Special Reduction iu Clnba with this Paptft The Gainesville Transfer Com pany issues l he following tick ets which will' be sold at the rate of 28 tick ets for $1.00. h ( § I? . DAY TRIP. ' 3ood oaiy over oar Lines i'.oint in city limits, including nvv jlollanct and Gower. -•e-r Co. Gainesvisi *ar si When you want a Messenger Boy Fnon 3 Charges, 10 cents for delivering messages, ana 5 ceff- 3 to message, within city limits. • u pwii lr ‘1 Kindly phone 102 your orders, and if you wish, ^ ^ up for your train, either day or night, in case you h a .your residence. , c: .j The Gainesville Telephone Company will have frotf H will remain on duty all night and protect our patff 15 convenience of missing trains. Respectfully, GAINESVILLE TB-‘~ N gFEi 1