The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, April 02, 1898, Image 4

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” 1 J THE GEORGIA CRACKER. | OAMB ON TIMl “' , 1 The dear people, God bless em Gainesville, Ga., April 2, 1898. First of all Gainesville. The Cracker is f< r ^ ^ Patronize our advertisers. They are perfectly -reliable and will treat you right. Will visitors to the city next summer .be ushered in witn a cloud of dust? Not if Main street is improved. Judge Atkinson’s “venerable old friend from Hall” will be. nominated Governor oi Georgia, but Judge Atkinson wont. could not live and have their be ing and enjoy the blessings be stowed by a kindly Providence were it ‘not for their “faithful” representatives in Congress. This world would be but one bleak and barreu desert did not these rernain- at-post-of-duty public teat suckers form an oasis around which the down trodden people cling with pug like tenacity. Dire pestilence would stalk abroad in the land devouring whom it might were it not for these guardians of the peo- Both the method and results when Syrup,of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, The county executive comnnt- pg will meet Tucc-clav, April oili. p fi- . r.nfv primaries treasury the hard earned coin dropped therein by the dear people who afe assessed to pay the sala ries of Juggernauts, snollygosters constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its The dates of i- county puc will be decided upon at that time. Tel-1 your friends about the great Sunday School convention which meets in Gainesville April 18th. Be sure to come, it will do you good. Colonel Candler’s letter reply ing to Judge Atkinson’s challenge to a series.of joint debates was a knockout blow, and it wasn’tHie- low the belt either. Gainesville is the greatest pro duce market in the country. More chickens and eggs are shipped from*here than any other point ot its size in the South. and other "two by four political j effects, prepared only from the most i healthy and agreeable substances', its I many excellent qualities commend i t to all and have made it the taost monstrosities. Yes, the country would be bank rupt within fourteen minutes by the' watch ' if one of these “learned,” ‘‘able,” distinguished,” “faithful” representatives should accidentally leave the national capital, especially if he came home to fight some one who was inju dicious ‘enough to oppose him for the nomination in his home dis trict. The dear people’s interests must be looked after, the great country must be saved, the public till must be constantly drawn popular remedy known, Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. 6AUF0RNIM FIB W8UP QQ* SAM FRANCISCO. CAL LOUISVILLE, KV. MEW YORK, AMT. upon lest the “faithful constitu ents” taxes will be lightened and there will then be no campaign v,,ror> nf ‘'hard times” to din m slogan o their ears It is absolutely necessary that something be done to Main street J he looked in the way of improvement. The city cannot afford to let it remain as it was last summer. Uniform primarie^is what every body. wanted. Colonel Candler has long been in favor of them, and the State executive committee anticipated his desires, The Gainesville Chautauqua promises to be bigger and better than any held m Georgia. It will be liberally advertised and great crowds will be attracted, people of Gainesville never anything by halves. "-these, all these—-must after, and “my distin guished opponent is so unfair as to take advantage of my absence he j GO while I am so busy, oh so busy.” The demagogical letter is being sent out from Washington by the wholesale. The country is being flooded with such gush, slush and mush that the people are bored to death—tired to complete exhaust ion. Their credulity has been played upon to such an extent that they have at last caught on. They have been importuned until “forbearance has ceased to be a ! virtue”—they are sick and disgus ted . The connection in which some of the Tate organs refer to “Slick” Thompson is contemptible, and is beneath the dignity Of legitimate campaigning. Make your fight fairly, gentlemen, and stop your mud slinging. . If your candidate cant'.win by honest methods and decent campaigning for gracious sake cal'; him down. COLLEGE ENDOWMENTS. Elsewhere will be found a com munication which is of interest to the people not only of Hall county but of the state. It touches upon a matter which is of importance to every citizen who is interested in the advancement of higher ed ucation in Georgia. It bears* on the question submitted to the laft legislature providing for the sub mitting to the people of Georgia an amendment to the constitution exempting from taxation the en dowments of colleges in this state. Th9 policy of the great state of Georgia toward all educational institutions in the past has been that of friendliness. Its future policy will be the same as long as the people are permitted to express themselves. One change in the constitution, hew- ; ever, needs be made—that of j 7 ;changing it so as t * exempt from ■lordis Arriving daily. We c ly invite you to call and s them. Tie last epistle of this kind on j taxation# college endowment: One of Americans most fa- §> \ record is that of the Hon. Leon ides Livingston addressed to the voters of the Fifth Congressional district. There is nothing unus ual about it only that it came a little late-—he allowed himself to be beaten by bis distinguished colleague, the Hon. Farish Carter Tate, who some weeks ago “ups an’ lows” about all Lon does, and t smears it all over the Ninth Con gressional district. MRS. J. E. JACKSON INVITES YOU TO HER SELECT KYI s rr„i„ in,.- * C| g U a II I ;> :U> | P || A CUBAN RELIEF FUND. The Cracker has been waiting hoping some one would start a Cuban relief fund in Gainesville, i motss physicians .says: “Scrof- $ but as yet no public . movement f? ula is external consumption," || H Scrofulous childpen are often beautiful cLiMoen? hut they | It feels that contribute to has been made. Gai n e.svi 11 e should . x . • * - «j the cause i §5 l&ck netvzJorcCf strong bones, ^ . f a p 0 charge of any subscriptions K s * ots/i * ai L ]° j j that may be send in and forward ■A resist disease. For delicate §; , .. , , chem to the proner parties to be The endowments of most Georgia colleges means about ail the col lege. The*property belonging to Emory college, for instance, means perhaps $10(1,000, while its endowment is probably $800,000, so that the taxes paid on the en dowment is the bulk of the taxes paid by the college. As will be seen from the com-1 munication published elsewhere in i i this issue, the State Senate favored j the measure by a vote of 31 to 5; j the house committee on constitu tional ammendments recom mended its adoption by a unani mous vote; and the measure was A n d n fi {111 ill I £ i %* J loi y f\T J A Cordia Invitation is Extc Opening days March 31st and April o 1 . p T § % 3 I * Uf r \ A \ iitr- I?*- _ I _ i.LV 1 1 u -i.. j y V- ■ ;i el l Dear only defeated in the house by a Guano . Co. vote of thirty-eight, this small j and Acid Phosphate from the very b minority defeating it because it! to Se “ - T °‘ l .V~ * , , 1 you money it yon namer.t Special Guano. Rddystou Guano. Kodvdai L was a constitutional sure ct tnerefoue proposes to , - T . _ and required a two-tairds vote. f children there is no remedy g equal to n IS II Scott’s Emulsion 1 % of God-liver Oil with Hypo- | i \ phosphites of Lime and Soda. % It fills out the skin by putting , | 1 good flesh beneath it. Itmakes * ,; J [ the cheeks red by making rich $ j j blood. It creates an appetite 2 Hi for food and gives the body J It s power enough to digest it. Be ^ ; \\ sure you get SCOTT'S Emul- 1 sion. 50c. and $t.oo ; all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. used as deemed best. It is grati fying to know that the Presbyte rian church of Gainesville took up a special collection last Sunday which amounted to $12.60, which amount was forwarded to the Atlanta Journal and properly credited in the fund. The other churches of the city will no doubt contribute liberally, and it seems that it would be a good idea for the pastors to take up a special collection for this fund tomorrow. The Cracker will cheerfully take charge of any subscription sent in and forward it promptly to the proper parties. The friends of the measure hope to secure its passage at the next session,of the legislature, and the attention of the people of Hall county is called to it that they may instruct their representatives how to vote upon the question. ♦ Gainesville. Ga.. I would be pleased to call your at tern High-grade Fertilizers? We manra t materials. Llizers at the lowest prices, with us. . We* manufacture ^ .T i H n KAP. Sea Bird Hi Our guarantee phoric Acid, 10 to 3 to 4 per cent. xiiar. ) y Acid Phosphate wi lalysis on our best grades ) 12 per cent; Ammonia. * 8 to We can and will make it to yo? i from us, and will very much appreciate your patr write for prices before you buy elsewhere and there Spencer Atkinson in.his speech at Franklin the other day said he did not like Col. Candler’s mention of the common people of Georgia. He said Georgia had no common people - Of course he meant that he did not know the common peo ple, and that he did not expect them to follow him. About the sixth of June he will find out that there are some common people in Georgia*—somebody besides ring masters and snap politicians. P. N- With Atlanta Gmn ti» Easiest Buggy ever ridden in has the Thomas Coil Springrs. The most com- ge !ftid pact, most elastic—best springs for side-bar baggies. .Hf-LAve for side-bar baggies. -he y; the body hang just right. Iag t i* motion possible; cost little j The THO®^ COIL SPBfl can be used to replace anyd buggy or an old one. Tbe bee ^ n *t them; If your carnage-maK^P. jo3 we will. Write for full desenp ^,^0? THE BUFFALO SPRING