The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, April 02, 1898, Image 7

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13 it every sarsaparilla tr ies to sell itself, ranges elf against mi If Jainst Ayer’s as the stand- ’ ? Why is it that all have to ex tra inducements — bigger SL fancy wrappers, cheaper anything, everything, but Ice inducement of quality ? , e va been equaled by any •• -alien of it, and quality i , lc as blood tells. ff is cti SlaadSN. e a 4ver’s Sarsaparilla for more 1 t^ditv-five years, and have never j orvthing but words of praise from ; not. a eingle complaint has r rea^lc-d me. A preparation must ‘ „ ea t merit to maintain such a repu- c . j j^iieve your sarsaparilla to be ftetblsod purifier that has ever been Uuxd to the general public. I often 1 .^ er ^ianufacturers say that this is iridd as Ayer’s,” but no one ever yet J it said that Ayer’s was as good as t other kind. They always set Ayers up 'fte standard of excellence. —S. F. iYCE» Duluth, Minn. [Change ot Inauguration Day. rr{j Q fjpnate committee ori privi-j and elections last week au- „r; 7e d n favorable report on the iendmenfc to the constitution of United dates introduced by .aior Hoar, changing the time vpor for the expiration of the |uis of the president, vice-presi- it. senators and representatives Minrress from March 4th until last Wednesday in April. The change is made to take ef- in 1901. and if the amendment bid be accepted by congress d be rutided by a sufficient [yber of states, it would have - effect of extending the terms [president McKinley and Vice- rddeiit Hobart Jfor almost two Who Will Have to go m baiie of War? Now that w*ar between the United States and Spain seems to be not the most improbable thing in th # e world, it is interesting to think who would have to go in case Uncle Sam has to call for help. It is found, after placing the regular army men about the coast, that more men are needed, the volunteer companies of the various states would be called out. These volunteers are the companies that are already enlisted and are sub- ject to the_president’s call at a moment’s notice. When they en listed they, by that act, signified their willingness to go at their country’s call without asking questions. iSSfe It is not Very likely that the general government would call upon the green troops, of citizens who know nothing about military, until all trained soldiers had been utilized. It seems to be generally agreed that in case of ‘war the regular army will be first called into re quisition. They will be scattered around as far as they will go. Then the organized companies of each state which has a port of entry would be called upon to defend their state. Then, if the other states were needed, the pres ident would call upon the othbr states to send their organized com panies whenever he wanted them to go. Then, as a last resort, if still more soldiers were needed, the “greenies” or untrained men would be asked to volunteer and begin to practice drilling. Those who are anxious to go to war will begin to enlist at once with the regular companies, and in this way increase their chances to get a whiff of the battle smoke and feel the pangs of the Spanish shells.—Eugene Anderson in Ma con Telegraph. It is true wisdom for every-_ body to take a thorough course of Swift’s Specific just at this season of the year. The blood is sluggish and impoverished, and the system is full of impurities which should be eliminated. In addition to* thoroughly cleansing the blood, and toning up the system so as to avoid loss of appetite and a gen eral run-down feeling in the spring, S. S. S. so strengthens and builds up as to fortify against the many forms of dangerous illness that abound during the hot sum mer season. It is a very small matter to take this precaution but it insures health and strength all summer. Swift’s Specific for • The is far ahead of all other remedies for this purpose. It is a real blood remedy which promptly purifies the blood and thoroughly renovates the entire system, tones and strengthens the stomach, and renews the appetite. It is the only safe tonic, being nurely vege table, and the only blo^d remedy j guaranteed to contain no arsefiio,.i sulphur, mercury, potash or other- mineral substance, which is of eo; much importance to all who know- the injurious effects of these drugs* Nature should be assisted by na* Blood Georgm-Fruit, Crop. If Easter comes and goes with out any disastrous weather, Geor gia will have a.fruit crop this )~ear the value of which will be greater than ever in the state’s history. From all sectiona-reports are re ceived saying that the fruit trees are in excellent condition. There will be hundreds- of young orch ards that will this year beartheir first substantial; crops. In addition to the peaeh r pear, apple and plum; crops,, are the vineyards that; have been* plants ed oh the hills and that a v e each year receiving more scientific treatment*. The growth of the vine industry is every year more marked,, and intelligent manage ment is making it more profitable. The strawberry crop and the crops ofr wild berries must not be overlooked, in the list of fruits that will this year help to fatten the pocket-book of the. Georgia ag riculturist These crops are feeing looked, after more closely and many is- the dollar that is turned into the farmer a till by the black berries,. dewberries, and huckle- beries that grow wild on the dis carded lands of Georgia. A. mild spring means hundreds of thousands, yes millions, of dol lars to the farmers of Georgia, as the returns of their orchards, vine yards and berry patches. May ! Providence see it is to their inter est to grant it. responds readily to jgroper fer tilization. Larger crops, fultfer ears and larger grain are sure to result from a liberal use of fertilizers containing at leasfe7% actual , Our books are free to farmers. GERMAN KALI WORKS, pj-Nanas* St., New YcjkO Pension Commissioner Johnson ! has still .about $25,000 in his -—I know irsmt/ron ' there’s :> buy. ist what id you fchinx. so; something thought. p.n? some Summer Homes’ Folder, 1398. Mr. W. A. Turk, General Passenger Ag-enf of the Southern Railway, is col lating- information for Summer Homes’ Folder for the ensuing Summer, giving the names of proprietors, post-office ad dresses, at or near what station, con veyance used, number of guests, terms per day, week and month. This infor mation will be printed in an attractive form and a large edition published and distributed by the. various agents of this immense system throughout all sections of the country. Persons con templating taking boarders for the en suing Summer are requested to apply to the nearest railroad agent for blank to be filled out giving the above infor- roation, and forward at once to W. A. , . j Turk, General Passenger Agent, Wash- icofciijgs are like children ; to fee j j n gton, D. C., so that it may reach him ffeeiated they should be few and I not later than April 1st. between. *, ture’s remedy, 8. S. S. Take hands with which to pay the ben-4 aot har4 S. S. S. and be well all summer, efieiaries of the war. Of the amount, $620,000, all but $25,000 has been paid out, ■ leaving the ' amount as ' above given to be! called for. iy lei iuse you have - -T 'Id-Bits. bfore marriage a man swears Jove. After ?wear. marriage he loves from TT.8.-Tourncil of 2T*Aichit Prof. W. H. Peeke, who makes a specialty of Epilepsy, has without doubt treated and cur-. The bureau of ordinance has opened the bid for projectiles, shot and shell, and will make the reward at once so that the con tracts can be executed as quickly and rapidly as possible. Wanted—Everybody and his wife to go to his druggist and get a bottle of Dr. Ticheuors Antiseptic, the most wonderful healing compound of the nineteenth century. It preserves the flesh, prevents inflamation or suppura tion and heals like magic. Pleasant as perfume and stainless as rose water. Indians as Cattle Raisers. • {t If there ever was any hope for the Indian in an agricultural way it surely was in the direction of raising cattle* 5 ” remarked an old government contractor to a re porter for the Kansas City Star. “The . Indians had a better chance than any white man on earth to into the cattle raising business. They had big ranges guarded by government troops. Uncle Sam was buying stock from, them aB the time‘and by this time they should have been the ‘bull-, ionaises’ of the country. Bat it is nofe so; in fa at there is not a tribe in the United States that has cattle enough for its own needs. “Yes,” said- thp buyer, “they had j big herds of cow ponies.; they are good plainsmen ; heading cattle is work, and there are j always plenty of boys about an | Indian camp to take care of it : without troubling the, bucks or t squaws. The first work ox barba rians nian was tending ot herds and flocks, and it would seem this would be the first move of the Indians toward^ civilization, but they skip it somehow,” The offender never forgives. Poets nature. ‘‘•What’s the matter” with giving your house or mule a dose of Dr. Tichenor s Antiseptic when he has colic? It will cure him and that is what you want. For sale by all druggists and by county merchants. **0! r/\ I-tJ. L. W beauties of a. jaeu wives usually take r~? - — wo rm iid 13 an exam- II -pq Rudy’s Pile Suppository ' ' !s guaranteed to cure Piles and Constipation, or money refunded. 50 cents per box- Send for list of testimonials and Free gg Sample to MARTlcT RUDY, Reg- * istered Pharmacist, Lancaster, Pa. For sale by leading druggists, and in Gainesville, Ga., bv Dixon & Co. Of the 24 Southern men who lost their lives in the Maine disas ter, 39 of them were Virginians. Sure Cure I PLEASAKT TO TAKE. Will Believe Every Time. Georgia Railroaa Red irritates oxen because it’s the complementary color to green, and the eyes of the cattle being fixed so much on herbage any- Na living Physician; his j thing rea impresses their sight success is astonishing-. ; . ., . . , -, We have heard of cases | witn increased intensity. ■AND- CONNECTIONS. Ox so years’ standing cured by him. Ha publishes a valuabla work ors | this dis- ! ease, which i he sends j .with a ! fct . , , _ 'largo bot- -U? free to any sufferers Livfc Senu Ixlc ‘ :r Y . an d Express address. Lw g 9 T?iPtTp°2 e .- W J. s ^^ D ^ a cure to address Mb 5, FEEDS, 4 Cedar St., Hew York PROMPTLY SECURED Fjt® for our interesting books ** Invent- [suclp” and “How you are swindled.” Uy s a roiigh sketch or model of vour In «L lon or improvement and we will tell °b r °P in ion as to wbother it is | Patentable. We make a specialty LJJP. 1 '-abous rejected in other hands. r Uc '-t references furnished* L Marion & marion SOLICITORS & EXPERTS I H'P 5c ^ufdneers, Graduates of the feS «- Scll ° o1 ° r EUfcTineering, Bachelors in bnt w e * nce8 l I aval University, Members IjOciiVY Association, American Water Works [0. Kn sr land Water Works Assoc. r«bof c^v r fJ- S3 ? Clation ’ A8soc - Member Can. f ot tivA Engineers. 0f fices- 4 Washington, D. G. .. * ( Montreal, Can. Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic is the most wonderful healing compound offered to the public. For abrasion of the skin, laceration of the flesh, burns by flame or steam, hot metal, rope burns, or sun burn, ring-worm, ‘‘poison oak,” etc., it is pre-eminently superior to anything One fair trial will convince the most skeptical. Sold by all live druggists. Mrs. S. Gist, who is said to have been the first woman to volunteer her services as nurse during the late war, is now living in Wash ington, and says that should war with Spain break out she is ready to enlist again. |£achb and Rheumatism relieved ffiy Dr. Miles’ Nerve Plasters. A man never realizes how insig nificant he is until he attends his own wedding. For information as to Routes, Schedules and Ratos, both Passenger a?id Freight, write to either of the undersigned. You will receive prompt reply and reliable information. A. G. Jackson, Gen. Pass. Agt Joe W. White, Trav, Pass. Agt. Augusta, Georgia. S. W. Wilkes, C. F. & P. A M V Atlanta. H. K. Nicholson, G. A., Athenej. W. W. Hardwick, S. A., Macon. S. E. Magill, C. F. A., Macon.. M. R. Hudson, S. F. A., Milledge ville. F. W. Coffin, S. F. & P. A., \ Augusta. HSTdNTLY RELIEVES INFANTILE COUCH, COLD, CROUP OR CRAiVIP. —liuMHMM ON THIS DEPENDS. The Father’s Patience, The Mother’s Happiness, The Baby's Health. Every Bottle Guaranteed to Benefit