The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, May 07, 1898, Image 4

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trying to stab in the BAGS. Hon. Carter Tate is now in the mountain counties engaged in a forlorn attack on Thompson. Having stuffed his committee un- £j] they refused to allow a joint debate between them, he now ex hibits himself, and the “marble” barrel,in a vain attempt to further fool a confiding constituency. In his letter to the White coun ty friend he says, with war staring us in the face he cannot leave his post of duty to push his political interests. Yet with war actually THE GEORGIA CRACKER. publishing with a flourish of trum pets that while Col. Howard Thompson is pirouetting around over the district endeavoring to gain favor with the masses of the- people in the interest of himself to represent the district in the National Halls of Congress the aforesaid Tate is a good boy and is “hugging his post” in the city *of Washington with an anaconda grip The Gainesville chautauqua is booming along. Rear Admiral Dewey toast of the United States Admiral Dewey’s old comrades e saying, “I told you so. is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company — CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. LOUI8VILLE, Ky. NEW YORK* N. Y. Manila bay and Admiral Dewy were made famous in a day. Why don’t these organs gel down to hard pan and tell the un varnished truth concerning this matter? Carter Tate came down from Washington sometime previous to the meeting of the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee which met in Gainesville on the 22nd day of April and is now in the mountain counties working as hard as he knows how r to retain his seat m Congress. At his post! Where is his post in these troublous times? Is it in Washington or in the mountains of North East Georgia? He is billed to speak for the next tw T o weeks throughout the moun tains and if the United States is sunk during that time it will no doubt be all right with Carter, provided that there will be a res ervation of the Ninth Congress ional District of Georgia. Such nonsense makes us weary and we sigh for a much needed is over we have rest from such rot I Admiral Moutejo perhaps wants to know ‘‘who flung dat last shell fust.” What the United States soldiers will do to the Spaniards in Cuba will be a plenty. Col. Howard Thompson touched up the boys in Jackson county this week. Jackson is safe in the Thomnson column. tune. No speech he can make, should he confine himself to the truth, can make a mark upon Thompson but a bush whacker knows no such thing as honorable warfare. The Cherokee Advance is pub lishing a challenge from Tate to Thompson to meet him at his ap pointments in the mountain coun ties. If Thompson has received the challenge we have not been so informed but at any rate he will meet Tate at Cleveland, and per haps at Dahlonega and Dawsou- viile. Let the people come out and hear them and judge by whom they desire to be represented in Congress. A good time is assured and when the thing no doubt the people will give Tate the “marble heart.” In the meantime let Tate ex plain what he has done with the one hundred dollars per month he has been drawing from the U nited States Treasury for the hire of a clerk to which all congressmen are entitled when they have one. Our information is that he lias had none since his cousin Sam Tate left Washington two years ago. Some are so uncharitable to say he draws the money, and claims that Miss Yirgie Bell, his sister-in-law, takes it part tne time, and the remainder ms son Howard’s, a ten year old youth, used. This is fine when there are at least five thousand deserving democrats, w T ho The features of cur business are c styles and good values, and this is prov the crowds which throng our store froi to day. Litii until the guber- lary—or in other A FALSEHOOD NAILED. Some one of Tate’s supporters a short time ago published in the Blairsville Herald a letter in which j he charged that Hon. Howard Thompson had become indepen dently rich from the fees he had received as solicitor of Hall city court. “Democrat,” as he signed himself, charged that Colonel Thompson received $8,000 a year The death of Mr. Minion San ders removed one of the best known business men of Nortn Georgia from active life. Peace to his NEW SHOES.—All shapes and sizes. Our ne and boys are beauties. SPRING CLOTHING—For men, boys and chil and prices are both righi. OUR GREAT Wash Goods Department a pronoi NEW IMPORTED Dress Patterns and all the Ja to match. IMMENSE LINES of Laces, Embroideries andII Come and see them. M e can show them better scribe them. AIN’T HE A HONEY TO DODGE. In the caucus of the Georgia delegation in Congress the other day held for the purpose of agree ing upon the name of some Geor gian for the office of Brigadier- General from the state of Georgia, Hon. F. Carter Tate, who was con sidered a staunch friend of that neerless Georgian. Hon. W. M r . The Jacksonville Times-Union and Citizen is of the opinion that the business of the country has ai- readv received its worst blow from the war. Pleasant echoes of the Sunday School convention are still being wafted back by the delegates who were here. They are singing the praises of Gainesville’s hospital- R. E. ANDOE & The Pickens County Herald,pub lished at .Tapper,says Pickens coun ty is Repidffican. The Cherokee Advance, piiolished at Canton,says it is not. M hich ought to know? and which d< you believe? name is men would be anxious to get the place, but it seems it is only, a family affair after ail. No one outside of his relatives are capable of per forming the arduous duties- of congressional clerk. Nepotism seems, to be Tate’s brightest qualification for any^ place. No relative of his has ever been known to go wanting. In a face to face campaign all these things could be discussed but when on one of his bush-whacking tours, of course no one is there to attack him, and call for the information. . Vive la Tate; you will be thor oughly exposed before the race is over. Col. Cant \ is the oi date for governor who smelt powder, but there who may. uow have an chance .to. gain some p the same variety, says tl Herald, • • THE LATEST STYLES IS HATS. THE LATE: DESIGNS IN GOODS. Everything New and Up-to-D All Work of tlae Most Artistic. MRS. J. E. JACKS0-' Democrat? in the BlairsytUe Herald charges Howard Thompson; solicitor of the- north-eastern circuit and solicitor of the city court for the county of Hall with receiving the sum of $3,000 per annum as solicitor :of the city court. The facts do not bear this state ment out. Mr. A. R Smith, clerk, makes' affidavit that the amount received .hv him is n-ot more than $800 per ar-ouin. Ghee, whizz! M T hat a differenc**. The whole since said city court was first estab lished, and that said Thompson has been solicitor-general of the North eastern judicial ’circuit since January, 1887. Deponent further swears that when the city court was re-established in the year 1891, that the act of the general assembly establishing said city court made the solicitor-general of the North eastern judicial circuit solicitor of said city court, and that this deponent be ing familiar with the records of said city court swears that the aggregate j amount of fines,' forfeitures and costs i received by the said Howard Thompson ! as solicitor of said court does not amount to more than the sum on an average of three hundred dollars per 5, as he has ANOTHER GRAND STAND PLAY Congressman Tate is making another of his famous grand stand plays. This time there is nothing more in it than in all others pre viously made. He is publishing in his organs a list of his appoint ments, and they are shouting that Mr. Thompson has been invited to be present and join Mr. Tate in a discussion. How far this is from the truth ! Mr. Thompson has not had one line from Mr. Tate requesting him to meet him at his appointments. But Thompson can call a bluff all right, arid, he is going to meet Tate at Cleveland, and perhaps at Dahlonega and Dawsonville. Tate had figured it out that Thompson had already made dates at other places for the same time he was to speak in the mountain counties, hence his latest grand stand play. But that wont work. Thompson will cancel a few other engagements and will go right up and meet Tate! He is eager to get ANOTHER COUNTY HEARD FROM. Hon. Richard B. Russell, of Winder represents Jackson county as a member of the Democratic i Executive Committee of the Ninth Congressional District. The committee met in Gaines ville on the 22nd, of April and the county of Jackson was not repre- Russell in annum since January, 188 kept the records and made the calcu lations since his induction into office and that upon a close examination of the records previous to that time the same do not show that the said Howard Thompson as solicitor of the city court for the county of Hall, received more than three hundred dollars on an aver age per annum. Signed: A. R. Smith, C. S. C. and Ex-offieio Clerk City Court. Sworn to and subscribed before me at Gainesville. GAINESVILLE - IRON WO sented either by Mr persbn or by proxy. Therefore Jackson, one of the largest counties in the district, was not represented in the meeting. Why? From the fact that he was never notified of the meeting. The above is stated as a matter of fact that we defy Chairman Henley to deny. Hall county, Ga., on this the 30th day of April, A. D., 1898. A. Rudolph, Ordinary. Now, some of those Tate heelers are noble fabricators, but “Demo crat” takes the cake. In this in stance he has so drawn on his fer vid imagination that he places Colonel Thompson’s salary a#? so licitor of the city court at a figure j ninety .per cent, greater than it is. Those wheels in his head turn out great salaries-—and great false hoods: •" SCOTT'S EMULSION of COD-LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES is just like such a bank. It has never disappointed you, never Will. It has. never deceived you, ndver wiil. Look out that someone does not try to make you invest your Health in a new tonic, ¥ some'. n&w medicine jmdw nothing? of. , \ , 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. Which one of the gubernatorial candidates has offered to enlist in f the war? We presume their con flict is 1 entertaining^ enough with out other engagements.