The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, May 21, 1898, Image 8

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& , > ; w • -el H n ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND fam-Hfi/ier THERE IS NO KIND OF PAIR OR ACHE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, THAT PAIN-KILLER WILL NOT RE LIEVE. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS A SON. Hall City Court. The May term of Hall city court has been in session this week and adjourned Thursday afternoon. Judge G. H. Prior presided and several interesting" cases were tried. The case of Hunt vs Montgomery, which has gained con siderable notoriety and which is famil iar to the public, was tried for the third time and a verdict rendered for the plaintiff. Public Schools Close. The examinations at the college building have been going on all the week, and have been well attended by the patrons of the city public schools. The examinations were of a very high character and demonstrated what good work has been done by Prof. Marion and his able assistants. According to announcement, the commencement ex ercises occurred at the court house last night. Down From Rabun. Mr. J. B. Dockins was in town Thursday from Rabun county and brought down and put in jail a white man named McClain who killed old man McMauldin at Burton several weeks ago. Mr. Dockins is sheriff of Rabun county and put his prisoner in Hall county for safe keeping.' Mr. Ira Langston, of Clayton, accompanied Mr. Dockins. They brought no special news down from Rabun. Recital at Seminary tonight by Miss Cochran’s elocution class. Postponed from last night. Funk-Boring. Mr. Tilman Funk and Miss Azilee Boring were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Boring, Wednesday night Rev. J. M. White performing the cere mony. They have the best wishes.of friends. Carried To Griffin. Officer J. S. Lathem returned from Griffin Tuesday where he went to carry Tom Bearden who was wanted there on a charge of selling whiskey. Beard en was put in jail to await trial at the next term of court. Mr. Lathem visited Camp Northen while at Griffin and saw all the beys of the Gainesville company. Death of Mr. Jas. Shockley. The death of Mr. James A. Shockley, an old and highly respected citizen of this county occurred in the Polksville district seven miles from Belton last Sunday. He was seventy-two years old and was well known. The funeral was held Monday morning at the family burying ground near the old homestead. An Uncertain Disease. There is no disease more uncertain in its nature than dyspepsia. Physicians say that the symptoms of no two cases agree. It is therefore most difficult to make a correct diagnosis. No matter how severe, or under what disguise dyspepsia attacks you. Browns’ Iron Bitters will cure it. Invaluable in all diseases of the stomach, blood and nerves. Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. ITCHING PILES SWAYNE’S OINTMENT ABSOLUTELY CUBES. SYMPTOMS—Moisture; Intense Itching unit •tinglnc; w-irseby serMteliiiij-. If ■■Uowea to continue tumors form mid protrude, which often bleed mid 'ilwrute, beewiolng Terr sore. SWAY NE’S OlKTMEliT stops Iichf r. jr m> r* bleeding, ubuorbs the I u.'ii•».**. Sol., br dtngpiM-'"•t mail for 50 cm. i’lvpiuvd by I)S w aynkA SoN.PbilaiU-li Tie simple upphcaiiou of iSWAYNE’S k 8!friT£EKT without an}- intarnal! 7neuK-uv:. t urns tet- ter, toiema, itch, all "eruptions cm tho fam, bauds, n <se, &e., leaving 'the skin clear, white and healthy?' ■^.old hv druggists, or sent by mail for iO els. Address Vb. Svfayuk & nos, i’Lviaiiclpiaa, I'a. Ask your dr ayyist lor iU Rives Monument Fund. Any person or church desiring to contribute to the J. E. Rives monument fund are requested to hand in their contribution to some cne of the com mittee by July 8, 1898. J. L. Phillips, J. T. Waters, J. M. Bowen, A. M. Miller, J. C. Browning, Committee. The Coming Woman Who goes to the club while her hus band tends the baby, as well as the good old-fashiosed woman who looks after her* home will both at times get run down in health. They will be troubled - with loss of appetite, head aches, sleeplessness, fainting or dizzy spells. The most wonderful remedy for these women is Electric Bitters. Thousands of sufferers from Lame Back and Weak Kidneys rise up and call it blessed. It is the medicine for women. Female complaints and Nervous troubles of all kinds are soon relieved by the use of Electric Bitters. Delicate women should keep this remedy on hand to build up the system- Only 50c per bottle. For sale by M. C. Brown & Co. Mr. Boone for Treasurer. Mr. J. R. Boone is a candidate for re- election for Treasurer of Hall county. Everybody knows Mr. Boone and knows what an excellent county treasurer he has made. Dui’ing the time he has held the office he has been diligent and faithful, and the people know him and trust him. Don’s Complete Pile Cure The great, quick and sure cure for piles, without cutting qr pain. Guar anteed the best on the market. For sale by all druggists. A NEW TRIUMPH. The Dreaded Consumption Can Be Cured. HOWARD THOMPSON SPEAKS. As announced in our last issue, Hon. Howard Thompson, »of Gainesville, spoke at the court house in this place yesterday. He did not have as large a crowd as he would have had if court had not ad journed so soon, but anyway the court room was pretty well filled and ail his hearers were more than pleased with his speech. He stated in the out set that he had no “jokes to crack” nor no time for mud slinging. His speech was full of common sense and he made many friends by coming to our county. Gilmer has always been conceded to Congressman Tate, but Thompson com ing here mpkes this one of the doubt ful counties.—Ellijay Courier-Sentinel. Don’s Dyspepsia Buttons. A new discovery that cures all forms oi dyspepsia, regulates the stomach and restores the appetite. For sale by druggists. T. A. Slocum, the Great Chemist and Scientist, will Send to Sufferers Three Free Bottles of His Newly Discovered Remedies to Cure Consumption and all Lung Troubles. Dr. C. A. Ryder DENTIST. Nothing could be fairer, more philan thropic or carry more joy to the afflict ed than the generous offer of the hon ored and distinguished chemist., T. A. Slocum, M. C., of New York City. He has discovered a reliable and absolute cure for consumption arid all bronchial, throat, lung and chest dis eases, catarrhal affections, general decline and w eakness, loss of flesh and all conditions of wasting away; and to make its great merits known, we will send three free bottles of his newly discovered remedies to any afflicted reader of The Georgia Cracker. Already his “new scientific system of medicine” has permanently cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor considers it not only his professional, but his religious duty—a duty which he owes to suffering human- ity-^-to donate his infalible cure. He has proved the “dreaded con sumption” to be a curable disease be yond a doubt, m any climate, and has on file in his American and European laboratories thousands of “heartfelt testimonials of gratitude” from those benefited. Catarrhal and pulmonary troubles lead to consumption, and consumption uninterrupted, means speedy and cer tain death. Don’t delay until it is too late. Simply write T. A. Slocum, M. C., 98 Pine street, New York, giving ex press and post-office address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent. Please tell the Doctor you saw his offer in The Georgia Cracker. Thfl Easiest Buggy ever ridden in has the Thomas Coil Springs. The most com pact, most elastic—best springs for side-bar buggies. Tbev an. - the body bans just right?bS?e Se eS?*- »». motion possible; cost little yet last ion j ? The THOMAS COIL SPRINGS can be used to replace any other swie-har buggy or an old one. Toe best carriage H h„>.' , gs °n 3 ^ them; if your carriage-maker won’t suDni-"-\ ' we will. Write for full description and ta£ THE BUFFALO SPRING A GEAR CO sSl" " CU =‘C 11 »»»»»» M1WWWW Dr. C. H. WINBURN, The Dentist. Room 8, Gordon Block, Gaines ville, Georgia. A Liberal Amount of Patronage Solicited. First-class Dental Work. Head quarters tor best Tooth and Mouth Preparations. Gainesville, Georgia. Class in Book-keeping and Commercial methods taught by E. P. Mitchell, Expert Accountant. A few more pupils desired. Call or address No. 2 State Bank building. Come See and be Convinn THAT WE HAVE THE PRETTIEST AND Mos- STYLISH LINE OF MILLINERY AND OUR PRICES WILL DO THE REST. The B. & C. Millinen i S.C. DINKINS&Ca! Gainesville, Georgia. m Wholesale and Retail Hartal Try us for Farming Implements, Blacksmith Tools, Turn Plow] Tornado and Cutaway Harrows; Compost Distributors, aud ever thing in the hardware line. Prices and satisfaction guaranteed. N. C. White & Son, PHOTOGRAPHERS, Gainesville, Georgia. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN ENLARGING DEPARTMENT. Northeast Side of Public Square. For a perfect tit go to C. H. SAUNDEM Over Owen's Furniture Stoie. j “The Artistic TaWorl Large line to select from- A| patterns in stock. I FEMALE SEMINAR Ind CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Gainesville Georgt Gainesville, toy reason of its magnificent location, its pure water, its invigor^ ating and delightful clim ate, and its absolute free dom from malaria, is ttoe ideal toome for a great edu cational institution. Rffl+ . The Faculty is ,Jl ' £ ttoe most complete 10 found in any college i* 1 ii country. It is not^ a in any particular. lift Opens its Fall Session iatti, With new buildings and splendid appliances, ns best equipped school of music in tbe South. 25 new Pianos have just been added to Music Department. Magnificent Pipe Organ just placed in Consent-' Send for catalogue. A. W. VAN HOOSE, H. J. PEARCE, Associate President 5 " a :