The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, May 28, 1898, Image 6

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Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure Curc3 a Prominent Attorney. saw M r. R. C. PHELPS, the leading pension attorney of Belfast, N. Y., writes: “I was discharged from the army on account of ill health, and suffered from heart trouble ever since. I frequently had fainting and smothering spells. My form was tent as a man of 80. I constantly wore an overcoat, even in summer, for fear of taking cold. I could not attend to my busi ness. My rest was broken by spvere pains about the heart and left shoulder. Three years ago I commenced using Dr. Miles* Heart Cure, notwithstanding I had used so WHY THEY ARE KICKING-. The Pickens County Herald last week in a vain effort to answer our replv to their first attack on us, has the following paragraph which is shifting the accusation off thtir shoulders to the party on whom it should rest, and in fact is the sum and substance o" the three-fourths column article in which they en deavor to misrepresent us: ‘‘One of the best men in Fannin county, a true Democrat, and well known to the people of North Georgia, wrote us a letter some time since and from the letter we take the following extract: ‘I want to say in behalf of the Dem ocratic party of this (Fannin) county that it is overwhelmingly for Tate. Further, for your infor mation concerning the little 2x4 editor of the Post he is a carpet bagger from Tennessee. He first ran a Republican paper at Mineral Bluff; later he ran a Third party paper at Blairsville and he pre edy to everyone.” Dr. Milts’ Remedies are sold by ail drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and nerves free. Address, DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. America’s Greatest Medicine. It will Sharpen Your Appetite, Purify and Vitalize Your Blood. Overcome That Tired Feeling. Get a bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla and begin to take it TODAY, and realize the great good it is sure to do you. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is America’s Greatest Medicine. All druggists. Spain’s Debt and Our’s. Borne idea of the magnitude of the burden resting upon the Span ish people can lie gained bv a com parison with our own situation, mentions a • writer m Gunter's Magazine for May. Their natural del'd per capita is about 430 peset as, or $94 in American money: Hulhali. a few years ago, esti mated the wealth of Spain at about $455 per capita; perhaps by this time it could be placed at $460. The per capita debt of the Spanish government, therefore, is more than 20 per cent, of the per capita wealth of the entire nation. The debt of the United States government, which in 136G amounted to two and three-quar ter billions of dollars, stood in January, 1898, at (net) $1,011*,- 701,888.04, including the green backs. This would be a per capi ta indebtedness of about $14. The per capita wealth of the United Stales was, in 1890, $1,036; now it is of course greater, but even on the 1890 basis, the per capita in debtedness of the government to day amounts to* only 14 per cent, of the per capita wealth of the nation. The per capita interest charge on this debt amounted, in 1896-7, to about 53 cents ; in Spain the annual cost or the public debt is nearly $6 per capita. much patent medicine and taken drugs from __ doctors for years without being helped. Dr. * 1 ~ Miles’ Heart Cure restored me to health. It j t611(ls to foo HOW rilllllilig d ImuiXIO- is truly a wonderful medicine and it affords j cra tic paper. He Said it was a me much pleasure tq recommend this rem- ; , .. , , ——- matter of dollars and cents with him, thereby committing himself! in the matter as having sold out | j to Thompson.’ ” We do not know exactly who j i this “best man in Fannin county” I is, but will wager that he is one of the hogs that is or has been drink ing milk from the trough in which Col. Tate has been milking his of ficial cow. That he is one of the most sneaking hypocrites in the State and would sell out the coun ty, or whole district as to that matter, if it would further his own political and financial ends. We have said nothing since we were drawn into this fight to take back and neither are we going to and to this gentleman (if he should happen to be entitled to that dis tinction) w r e use the same reply as we did the Herald week before last which in substance was that any one who in print or otherwise ac cused us of receiving one cent of boodle money from any candidate since we have been in the newspa per business is a liar, a scoundrel and a sneaking coward. It was quite all right for us to support Tate in our early newspaper experience at Mineral Bluff . We were backed then by one of the strongest Democrats in the county, from point of convictions, a mem ber of the executive committee, who is true and tried Democrat destined to lead his party to vic tory. It was all right again later on at Blairsville when our paper would compliment Col. Tate. It was all right at another time later on at Hiawassee in Towns county when our paper lent its in fluence to Col. Tate. We were no carpetbagger from Tennessee then—see, we were one of the bo3 T s for Tate. - It would have been all right this time had we been whooping up Judge Alsobrook’s * “rotund 11 statesman, of Tateville, but you >oji troi compel me to say ! see, we were not—we’d had most j enough and to spare of this Tate I enquire what the cir-j business heretofore, just as will bo I seen a majority of others ha ve i when the returns come m from the June primary. There comes a time in life to all of us j Col. Tate has represented the wnen we reel mean and --out of sorts ■ district in Congress for three terms and in a condition to invite disease. It , , , . .. , i r- i (sixvears land we think this enough is then we need such a remedy as Dr. I ' - 7 f J. H. Mel.-can's ■Strengthening 1 Cordial ! * t,J ’ ony nil© man unless ne be fa2 and Blood Purifier. To person^ ex- j ahead of all others in point of as 4l- hausted by sickness or overwork its j and this cannot be said of Col. invigorating influence is surprising, j Tat0< He bag been amply repaid promptly, energy ami . , ‘ , - , , . : . & T , . . __ „ i for party services and unless he is to cheerful spirits. lor sale by M. L. j 1 have a lifetime job of it, we think it would be good policy to try some other deeerying man for awhile.— Blue Ridge Post-Record. Are You Weak! Weakness manifests itself in the loss of ambition and aching hones. The blood is watery; the tissues are wasting—the door is being opened for disease. A bottle of Browns’ Iron Bitters taken in time will restore your strength, soothe your nerves, make your blood rich and red. Do you more good than an expensive special course of medicine. Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. “I am very sorry, Capt. Gibbes, but circumstances over whic; have : no ” ‘ ‘ v - T , ,,,, j. Cxiq cum stances are?” 1 'Y Oil L‘S. The following lament was got ten off by a married man : “Man that is married to woman is many days and full of trouble. In the morning he draws his salary and m the evening behold it is gone. It goeth, but he knows not where fore or for what. He spendeth his sheckles in the purchase of fine linen to cover the bosom of his family; yet he is seefi at the gates of the city with one ‘gaHus.’ He goeth as an ox or an ass, and draweth the chariot of his off spring. He riseth up in the chilly garments of the night and seeketh the somnambulent paregoric. Wide is the road and broad is the way that leadeth to the gate of matrimony, and many there be that goeth m thereat.” For the many accidents that occur about the household or farm, such as 9 burns, scalds, bruises, cuts, ragged wounds, bites of mosquitos or other insects or of animals, galls or chafed shots, frost bites, aches or pains on any part of the body, or the ailments re sulting from exposure, as neuralgia, rheumatism, etc. Dr. J. H. McLean s Volcanic Oil Liniment has proved it self a sovereign remedy. Price 25c, 50c and §1 a bottle. For sale by M C. Brown & Co. The newspapers are furnishing some short cuts to Spanish. Plere are some of the Spanish words and terms seen oftenest in news reports with their meaning: Abajo los Americanos, down with the Amer icans; alameda, a grove of trees; almirante, admiral; ariete, a bat tering ram ; arroyo, a small river; bando, proclamation; bianco, white; bocaehio, little mouth ; boca de 1 rio, mouth of the river; casa, house; calle, streeta castillo, castle; cuidad, city; concha, shell; estrechos, straits: faro, lighthouse; fosos, ditches; fuerte, fort; morro, anything that is around; punta, point; punta arenas, sandy point. Brow: Co. E?Q2i-t Neglect Tovsr Hlver. Liver troubles quickly result in serious complications, and the man who neglects his liver bus little regard for health. A bottle of Browns’ Iron Bitters taken now and then will keep the liver in perfect order. If the disease has developed, Browns’Iron Bitters will cure it permanently. Strength and vitality will , always follow its use. Browns’ Iron Bitters :s sold by all dealers. Fruit can be picked without bruising by using a new Canadian device in which a flexible tube running to the bottom of a pole has a fixed jaw at the top and a movable jaw operated by a rod on the pole to close the jaw over the fruit and break the stem. NOT PROMPTED BY MALICE. We trust that none of our read ers will come to the conclusion that we have any personal grudge against Col. Tate, or have asked any favor of him that was granted, for such is not the case. We have never asked him any thing in any shape, form or fash ion, except one time when the cit izens were struggling to complete the Baptist church here. We were placed on a committee with some young ladies who were to write Mr. Tate and ask a small donation from him towards buying a bell. The committee, young ladies and all, were completely ignored, never receiving the scratch of a pen from him in replv. Since then we have learned that he,iis quite handy at ignoring. Upon one occasion a few years ago he ignored a petition signed unan imously by thecitizens in the mat ter of recommending the appoint ment of a postmaster. He ignored the wish of the ninety and nine and acted on the counsel of the half dozen who we learn (by hear say) that he has said were all he wanted to carry Fannin county for him. Can they doit? Will the dem ocrats of Fannin county be'lashed into line by a few party bosses or will they teach Carter the lesson that ignoring the many for the few is no longer tolerated by them? No, we have not asked Carter for any official job and have no prejudice against him on that line. We .just simply think that he has held this office long enough and that there is a man equally as good, and better too, in the field, that a change is necessary to keep down entirely too much corrup tion in matters of politics.—B ue Ridge Post-Record. Mr. TATRA NEWSPAPER COR-! RESPONDENT The public can readily spf thtt ! the u-.-ak, wai.ery stuf v — -t to thni Constitution from Cffiytm. and to the Journal from Daws*» v lie pur-, porting to give acc< m ! - of the; joint.discussions het'e^n Messrs. Taie and Tinmtpst n i- in Mr. Tate’s own language and was either’ written or dictated by hirn. We advise Mr. Tate to get some disinterested correspondent to make out and forward these re ports. By doing so he would at least be able to disguise the lan guage. somewhat and save Mr. Tate from the embarrassment of applauding himself. w ill tie of Ha absolute cure fr who may send their P n’ ; , e to We advise anv one CASTOR f A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of f ^ * “Shu© i u,* tat,, „„ m mine ir.n? s j;.'.' • sA At, Eiegantl 11 Neals l- \ Vf , f&ge-rt -■uu*u i s.n} i 'ip.h* *»*&**£ _\i, v Room? 'V 1 ^ % Miss Emma Teller, the senator’s daughter who recently married, was a member of the Wellesley alumnae club called the Saturday Afternoon Spinster’s Club. There were ten members and Miss Teller is the ninth to get married. ’..hat Warmer’ 'Ler: I ^ O 2 3 - •3(0. j j Cc v-ix Pe?xr. Sctcrc it. Dear mother, don’t let your baby suffer and cry with colie when a few drops of Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic, di luted and sweetened will give almost instant relief. Non-poisonous and therefore harmless. Tastes like pep- perment candy and baby will take it without a "kick.” A silver half dollar will grot a bottle from your druggist. fflBBESKBmBnBHi Horse Owners! Use GOKBATTLT’S ® A Flag cf Warning. Beware of the dry, tickling, hacking, morning cough, for it warns 3 r ou that consumption lurks near. The famous Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup will cure it. “I had a very bad cough. One doctor pronounced it consumption. I used Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup and was com • pletely cured; the cough left me and has never come back. Simon Smasal, 375 31st Street, Chicago, Ills.” Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup co$t$ but 25 cents. Ask for Bull’s, take only Bull’s. Two western inventors have de signed a button mold which forms a cake with a curved recess in the top and a small center opening which the water to escape to the bottom of the dish as fast as the ice melts. Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic smells like peppermeiit dandy and is “just as good” but for a different purpose. Try it next time you get hurt or have colic. Only 50c. a bottle by all druggists. Caustic Balsam A Safe Speedy and Positive Care The Sr.Fest, BLISTER ever used. Takes the place of ail liniments lor niiM or severe action. Removes all Bnr.ches or Blemishes from Horses and Cattle. SUPERSEDES ALL CAUTERY OR FIRIMC- Impossible to produce scar or blemish. Kverv bottle sold is warranted to give satisfaction Price Sj.SO per bottle. Sold by druggists, or sent b7 express, charges paid, with full directions i~>r its use. Send for descriptive circulars. , TT ?E LAWSEN'CS-WILLIAMS CO., Cleveland a orvic; -ij.Y xh- z:c>::. : United Confederate " United Daughters of the Contest The Sons, aud other Organizeoj tbOO a year. Two Samples, Four Twe-Cer.t i S. A. CUNNINGHAM. Special Redttctiox iti Clubs with 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE {Positions... Suaranteed Under reasonable conditions .... Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description mar quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American, A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & 0Q g 361 Broadway, New York Branch Office. 635 F St» Washington, D. C. Free tuition. We give cne or more free; arships in every county ratheC. S. Wriij Will accentuates iott\j or can deposit soacy i until position i» secure fare paid. No vacation ter at anv time. Openia senes. Cheap boari Se free illustralc.i can Address J. F. Draughox, Pres't, at i Oraughon’s £/ jjj) Practical..... Business .... NASHVILLE, TENS., AND TEXATKAHA, TZJ Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tyjv-'i The most thorough, practical and schools of the kind in the wcri L and patronized ones in the South. In ers, merchants, ministers and otter?, weeks in bookkeeping with ij? are re twelve weeks by the olef plan. J. F. Dm President, is author of Draughon's neva cf bookkeeping, “Double Entry 3IadeEa| Home study. We have prepared fcrf study, books on bookkeeping, penman^ shorthand. W r rite for price fist" "Hr era Extract. “Prof. Draughox-Ikamei' keeping at home from your books, wfcilei a position as night telegraph operator. ■ Leffixgwell, Bookkeeper for Getters* Wholesale Grocers, South Chicago, L- ( ( Mention this paper zi hrn Howard Thompson, being a poor man, cannot cope with Carter Tate in point of money and the goods of this world, but when it comes to brain and ability he will come in several lengths ahead.— Blue Ridge Post-Record. Gainesville Transfer C< OPERATE RES EI2SES OX SCHEDILE. -1 Rea&achc and Ncttralaia, cured by Dr, MILES’ PAIN PILLS. “One cent a dose.” fc?*F ? i li m 4 Write for our interesting books “ Invent or’s Help ” and “ How you are swindled.” . Send us ?. rough skete2i or me del of your . S invention or improvement and we will ; ell t j you free our opinion .as to whether it is ' b probably patentable. We make a specialty t S of applications rejected in other hands, c j Highest references furnished. i l MARION & BSAKION S < PATENT SCIiTCrrC-IGS iz SCXPSJHfcTS > S Civil & Mechanical Engineers, Graduates of the c \ Polytechnic School of Engineering..Bacii-’lors in f C Applied Sciences. Laval L*niv< hi vi t rsr ( Patent Law Association, American Water N'-.'orks / ( Association, New England Wate r Works Assoc. ) c P. Q. Surveyors Association, Assoc. Member Can. » < Society of Civil Engineers. . 0 f Washington, D. G. S Ur x ICES • ( Montreal, Can. • ? The Gainesville Transfer Com pany issues the following tick ets which will be sold at the rate of 28 tick ets for $4.00. if lb 1 DAY TRIP. Good oslv over cur Lkf tc Bell- To any i»oiut i»i city limits, in ]*« v Holland and Cower. Gauiesv il Tn-sf r C M When you want a Messenger Boy [ hon3 Charges, 10 cents for delivering messages, ami o c 2 -“ to message, v’lthin city iimits. .pjiajl Kindly phone 102 your orders, and if yon wish, y - n - .U up for your train, either day or night, in cas you have - r your residence. The Gainesville Telephone Company will have tin will remain on duty all night and protect our patrefi= u ‘ convenience of missing trains. Respectfully, GAINESVILLE TK-‘.>' ?f£I! CO- Dr. I A ® 1 1 icnenor s Antiseptic. For Man or Beast, for External and Internal Use. Meals Wounds, Burns, Bruises, Scalds, Cuts, Sprains, Etc. Cures Colic, Cra#P ! Cholera Morbus and Indigestion. FOR STOCK—Colic, Botts, Foot-Evil, Scratches, Wire Cuts, Etc. Guaranteed to give Satisfaction—50c. a bottl.e (July 1st) Sherrouse Med. Co Mfrs. and Props., New Orleans*