The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, June 04, 1898, Image 2

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7JT The Fairest Country. In days of prosperity and seren ity people accept God’s good gifts as natural results, and do not realize to its fullest extent their In times of danger, Chandler All Right A DIRTY ATTACK- The Pickens County Herald, Congressman Tate’s home organ, is waging a bitter and vituperative personal fight against Hon. How ard Thompson, altogether unwar ranted and uncalled for,and if Col. Tate gives the Herald’s attacks his endorsement, he is not the man we take him to be. If Col. “Tate is bold and manly in his conduct” he will promptly give the Herald a spanking by slapping its dirty little mouth and sending it to bed. The News-Herald wants to see fair-play in this campaign, and blessedness, disaster and death, love of home, Uncle Sam Says This is America's Greatest Medicine. It will Sharpen Your Appetite Purify and ” 1 Safe Speedy sad Pofitire Cm The Safest, Best BLISTER ever used. Takes the place of all liniments for mild or severe action. Removes all Bunches or Blemishes from HoriiSs Cattle- SUPERSEDES ALL CAUTERY OR FIRING* Impossible to produce sear or blemish. 'V k FINALLY M R. EDWARD HARDY, the Jolly man ager of Sbeppard Co*s. great store st Braceville, Ill., writes: “I had never been sick a day in my life until in 1890. I got so bad with nervous prostration that I had to give up and commence to doctor. I tried our local physicians and one in Joliet, but none gave me any relief and I thought I was going to die. I became despondent and suffered untold agony. I could not eat, sleep nor rest, and it seemed as if I could not exist. At the end of six months I was reduced to but a shadow of myself, and at last my heart became affected and I was truly miserable. I took six or eight bottles of Dr. Miles’ Nervine. It gave me relief from the start, and at last a cure, the great est blessing of my life." Dr. Miles’ Remedies ' are sold by all drug- BsV—'M;i f ^ fL i > -y| gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle pL IwOrVIfiO 3 benefits or money re- ^ Rastnrea ■ 3 funded. Book on dis- t4<s—94>f» \9 eases of the heart and nerves free. Address, DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind. In the death of Edward Bellamy, which occurred at Chicopee Falls, Mass., on Sunday morning, the world lost one of its best thinkers and most brilliant writers. In the reading of his book “Looking Backward,” he perhaps secured a larger audience than any other writer on the obstruse and unin viting subjects of political econ omy, with the possible exceptions of Henry George and “Coin” Harvey. His beautiful imagery in the book mentioned delights the fancy, and his generous sentiments touch the heart and awaken grand emotions, though he may fail to convince the head that his utopian ideas are available and practical. Nervous prostration is a term com monly used to indicate a weakened and debilitated state of the nervous system and a vitiated condition of the blood. Its symptoms are unusual nervousness, great irritability, and incapacity for physical or mental labor,and it is caused by errors in diet or hygiene. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is recognized everywhere even by the medical profession, as a superior remedy to counteract weak ness of this character. . Price 50c and 81.00 a bottle. For sale by M. C. Brown <fc Co. Loss of American dollars to French milliners and hotel and seaside resort keepers is bringing the press of Parish to some sense of the blunder it has committed in insulting the United States and the people thereof, says the Mem phis Scimitar. Your European is forever talking about us as a nation of sordid money grabbers, but nobody loves cash more than she does, or is more fully aware of the fact that no travelers separate themselves from their coin so readily as do Americans. The pocket nerve is fully as acute on the other side of the water as it is on our side. A persistent pain in the back is in dicative of disorder in the kidneys. Diceases in these organs are so rapid and deadly in their progress they should not be neglected for a single instant. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm has an established repu tation among medical men for curing these diseases. It has in many cases brought about relief and cure after the attending physician has exhausted his resources. Price 81.00 a bottle. For sale by M. C. Brown & Co. the methods employed by the Pickens County Hferald in behalf of Col. Tate and the Gainesville Eagle in behalf of Col. Thompson. Both are striking below the belt. But by far the most contemptible piece of bushwhacking emenates from the Pickens county organ of Col. Tate, the writer skulking un der the title of “A Ninth District | Democrat.” It is published as j the leading article in the Herald l of last week, on its editorial page. The article is as follows. TATE CONTRASTED WITH THOMPSON. No more striking contrast can be found than that between Tate and Thompson. “Tate is a strong man ; Thomp- a weak one. Tate has large legis lative experience; Thompson has none. Tate is faithful and true; Thompson false *.and treacherous. Tate is bold and manly in his con duct ; Thompson slick and dirty in his methods. Tate seeks office for the honor of serving his coun try; Thompson for the money there is in it. Tate is an unswer ving democrat; Thompson a po litical skewbald. Tate has always fought under the democratic flag and supported democratic princi ples ; Thompson united in the coalition between the independ ents and republicans to defeat democratic candidates and demo cratic principles in the Ninth District. Tate has etood for free silver and financial reform; Thompson stood for the gold standard when -his brother-in-law held office under Cleveland, and until he found he could not win on that line, then true to his utter disregard or principle, he deserted the gold crowd. Thompson is without ability, and destitute of principle.” “A creature of amphibious nature, On land a beast, a fish in water.” It will be a long time before this political nondescript is nom inated for congress by democaatic votes. (Signed): A 9th District Democrat. The editor of the News-Herald knows Col. Howard Thompson to be a high-minded, honorable gen tleman, and one of the foremost citizens of Gainesville. He is a member of the Baptist church, a a leading Mason and a prominent Odd Fellow. He satnds high in the estimation of his fellows, and is utterly, incapable of being the “villian” that this dirty and scurrilous assassin of character impugns him to be. If this is a sample of the cam paign,Col. Tate’s home organ in tends waging, Col. Tate owes it to himself and to the democratic party to denounce it openly and disclaim any endorsement of such dirty methods against his oppo nent, which his silence might con strue.—Lawrenceviile News-Her ald. Vitalize Your Blood, Overcome That Tired Feeling. Get a bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla and begin to take it TODAY..and realize the great good it is sure to do you. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is America’s Greatest Medicine. All druggists. Morro Castle. There is a Morro castle at Ha- vanna and one at San Juan, Porto Rico. Many persons are curious to know why the Spaniards have these two castles of the same name. The word Morro in Spanish means promontory and these castles are so named because they are perched upon commanding elevations in the two cities. The word is frequently spelled Moro and is supposed rather gen erally to mean “the Moor,” but the spelling and the interpretation are incorrect. There is a rocky plateau in Mexico which is also called Morro, and on its vertical sides are inscriptions which were cut by the early Spanish invaders of that country. Morro castle, Havana, was once considered one of the most powerful fortresses in the world, but it is out of date now, and when the 13-inch guns of our warships are turned loose on it, they will wreck it m short order. There are several fortifi cations in the vicinity of Havana much more formidable than the famous old castle with its infa mous history.—Atlanta Journal. friends and country stirs the heart its deepest depths, and the per formance of duty that involves self sacrifice brings jovs never found in the pursuit of pleasure. the world no people love their country as do the people of these United States. It is the fairest country on God’s green earth and worthy the heart’s best devotion. War is destructive in its results and demoralizing in its tendencies, and calls for the best efforts of men and women to save from wreck and ruin the high standard of Christian civilization reared in the years of peace and progress. Home duties are more numerous and no less important than bearing arms. A large major ity of men can render better ser vice for their country at home than they could in the army. Up lifting influences, carrying on in dustries, raising food supplies, rendering sustaining help, mate rially and morally, kindness and charity, are demands that call for the best efforts of head and heart and best uses of means. TherM U »«> doubt but that the thoughtful’ FHiitiment **f the state ha* crvHtalized in fav.r of Allen . Candler for governor. H is distract*»r may h <rpon blemish and that, hut th**y cannot turn the tide. He will gpt the vote of the combined opposi tion in Atlanta and the state, and he will never turn against the peo ple who trust him. God Almighty never put a truer heart in man than that which warms the heart of Candler, and he richly deserves the support he is receiving.—Atlanta Commer cial. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The KM Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Wonders Never Cease. No one need suffer the tortures of rheumatism, because that modern lini ment, Salvation Oil, positively cures it. “I was a great sufferer from sciatic rheumatism, and the best of doctors attended me without relief. I com menced using Salvation Oil, and two bottles helped me wonderfully. It certainly has worked wonders with me. Mrs E. J. Phelps, Box 28, Enfield, Conn.” Salvation Oil is for sale by all dealers for 25 cts. Take no substitute. Something to Know. It may be worth something- to know that the very best medicine for restor ing the tired out nervous system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giying tone to the nerve centres in the stomache, gently stimulates the Liver Kidneys, and aids these organs in throw ing off impurities in the blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids di gestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold lor 50c, or 81.00 per bottle at M. C* Brown & Co’s. Drug Store. An Old Idea. Every day strengthens the belief of emi nent physicians that impure blood is the cause of the majority of our diseases. Twenty-five years ago this theory was used as a basis for the formula of Browns’ Iron Bitters. The many remarkable cures effected by this famous old household remedy are sufficient to prove that the theory is correct. Browns* Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. For myself I have no doubt that too much advice is usually given. It is only the word in season that can be of any avail, and the word in season seldom or never comes to those whose minds are constantly harrowed up and irritated by words out of season.—Learned. Cuba is known in history under seven names. She first was An- tilla; then Juana, after a Spanish prince. Fernandina came third, followed by Santiago and the Isle of Ave Maria. Then the original Indian named Cubanacan, signify ing “where gold is found,” was finally adopted, and usage short ened it to the first two syllables. No humane person will expect a horse to work against a sore shoulder, nor to rest quietly under galling har ness or saddle. When these troubles appear the proper method is to remove the cause of the sore and apply Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment. It is a superior remedy for galls and sores,chafes and burns on animal flesh. Price 25c, 50c and 81.00 a bottle. For sale by M. C. Brown & Co. Missouri is the greaft chicken state of the Union. At the last census it had 23,000,000 and 2.000,- 000 of other kinds of fowls. The product in eggs was 53,000,000 dozen, valued at $5,000,000. No other state can produce a similar showing. lie of h!s- absolute who may-send their We advise, anv ons fcaLW.SrWSlSS* taxe r !rnil . IV A g n'jeafs nt TV* ]•„, '•-i H i’jf wh.H Tde r . iar a w Q rt I give it as my deliberate and solemn conviction that the indi vidual who is habitually tardy in meeting an appointment will never be respected or successful in life. —W. Fisk. Horse t'nontj-SkiCu L_iat £ i for Ladies a Sitting 5' .. Coiiv.-i : • Cnr; Peachtree and V, \orcro'. • r.: pnien. ‘Tim *i?5r =a< ir r?*j jy il 'TO Veteran’ NASHVILLE, TENN. OFFICIALLY REPRESENTS United Confederate Veterans, United Daughters of the Confederaq\ Sons, and other Organizations, a year. Two Samples, Four Two-Cont S. A. CUNNINGHAM. Special Reduction in Clubs with this Paptt.1 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE {Positions*. • Suaranteed Under reasonable conditions .... Be sure you are right, then go ahead. Be sure you get Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and not some cheap and worthless substitute. The experience of the Wilming ton, Winslow and Hudson at Car denas, and the failure of the first attempt to land the Gussie’s ex pedition in Pinar del Rio, are evi dence going to show that Cuba cannot be captured on the instal ment plan. It is going to take force to dislodge the Spaniards, and the force must be concentra ted. ,EeoJaeh«and Simiral&ia cured by Dr. MILES’ PAIN PILLS. ’’One cent a dose." It is not only a part of the wis dom of happiness, but it is abso lutely essential to the conditions of doing any true work in the world to so live that one may not be too greatly effected by the atti tude of other people. A man’s life is, after all, primarily between God and himself.—Lilian WhitiDg. Patents 1 RADE MAHKS Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description mat* quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention Is pTObably patentable. Communica tions strictly confldentiaL Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Mann A Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms. S3 a ‘ “ ~old* “ year; four months, fL Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co. S6,B "“*"’' New York Branch Office. 626 F St- Washington, D. C. Free tuition. We give one or more Irte schol arships in every county in the C. S. ^hieuil | Will accept notes for tuition I or can deposit money inbankl until position is secured. Ctrl fare paid. No vacation. En-1 ter at any time. Open lor both j sexes, cheap board. Send} free illustrated catatogn Address J. F“. Dracghcn, Pres’t, at either plao Dmughon’s Practical.™. Business NASHVILLE, TERR.. AND TEXARKANA, TEXAS. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting ettl The most thorough, practical and program I schools of the kind in the world, and the ten Patronized ones in the South. Indorsed by baui-l ers, merchants, ministers and others.' Four I weeks in bookkeeping with us are equal to j twelve weeks by the old plan. J. F. Draujhoa J President, is author of Draughon s new systen | of bookkeeping, “Double Entry Made Easy." Home study. We have prepared for beet I study, books on bookkeeping, penmanship and shorthand. Write for price list “Hone Study. ’ ! Extract. “Prof-. Draughon—I learned book- ‘ keeping at home from your books, while holding I a position as night telegraph orerator.-'-C E Lefflngwell, Bookkeeper for Gerber Sticks, Wholesale Grocers, South Chicago. HI. (Mention this paperpic hen ache and Rheumatism relieved kby Dr. Miles* Nerve Plasters. PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our interesting books ** In vent er’s Help” and “How you are swindled.” Send us a rough sketch or model of your invention or improvement and we will tell you freo our opinion as to whether it is probably- patentable. We make a specialty of applications rejected in other handa. Highest references furnished. MARION * MARION PATENT SOLICITORS A EXPERTS Civil A Mechanical Engineers, Graduates of the Polytechnic School of Engineering. Bachelors in Applied Sciences, Laval University, Members Patent Law Association, American Water Works Association, New England Water Works Afsoc. P. Q. Surveyors Association, Assoc. Member Can. Society of Civil Engineers. Offices t { m^jSSITc.5: C ’ Gainesville Transfer Co., operate bus lines on schedule. The Gainesville Transfer Com pany issues the following tick ets which will be sold at the rate of 28 tick ets for $1.00. DAY TRIP. Good only o?er oor Lines To any point In city limits, including New Holland and Gower. Gainesville Transfer Co. 5 cents m to Belle traik both mornisjj and evening until further j notice. When you want a Messenger Boy Fhone 102* Jr Charges, 10 cents for delivering messages, and 5 cents for*r to message, within city limits. Kindly phone 102 yotir orders, and if you wish, we will iiog P* up for your train, either day or night, iii case you have aph° D(?i your residence. The Gainesville Telephone Company will have an operate will remain on duty all night and protect our patrons from ^ convenience of missing trains. Respectfully, GAINESVILLE TRANSFER c0 Dr. TP iclienor’s For Man or Beast, for External and Internal Use Heals Wounds, Burns, Bruises, Scalds, Cuts, Sprains, Etc. Cures Colic, Cramps- Cholera Morbus and Indigestion. FOR STOCK—Colic, Botts, Foot-Evil, Scratches, Wire Cuts, Etc. " "Guaranteed to give Satisfaction—50c. a bottl.e u«iy«> Sherrouse Med. Co Mfrs. and Props., NewtWeiws. 1