The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, July 09, 1898, Image 6

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Baby Mine! Every mother feels an i n d e - scribable dread of the pain and danger attend ant upon the most critical pe riod of her life. Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and danger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. MOTHER’S FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman’s severest trial is not only made painless, but till the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother’s Friend. It is a blessing to woman. $1.00 PER BOTTLE atall Drug: Stores, or sent by on receipt of price. RflflKS Contain m.s: invaluable information of rnrr inters:?r to all women, will be sent FREE to any address, upon application, by The BEADFIEi.’•> REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Ga. Ironical Its. If one will not, the other can not, quarrel. If you d. aw a pistol at a raffle there is no harm done. If a girl cannot sing and will sing, she should be muzzled. If ignorance is bliss it is folly to establish night schools. If you conn: a hundred when angry, it mu ' -^ave you a good thrashing. If a man has a good job and gets fired, if is very apt to make him red hot. If you he- d the teachings of a first afflictm--. you may avoid the second. If a v ■ deserves an early reply to ;■ hTh'-r she should never give it to her husband to mail.— 1 Chicago Dailv News. Liver Ills Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly cured by Hood’s Pills. They do their work Hood’s easily and thoroughly. ■ B I __ Best after dinner pills. I B I 25 cents. All druggists. B ■ ■ ■ Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pill to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. The Bankruptcy Law. Tho^bankruptcy law, recently passed, gives general satisfaction. It was necessarily in a large measure a [compromise but the people realize that it is a step in the right direction. Un der the law, persons owing debts, except.^corporations, are entitled to its benefits as voluntary bank rupts, and any naturalized person, except a wage earner, or per son engaged chiefly in farming, any unincorporated company, and any corporation engaged in man ufacturing or mercantile pursuits owing[$l,000 or over, maybe ad judged an involuntary bankrupt upon default or an impartial trial. Private bankers may also b<^ adjudged involuntary bankrupts. The law will not effect the allow ance to bankrupts of exemptions prescribed by state laws in force immediately preceding the time of the petition. No petition for voluntary bankruptcy’ can be filed within a month after the passage of the bill, and no petition for involuntary’, bankruptcy -an be filed within four months there after. A discharge in bankruptcy can be filed within four a bank rupt from all his provable debts except such as are due as taxes levied by the United States or by the state, county or muni cipality in wdiich the bankrupt resides, but the liability’ of a person who is a co-debtor with or guarantor or surety for a bank rupt will not be altered by the discharge of the latter.—Augusta Herald. Why. Why isn’t kissing one way to remove paint!? Why isn’t- a boil in the pot worth two on the neck? Why doesn’t the father of twins serve two masters? Why isn’t a begging letter more or less touching? Why should a man expect to get his price if he lias it? Why are all long-haired men suspected of being poets? Why shouldn’t a temperance ad vocate always try to appear so ber? Why 7 is a man with winning w r ays always unpopular with the other players? Why does the company issuing the map have the only curveless railroad thereon?—Chicago Daily News. The largest city of the world is London, lying in four counties, and having a population of 4,250,- 030, equalling the combined popu lation of Paris, Berlin, St. Peters burg and Borne. St. Germain Female Pills Free Fills. Send your address to H. E. Bueklen &, Co., Chicago and get a sample box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills ifre easy in action and are partic ularly effective in the cure of Constipa tion and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaran teed to be perfectly free from every del eterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They 7 do not weaken by their action, but by 7 giving tone to the stomach and bowels, greatly 7 invig- orates the system. 25c. per box. Sold by M. O. Brown & Co., druggists. The Rev. John L. Withrow, who has been pastor of the Third Pres byterian church of Chicago, since he left Boston, has accepted the call to the historic Park street church of Boston. All druggists sell Dr. Miles’ Nerve Planters. Free Trial Treatment TO EVERYONE Who suffers with any chronic disease of any part of the human body, such as Kidney and Bladder, Heart, Liver and Stomach Troubles, Face and Skin Erup tions/disorders of the Sexual Organs, SEXUAL WEAKNESS and Indiffer ence, etc. Provided application be made at once in order that its inventions, appliances and never failing remedies may receive the widest possible publicity, and prove their own merits by actual use and per manent cures. No money whatever will be received by the State Sanita rium from ajiy one under its treatment until beneficial results are acknowl edged.. Its remedies and appliances have been commended by the newspa pers of Two Continents and endorsed by T the greatest doctors in the world. Where development is desired they 7 ac complish it and never fail to invigorate, upbuild and fortify. They 7 infuse new life and energy. They 7 permanently stop all losses which undermine the constitution and pro duce despondency 7 . They re-tone, re fresh and restore to manhood, regard less of age. They cure evil habits and permanently 7 remove their effects, as well as those*of excesses and over-taxed brain work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. No failure, no publicity 7 , no deception, no disappointment. Wri e to-dav. STATE MEDICAL SANITARIUM, Evanston, Ill Scrofula, liip disease, salt rlieum, dyspepsia and other diseases due to im pure blood are cured by Hood’s Sarsa parilla. The heat has been so great in Melbourne, Australia, lately that asphalt tracks and streets have been melted and completely ruined and cycling has been out of the question. You are Going West And want LOW RATES to St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago, or points in Arkansas, Texas, Mis souri, Kansas, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, California, or any point West, it will pay you to write to or see me. Excursion and special rates from time to time. Choice of routes. Notrou- le to answer queitions. Rate and maps furnished free. Ad dress, FRED D. BUSH, Dist. Pass. Agent L. & N. R. R., 364 Wall Street, Atlanta, Ga. The only original and’genuine French- Female Regulator, of Mine. St. Germain, Paris. Unsurpassed as being safe, sure and reliable in every case Sold under positive guarantee or money 7 refunded. Get the genuine. Price $1 per box by mail. Sole agents for the United States and Canada. KING HARVARD CO., 1.57 Washington St., Chicago. (Meh99 C. A. DOZIER, Real Estate and Insur- ance Agent. Office No. 1 State Bank Building, Sell, exchange and rent all kinds of real estate. Have in hand anything you want in this line. Will make it tt> your interest whether you want to sell or buy. Will insure your property against loss by 7 fire in old reliable prompt pay ing companies ■n T FREE: $20.00 IN GOLD. V ni 10* Bicycle,Gold Watch, Diamond A Ring, or a Scholarship in a Iirauf-hon’s Practical Business §JCollege, Nashville, Tenn., or S Texarkana, Tex., or a schol arship in most any other reputable business cci- Ie°-e or literary school in. the U. S. can be securer; by doing a little work at home for the Youths’ Advocate, an illustrated semi-monthly journa,. It is elevating in character, moral in tone, and especially interesting acd profitable to young r ecple, but read with interest and profit by peo ple of all ages. Stories and other interesting matter well Illustrated. Sample sent free. Agents wanted. Address Youths’ Advocate Pub. Co., Nashville, Teun. [Mention tills paper.] Dr. C. H. WINeUr]? a T he Dentist. Room 3, Gordon BL.rL- ville, Georgia. A Liberal Amount < r p: ltr Solicited SOUTHERN RAILWAY. -si- Condensed Sehedule of i’»,^ Pn „ Rr ~ lit Effect June 12. P, * TEACHERS WANTED. Union Teachers’ Agencies of America. Pittsburg, Pa., Toronto, Can., New Orleans, La., New York, N. Y., Washington, D. C , San Francisco, Cal., Chicago, 111 , . St. Louis, Mo., and Denver, Col. There are thousands of positions to be filled during the school term caused by resignation, death, etc. We had over 3,000 vacancies during the past season. Unqualified facilities tor placing teachers in every part of the United and Canada, as over 95 per cent, of those who registered* before August secured positions. One fee registers in 9 offices. ADDRESS FOR APPLICATIONS TO PITTSBURG, PA. Let Me Paint Your Metal Roof. Northbound. No.i-i nv. \ Daily. s«a! ^ Lv; Atlanta, C; T; 7 3.) a 12 (10 n. 4 “ Atlanta, S: T ; o oj ft, 1 -jy v " . - i- “ Norcross 912 a' ‘ E “ Buford 9 47 ai : L : ; 1 - £ “ Gainesville.. 19 19 a 2 22 7 j ■> ** Lula 19 44 a 2 4° i ' Ar. Cornelia 11 07 a.fa y j ' ‘ 3 Lr.ilt. Airy 11 10 ai - < , . : “ Toecoa....... 11ai 3 ay .. ‘ - ** Westminster 1210m' * ' 8 “ Seneca 12 29 p‘; 4 ia * “ Central nop “ Greenville ... 153 p 5 22 -, ! Y U “ Spartanburg. 6 09 p} 6 10 p L; * Ar. Asheville. ... “ Gaffneys “ Blacksburg.. 4 <<0 p; 7 00 p . : a ? “ King's Mt.... 4 30 pi.. 1 - “ Gastonia 468 p....;;- ; Lv. Charlotte.... 6 15 pi 8 22 r. Ar. Greensboro o52 pio 431■. rj; Lv. Greensboro,. - P ••• •; Ar. Danville 11 25 p 11 :,i : . i t Ar. Richmond ... © 40 a fl 4o a Ar.V*’ashingrton . ...... 042; : “ Baitm'ePRR. * ••*••• - t T; .... 11 r “ Philadelphia. jy id a ; l “ New York ... Fst. 11 Vps. N o.l 1 Southbound. No. 33.No. !Dailv. Bail! \ I will furnish material, labor, paint the roof for 50c. a sq. of 100 sq. feet, and give you a written guarantee that “If the above named roof leaks or needs painting at any time within ten years from date, I am to do the work needed without any expense to owner of building.” Albany, Ga., June 5, 1897. We know Mr. Harvey English to be a citizen of Dougherty Co., Ga., a property holder therein ; that he has done a large amount of painting in Albany, Ga. We have heard of no complaints about his w 7 ork. Work entrusted to his hands will be faithfully executed, and his guarantee is good.—J. T. HESTER, Tax Collector; SAM W. SMITH, Ordinary; S. W. GUNNISON, Tax Receiver; R. P. HALL, Clerk Superior Court; W. T. JONES, Judge County Court; W. E. WOOTEN, Solicitor-General Albany Circuit; ED. L. WIGHT, Mayor of Albany and Representative Georgia Legislature; B. F- Brimberry, John Mock, C. B. James, Agent Southern Express Company; N. F. Tift, J. C. Tabot, L. E. Welch, A. W. Muse, Y. G. Rust, Postmaster; J. D. Weston, S. R. Weston. Lv.F. Y..P.R.R. 12 1.5 .: TTT 3 50 a* 6 55 6 31 ai 9 25 Philadelphia "• Baltimore... “ V. 7 ashinctou. ct: Richmond .. Lv. Danville tiV. Norfolk. Ar Greensboro.. 11 15 a 10 43 12 01 12 01 nt 1210a: 8 13 5 50 ai 0 05 a !0 00 p! 0 50 ai. Lv. Greensboro Ar. Charlotte .. Lv. Gastonia 10 49 “ King’s Mt.. " Blacksburg i 7 20 p! 7 05 a i 7 32 a TO 00 pi 10 49 pj a 25 a 11 5o a 1 1 113 p, 11 31 v 10 45 a 1 J9 p 11 46 p 10 5a al 1 56 p Lv. Asheville. 9 (W p' s2j a; 1 25 2 30 Spartanburg. 12 2*3 Green voile.... Central Seneca Westzninster Toccoa ■ S 25 Mr. Airy.... Cornelia Lula Gainesville.. Buford Nor cross. a’n 34 a 13 3J ! 43 p. a 1 33 a 2 is i 15 4 35 ■■ rtorcross* 6 25 ft ■ Ar. Atlanta, E. T.j 0 10 a 4 V plOlOp • :i)j Ar. Atlanta, C. T. : 5 10 a 3 35 p, 20) p 339 » NORCROSS NOON rftAlS. Daily Except Stir.ay. Lv. Atlanta,Central time ’J:® Ar. Norcro.-s, eastern time _L±I Lv. Norcross, eastern time .. - Ar. Atlanta, central time > - ” 1 " "A” a. m. “P” p. m. "M” noon. “X” night Chesapeake Line Steamers in daily servi?* between Norfolk and Baltimore. Nos. 37 and 38—Daily. Washington and south western Vestibule Limited. Through jrjajMi sleeping cars between New York atm : Or leans, via Washington, Atlanta and jloatgom ery, and also between New York and J.Ieritrb-. viaWashington, Atlanta and Birmingham, r in' class thoroughfare coaehe between V. a siting ton and Atlanta. Dining cars serve ah mea. en route. Pullman drawing-room sleeping car.- between Greensboro and Norfolk. C.ose ccr nection at Forfoik for OLD POINT COdixOE: arriving there in time for breakfast. Nos. 35 and 38—United States Fast Mat runs solid between Washington and New Or leans, via Southern Railway, A. & W. P. 3. R and h. & N. R. R., being composed of baggace car and coaches, through without change for passengers of till classes. Pullman drawn i. room Seeping cars between New York an New Orleans, via Atlanta and Montgomery Leaving Washington each Wednesday, atourA- Bleeping car will run through between Was;; ington and San Francisco without change Pullman Drawing-Room Sleeping Cars betweer Asheville and Atlanta. Nos. 11,87, 38 ana 12—Pullman sleeping car* between Richmond and Charlo'te, via DsnviJi? southbound bios. 11 and 37, northbound No- 88 and 12 FRANK S. GANNON, J. M. CTLP, Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., Traffic M Washington, D. C. Washington, U W. A. TURK, S. H. HARDWICK, Gen’l Pass. Ag’t., Ass’ t Gen’l Pass- A? Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Pj * » P ■ 1 5 99 pL>„17. P 5 g P Ex. I o 45 p- . . \ 7uo p.«3 p\ 7 Oo p d 35 t 3 18 p 1 7 33 p ; d 57 a 3 37 p 8 99 p 7 20 fi *. j 8 42 b 7 48 £ 917 p f3 00 Albany, Ga., Jan. 25, 1695. Mr. Harvey English has stopped a very bad leaking- roof for us with his English Paint. I recommend his paint to any one who is troubled with leaky roofs. Georgia Cotton Oil Co., Albany Mill, F. WHIRE, Supt. Albany, Ga., July 13, 1895. Mr. Harvey English painted the tin roof on my house which leaked badly in many places. I am well satisfied with his work and the paint used by him. JOHN D. POPE. Attorney at Law. Albany, Ga., Nov. 19, 1895. The roof painting done for me by Mr. Harvey English has been and still is one of the most satisfactory jobs of work which I ever had done. He stopped all leaks in a large tin roof, and there- were a great many. His whole transaction was fair, business like and satisfactory. Respectfully, A. W. MUSE. Albany, Ga., Jan. 29, 1897. Having had Mr. Harvey English to paint’several roofs with his incompara ble preparation for stopping leaks it affords me pleasure to bear testimony to his honest workmanship and to the fact that “English Paint Stops the Leak^: Yes it Do. : ’ JOSEPH S. DAVIS. • Cashier First National Bank. Albany 7 , Ga., Jan. 2S, 1897. Mr. Harvey English has covered the roof of the engine room of the Albany Water Works with his roof paint and I am well satisfied with the work. He has also done some work for me per sonally, two years ago, which has proved satisfactory. C. W. TIFT. Chief Engineer Albany Water Works. English Paint to English is white, I have no agents, no partners. I do not sell painters. English Paint is a sh;nirig glossy black, nlain white. I don’t paint shingle roofs. HARVEY ENGLISH, Albany, Ga. ENGLISH PAINT STOPS LEAKS; YES, IT DO. WATTS’ OINTMENT. The new, quick and permanent cure for Eczema, Tetter, Ringworm, all Parasitic Diseases of the Skin. matt's Eczema Ointment is truly a Scientific Treatmentfor all Skin Diseases. Ithas been subjected to thorough tests extending over a period of five years! It has never failed to perfect a permanent cure. Watts’ Eczema Ointment is Odorless; does not Irritate and is Non-Poisooous , i 7 Watts’ Eczema Ointment cures when everything else fails. Prepared only by THOS. J. WATTTS, Barnes ville, (Georgia. For sale in Gainesville by Dixon Drug Company,