The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, July 16, 1898, Image 2

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Stisfoirt Isrvous System, finally heart trouble. Restored to Health by Dr. Miles’ Nervine, M. A. Brown at the M P* EDWARD HARDY, the jolly man ager of Sheppard Co’s, great store at Braceville, Ill., writes: “I had never been sick a day in my life until In 1890. I got so bad with nervous prostration that I had to give op and commence to doctor. I tried our loo*! physicians and one in Joliet, but none gave me any relief and I thought I was going to die. I became despondent and suffered untold agony. I could not eat, sleep "nor rest, and it seemed as if I could net exist. At the end of six months I was reduced to tut a shadow of myself, and at l°st my heart became affected and I was truly miserable. I took six or eight bottles Dr. Miles’ Nervine. It gave me relief from the start, and at last a cure, the great- cst blessing ol ray life.’ Dr. Miles’ remedies ara sold tey i ' ' rj ’i' gists under a positive guarantee, riist Vottae benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and Miles*’ .Nervine 4^e&iored\ HsaSiA ' — “r“- - — nerves free. Address, ok Dii. MILEo MEIuOAii CO., Elkhart, Ind. Perfect Ice Tea. The pioneer of Ceylon tea in America declares with that par ticular herb, at least, the best and most fragrant beverage is made by pouring perfectly clear, cold wa ter over the tea, in the proportion of six small cups to one spoonful of tea. Tits is set away in the ice box for several hours, and it will be noticed that there, is none of the bittern ess resulting from the tankin so often an objection to the lovers of iced tea. Many la dies who purchase the finest grades of tea prepare that which is to be served cold in this manner, and declare that by so doing they are spared all the nervousness arising from a too generous of the cup cheers but not inebriates. In Memoriam. residence of R. T. Bagwell’s, Gainesville, Oa., July 2d,1808, aged thirty years and three da3 7 s. In the severing of this tie the parents have lost a du tiful son, the brother and sisters a loving brother, the Baptist church a worthy member, Mountain V lew Lodge No. 411. O. O. F. a faithful member. We come with sad hearts and bow with submission to Him that doetli all things well. A bright light has been removed and a shadow has fallen upon our hearts, a strong hand whose warm grasp we felt is taken away, a voice to which we loved to listen is hushed. Death came to him suddenly and took him away without an apparent straggle in the fullness of a strong well matured manhood, and as the sad tidings came to us it brought a shock not to be for gotten and deep sadness that lingers about our hearts. -Marion A. Brown was a strong, forceful mau, towering up with prominence and commanding the attention and respect of, all who met him in the path of life; not only prominent in his physical manhood with large erect form and genial countenance but prom inent in intellect, in integrity, in moral influence. Such men are not forgotten, but always leave their impress and live in memory. To know him was but to love him as an Odd Fellow, and who ever came in contact with him, whether the humblest or the proudest of the fraternity it was but to feel the hearty grasp of an open hand. Resolved, that Gainesville pa pers and Plow Boy be reepuetted to publish these resolutions, and a copy be furnished the parents. T. R. Dyck, P. R. Merritt, I. M. Mabry, Committee. n n i o Catarrh, Sour Stomach, Dizzi ness, Rheumatism A Grand Work Accomplished by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. U I was a victim ol catarrh and suffered a great deal of pain in the top and back of my head. I was also troubled with soar stomach, rheumatism, indigestion and dizziness, I ieit ail run down and thought I should be obliged to give up my housework. I began taking Hood s Sar saparilla and Hood’s Pills and was re lieved. They gave me an appetite and I gained strength. I have a little grand child who was cross and fretful owing to colic and hives. I persuaded his parents to give him Hood’s Sarsaparilla and he is now fat and healthy.” Maby J. Chatham, Arnold, Georgia. H OOd * S * parilla Is the Best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1; six for $5. Get only Hood’s. ZZ TI n .|| cure liver ills; easy to Hood S r ilkS take, easy to operate. 26c. LECTURE WAS RUINED. Humanity of a Speaker Caused a General Misunderstanding. 4 1 There is one little maxim That now I will name Which may bring what is better Tnuu riches or fame. All those who .Mil heed it Good, appetite nnd. Strong nerves r osy cheeks. And vigor of mind. It will banish dyspepsia. Rheuraatic and gout, That 'Tired reeling conquer. Drives sevotuAu out. And here is the maxim— Its wisdom sure— Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla And keep your blood pure. Many persone suffer from disorderes in the kidneys and bladder without knowing what is the matter with them. They should know that disorders in these organs if allowed to remain will result fatally. Dr. J. H. McLean s Liver and Kidney Balm will restore wealthy functional activity and thus eradicates the disease. Price $1,00 a bottle. For sale bv M. C. Brown & Go. Dentistry in Montana. An actor is in deep trouble in Missoula, Mont. For work per formed bv a local dentist he agreed to give a horse. As the horse was not forthcoming the dentist decoyed the actor to his office, and while pretending to ex amine his teeth, jerked out the full set and pocketed it. The ac tor isiiow forced to feed liimselr with soft fodder with the aid of a spoon.—Nebraska State Journal. ‘ 4 I was once speaking at a tem perance meeting in Green Bay,” jsavs Ex-Governor Peck, of Mi lwaukee, “and in the course of my ! remark I looked about for some i water. A mug had been placed beside me, and how it could have happened at a temperance con vention I do not know, but it wa9 a beer mug filled with water. Well, it was a warm day, and where there is convention food spread out on a warm day theie are likely to be flies. There were flies, and one had lighted trusting ly on the surface of the water in that mug. “I saw him as I lifted it, and did the most natural and human thing I could think of—blew him off the water. Well they cheered for five minutes. And to this day I suppose you can’t persuade a Green Bay man that anybody from Milwaukee can drink a glass of water, even at a temperance convention, without first blowing off the foam.—Arganaut. The “Life of the flesh is the blood thereof.” Pure blood means healthy functional activity, and this bears with it the certainty of quick restoration from sickness or accident. Dr. J. IT. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier gives pure, rich blood and vitalizes and strengthens the whole body. Price 50c and $1.00 a bottle. For sale by M. C. Brown & Co. It is the intention of the navy department that the Spanish ad miral, in the event of his exchange or parole, shall go back with only the kindest feeling toward the Americans. His bravo dash for liberty is regarded as one of the most heroic events of the war. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprie tors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, haye given away over ten million trial bot tles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it lias abso lutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse ness and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on M. C. Brown & Co’s Drug. Store, only 50 cents per bottle. Hoax :—“I understand the gov ernment’s buying up the entire peanut crop.” Joax: “What’s the idea?” Hoax: They’re going to use the kernals in the army and the shells in the navy. In The Sick Room. Pine tar is excellent burned in a sick room as a disinfectant. It j induces sleep. A cup of hot milk flavored with orange flower water or one of beef tea, is excellent for an invalid just before retiring. Beef tea as ordinarily prepared is of little nutritive value but if the white of an egg be mixed with a cupful of beef tea and heated to about 1G0 degrees the value of the beef tea is greatly enhanced. A Difference. “My son,” said the Cornfed philosopher, “that a young wom an can sing a coon song in a most arch and charming manner is no sign that she can’t cook like an old Kentucky ‘mammy,’ oh, no.” —Indianapolis Journal. Torment “The God of battles marches with the strongest batillions and is on the other side of the heaviest artillery,” said Napoleon. Valuable to Women. Especially valuable to women is Browns’ ifon Bitters. Backache vanishes, headache disappears, strength takes the place of weakness, and the glow of health re-..-lily comes to tiie pfillid cheek when this won derful remedy js laiten. For sickly children or overworked men ir has no equal. No home should be without this famous remedy. Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. Save The Children. When children are attacked with cough, cold and croup, Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup will prove a quick and sure cure. Mr. Elmer E. Baker, Blandon, Pa., writes: “We have used Dr. Bull’s Cough S}Tup for cough, j cold and croup, and found it the best cough medicine and cure for these affections. We never run out.of it, but always keep it on hand.” Dr. Bull’s Cough S}Tup is sold everywhere for 25 cents. Insist on having it. IpTTUO Rudy’s Pile Suppository g- uarail teed to cure Piles and Constipation, or money 88 refunded. 50 cents per box. Send M for list of testimonials/and Free Sample to MARTIN RUDY, Reg istered Pharmacist, Lancaster, Pa. For sale by leading druggists, and in Gainesville. Ga., by Dixon Sc Co. r -» ». In Ono Wor There is a f'Uitmd;, .r. i ( , hir. Glad stop**. Of :x v i van j.qrers six ‘-'gnify l-ned. five fie L»v» j <I. r J be < L \\<>rd spvken quick!v i:;dica ; f'.her- hi- enemies wai:i«d to pi;? i-irn; spok-! en slowly it m-aiis what he al ways trying to do. What the word? Nothing, can be simpler. Lye* • sI-Ccoss is & Ve Oi ao years- Puq;.- vai- -H 5 Votpk A Reformatory.—Springfield Repub- Sho°may sSSPSlir?! o’. lican. wuo may sen a their P. O. and i f‘: h V e.adyrse any one wishir.- A" ***•*• ■- it.'j&js I The Macon Telegraph think that it was a gallant feat of the Brook lyn engaging the whole Spanish fleet until the other Americans could get within range. She courted almost certain destruction in order to save the day and she did it. , - Vi .V \ ’Shall I me take r -n.-. iu mine inn i nzNi..- iv. A F R 1 G A N A There is nothing just ns good as AFRICANA for, _ ———————— —a— A Rheumatism or anv other | Blood Disease, so demand j % p—— go—a——— m it and do not permit your ^ Druggist to sell you some; || z * j [?/>■. l v ». 'Ks i .j, • - ■A, Coot, We■ 6 fit v_. 1 Nooei Lursct substitute. Thousands e«; | ^ For people who have been suf- j & Sittins: ID Cot lvtcio ferers for years, and who | have long ere this given up all hope could be re stored to health again by taking AFRICANA, the wonderful Blood Purifier. Cor. Peechtree and Noroross -v.,TDS. fifth -xocs. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. (( j) A !r r ." - M ' cb \ CJ - -n. - - X}'. , V V \ krvn h i\ WA3HVILLE, TENN. Horse Owners! Use' GOSIBAUIiT’S * j United Daughters of -hr Confederacy, ^ ^ S! ^ ! OrlLISt !G ! The Sens, end other Organizations. s^Baisam A Safe Speed, and Positiee Cars The JElettt BLISTES ever U3cd. Takes tire plane of all liniments Jor mild or severe action. Removes all Bunches or Bierr-ishes from Horses end Cattle. SUPERSEDES ALL CAUTERY OR F!R!NC. Impose ibli to produce scar or blemish. Every bottle sold is warranted to give satisfaction Price *31.50 per bottle. Sold by druggists, or cent by express, charges paid, witli full directions for its u -e. Send for descriptive circulars, 5 :\:i.O LiAVrnXNCS-WILLIAM3 CO-, Cleveland O, aj-WW.I--tL. jv.’Ttitx ■^•rrr^cr^ rrzsrr^y>:-['^ nm " r - — ** 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE ! SI.00 a year. Twc Ssnples, c v,r Tw3-C?nt StaTjt S. A. CUNNINGHAM. Special Redcctiox in Club? nrith this Paper. “ I suffered for years with tetter. On arising my hands were stiff and my fin gers crooked. They would crack all over and the blood would run from them. The doctor ordered me to give up work. Then a friend said, ‘ Try AYER’S SAR SAPARILLA.* I took in all eight bottles, which completely healed me. Mrs? W. SLOAN, Royersford, Fa. Teller. Milwaukee papers state that a young woman of that city, now an art student in Paris, is organizing a movement to end the present war and prevent othera by a de termined protest. She writes— “We will interest the different art clubs and museums.” Luck ily our navy has got in its work at Santiago.—Indianapolis Journal. it was Schley who discovered Cervera in Santiago harbor. It was Schley who discovered Cervera as he started on his dash to de struction. When Schley^ discov ered Cervera’s ships on May 29 he said: “I have got them and they will never get home.” The Hot Springs of Arkansas.— The Mountain-Locked Mira cle of the Ozarks. The hot waters, the mountain air, equable climate and the pine forests make Hot Springs the most wonderful health and pleasure resort in the world, summer or winter. It is owned, en dorsed and controlled by the U. S. Gov ernment and has accomodations for all classes. The Arlington and Park ho tels are open all summer. Having an altitude of 1,000 feet it is cool, safe and nearby refuge during the heated term in the south. For information concerning Hot Springs address C. F. Cooley, Manager Business Men’s League, Hot Springs, Ark. For reduced excursion tickets and particulars of the trip see local agent or address W. A. Turk, Gen’l Pass. Agt. Southern Ry., Washington, D. C. {Positions* * * Suaraniaod Under reasonable conditions .... Georgia Railroad -AND CONNECTIONS. Trad" !V!arks Designs j CCPYFUGHTS &c. * Anyone sendlrn? a jbetch andjlescrijption mar Free tuition. We give one c r ~>ore free schol arships in every county in the C. S. Write us. Will accept notes for tnition or can depo-R money in hank until positii U -tcured. Car fare paid. No vacation, in ter at anvtine. OpenfoTboth sexes. Cheap board. Sendior , — free iilus^rnted C3tal<xme. j Address J. F. Dkaugiiox, Fre; ’t, at either price. ' Draug?ion*s jg? JJfl Business.... \ NASHVILLE. TENS., AND TEXARKANA, TEXAS. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typev. ri rij, etc. The most thorough, pra ‘teal and p>-:g;rsat schools of the kind in the world, and the bed patronized ones in the South. Irtdcr; el tv bask- ers, merchants, ministers and others. F:»ir weeJcs in bookkeeping with us are eqrtl a twelve weeks by the old plan. J. F. Draaghon President, is author of Dratrrhon s rtrrvn qulcklv ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents , , _ WCM nonce. charge, in the bcitk^ns?''^nmahSiP - shorthand. Write for price lrst‘‘Hone I Extract. ‘‘Pkof. Dxaxjghox—I learned bo* A handsomely Hr r--od w.: kly. largest cir- ! keeping at home favour books, v-hikhek ^ culation of any scientific journal. Terms. *3 a a position as night telegraph operator.^ "oil' ’ ” ’ ~ ^ pedal notice, with jut charge, in the Scientific American. year: four months. SI. Sold To-all newsdealers. mm«co 351Broadwav, Nsw York Branch Oirice. 625 F SL. Washington, D. C. Lf.ffingwell, Bookkeeper for Gerber & Fieri. Wholesale Grocers, South Chicago, UL {Mention this paprr.nL'kon For information as to Routes, Schedules and Rates, both Passenger and Freight, write to either of the undersigned. You will receive prom id t reply and reliable information. A. G. Jackson, Gen. Pass. Agt Joe W. White, Trav. Pass. Agt Augusta, Georgia. S. W. Wilkes, C. F. & P. A., Atlanta. H. K. Nicholson, G.. A., Athens. W. W. Hardwick, S. A., Macon. S. E. Magill, C. F. A., Macon. M. R. Hudson, S. F. A., Milledge ville. F. W. Coffin, S. F. & P. A., Augusta. Gainesville Transfer Co., OPERATE BUS LINES OJS SCHEDULE. The Gainesville Transfer Com pany issues the following tick ets which will be sold at the rate of 28 tick ets for -$1.00. 5c j DAY TRIP. 1 ;Goo4 only over onr Lines To any point in city limits, including New Holland and Gower. Gasnesv 11a Transfer Co. 5 cents Lu tc Belle trails, both morning and evening, until far the’ ‘ notice. When ycu want a Messenger Boy Fhone 102- Charges, 10 cents for delivering messages, and 5 cents for rvp to message, within city limits. Kindly phone 102 your orders, and if you wish, we will ring up for your train, either day or night, in case you have a phoned your residence. The Gainesville Telephone Company will have an op ~ t0 ~ a f r . will remain on duty all night and protect our patrons from thei convenience of missing trains. Respectfully, GAINESVILLE TRANSFER CO Dr T icfie nor Antiseptic For Man or Beast, for External and Internal Use. Heals Wounds, Burns, Bruises. Bealds, Cuts, Sprains/Etc. Cures Colic, Cramps Cholera Morbus and Indigestion. FOR STOCK—Colic, Botts, Foot-Evil, Scratches, .Wire Cuts, Etc. — . I ^ w Guaranteed to give Satisfaction—50c. a bottl.e (JulyLsvJ Sherrouse Med. Co Mfrs. and Props., New Orleans, la- |p