The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, July 30, 1898, Image 3

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,.wew-v'r>'-'; «noa ri i >:M VICTORIOUS \ 4 ■■ Barnesville, Ga., June 24, 1898. Gordon Institute, Barnesville, Ga. -n j of Directors held this day, it was unanimously voted to H. B. MORENUS, Manager Cable Piano Co., Atlanta, Ga.—Dear Sir: At a special meeting o ’ ,, Gordon Institute of this city. In purchasing these place an order with you for the purchase of six new Style B Kingsbury Pianos, to be used in t ® ”® lc * p kM which are now being used in various colleges in the State, Pianos of you it gives us pleasure to state that we have selected the Kingsbury ln P re ^™“ t , ; k i ik manner in which the cases are finished. You may deliver the in account, as we believe, of its superiority ... tone, action, wearing quality, and the excellent> Ar “re S B^rd Trustees Gordon lust; J. W. Stafford, Sec. and Treas. above number of Pianos immediately. r>. i . - > More Kingsbury Pianos are being sold in the southern states to-day than any other make of Piano in the * oriel. J <\ B L. COM H. B. MORENUS, Manager, 80 Whitehall St, Atlanta, Ga ME. GEPFEET HEEE. Tne Man WHO Erought Paderew ski. Carreno and the Damrosca Company South, is at the Arlington hi a v-ilie writ-. \ t i a i , v 0 f tiie music lovers in Gaines- wiil remember the remarkable ot concerts that were given in o tee . v: ars ago. in which Nor- Carreno. Powell. Aus der One. .. >,. ,. a w’stS with world wide rep- x .. t i •’!eipated, anti also the q,.,- tv that city the great Dam- pany of over two hun- : q, was the first time —mzrGion had ever visited 1- sentation of such artists in during the past few years is atm Jy due to the efforts of one man, Mr William Geppert, who has prob- .mv done more in the direction of bringing the world’s greatest musicians mto the South than any other man in- teiested in. musical development living in this section. Tv r. Genu them all. He regards I)’Albert as the king of pianists. In speaking of his plans for the win ter, Mr. Geppert said he would bring two or three of the greatest artists in the world to the South, but is going to j introduce an innovation in the bringing j into these concerts some of the verv ^ best voices in the state of Georgia. He ; has already selected one lady, who, uc , says, has a remarkable voice, and will , during the next sixty days make a decision as to the others. Mr. Geppert has the assistance in ins work of this kind that of his wife, who is regarded as one of the very ogsl mu sical and dramatic critics in the coun try, she having been for years The critic for the Louisville Courier-Journal and during the World’s lair did critical work for the Chicago Tribune. Mrs. Geppert is better known as Dolly Hig- bee, and it was her novel of “In God’s Country” which was- dramatized ana presented in New York last fall under the name of “A Southern Romance. Mrs. Geppert is expected in Gainesv <-ue next week, and the distinguished writer will no doubt be the recipient of many social attentions- THE CONCERTS At St. Joseph's and the Auditorium a Groat Success. MALSBY & COMPANY, 57 SOUTH FORSYTH ST., ATLANTA, GA. eonver develo rectior son ply t. had : Tie \ • ’ n. rt is in Gainesville stopping / ; Mur ton, and in a pleasant ,- 01 ] with him last night, it ea that all his work in the di- was con amore, hence done u f love for music, and that eclly cost him a great deal of IP- stated that Paderewski vb- paid two thousand, dollars *to day the piano in Atlanta for one hour nd forty minutes; and that the Dam- roseh r para company cost nine thou sand dollars for the presentation >1 three, operas •• Lohengrin”, "Sieg- i:-ur and ‘ Tannhauser,’’ and that NordioB was paid one thousand dol lars to sing four songs. This gives an idea of the tremendous responsibility involved in the giving of these splendid concerts. Mr. Geppert was with the great ac tress and reader Mrs. Scott-feiddons,. for two years, and now wears a beau tiful watch and chain presented to him by that remarkable woman, who re cently died in Baris. In the world of music .and especially the handling of pianists. Mr. Geppert is regarded as one of the best, and has given concerts with all the great play ers of the world since Van Bulow s time, and is personally acquainted with The piano houses have taken posses sion of The Daily Cracker columns. There seems no excuse for any house hold being without a musical uisD a- mene. Where one can buy a piano or organ at less than cost on easy pay ments, as one reliable concern o ers during a forced snle, no man can make an excuse to liis wife or daughters for not buying. The much talked-of concerts by Mr. T. M. Mayer, the pianist, last Friday afternoon and night, at St. Joseph s Academy and the Auditorium, under the auspices of the Cable Piano Co., proved of more than passing interest to the music lovers of this city. Much had been expected of Mr Mayer, for he. had been heralded in t:m nublic prints as a pianist of more than ordinary ability, and ranking among the great musicians of America, but those who had in charge his appearance here certainly knew the ability of the man, and his performance demonst-i >i- ced that he was really more than ir-.o ! been claimed for him. I His programme, was made up of the compositions of Kowalski, Vogrich, Grieg, Gottschalk, Olsen, Mendelssohn, Godard and two of his own, presenting a classic collection that could only be made interesting by an artist. Mr. Mayer possesses a technique that is simply «stounding, and his tonal product:*mis beautiful, he seeming to .mm a faculty of drawing the tone from the and producing a singing quality resembling that of an organ, and of a smooth, velvety character. In compositions like the Tremolo of Gottschalk. the Bn Route of Godard, and the Twelfth Rhapsodie of Liszt. ■RT GENERAL AGENTS FOR Erie Citv Iron Works, The Geiser Manufacturing Company, The New Bud sail Company, Munger Improved System for Ginning Cotton R. Hoe & Co., Henry Disston & Sons, James Olden At Sons, Gardner Governor Company, pVA - ■ R--S V~: tor .Company. Carrying complete line of En- gines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Separa- tors, Grist Mills, Saws, P limps, Injectors, Grate Bars, an d Steam and Pipe Fittings. — PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN ORDERS AND INQUIRIES. Catalogue free by mentioning this paper. £> VJ* Ub B ia ice I Messrs. B. C. Epperson, 1- C. I ar^e. and J. H- Williams of Mbeon. who have been here this week in attendance up- * on the Bush trial, returned home last night. Mr. E. H. McRea, a well known commercial man of Atlanta, is at the Arlington. Mr. Mayer showed a tremendous pow er. It seemed impossible that the Kingsbury upright piano that he used could withstand the strain, but the in strument responded in a noble manner to the demands made upon it, both in power, brilliancy, sweetness of tone and responsiveness ©f action.—Wash ington (Ga.) Chronicle, July 4th. Don’s Complete Pile Cure The great, quick and sure cure for piles, without cutting cr pain. Guar anteed the best on the market. For sale by all druggists. When you get hurt, use Dry Tichenors Antiseptic You’ll neyfer know just how good it is until you try it. Only 50 cts. at your druggists. Pror. C. J. Wallace returned home last night after an absence of several weeks*. He went to New \ork aud then’spent sometime in south Georgia with relatives. Mrs. Wallace did not return but is spending a while at San- dersville, Juer old home. Mrs. Thomas returned hameA^-f I *f" ledgeville this morning .after a visit-to her son, Mr. Wv C,^Thomas,, at the Ar- lingjfcbR. hqtel.:: - v Have you taken a bad Cough, Cold or LaGrippe? && Do you suffer from Habitual Constipation? "Hev{-• you Disordered Diver or Heart Troubae? Have you a languid, lazy feeling, with Headache? Do vou have Fever of any kind? ^§113^^ L/® L/f Iv* Lamar’s Lemon Laxative Is the best suited to your case of any remedy you can find. While the preparation has been on the market a very short time, hundreds testify to the relief obtained by taking it. If you have not tried it call at any drug store, or let us knew your address and we will cheer, fully send you ONE sample bottle FREE. No family, especially with children, should be without this valuable remedy. H. J. Lamar Macon, Georgia*