The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, August 13, 1898, Image 2

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Suffered 20 Year? M RS. MARY LEWIE, v;;fe of 3, prcm?= nent fanner, well known by all old residents nca,r Belmont, N. Y.. writes: “For twenty -seven years I had been a constant sufferer from nervous prostra tion, and paid lar^e sums of money for doc* tors and advertised remedies without bene fit. Three years aero my condition was alarming; the least noise would startle and unnerve me. I was unanie to sleep, bad a number of sinking spells and elowly grew worse. I began using Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine and Nerve ana Liver Pills. At first the medicine seemed to have no effect, but after taking a few bottles I began to notice a change; I rested better at night, my appe tite began to improve and I rapidly grew better, until now I am as nearly restored to health as one of my age may expect. God bless Dr.Miles’Ner vine Dr. Milos’ Kern dies are sold by all dr* *- gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded. Book c- 'i dis eases of the hear 1 nod nerves free. Andress, DE. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. > Restores The Cause of Laughter. Bam suggests the explanation that laughter is provoked by what be calls a degradation, meaning that we laugh when we all at once perceive something degrading, a trickery, a weakness or a pettiness m some person or object which we respect, as when the infirmities of human nature disclose themselves in a person of importance or when some trivial affair occurs in a sol emn ceremony to drag us down or when the wrong side of some great thing or some great man is ex posed. “The occasion of the laughter is the degradation of a dignified person or interest under circum stances that do not excite a stron ger emotion. In all theories of laughter the more or less important fact is marked *** that the feel ing of the ludicrous arises when something which, we respected be fore is presented in a mean light, for we have no disposition to laugh when samething that we already regarded as uch is depicted as tricky and vile.”—Popular -Science. Trite Accepts the domination. Jasper, Ga., July 28, 1898. Messrs. M. L. Ledford, Chas L. Bass, A. J. Julian and H. H. Dean, Committee: Gentlemen—Your letter formal ly notifying me of my nomination to the 56th Congress by the con vention of the Democratic party of the 9th Congressional District and requesting my acceptance, haB been duly received. I assure you I appreciate the honor the party has done me and am truly grateful for its expres sions of confidence, and the en dorsement of my record in Con- gres, a3 evidenced by the vote of the people in the primary and by the resolutions adopted by the convention. I accept the nominated con scious of the responsibility and with a full sense of the obligation it imposes. My position upon all the public issues of the day is well known to the people of the Dis trict and the following resolutions passed by the convention meets with my hearty approval: “That we, the representatives of the Democratic party of the Ninth Congressional District of Georgia in convention assembled for the purpose of nominating a candi date of our party in the approach ing election for representative in the Fifty-sixth Congress of the United States, do reaffirm our al legiance to the principles of the Democratic party as set out in the Peculiarities of the Potato. The opinion has prevailed among housekeepers that it is the good potato that breaks up when it is boiled. & scientist who has made potatoes a study insists that the good potato is the one that re mains quietly in its coating of brown during all the processes of cooking. Instead of the swelling and bursting of the skin being caused by the presence of starch it has been discovered that albumen is the substance that causes this breaking open. An ordinar}’ potato is made up of three-fourths of its weight in water, two-tenths in starch and one-fifteenth of ni trogenous matter. If it cracks and falls to pieces during the pro cess of boiling, it is deficient in albumen, and therefore lacking in the most important constituent.— New York Ledger. Osnv.i3_ Mrs. Wick wire—•}’ d<,u ‘ you exercise the talent the has bestowed on von, mstrad ot begging?' 7 Dismal Dawson—“Lany, th < Lord has given me the best beggin talents in the profession.”—In dianapolis Journal. ITGHSNS PILES SWAYNE’S From JT.SJFcvmnl ~-r r»£Tir.H.r«£% SSSF&Ss £&£ ed more cases than -1 1 ’ living Physician; success is astonishing We have heard of caX Of ao years’ stacdiS cured by piM v a. aable thfsVs! ease,-which ,witT d J . _ - . large bot tle of hi* Absolute cure, free to any sufferers send their P. O. and Express address, any one wishing a cure to add-e^a XL, A Cedar St., Hew York ABSOLUTELY CUBES. ^ SYMPTOMS—Moisture; frtten*e i-^”- {T SSSK&tS^^SBBSSi The simple application oi jSWAYM’S ft OINTMENT 0 y.3jJ j without any internal -*• medicin8. curas tet ter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, - hands, nose, &c., leaving „ the skin clear, white and healthy Sold bv druggists, or sent by mail to r 50 cts. AddnMiD*. Syatm * So*. Philadelphia. Pa. Askyoar druggist for lb How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm.—West & Truax. Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, 0.; W aiding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is la-kou inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Pr ire 75c. per bottle. Sold by all drug- Hall’s Familv Pills are the best. Causes of Death. Democratic platform adopted at j gists. Testimonials free. Chicago in 1896. We believe that the public welfare demands that these principles be applied to the conduct of the federal government and we pledge cur efforts and de clare our faith in the triumphs of Georgia Railroad AND For CONNECTIONS. information as to Routes, Schedules and Rates, both Passenger and Freight, write to either of the undersigned. Write for our interesting books “ Invent or’s Help” awl “How yon are swindled.” Send us a rough or model or your invention or improvement and we will tell yon free our opinion as io whether it is probably patentable. Wo make a specialty cfAppli ati- -ri. rejected in other hands. Highest references fumi3becL 5 MARION & 21A NON * patent SOLICITORS <z EXPERTS Civil & Mechanical EDgin«ers. Graduates of the Polytechnic School of Engineering. Bachelors in Applied Sciences Laval University, Members ( Patent Law Association, American Water Works, Association, New England W-.t r Works Assoc. P. Q. Sur-^eyors Association, Assoc. Member Can. Society of Civil Engineers. „ » Washington, D. C. Offices. j Montreal. Can. No Room for Doubt. Proof, yes overwhelming proof can be furnished of the excellent curative qualities of Dr. Bulks Cough Syrup. “I caught a cold which led to a coug/i and pain la the chest, (pneumonia?) I bought Dr. Bull’s Cough SjTup, and after taking one bottle of it, the cough began to disappear; when I finished taking the second bottle I was cured, Gustav Thurmaster, 43 Hickory St., Cleveland,0.” Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup costs but 25 cents. Take only Bull’s. the same, which will bring good government, maintain justice, re store prosperity, preserve popular liberty and promote the general welfare of all the people.” Should my nomination be rati fied by the people at the ballot box in November by electing me to the 56th Congress, I shall in the future as in the past endeavor to make the people of this district a faithful, honest and capable rep resentative. Others may have rendered more conspicuous ser vice, but I yield to no one in my devotion and love for the people of this district, and in my desire by just legislation to restore and increase their prosperity and re lieve their burdens. For the courteous and kind manner, gentlemen, in which you have made known to me the wish es of the convention, please accept my sincere thanks. With best wishes for each of you personally, I am, Your obedient servant, F. C. Tate. A compiler of statistics is authority for the statement that less than 900 persons out of every million die from old ?vge. Out of that number 48,000 are victims of scarlet fever, 80,000 of typhoid and kindred fevers, 25,000 of wffiooping cough, 18,000 of measles 7500 of consumption, 7000 of rheu matism and the same number of erysipelas, while 2700 are carried off by apoplexy, and 1200 are victims of gout. You will and reliable L’e pmmp Veteran. NA8HVILLE, TENN. OFFICIALLY REPRESENTS United Confederate Veterans, United Daughters of the Confederacy, The Sons, and other Organizations. (1.00 a year. Twe Samplesi Four Two-Cent Stamp* S. A. CUNNINGHAM. Special Reduction in Club* with this Paper 'U’TT f. >n A. G. Jackson, Gen. Pass. Agt Joe W. White, Trav. Pass. Agt Augusta, Georgia. S Are Ton Weakl . Weakness manifests itself in the loss of ambition and aching bones. The blood is watery; the tissues are wasting—the door is beingopened for disease. A bottle of Browns’ Iron Bitters taken in time will restore your strength, soothe your nerves, make your blood rich and red. Do you more good than an expensive special course of medicine?. Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. W. Wilkes, C. F. & P. A., Atlanta. H. K. Nicholson, G. A., Athens. W. W. Hardwick, B. A., Macon. S. E. Magill, 0. F. A., Macon. M. R. Hudson, S. F. A., Milledge ville. F. W. Coffin, 8. F. & P. A., Augusta. 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE Came with a Shock. Harold (after the fateful-ques tion had been put and answered) —“Did I surprise you, dear?” Maud—“Surprise me? You paralyzed me 1 I gave up the idea two years agt <4 your ever having spunk enough to propose.”— Chicago Tribune. Hail Nettls Hash “Our little daughter had nettle rash and was fretful all the time. We de cided to give h.-r Hood's Sarsaparilla and when she had taken a few botth s ■she was cured. SI - ' not naturalg, .strong, but Herd’s Sarsaparilla seems to give her strength Mrs. J. Hender son. Evaiooe. f -eorg;a Your druggist will sell you a bottle of Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic for 50c. and tell you what it is good for free of charge and “don’t you forget it,” Easily Arranged. Dear Charlie, if I marry you, will you get up and make the fires in the morning?” “Darling girl, we will get mar ried in the summer. Before win ter you will get used to the idea of making the fires yourself.”— Chicago Record. If you, your baby, or your horse has colic, Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic will cure it and “don’t you forget it.” Only 50e a bottle. HOODS PIT. Easy to take, e: sure. 25e. i S cure vl I y «o liver ills operate: reliable, Systematic-—“There’s a man in my office that Fro training work like a machine.” Inventor—* aoc fcnere s iim- chine in my office that I’m train ing to work like-a man.”—New 7 York Herald. A Funny Mistake. A servant lass at an inn once made a funny mistake Opening the door of one of the rooms, she saw, as she thought, the handle of a w r arming pan sticking out near the foot of the bed. “Bless me,” she said, “that stupid Martha has left the warming pan in the bed ! She might have set the place on fire.” Taking hold of the handle, she gave it a violent jerk, when up jumped an awakened traveler, shouting lustily: “Hello, there ! Leave my wooden leg alone, will you?”—London Fun. iorse Owners! Use GOKDATJLT’S * Caustic Balsam i Safe 9p*edy and Positive Coro The Safest, Eest BLISTER ever used. Takes the place of all liniments lor mild or severe action. Removes all Bunobea or Blemishes from Horse* and Cattle. SUPERSEDES ALL CAUTERY OR FIRING- Impossible to produce scar or blemish. Every Lottie sold is war ranted to give satisfaction Price SI.50 per bottle. Sold by druggists, or 3ent by express, ebar^es jmld, with full directions for its use. Send lor descriptive circulars. 9 THE LAWRENCE*WILLIAMS CO., Cleveland .<jassssmxues3B3. _ Free tuition. We give one cr more free schol arships in every county f 1 the U. S. Write us. Trade Marks Designs * Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description mai* guickly ascertain our opinion free whether an mvention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confl dent-ial. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. throng' ^Positions, •. Suaranteed Under reasonable conditions .... W T ill accept notes for tuition or eats dep osit money in bank until position is secured. Car fare paid. No vacation. En ter at any time. Open for both -cits. Cheap board. Send for ' free illustrated catalogue. Address J. K. ERitsHO.v ’rest., at either Draugh on ? Practice Business.,Jro NASHVILLE, TtM,. AKD TtU.iRXArifi, TEXAS. Bookkeeping, Slyvrtbnnd, Typewriting, etc Tne most thorough, pi vctical and progressive schools of the kin.. ; a .he world, and the bes- patronized ones in the^Souilu Indorsed by bank- ers » me . rc fi an - 3 ’ ministers and others. Fou- weeks in bookkeeping with us are equal to twelve weeks by the M r j F. Draughon. If you suffer from sores, boils, pim ples, or if your nerves are weak and your sytem run down, you should take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Undoubtedly. “Tommy stop eating with your fingers. ” “Well fingers were made before knives and forks, pa.” “Yours weren’t.”—San Fran cisco Examiner. imaBESBSs^^ssssaa Rady’s Pile Suppository | Is guaranteed to cure Piles and Constipation, nr money § ifunded. 50 cents per box. Send fc SaoF - : T ' ' : • le istered pharmacist. Lancaster. Pa. || For sale by leading druggists, and gj in Gainesville. Go hr DP Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive President, is author of Drat: chon’s new«v=tem mctel notice* without charge, in the of bookkeeping, “Double Kr by Made SI ” ‘ Home study. We have prepared for’home JTI III Vl IvCIia* study, aooks on bookkeeving. nenmanship and ^ ■ mmmwm m shorthand. Write fox pi ice list “Home Study.” Extract. **Pbof. I kamed book keeping at home from your books, while holding 3. position ns mjrhfc ODerstor. T1 —C. E. kkf^ IXG , WELL ’ Lookkeeiiei Tor Gene; it Ficks, Wholesale Grocers South OMr-ae-o Ill. (Mention lmis pu-peg, z. //>uf, iting.'/ A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months. $L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co. 36,Broa<iwa y’ New York Branch Office. 625 F St.. Washington, D. C. Gainesville Transfer OPERATE BUS LINES ON SCHEDIXE. The Gainesville Transfer Com pany issues the following tick ets which will be sold at the rate of 28 tick ets for $1.00. 5c. I DAY TRIP. ! Good only over our To any pov-.t .u city limits, tnclucli - - hiew Holland and Gower. J Gainesville Transfer Cc. 5 cents fare Lali e trains, both morning a ’i d even in u ih 11 further notice. When you want a Messenger B Charges, 10 cents for delivering messages, to message, within city limit? me !02« jents for reply Kindly ph no 102 your orders, and if : U P for your train, either day I your residence. u € b; ill rr r qu night, in case you have a phone iit J U0 Lx ii; 116; will remain oi, convenience of Teh mi; ssing tr •pffir nisiit IDS. Company wil 1 >nd protect our Respectful] perut'U wiio vov Qainesville tr*:. )Kek oo. T (