The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, April 29, 1899, Image 7

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The descendants of Sir Francis Drake, sailor, and occasionally— according to some historians—a pirate, are about to take legal steps to recover certain personal and real estate, which they claim, has been unjustly withheld from them. The number of heirs, is estimated at?400. HENRY E. WOOD, As§a>er : . 1734 Arapahoe St., Denver, Colo. Established in Colorado in 1876. Control and Umpire Assays a Specialty. Wiliiey Concentrator in operation. Write for circular giving prices, etc. Successor of the* 1 UigthrithjectJ* J The One Great-Standard Authority, ( 8c»-writes lion. JV.T. Brewer, Jiifjliri*S. .Hifprrtuc I'lrnrl. Standard , r Uit» r. s. (.ov’ti’rinting ( * ! -• ' J . . tlif i'.s. Supreme | * r*«urt, «is <!u- . init- sii- ~ ' J ♦ t>i:r!s.:sii»lof nea-rr . j- ... 1 ly Kil the Sciioolbooka. ’ amm /g\ [ Warmly * CuiiiuicHded 1 l»y State Siipernitendents ( LJH \ofFj/ d «»f "Schools, Collt-Ke i'reai-; ^ * dente.and other Fnuca tor* ■-HBBS *■ without itiinitiei’. <■■•' tHHi . p invaluable q in the household, and to i tin* scholar, pro- t i^*g:i.mri ai:«n, :.n<l aelf- wlmutur. 1 J ttT’Sjfrecimen qntfjes sent on nppHcation^tO G.&C. MerTiasu Co., I*u5ili8lier», Springfield, mass. ‘ 1 The mind is l%e steel; fiction sharpens, heat tempers, idleness rusts. If you want a good blade, keen of edge and strong, it must be pounded into shape by a skilled hand at a hot forge. Great minds are thus shaped and tempered at the glowing forge of life. If there were as much money in poetry as in pork there would be more poets than packers. the system With a bad cough. For such Dr. John W. Bull’s Gough Syrup is highly recommended. This won derful remedy gives relief at once, conquers the worst cough overnight and soon effects a thorough cure. “The Artistic Tailor The last and not the least no of innovations is the lighting the Egyptian pyramids by mes }of electricity. Cures Grippe and Influenza. Doses are small and pleasant to take. Doctor# recommend it. Price 25 cts. At all druggists. ail | 11 v t - . T troypt the custom is for Princesses 1 hide their beauty by covering L lower part of the face with a veil. t America the beauty of many of women is hidden because of the 01ir weakness and sickness pecu liar to the sex. If the Egypt ian custom pre vailed in this country, many sufferers would complexion, froni premature wrinkles, their sunkencheeks, their unnealthy the eyes *of the world with the veil of the Orient. Bradfield’s Female Regulator brings out a woman’s true beauty. It makes her strong and well in those organs upon which her whole-general health depends. It corrects all men strual disorders. It stops the drains of Leucorrhoea. It restores the Womb to its proper place. It removes the causes of headache, backache and nervousness. It takes the poor, de-> bilitated, weak, haggard, fading woman and puts her.on her feet again, making her face beautiful by making her body well. Druggists sell It for $1 a bottle. Send for our free illustrated book for women The Bradfleld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. Have We Any Such? Town killers, remarks an ex change, are classified into eight separate branches, as follows : First. Those who go out of town to do their shopping. Second. Those who are opposed to improvement. Third. Those who prefer a quiet -town to one of push and business. Fourth. Those who imagine that they own the town. Fifth. Those who deride public spirited men. Sixth. .Those who oppose every movement that does not originate with them. Seventh. Those who oppose eyery movement that does not benefit them. Eighth. Those who seek to in jure the credit or reputation of individuals. A Poetic Editor. “Let every farmer turn his own farm into an experiment station, your own front yard into a park, Btock your own pasture with your own cows, your own coops with your own chickens, your own gar dens with your own sass, your own home with your own wife and your own happy children, then invite your childless, Christ-less city cousin down and let him see the fairest fair that ever blushed ’in the face of the sun or caught the moonbeams, in her bosom.”. Wanted—Everybody and his wife to go to his druggist and get a bottle of Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic, the most wonderful healing compound of the nineteenth century. It ^preserves the flesh, prevents inflammation or. sup- peration and heals like magic. Pleasant as perfume and stainless as rose water. Douglas Leader: Georgia raised “meat” will be one of the feature forthcoming fair in Atlanta. The liberal prizes that have - been an nounced by the Agricultural Soci ety for fat stock, have been sup plemented by three hundred dol lars in special premiums, by a couple of Atlanta firms. The idea, evidently, of the fair manage ment, and of these Atlanta firms, is to start, if possible, among the farmers of Georgia a fashion of raising their own meat. Used during Expectancy, Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets cheer and Strengthen Mother, Shorten Labor and Rob Confinement of its Terrors. Mrs. Mary Harrison McKee, daughter of ex-President Benja- mitn Harrison, has been appointed by Govornor Roosevelt, a commis sioner to the Paris Exposition for the state of New York. She is now a resident of Saratoga. Fish found in the Mammoth cave waters are without eyes. Roused the tor W pid liver, and' cure biliousness, sick I headache, jaundice, bausea, indigesg fcion, etc. They are in valuable to prevent a cold or break up a fever. Mild, gentle; certain, they are worthy your confidence. Purely vegetable, they can be taken by children or delicate women. V l ce, 25c. at all-medicine dealers or by mail 01 C. I. Hood &.Co.. Ldwell, Mass. -W" An exchange says: “A parrot escaped from a drug store in a Georgia village, flew m a church where the colored brethren were holding a meeting, perched on the pulpit, and surveying the congre gation, observed in a sharp voice: “It’s hot as hell!” Some of the brethren jumped out of the win dows, while many of the sisters fell fainting. The preacher sought refuge in the steeple, and was so firmly wedged in they had to saw him out. ” 1 _ Dr, David Kennedy^ Favorite Remedy CURES ALL KIDNEY. STOMACH ~ AND LIVER TROUBLES# Editor Perham, of the Way- cross Herald, is the kind of demo crat that we love to read about. Hear him: “With the editor "of 4he Herald, democracy means faith in the leaders, who we be lieve have the interest of the na tion and especially the people of the South, at heart, and a deter mination to stand by a decision of a majority of the party.” Sour Stomach Cure. ^ * A long time I was a great sufferer from Liver and Stomach troubles. I had a dull pain in my left side under my heart. At times my side became swollen and the pain acut^. My stom ach was always sour find I would vomit every time I eat. My bowels were very irregular, causing me pain and distress, r tried many things without any bene fit. I read of your medicine and con cluded to try it, and am glad that I did I felt better after the first dose. I con tinued to take Ramon’s Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets until I was entirely cured. D. W. Penland, Otto, Macon Co., N. C. For sale by Dr. E. E. Dixon & Co.' It is said that you can never be sure that the cold weather has en tirely gone until the chinaberry trees begin to put forth their leaves. If this be true, then, we may safely make our calculations to have more cold weather. , Backlen'i Arnica Salve. The best salve in theworld for cuts bruises, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no* pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale *by M. C. Brown & Co. * A minister who was greatly troubled to get his quarterly in stallments of a very small salary, at last said to one of the deacons, “I must have my money, for my family is suffering for it.” “Money!” said the deacon, I thought you preached for souls !” “Souls!” s$id the minister, we can't live on souls, and if we could it would take a thousand such souls as yours to make a meal.” Doctor—yParsoni why is it that a law ver sleeps sowell? * unless it is because he can- lie on Loveable Little Figs. While the raising of swine is not exactly a poetical occupation, it is said to be a paying one and one that would be practicable for a woman to engage in. “One of the most thorough go ing capable business women of the day,” says the Practical .Far mer, “is a breeder of fine swine, and she has won a reputation that is enviable. She Has made thous ands of dollars from the business and is proud of and eqjoys her work. Poultry and swine breed ing as a part of the farm wife’s business ventures forms both a happy and profitable combination. Even the word ‘happy/ she says is well placed, for it is a happy work caring for and owning hand some sows and pretty, thrifty pigs, fine shotes and marketable hogs. Little pigs, she asserts, are as loveable as little chicks, and through actual ownership one takes pride and comfort in watch ing them grow and looking to the comfort and needs of the entire swine herd.”—New York Tribune. “What’s the matter” with giving your horse or mule a dose of Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic when he has colic? It will cure him and that’s what you want. For sale by druggists and dealers. There is a Roman nose, a dish nose, a snub nose, and • diversity of other kinds of noses, but the ugliest nose in the world is the one that pokes itself into other people’s business. Man can^t regulate himself ac cording to history. There was Samson who lost his life because he had his hair cut, and Absalom because he didn’t.” i^jmvsRemedy The one sure cure tor J The Sidney's,liver and Blood The postoffice department of the United States is a very expensive one, the expenditures being from $10,600,000^to $12,000,000 more than the receipts annually. In Great Britain the postal service is a source of considerable revenue, the receipts last year being $28,- 550,000 more than the expendi tures. But it must be remembered that Great Britain has a dense population, the 1 country is small, apd there are no broad prairies and mountain ranges to be crossed or rivers of large size to be navi gated. wmmmmmmm—ma—ummumm—muam—mamma Mrs. Jessie R. Davidson, Tallapoosa, Ga., writes:; “I find Dr. M. A. Sim mons Liver Medicine a splendid remedy for Torpid Liver, Indigestion and Liver Troubles. I was a wreck and tired of living, bnt by its use I *- am a well woman. Pain Conquered; Healtfv I^e- stored by Lydia E. Pink- harn’s Vegetable Compound. tLETTER TO MRS. PINKHAM NO. 92,649! “ I feel it my duty to write and thank yon for what your Vegetable Com pound has done for me. It is the only medicine I have found that has done me any good. Before taking your medi cine, I was all run down, tired all the time, no appetite, pains in my hack and bearing down pains and a great suf ferer during menstruation. After tak-, ing two bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound I felt like a new woman. I am now on my fourth bottle and all my pains have left me. I feel better than I have felt for three years and would recommend your Compound to every suffering woman. I hope this letter will help others to find a cure for their troubles.” — Mbs. Della Remickeb, Rensselaeb, Ind. The serious ills of women develop from neglect'of early symptoms. Every pain and ache has' a cause, and the warning th,ey give should not be disre garded. Mrs. Pinkham understands these troubles better than any local phy sician and will give every woman free advice who is puzzled about her health. Mrs. Pinkham’s address is Lynn, Mass. Don’t put off writing until health Is completely broken down Write at the first indication of trouble. A Soft Snap. A desk in a quiet law office in New York, little work to do and a salary of $50,000 a year, accord ing to Mr. Thomas B. Reed’s way of thinking, is better than boss ing the house of representatives at Washington. Mr. Reed is wise in his day and generation. The New York law firm buys' Mr. Reed’s name and influence, and feally cares little whether ne works or not. Mr. Reed has a softer snap even than the presi dency, and runs less risk of losing the job.—Enquirer-Sun. Parsnip "Complexion. It does not require an expert to detect the sufferer from Kidney trouble. The hollow cheeks, the sunken eves, the dark, puffy circles under the eyes, the sallow parsnip-colored complexion in dicates it. A physician would ask if yon had rheumatism, a dull pain or ache in the hack or over the hips, stomach trouble, desire to urinate often, or a burning or scalding in passing it; if after passing there is an unsatisfied feeling as if it must be at once repeated, or if the urine has a brick dust deposit or strong odor. * When these symptoms are present, no time should be lost in removing the cause. Delay may lead to gravel, ca tarrh of the bladder, inflammation, causing stoppage, and sometimes rer quiring the drawing of the urine with instruments, or may run into Bright’s Disease, the most dangerous stage of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great discovery of the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, is a positiye remedy for such diseases. Its reputation is world-wide and it is so easy to get at any drag store that no one need suffer any length of time for want of it. However; if you prefer to first test its wonderful merits mention The Georgia Cracker and write to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. for a sample bottle' and book telling all about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. “His Life for his Country,” will be the epitaph on the heroic bronze statue to be erected to Worth Bagley at Raleigh, N. C. A Torpid Liver causes Depression of Spirits, Indigestion, Constipation, Headache. JJse Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine to stimulate that organ. a _jl—~ —— The cruiser Raleigh, which be longed to Dewey’s fleet has return ed home. She is one,of the vete rans of the Manila battle and is being wined and dined according ly./ 15 : - When yon ask for Dr. M. A, Sim mons Liver Medicine, see that you get it and not some worthless imitation. Auanta. ua. and Will siey habits eured at home-with out pain Book of par ticulars sent PREE. BR» B. M WOOLLEY CO„ Office, 104 North Pryor SL MONEY TO LOAN. We now have plenty of money to loan on improved farm lands and Gainesville city property. Terms and interest liberal. Call and see us. (6mo) Dunlap & Pickbell.- Dr. C. A. RYDER,, - DENTIST. or man, who will Sake orders-for our Leg* horn Hen Food in then vicinity, Our food increases yield of eggs, and keeps fowl in good health. We are making liberal offers to agents in order to get more people to using our food. On receipt of 50c. we will send, postpaid, a regular $1.00 size box, with which you can begin to take orders- at once. Pamphlet, with more information about hens, sent onr * receipt of self-addressed„stamped envelope. Address Leghorn Food Co. ( 373 _c. )Bosto% Mass# First-class Dental Work. Head- quarters tor best Tooth and Mouth Preparations. Gainesville, : Georgia. .