The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, September 29, 1900, Image 1

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Ana you, young man, who rebel against labor and long for the chance to do nothing, study Brea ch s case .and take up your load gladly. The decree condeming us to earn- our bread m the sweat of our brow was merciful, not stern. For that same power which sentences all to work also causes happiness to be found in work alone; Marvelous and beautiful are the arrangements of divine wisdom.— New York Journal. Important Factors. The New York World thinks those five factors which will un questionably help the democrats in this campaign are : 1. The support of Mr. Bryan by two of the ablest and most effec tive of Mr. McKinley’s advocates in 1896, Carl Schurz and Bou *ke Cookran, an d by ex-Secretary 01- ney and many other prominent gold democrats and independents who stand with them against Me- GUNS ^ GUNS! [gisFate is a ar w ortsc j.h*u Bresci, who murdered the Ital- r fl-King, is sentenced to solitary lfoufiue ment for kfe. While you t^d this he sits on a narrow plank L a cell not much bigger than a sleeping car section. If you talk to any friend about L e8e i—and especially if you men tion the subject to any young E aan inclined to be idle—call at- eution to this point. You, of ourse, can amplify what must be (presented briefly here. I Bresci’s imprisonment is tor- Lre-Why? Because it sentences him to do hotting. I Every man on earth is put here tor a purpose. He is put here to Lork, to interest himself in his fellows, to share the pleasures and HisapDointments of others. The Lise laws ruling the universe fill bs with a desire to do that which [re were meant to do. It is intend ed] that we should be active here Lnd; therefore, although we often fail to relaize it, ouir happiness lies mire tivity. . ; Bresci is to be tortured beyond Ihe power of imagination because be will be forbidden to follow na- Inre’silaw. He will be forced to lulfil man’s destiny here; Trie GUNS! Come and see our stock of GUNS, Eeggins, Eap Robes, Etc —WE SELL- GENUINE OLIVER TURN PLOWS With 'Terracing Attachment. Also 2. His support on the anti-im perialist issue by ex-Secretarj Boutwell, Col. Tnomas W. Hig< ginson and many other represents tives of the intellect and Galveston's Life Insurance. The question of life insurance is one of the many features of loss involved in the Galveston disaster. Probably never before were so many people in a civilized commu nity, where life insurance compa nies are likely to have a good many risks, wiped but of existence as were destroyed by the hurricane which swept the west and north west gulf coasts On September 8. Even under normal conditions it is too soon yet for the companies to have received any returns to en able them to estimate even ap proximately what their losses from destruction of life would be. In the ohaos which reigns in Gal veston it will be weeks beforo^any approach to an accurate b&yp of I'p^ipl^ vpi be. reached. ¥ *# " In a general way, however,* the companies here in New York are convinced that Jiieliri losses Will not be a serious matter. In the entire state of Taxas the Equita ble Society has $20,000,000 of moiiey repfesen ted in 1 ~ risks, the* Mutual Life $29,000,000 and the New York Life, $28,000,00. Na turally, the proportion of these sums actually represented m Gal veston was comparatively small. These companies, for one things do not insure the lives of negroes, the great bulk of their business being confined to white men. Out of the 5,000 people estimated to have been killed m Galveston a large proportion was negroes and a still larger proportion women and children. In fact, women and children formed the overwhelming^ majority of the victims. So, eliminating the ne groes and the white wpmdn/ and children, the number of adult white men killed is comparatively small, and of these the percentage who had their lives insured is still smaller—probably not more than 4 per cent. It is estimated that at least two-thirde of the victims weTe women and children, which would leave something like 1,600 adult men who lost their lives. W hen it is remem bered that many of these are negroes who are not insured and that of the whites themselves a comparative smali proportion take out life polices it will be seen that the number of those for whose deaths the in surance companies will have to pay is not so large as to become a serious matter, when divided up among a number of companies, for oiw one company to face. New CUTAWAY HARROWS Steel Plows in Wood and Steel Beams All Sizes, con science of the republican party in its better days. 3. The fact,. which Mr. Bryan and other democratic speakers are bringing to public notice, that the undoubted prosperity of the coun try has been and is very unevenly divided. While railroads, bank ers, manufacturers and specula tors have grown richer, the in creased cost of living has in mao; instances more than offset every advance in wages, while, persons with smal 1 fixed incomes . have gained no advantage whatever. # The undeniable fact that trusts and other monopolies have greatly multiplied since the repub licans came into power, and that nothing whatever has been done or honestly attempted to punish or to prevent them. r 5. Last-~and perhaps yet to be the most importan t-^-the great coal etrike. It is not impossible that this will be, even more than was the; Homestead trouble so hurtful to Mr. Harrison in 1892, an object lesson on the effects of monopoly that no flapdoodle about ‘feu# dinner pails” will be able to offset; and this despite the fact so strongly proclaimed by Presi dent Mitchell, that “politics will not, cannot and must not enter in to the strike.” Gainesville, Ga 2&d work. Many a man has done liswork and enjoyed life’s greatest ilea&ares while suffering mere longer or poor fare, iln his prison Bresci is protected from the sun and the fain and [ta-cold. He can sleep as many pmrsashe likes. No duos can [rouble him, Is called to our new goods just received. Nice line of Neckwear and Men’s Fancy Skirts. Big stock of Hosiery and Embroideries. You should see our line of Trunks at popular prices. New - stock of Men’s no rent, bore is absolutely nothing that ie mu8t do. But there is abso- ately nothing that he can do. The saddest slave in Morocco tiling under the heaviest load rould win Bresci’s f gratitude 1 only he would let Bresci carry hat load. The most desperate man, haras- ed by cares of all kiuds, would Bem blissfully happv in Bresci’s yes, for he has at least full play r his sentiments, for his activ- fies. | To punish Ravaillac’s attack on he life 0 f the French king long P they tried many ingenious de„ ; lce8 * They tortured him slowly, finally they poured melted lead r° his stomach through his na- p was a hard death, pot they did not punish Ravail- r aa severely as Bresci is to be poished. * I The minutes, the hours, the phs, the mouths, and years will N along, j idleness, |°thing, not! |^° human Send us your orders for Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Com and Seed Potatoes. Complete * stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Notions, Furnishing Goods, Gro ceries and Feed, Sash and Doors Bailey Beta on Bryan. A recent dispatch from Lexing ton, Ky., says: Joe Bailey of Texas and H. L. Asher of this place haye made a wager on the presidential race, involving most all of the for tune of Asher and a good slice of Bailey’8 belongings. Bailey/ wa gers $15,000 against the trotting stock of Asher’s farm that Bryan will win; Asher’s stock consists of two stallions, a lot of brood mares and youngsters, num bering in all 216 animals. Bailey has moved his stable of trotters to the Asher farm where they will have the advantage of the trotting track. The Asher placo was for merly owned by W. C. France of New York and is a well appointed establishment. HYNGS CO’S OLD STAND Try our PINE APPLE XOISIC for loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia and Nervousness—-Relieves that tired feeling and Invigorates, 75c. BLACKBERRY CORDIAL for Dysentery and Cholera Mor bus, 25 cents. • * HARTS ANTISEPTIC for Cramp, Burns and Bruises and all kiuds of Wounds, 25 cents. ‘ - ' We sell Fresh Drugs and Pure Drugs at low prices No one can beat us. idleness “Mamma,” said little Johnny at the breakfast table the other morning, “this is awful old butter isn’t it?” “Why do you think it is old, dear?” asked his mother. “’Cause,” replied Johnny, “I just found a gray hair in it,”