The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, December 08, 1900, Image 1

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commended joints of Interest from President’s Message. After felicitating the country L n “its growing strength and in- Lreasing power for good of repub lican institutions,” the ipessage deals at length with the recent troable in China, and says Ameri ca’s peace policy I was successful, f Refers complainmgly to Ger- ! many’s restrictions on American meat, and says that while some [sympathy has been shown for the Boers, our relations with Great Britain have been undisturbed. Complaints of Italy concerning khe failure to punish the lynchers [of five of its citizens are designa ted just and temperate. It is sug gested that congress confer on fed eral courts jurisdiction in this class of international cases. Reiterates the language of his [inaugural address in reference to [lynch ings. Boquets are handed Japan and Mexico in the shape of words of [congratulation and praise,, and wishes for continued commercial intercourse. Satisfaction is expressed that ithere have beep sixteen powers to [ratify the work of The Hague [peace convention. “I commend ,to the early atten tion of the senate the cddyeatiba \ widfGreat Britain ltd j the construction of such (Nicara guan) canal and. T to remoyp any. objection which might arise put of [the convention commonly called the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. ” ; Asks that Spain be treated gent ry and that the UnitedlStates^pay [the indemnity claimed from Spain [by Americans. ; Still awaits the fulfillment of phe promise of the sultan to make reparation for damages sustained pn Armenia by American citizens. 1 War and navy departments pound use for nearly $200,000,000 por the fiscal year ending June, pOO. Receipts for 1901 are esti mated at $580,000,000, and ex penditures $800,000,000. Exports have increased by near ly $168,000,000, making the total pr the year $1,394,483,082. Ex ports of manufactured goods ex ceed, in value, previous records by p per cent. , Calls for the reduction of the purdensome tax put upon the peo ple by the government. [ Urges that if there are any < [trusts congress shall move at once j N crush them. , L ^° 68 * n to infinite detail on the 1 Philippine question, ^ pat has been done on the islands i pd forecasting reforms of the fu- 1 re. such as permitting the Fili- poos to select their municipal and I pecutive officers. Religions free- i The growth of Hawaii and the completion of the United States census are discussed in compli mentary fashion, but no new lights are thrown on either. The department of agriculture is praised for its work ia* investigat ing new varieties of seuds and animal and "Vegetable; dis eases and the meteorological con ditions. ; After dealing with several minor matters, the president closes as follows: N “In this era of great business activity and opportunity caution is not untimely. It will not abate, but strengthen confidence. It will not retard, but proihote, legiti mate industrial and commercial expansion. Our growing power brings with it temptations and perils requiring constant vigilance to avoid. It must not be used to inyi% conflicts, n or for oppression, but for the more effective mainte nance of those principles of equal ity and justice upon which out in stitutions and happiness depend. Let us keep always in mind that tile foapdation,# ojay government i s * liberty; ’ r?is'* superstructure A little oyer two weeks and Christmas will be upon us. From now until then we are go ing to sell more goods than we have ever done in a month before. Here’s the way we are going to do it. You know th ese price tags you see on goods, well the figures on these have been erased and new ones made. Some are; made some and some % smaller, in ev ery case they are small enough to move the goods. “More goods for same money or the same goods for less money *” - Clothing. A good suit is to bedesired above every thing else, ex cept fit. There is no fault to-find with our Clothing. It is made and made right by the best makers in the business. We are up a- gafnst the Clothing busi ness for certain. W5 have wiped out the price objection on suits and overcoats. Overcoats from §3.50 and up—The best line in Georgia, §5.00. Dress Goods Remnants. From the season’s selling there is an accumulation of short lengths of Dress Goods, from 1 to 6 yards long. Every kind and col or of goods is represented and the pieces.’ire perfect but short. We want ev ery piece to leave us as quickly as possible and have put ridiculously low prices on them, Come at once and get first pick. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Why not buy useful Christmas presents while you are about it. Articles to be admired for their beauty and for their practical value .as well? You prefer such gifts yourself. No doubt your friends do the same—For instance: - What could be more appropriate and ser- A Nice vicekble and useful than^ a rug? Our Rug. Christmas supply is so varied that you’ re sure to find just what you want with in: your means. . An ‘ : We are very likely to. awake -most any morning during, the next'3 or 4 months and find it wet and " rainy. What In. would be more appreciable than an Um- r brella. :~ 1 ' ■ Underwear. All Wool, half wool and cotton underwear for men, Women and children—me- ; dium and heavy weights. Shirts, pants, union suits, i . • Oneita, any price, any style, any weight, and the pnqes are S good deal low er than ypu wild'find any Umbrel Six or a dozen hapdksrcheifs are always acceptable. anything. We haye car pets matched, made and laid, relieving you of all trouble. Buying here you are sure of the most possi ble for your money. Warm, wool sox, plain and fancy. As a gift a half dozen would be apprecia ted by any man. • • Neck. Something-a man is never ov wear for Men. on, A tie will delight all men. Shoes. Our business is the out growth of selling good shoes at all fines. No schemes, no. chance, no questionable Shoes, but al ways^ the biggest possible value for the smallest pos sible price. Every shoe is exactly as we teil you—no rags or paper or bones or old iron but all solid leath er. Monarch Pals for Men $3.50. Groceries. For Christmas pastry get “Grandeur” flour—There Is no flour whiter, purer or more wholesome—Its a perfect flour in every res pect. A barrel of new South Georgja caue^yrup put on tap today. Its the best. Are ypu perfectly satisfied with the Coffee you are drinking? Trv our roasted “Santos” and you will be. Baltimore, Nov. 19.—-In the building ofcottoiT milIs, the de velopment of iron, lead, zinc and phosphate mines, in extension of railroad*, in lumbering, in activity of domestic trade, and in enlarge ment of foreign commerce, the! south has made a gratifying rec-j ord during the past Jyear. For that it is thankful. The feeling of thankfulness is intensified .as the south calmly and reasonably faces the future, for, according to a broad estimate by the Manufactur ers’ Record, it has the prospect of a year’s income of at least $2^750,- 000,000. This is tb be derived asl follows: From corn, wheat, su- Shoes & “Two soles with but a single thought”- comfort. Thats the sort of gift to bring grateful remembrance to the giver. And hundreds of others. You will see many a val uable Christmas suggestion here if you will only “walk in and look around.” Rubbers; FOUR SPECIALS THIS WEEK Gray and bluish gray haudspun, 5 gore Skirt, Coat lined with Silkro- maine. Marked from $10 Wonderful PhilippinesT Commissioner Taft reports from Manilla upon the wonderful value of the Philippines from a commer cial point of view. Others speak of the great wealth of forests in the archipelago. It is stated that there are millions of acres of tim ber which belonged to Spain and belong to the United States. Ten years in the Millinery business in Gainesville now This will be good news to Repre sentative Hull of Iowa, who is chairman of the house committee on military affairs and also presi dent of the Philippines Lumber and Improvement Company.— New Orleans States. Get our prices on drugs before buying. M* C. Brown & Co. The calf that frolicked on th# mead when roses were abloom, now stands humped up behind the barn, a prey to doubt and gloom. The farmer sits beside the stove, and eracks a nut or so; and pounds IN GAINESVILLE Clark’s Thread. datings. Jno. Jv Clark’s six-cord 500 yards, good qualitv, finish spool cotton, pretty patterns; sold guaranteed 200 yards by us at* 10c, but for . per spool this sale, y.ours for 2 l-2c. 7 l-2c.