The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, January 12, 1901, Image 1

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VOLUME THE WHISKY QUESTION. STANDING COMMITTEES I M direst Each Other Over in Dawson County. Lome Gainesville and Ellijay Uue officers had a queer eipe- [nee over in Dawson county a p days ago. A party of officers i m Gainesville, headed by Lon chardson, went to Dawson to (ke a raid. At the same time f eral officers from Pickens coun- w ent to the same place for the ne purpose. Both parties had Of the Council for 1901 Named by Mayor Mitchell. Editor Cracker ; "It seems that the whisky question is a very hard one to settle in the county of The prospect, it is said, for another committees of the council, as named by Mayor R. D. Mitchell, for the year 1901: Committee on police-—Martin, chairman; Landers and Parker. Committee on finance—Puckett, chairman; Martin and Parker. Committee on streets—Puckett, chairman; Parker and Hubbard. Committee on health—Martin, chairman; Parker and Landers. Committee on buildings, . chim neys and awnings — Hubbard, chairman; Landers and Eber- hardt. - Committee on fire department— Parker, chairman; Eberhardt and Martin. Committee on lights and water— Hubbard, chairman; Puckett and Eberhardt. , Committee on market—Landers, chairman; Martin and Puckett. election, another struggle upon this question, which should have long ago been buried beyond the possibility of rection. There are too many c warmly clothed and well fed to re-r turn to the cursed reign of bar rooms. While the open bar lived many children in Gainesville and Hall county, knew what it was jbo be poorly clad and lightly fed. The money that resur- ( eople without Drugs, Medicines. Lotions, Decoctions, Plasters. Salves, Appliances or the Knife. “But Row can it be done?’ provides them food and clothes then went into the bands of the bar owners and supplied luxuries for the fam ilies of those who dispensed the fiery potations that rob man of reason and integrity. jfc is urged by some that the blind tiger is doing more harm than yae open bar. By reference to the various court records this will be found v untrue/ Ask the wives and {children of those who could not pass the open bar, and they will testify to the truth of the assertion that there is a great abatement of the evil. The licensing of a bar or dispen sary m a town or county by the people makes the people account able, morally, for the crimes that may be committed by men when under the influence of the liquor sold at these licensed places. Where crimes are committed by men under the influence of blind tiger liquor, the guilt lies on the individual immediately nected with it. It is to be hoped the time shall never come when the people of Hall county will be willing to take on their heads the sacrificial blood of the open bar. No more do the good people of Hall county and Gainesville wish to hear the widow’s wail and or phan’s cry because of the open bar!- f; ' No more do the people desire to hear the oaths and have knowledge of the cruel treatment .accorded defenseless women and children, and, that sanctioned by their votes! No more do they want to be a party to the crimes that would blacken the name of their county and town by heinous offenses com mitted by infuriated human be ings—caused by liquor obtained at the open bar! Let those who oppoee that dread evil be up and doing. Don’t think there isn’t necessity^, for exertion. “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” Stand fast ip the liber ty-and freedom from barrooms you Let every one do all N o less than 500 of the b§st people of this State testify to this fact, Is it possible that YOU know more about it than they?. I have treated ALL classes oi people—even Medical Doctors, and healed fey were trying to blutt nim. tabbing his gun he replied that fey were the ones . to surrender Id had better do some explaining Ighty quick. This, the Pickens peers made haste to do, and soon pee was restored. The officers bu related how they happened be there and the Gainesville of- prs gathered up their copper and t. The meeting najrowlv avert- I being a serious one and the offi- jrs feel a bit creepy when they ink of it. It is a rare thing for fo sets of revenue officers to make raid on the same still at the me time. ALL classes -of diseases, except Dentistry and Surgery. Call on meat Hunt’s Bank, Rooms No. 3 and 4 write me, P. O. Box, 55, always enclosing stamp. County Tax Hates. ■p • '--V, ~ \ r• A Baldwin county man recent* ly wrote to Comptroller General Wright, says the Atlanta Consti tution, asking him what county m Georgia had the highest tax rate. . . in Baldwin, he BADLY BURNED. A BAD FALL. con HAD A BAD FIGHT IMohntzl, the fourteen-months- Id son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. pller, was badly burned last Sat- fday afternoon. While playing lar the fire his dress ignited, and, Ifore the flames could be put out, Is clothes were burned from the Ight side of his body, inflicting |ry painful injuries. Mrs^ Ful- j r grabbed the child in her arms M put out the flames as quickly r possible. Medical attention was Pen the little fellow at once and p baB been getting on as well as Nd be expected. We Are Growing’. • . [The present population of the Q ded States has been very con- jderably enlarged as a result of Q6 annexation, cession and pur- ^ a6e of islands, ftimates are fui jsusus office; | D ^ e d States °rto Rico bdippme Islands Gober Reese’ Skull Fractured by a v Rock in the Hands of Clyde While descending the steps at the First Baptist church last Sun day after the morning service, Rev. A. Van Hoose fell to the brick walk, a distance of several feet. He is quite feeble, and was unable to balance himself as he descended v - - *. •• • i the steps. Fortunately he was not seriously hurt by the fall, and h» was quickly lifted to his feet, placed in a carriage and sen* home. “Father Van Hoose,” he is familiarly known, is abou* eighty years old and for forty odo years was in the active ministry He is well known «throughout Georgia and has many friends win hope that he may be spared for many years of usefulness yet. - The tax rate, said, was $11 per $1,000, which, he thought* pretty high. Hedid qot state tor what reason he de sired the information. As a matter of fact, Baldwin almost reaches the limit of high tax charge. There is one* county however, whose rate is still high er. McIn tosh connty ch arges her citizens $11.30 per $1,000. Bald win comes second, therefore* and Butts is third with a rate of $L0 per $1,000. Effingham county Emmett. nature. Dr. W. A< Palmour was called in and rendered medical aid. It is possible that Reese will re cover. Emmett was arrested and placed in the county jail, pending the outcome ot Reese’s condition. If death results he will have to answer to the charge of murder. Both boys are white and are in their teens. next with a rate of $2.30 and Muscogee is $2.50, Dade’s $3.00 and Fulton’s $3.70. Needed His Help. A North Georgia editor on go ing away, left his paper in charg of a minister. During the minis ter’s stay in the sanctum the fol lowing letter came from a moun tain subscriber: “You know ver\ well that I paid my subscription to your paper the last time I was in your blasted town. If I get any letters from you like the la? down to you BAPTIST 76,295,220 953,248 7,000,000 8,461 4,105 Rev. W. M. Harris, who was pas tor of the First Baptist church of Galveston* Texas, at the time of the storm last September, but who is now at work under the auspices of the home mission board of the Southern Baptist convention, so liciting funds for the Baptist suf ferers of Galveston, preached at the First Baptist church last Sun day. His sermon was a strong one and at the close of the service a collection amounting to about $85 was giv*u by the congregation. Rev. Mr. Harris was an eye-witne88 to the storm and lie gives a minute description of it. The Baptists of Galveston lost $75,000 by the storm. mam ..... u tuiia and adjacent islands ROWLAND-STRICKLAND now have, possible to bury thi6 question, this time, in a grave so deep that its resurrection will never more be at tempted. 10-3-15. marriage or Jben Howland ana Miss Cissy Strickland, which oc curred last week. ’Squire Dyche states than an unusual feature of * this marriage was that the groom did not know the bride’s given name when they were married. That didn’t make any difference with Ben, however, as he wanted a wife and got a good one. The c remonv was performed at the home of the groom’s brother, Riley Rowland. fecial County Bailiff W. E. ^th arrested a negro at New °lland Monday by the name of Williams, who was wanted at arie tla on the charge of murder. | 8 f aid that Williams killed his So,11 e lime ago and has since ^ at large. Bailiff Smith car- Williams to Marietta Monday ^ turned him over to the officers iere. - . one, I will come office and maul the devil out t» you.” The minister answered: “I have buen trying to maul tha> thiDg out of the editor for fifteei years past, and if you will cod»* down and do it for me, I hav' twenty more members of my cor - ^regation that I will get you to work on.—Exchange. For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bo