The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, March 02, 1901, Image 1

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V'OIvUM E XII PASSING AWAY, periority over the men behind the guns around himself and his broth er officers, and showed his snob bishness in the most distasteful objecting to the appoint- The consequences that would arise from their acceptance might not redound to the credit of the navy to the country which the navy rep resents. “I do not mean to detract from the sterling worth of the warrant officers ot the navy; I mereh mean to suggest to the department that unfortunately for them, they have been deprived of certain nat* nral advantages, and, in conse quence, their proper place is that of leading men among the crew, and not as representatives of the country in the wardroom and steerage.” And yet there are those at the north who say the negro has no friends at the south. Ye gods! and ye angels! and ye little fishes! Were there ever better friends than these! DIED, February 12, 1901* John Early, * col., age 75, ante-bellum slave. There is n in the above aim pie announcement of an old negro’s death which appeals to the in teres t or awakens a sympathetic chord in the heart of the ordina ry hustling, bustling: busy man of the day. Ordinarily it Yneans “out of sight,, out of mind,” and that’s the end of it. - But there is an interest in the death of old John Early which is of moment to we of the South, for it symbolizes the passing away, one by one, of the best, truest anc most faithful that God ever let live and breathe in this happy manner ment of warrant officers to com missioned rank because the men did not have the social standing of Annapolis graduates. Secretary Long ignored Samp son ’s caddish break, and h as or dered Morgan placed on the rolls for examination fo't promotion. The language used by Sampson, which bids fair to bring the ha tred of the men of the navy upon his head, and, if such a thing is possible, render him more odious to the people who were taxed that he might receive an educatian and have the privilege of bossing his betters, is as follows: “It is submitted that in time of peace the navy's function consists, to a certain extent, of represent ing the country abroad, and it is important that the navy’s repre sentatives should be men of at least refinement. While there are, perhaps, a certain tew among the warrant officers, who conid fulfill this requirementj I am of the opin ion that the vast majority of them could not. “Once they are commissioned, they will have the GRIPPE CRdUP VESTA F0BTS0N DEAD. Vesta, the fourteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Fortson, did at the home of her parents, on West Washington street, last 1 Saturday evening at 10:30 o’clock, of pneumonia. She had not been ill for a great length of time, and, while h«r death was not unexpected, it was neverthe less quite sad. The hearts of her parents and friends are greatly be reaved, but they*are consoled.with the thought that she has gone to a better world. The funeral occurred from the family residence at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon, con ducted by Rev. L. A. Simpson. The remains were interred at Alta Vista cemetery. CHIEF JUSTICE CHAMBERS, OF SAMOA, Says: “I can recommend pertina as one of the very best remedies for catarrh, l recommend Peruna to al sufferers,** Owes More Than a Million. Boston; Mas., Feb. 22.—A fail ure for a million-or more, with as sets to the amount of a ten-dollar bill, was shuwn by the voluntary petition in bankruptcy filed this afternoon by Geo. R. Eager, a rail road builder of NewtonMass. The actual figures of liabilities are$l } - The unsecured claims 407,341 aggregate $1,008,502/ the secured Claims, $315,222; notes and bills shared by Gther parties, $83,316. Mr. Eager?s debts were con tracted botween 1888 and 1890, principal ly in Tennessee, all on notes. This is the heaviest failure recorded in this district since the bankruptcy act went into effect. The debts are all outlawed. Boar Admiral Sampson, of Plebe ian Birth, Oasts Caddish Slurs on the Brave Men Behind the Guns. ‘ Washington, Feb. 25.—As to Sampson, rear admiral of Uncle Sam’s navy, it is a clear case of a fool man killing the goose that was about to lay the golden egg. Be cause of the possession, in a su perlative degree, of»that offensively haughty snobbishness r bo ridicu lously assumed by the usually ple beian-born bureaucrats who wear their dazzling uniforms like those “to the manor born,” m the cor ridors of the naval building in Washington city, Sampson had a “pull” which would, in a tew days, vice admiral. same social standing as other officers - and no distinction properly could be made in extending general invitations. HALF% ACTUAf SI ZE-H his master’s mind was to do his bidding cheerfully, honestly and happily. When freedom came John Early, remained with his master until vi- him adrift. He BOOKER T, WASHINGTON, )/ Tuskegee, Ala., writes: *1 have never taken any nedicine that has irn- mved me as much as \runa. For catarrh it is Plainly a blessing, 99 <^_GAINESVILLE MERCHANDISE COMPANY cissitudes cast was in after years engaged to carry the mail from Cleveland, White county, to Gainesville. In those days facilities for conducting bus iness were not as they are now and entrusted John frequently have made him a Now his chances have gone glim mering, the rank of vice admiral will not be revived, and the real hero of Santiago, gallant Schley; is amply purchases in this city. Never did one cent go astray, for his honesty was unfailing and his accommoda tion superlatively great. Every body along the line kuew him and trusted him—he was an old slave, with all tha.t that term implies. For many years John Early liv ed in Gainesville and: much of the time was in the employ of-Dr. E. E. Dixon, who had known him for He had but little use for Pierce—Clark. On the twentieth Ultimo, at the lome of the bride’s father, Mr. Ben Jlark, Mr. W. H. Pierce and Miss Sellie C. Clark were united in the ioly bonds of matrimouj, 'Squire ^•M.Loden officiating. The mar- iage occurred at 8 o’clock p. m., tod the couple have since been re- >eiving the congratulations of ■liends. The work of turning winter goods into money goes merrily on; we’ve warmed up to it; we don’t stop at profit loss; we dont shy at cost. What price will move them? that’s the only ques tion Once answered, down goes the price accordingly. Wisd losses are as good as profits just at this season. Another wore and then the bargains: Keep your eye on our 4 4 ads’ ’, Its as good as found money if the goods offered are what you want. on the man who unjustly tried to rob him of the glory of that splendidly conceived and magnificently fought battle. Even Sampson’s wbiiehom snob bish friends, alarmed at his ultra- cad dish ness, have deserted, him, and the newspapers, having Roet- gen rayed the antecedents of this humbly born admiral—who slurs the braye men behind the CLOTHING In this department we have some very rare bargains, in the latest style' garments that must go at any old price to make room for our large and handsome line of Clothing that will he in shortly. We will not quote prices, hut If you are going to buy a suit we Will save yon money if you will only call and: examine our goods, it is no trouble for us to show you through. Big lot Men’s and Boy’s Odd Pants—-Can .fit any body. 75c to $5.00 pair. years, the ‘ trifling niggers,” as he called them, of the latter day generation. He said they were “no ’count,” and he would not trust them. Not long ago John was stricken with paralysis, and his sufferings were great. But he never suffered from lack of attention. There were those who knew his charac ter and they ministered to his wants. They visited his humble home, provided medical, attention and gave him food and drink. This was done without hope of re muneration and with no anticipa tion of any returns. It was eim- Marchbanks—Oolbert. Squire Lodeu . a iso united iri triage, upon the same date as le above, at 9 o?clock. at his resi- guns whose valor and the charitably bestowed education which he re ceived at Annapolis made him what he is—find that his father was a common street laborer. And yet, this churlish Caesar writes of brave men who are his betters/ with an assumption of blue- blooded exclusiveness nauseating to republican ideas and institu tions, and which utterances will bring down upon his head the just contempt and execratian of the whole people. This is how the cad dish calf hanged himself when he was given plenty of rope: Charles Morgan Nothing can throw us off this line. We have them to sell, and sell they must—having bought big line of all kinds, sizes and prices. We have the best School Shoe for Bovs and Girls that can be bought—All of this lot go ing at extremely low prices. .Look at our LACES, EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONS, WHITE GOODS Etc. All of which will interest you in price and quality. Big Line Trunks Just In. Just received fancy line, newest style SHIRTS, COLLARS, AND CUFFS, such makes as Manhattan, Crown, Monarch and all the leading brands, al- going at close prices; also haye nice assortment of Cheaper Shirts in the all test styles. In our WINTER UNDERWEAR we can give you great bargains. Also have few Comforts, Quilts and Blankets left which we dont want to carry over, and will go at half price. ttrs - E F. Colbert, in the pres ence of a number of th*ffr friends, ihey are well known in the city tod their marriage was a happy ivent. iug care cf the old time south ern slave. There was that affinity of feeling which lies deep down in the heart and which will ever exist between master and slave un- |j|l time shall be no more. And, after the roll was called John Early was placed in the best lot, m the best casket and by the side of the best of his “white friends” who had preceded him in to the great beyond. Can Goods, Flour, Meal, Bran, Hay, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Corn, Oats, Sugar and Coffee and anything you may want in this deprtment, at the yery lowest liying price. .... a gunner on the ill-fated battleship Maine, and one of the heroes of the great Ha vana harbor disaster, applied to Sampson for his recommendation ’or one of the commissioned en sign’s places provided for in the new navy act. Sampson sent a letter to Secretary Long in which he drew a rigid line of social su- THE GAINESVILLE^ I MERCHANDISE CO I (HYNDS CO’S OLD STAND.) gS