The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, March 09, 1901, Image 2

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THE GEORGIA CRACKER, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1901 in a half mile of each other. Mr. Lott is a good business man, and one of our best farmers. Mr. Andrew Lott has bad his buggy repainted by Mr. W. B. Simmons of Gainesville, and the boys thought he had bought a new one. Mr. Press Hudgins is putting in his guano, y ;; ’Squire J. _J. Adams had a log rolling Friday. , Mr. Andrew Lott and Mr. Wal ter Lott carried two bal©3 of cot ton to Winder Friday. Mr. W. W. Luther bought a fine buggy from Dr. Lisbon Allen of Hoschton, Thursday. There are fifty bright-eyed boys and girls answering to the roll call at school every day, at Macedonia academy. Hon. Garter Tate is remember ing the boys by sending them gar den seeds. Our settlement is com ing m for its share. ‘Mr. Walter N. Lott bought a fine pony Friday, at Winder, from Dr. Lee DeLapernere. The farmers are in the best fix with their work this spring, in this settlement, that they have been in for many years. Fire has been raging around con siderably, but no serious damage as yet, although some people have been desperately scared. Mr. M. K. Woodall was visited last Saturday night by Bev. W. E. Watkins and Lawyer Reuben Nun- ally. We don’t wonder at this, as Mr. Woodall has cut off his moustache, and he needs some law advice and Christian instruction to make him look just right until his moustache grows out again. Mr. Steve Hailey has sold his cotton and is putting in. guano for another crop. He also has a large amonnt of wood prepared at his gin, and is ready now to gin -the next fall’s crop of cotton. This is a fine cotton section, and Mr. Steve gets lots of it to gm; but we do not think he has done the pioneers just right., as he has never rolled the ration wheel to them yet, and, consequently, he has lost one of his best friends and neighbors from the settlement. They are not moviug so far bat that he can be helpful to them yet, if he only will. Mr. Matt Ganop has got Mr. Carter’s ditch cut through. At the junction he bad an awful fight with a huge eel. We reckon lie got him, for the last heard of him he was halloing “Fresh fish.” New Dress Goods order to get out. Some enterpris ing friend ought to establish a “joint” near by, so that she would get out tp “smash” it. ; <y ■——o — If Teddy Roosevelt cannot clear the senate galleries of the ap- plauders who annoy him, by threats of arrest, he might open his head at them. New Shoes New Clothing Which have just come im than usual, both in ■ ^ The Kimball house lobby an nounces its candidate for governor two years before the election, but the successful candidate will abide his time and go direct to the peo- pie.- The promoters of the long-spun theory of the new depot in Atlan ta have called forth some of the decayed plank in the old one as ev- ideoces of its own condemnation. Enterprising Atlanta I Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile of Wash ita, I. T. i He writes: “Four bottles oi Congress has at last taken steps to repeal at least a portion of the revenue tax imposed upon us by the Spanish-American war. And we are better prepared than ever to supply your wants, The Appetite of a Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics, whose stomach and liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. King’s New Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy^ gives a splendid appetite and a sound digestion, and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25c. at M. C. Brown & Co’s drug ftore. Thomas Jefferson was neither a plutocrat nor an autocrat, bnt a democrat. He was plain, pure, honest, true to hisJ(convictions, a friend to the workingman, and be lieved all men to be born equal. Great because he was good, know ing that a man cannot be great without being good; Greatest of all men, living or dead, was the Sage of Monticello. Thos. M. B. 14 Main Street. Phone 9 Wholesale Grocery House. A gentleman from Alabama was here this week with a view of establishing a wholesale grocery house m.Gainesville. It is probable that he will come here, and if he does it means that a new store will have to he erected for him to do business in. Gainesville is on a steady boom and people from every seetion are looking this way with a view of making this city their home. COBJETLIi ITEMS. Mrs. .Catharine Cooper spent Wednesday in Gainesville. Mr' J. W. Veal was in Gaines ville Wednesday with a load of cotton seed and a beef cow. Mr. W. W. Luther was in Hoschton Wednesday after a load ofgnano. - Mr. J. C. Cooper was in Gaines ville Tuesday. . Mr. Henry Luther and Miss Eva Luther spent Wednesday night with their grandma, Mrs. Catha rine Cooper. Mr. Fate Warters went to Gainesville Tuesday, Mr. Cicero Roberts Hoschton Thursday. Mrs. Andrew Bowman Wednesday with Mrs/ A. T, He Fooled the Surgeons. All doctors told Renick Hamilton of West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was per formed, bnt he cured himself with five boxes of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on earth, and the best alive m the world. 25 cents per box.- sold by M. C. Brown & Co., druggists. Next to opium in power are certain rinds of grasses, notable among which is hemp, which causes intoxication and Anaesthesia. was m The lingering cough folio wing grippe calls for One Minute Cough Cure. For all throat and lung troubles this is the only harmless remedy that gives im mediate results. Prevents consumption. Geo. H. Fuller Drug Co. Don’t get the notion In helDine- ttm I**”- that you can Waterman Burnett & Co ones, as they are troublesome at harvest. Putting in guano is the order of the day around here now. Rev. W. L. Barrett and wife vis ited their son, Mr. Alexander Bar rett and family, on fourth Sunday night. Mr. J. R. Pless and Mrs. O’ Shields have made friends, but we all feel sorry that Mr. O’Shields is on the move from the big wood land. Mr. Andrew Harrison visited his newly married father and family Sunday last, and found them get* i Come from pure, untainted blood. No com plexion can be muddy, mottled or sallow if the blood is pure; no complexion can be clear of blemishes if the blood is not pure. More than this* disease cannot exist in a body sup plied with pure bloody This is the secret of It makes pure blood. Celery King cures constipation, and Nerve, Stomach. Liver and Kidney diseases. 8 TREAT pf lEBgfePi