The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, April 06, 1901, Image 2

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. ' WmmmW . ■ THE GEORGIA CRACKER, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1901. The Georgia tracker, They heard an excellent sermon, delivered by Hey, D. S. G-rindle. Messrs. S. B. Carter, F. W. A lot of people passed through Yonah last week, going to Lula and Bellton from Banks county. Official Organ City of Gainesville I House and Erastus Evans went to Toceoa Thursday on business. Gainesville Cr£U« April, &» 1901 No Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in fac ..- .form and temper will always have Mr. J. F. Pressley and wife went f r j enc i Sj b U £ one w h 0 would be attrac THEY ABE COMING IN Had you noticed how many strangers are coming in with a view of locating in Gainesville? Not a day passes but that several prospective citizens are here look ing over the town What does this mean ? It means that the location of the Pacolet and Vesta mills here has adver tised Gainesville from one end of the country to the other, and at tracted people here from all quar ters. It means that Gainesville is growing, and that m a few years | pneumonia, her population will be more than doubled. Now that capital is attracted, our citizens must treat it with every consideration. Show our to Gainesville one day this week. Our cottage prayer meeting is still progressing finely, with large ly attended and good meetings. School is still largely attended. It will close in about three weeks Miss Blanche Carter, who is at tending the normal school Athens, reports it a fine place and she is well satisfied. His life Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately bad a wonder ful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling oi it he says: “I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into My lungs became hard- tiye must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her im. pure blood will cause pimples blotches, skin eruption and a wretched complex ion. Electric Bitters is the best medi cine in the world to regulate stomach, at j liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich com plexion.. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down inva lid. Only 50 cents at M, C. Brown & Co’s Drug Store. ANDOE & CO. Spring is here and we are ready for the biggest, liveliest and k* Spring we have ever known. Strong bargains in evetv ' department. Emphatic, crowd attracting values ™ Stock grows bigger daily, new goods incessantly arriving. <_NEW SILKS ressy New Telephone Company. At a special called meeting of city council, Thursday night, permission was granted the American Telephone ened. I was so weak I couldn’t even J and Telegraph .Company to erect its sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. IJ poles and string its wires in this city, expceted to soon die of Consumption, Mr. Strang, the company’s representa- when I heard of Dr. King’s New Dis- tive, was present and explained to the covery. One bottle gave great relief, members of council what they proposed I continued to nse it, and now am well to do. visitors that they Will be heartily 1 and strong. I can’t say too much in its The American Telephone and Tele- welcomed and courteously treated. | P raise *” This niarvelous medicine is [ graph Company has completed its line Let them know that we will be gggfc / BBS! mm Kpp - - ate*?'-' I mi glad for them to join hands with us in the upbuilding of ‘ our town and section, and that here they will find a pleasant home and the thrift and industry not possessed by other localities. DON’T DBAG IN THE CHURCH. We are glad to note that the I t 0nd ed the nnion meeting at Mud ssrs. and - -y.. ' - ■ Mmgm k the surest and quickest cure in the j from New York as far south as Spar- world lor all Throat and Lung trouble, tanburg, S. C., and a force of hands is Regular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Trial now at work putting up the line be- bottles free at M. C. Brown & Co’s Drug tween that point and Gainesville. The Store; every bottle guaranteed. J right-of-way was secured as far' north YONAH - HAPPENINGS I ®f here as Lula Thursday, and in a few __ , , , , I days it will be obtained through to We have had some very bad I Spartanbarff . washing rains of late. j The wires of this company will come Several of our young folks at- | into Gainesville on Spring street and run into the central office of the local Bautista of the state I cre0 k last Sunday, viz: Messrs. I exebange ’ 111S ^ aid 1 *f t ^ he conservative .baptists ot tne staiie| . . _ rate will be considerably decreased by were not carried away with the ex-1 Vln y* 688 and Ben. Canop, and | ^ competing line, and a conversation treme prohibition Ideas some tried the ^li aseB Parley Brooks and Mai- to New York will cost but little. A to straddle upon the recent state j dia and Maggie Woodall. force of hands has been put at work convention at Valdosta. There will he an all-day singing | building the line north from this city. it would be a very sad day, in- at Enon on the fourth Sunday in . Volcanic Eruptions deed, for the churches of this state [ this month. Prof. Vaughn will Lfjoy, Bncklen’s Arnica Salve .cures to launch out into politics, and be there to connuct the music. them . a i so oldi R Ulm i uff and Fever thus create untold dissension and Everybody is invited to come from gores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, strife among its people. We have | far and near and take part in the | Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns. Scalds iiever put any faith in the sensa- — I shall nertainlv havo a nice t/imo. I v “ 1 '' Only guaranteed. Sold by M. C. Brown & tional stories that the different re ligions denominations were —— , going iatothe state campaign next vear to elect prohibitionists to every office within the gitt of the people I k 0ar tj we don t know which, —inside the democratic party, if Now that spring is here, possible : if not, then independent ®^ eve Gailey can sharpen of this party shears and clip those lambs. It is all right for church people Steve, please don t gap them; i;o vote and work, as individuals, * 8 b 0ar them even. we I Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pains and ... i Aches. Only 25 cents a box. Cure We noticed last Sunday that Mr. Thomas Treble was prospect-1 Co., druggists. mg for a cotton crop or a s%veet- Mr. his Mr. "for the success ot the best men for the different offices—in fact, it is their duty; but to do so as a -church would be a grievous error, and one from which the church The ration wheel don’t roll to those pioneers at ali, and they are giving Mr. Ira Carter a pull or two. Mr. William Duncan has been doing some excellent plowing Card of Thanks. For their uniform kindness to. me and my dear husband, Mr. Ed F. Little, during his late fatal illness, and, be cause of their heartfelt sympathy ex tended to me in my great bereavement, I desire to return my sincere and grateful thanks to his and my many, many true friends in Gainesville. Erwin-Little. The popular foulards in great variety, just tlie thing f or fa dresses. Eancy silks for waists in exclusive patterns. Taff and Liberty Satins in all the new shades for waists and ey • dresses. New Black Goods for suits and skirts, the biggest fa we have ever shown New dress goods in colors for suits, waists and skirts and trim mings to match. New Wash goods—In this line we have out done all previous efforts. Everything in this line is special. are showing 48 styles of Dimity—Fine and Sheer, the kind that usually sells at 10c.-—Our price 7}4c m The biggest bargain is the “Silk Foulard,” the kind that washes and has the style of the dollar goods—While they last thej- go at 15c. These are only two of the many specials in this de partment. New swisses, dimities, battiste, ginghams, Scotch nov- elties, Scotch tissues, Vera silks, Silk chambrays, Silk battiste, Lace striped swisses, Embroidered swisses, plain swisses, Lawns Organdies, etc. New- French Lawns that wash like linen, finer and cheaper \ than organdie—-just the thing for commencement dresses New " Linens,—Table linens, linen lawn. Brown linen for suits and skirts, 9 • Linene lawns etc., and all at lower prices than ever before. Embroideries, Laces and Ribbons, a bigger line than we have shown before. Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery, Neckwear, Notionsand small things at small prices. . Matting, Rugs, Cur tains and Trunks, a bigger stock than ever. <^CLOTHING>- The new Military effect with padded shoulders and cut to the form and made of the most fashionable fabrics. Come and look at our new garments and ask questions'about them when you feel like it. Our line oi Shoes, Men’s Women’s and Children’s is too well known to need much talk, they talk for themselves. ^GROCERIES^ Our line is more complete than ever before. We cordially in vite you to give us a look and buy when you feel like it R. E. ANDOE & CO. 14 Main Street. Phone 9. m Dr, Lewis Will Freaeb. Tomorrow. Presiding’ Elder Lewis, who was un- r able to keep his appointment at the would not recover in many years. I “ 1S 113w § roun( i. The only objec- First Methodist church last Sunday, on The welfare oi the people is best I tion i8 > he P lows U P and dowa the l account of illness, will preaeh there to- -seryed by keeping church and state _ The preacher of the Methodist - separate, and we are confident that this policy will maintain, regard less ot the rabid ideas that exist in -some quarters./ The mao who makes a race for ^office with either prohibition or anti-prohibition as the principal Episcopal church visited Mr. H. W. Rucker and family Saturday mght'last. Mr. John C. Kimbrell was so worn out when he got back from court at Gainesville that it was morrow- morning at 11 o’clock. Ap propriate Easter services will be held, and no doubt Dr. Lewis’s sermon will be an unusually strong one. Rev. A. C. Thomas, the pastor, delivered an ex cellent sermon last Sunday to thfe large congregation that assembled. plank of hie platform, is not safe. He is unwise and unsound. In j bring his children back home, nine, cases out of ten he is a Mr. Andrew Harrison has got demagogue, trying to ride into of- J e ® OB Sb of that hump business, fice upon a popular sentiment. al ?4 ba® taken a job of work with Such men should be set down upon. I ^ r * «f°bo Lynch. A Powder Mill Explosion Removes everything in sight; so do' several days\before he was able to j drastic mineral pills, hut both are mighty dangerous. Don’t dynamite the delicate machinery of your body with calomel, croton oil or aloes pdls, That the prohibition people of the state are determined on a great effort to get rid of the liquor traf fic, is a foregone conclusion. How ever, there is a, way to do it with out dragging the church into poli tics, and this will be done. when Dr.-King’s New Life Pills, which are gentle as a summer breeze, do the work perfectly. Cures Headache, Con- Mr. Robert KiDg got' on the fast I stipation. Only 25c at M. C. Brown & train when he worked the road,I 00 * 5 ’ dra £ store. Hurrah for Bob! i Han circuit. Mr. E. A. Brooks has a fine! The Second Quarterly Conference of lot of homemade tobacco for sale, the Hall Circuit will be held at Hope- Mr. T. W. Fowler has for several we U, on Monday the Sth instant. Rev lived on experience. The i v ^ a ‘^ er Bewis will preach at 11 a. m. The conference will be held in the af- JTJST FROM GILLSVILLE. Winter is on hand again. I feel like somebody is going to get married next first Sunday, and | rience. years liven on experience other day he bought a fine milch cow from Mr. J. R. Pless. Now Mr. Fowler has plenty of milk, and Mr. Pless is having the expe- ternoon. A large attendance is expec ted. There will be dinner on the ground. ■ ™§a I don’t object. - The farmers are behind a little on account of so much rain and bad weather. Prof. Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. S. B Garter visitec? Mr. and Mrs. Allen Carter of Bellton, last Sun- Mr. W. S. Miller and two of his sons yisited Bellton last week. Our citizens have sold most all their cotton. Well enohgh, gen tlemen, as it possibly will go low- I vote Was 5 to abolish the court and 18 j. -i- 1-u r £ IT J. against abolishing it, or. in other* er, and it is foolish, for folks to 1 ‘ • • Corrects tlie Statement. A gentleman, who is in position to know the facts, voluntarily states that the statement of the vote m in the Ea gle, as to abolishing the City Court, was incorrect, and that the correct MILLINERY. The Latest— The Most Stylish--- The Best See Our Easter Hats. MRS. J. E. JACKSON- hold cotton when it is high enough day, and attended church at that J to cover the cost of production. words, the grand jury saw the necess ity for the eourt and were in favor of it. .. - . v ' ilSf ■ ■