The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, May 04, 1901, Image 2

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MAY 4, 1901 BPULATION OF GAINESVILLE, 5404. mans of the City Taken by Mr. J. H> Hosch Shows we are Growing. Gainesville has a population of 5,494. Mr. J. H. Hosch has finished taking of the city and finds the The McDowell dredge boat con tinues to take the yellow metal from the Chestatee river. Success to The Georgia Crack- the census above number of people reside here. The population by wards is as follows: 1st ward, 1392; 2d ward, 2285; 3d ward, 1817, which makes a total of 5494. As he has been very careful in his work and is thoroughly reliable, there can be no doubt of the accuracy of his figures. He has the name of every person in the city, both white and colored, and is now arranging 1 them in alphabetical order in a book for the city, putting the white and colored separate in each ward. This book will perhaps be fin ished to-day and turned over to the city authorities. The government census did not giye Gainesville the population it was enti tled to, as was the case m many of the towns and cities of this and other states, but the city authorities have de ferred having the census taken until now. Mr. Hosch’s figures are about in accordance with the ideas entertained by the people of the city as to what the population of Gainesville really is. The census of the city was taken in 1898 and in 1899 by Mr. G. R. Cochran, and was as follows: In 1898, 4769; m 1899, 5015; in 1901, we have 5494. Thus, it is seen that our population has in creased at the rate of about 250 yearly, which is believed to be correct. There is no doubt that the city’s growth will be much more rapid within the next two years, owing to the loca tion of the two large cotton mills here, which are now under construction. It can be safelysaid that Gainesville’s pop ulation will reach the 10,000 mark be fore many years. tropolis in the distribution of li braries,” says the editorial writer on the Piyankatank Planet, “but we are not shedding any tears. An increase of free literature simply means an increase of youngsters NORTH OCONEE. While Uncle Tom Jones was cutting wood last Friday afternoon a stick flew up and struck him in the eye. It was thought at first his eye was out, but it proved later on that it was not as bad ae first thought. Mr. Walker had the misfortune of losing a $85 cow Thursday. They seem to have a right flour ishing Sunday school at Union Hill. Dabney Jones is a regular attendant. Mr. J. W. Jones had a good young mule tore up in a barbed wire fence Saturday evening. The belled buzzard seems to trouble Mr. Zack Collius very much, Every time he hears its bell he says: “That’s Jones’s cow! ” and starts. Mrs. Lillie Walker is still very sick. M. P. Jones, while on his way from Gainesville Saturday, lost his pocketbook, containing all the money he had and his sweetheart’s ring. If he don’t get to reward the finder his girl will reward him. for losing herring. Aunt Betsy Eberhart has been right sick the last few days with la grippe. Ed Chandler has a broad smile on his face this week. He went home with his best girl {Sunday. FORK ITEMS. The recent cold spell has made the farmers of this section think they are up with their work. Wheat, oats and gardens are all looking very well in our section. Mr. Marshal Johnson of Gains- ville district, was over in these parts last week buying cattle. Mr. C. C. Simpson got very se riously hurt last week. He fell 0 from a ladder, we understand. Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Conner vis ited the family of Mr. M. P. War ren last Sunday. Mr. Andrew Conner was a visi tor to Atlanta last week. He says the whole city met him at the de- pot. Mr. Charlie Dunegan must think there is something very at tractive m our section, as he is visiting down here almost every Sunday. Mr. Minor White says he has bought twelve head of cattle and, it he had his money back, he would buy no more. We judge he wants to sell. Mr. T. H. Williams has as fine a field of cotton as you will see anywhere, and as to his garden— we think he has one . measured acre. Everybody is busy new on the farm; work m the gardens is go ing on, we are planting the cotton and corn, preparing our potato land, and looking after the water melon patch in the Baud. Mr. J. W. Justice’s family are all about well of the measles. Communion day at church next Sunday. ; Mr. O. B. Williams is expected home from the west this month. Mr. A. J. Conner is an expert on halloing the old field whoop. Has always kept ahead of the procession, but this season we have made the distance between us and the ordinary kind so great that our Suits for Spring stand out in bold relief in a superior class and yefc we keep our prices on a popular scale, says: loe editor oi tne .ALiauLH. Constitution has been made a butt of jest by many of his colleagues throughout the land because he recently published an article on “What our Drinks Cost Us.” But he should be commended for his frank statement. It proves that he himself paid for his own drinks. Probably not a few of those who are poking fun at him, if they were asked to write about the cost of their drinks, would have to make the title of the article: “What Our Drinks Cost Others.” In each of these prices we give you a great assort ment of new and exclusive styles to select from and are all absolutely pure wool and the best tailored and most perfeet fitting Clothing made. BOY’S CLOTHING Is more Complete than ever before, Line of An immense Exposition Opens. Buffalo, N, Y., May 1.—The ex position was thrown open this morning and, notwithstanding it had rained all night and the weather conditions were bad, large No cere- A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald Cut or Bruise. BuckLen’s Arnica Salve —the best in the world— will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcer, Boils,Felons, Corns, all Skm Eruptions, Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by M. C. Brown & Co., Druggist. crowds passed in early, monies marked the opening of the gates. It had been decided to com bine the opening day ceremonies with those of the dedication, on May 30th. R. E. ANDOE & CO, Filipinos Daily Surrendering. Manila, April 30.—Gen. Tinio, the Filipino leader in Abra prov ince has surrendered. The report that Alejandrino has surrendered is confirmed. He was looked upon as the possible suc cessor of Aguinaldo. Padre Aglippay, the excommu nicated Filipino priest, who preached the doctrine of a holy war against the United States, has also surreneded. The trial of Captain James C* Reed, ex-president of the commis sary at Manila, charged with solic iting and receiving bribes and with other official misconduct, which began yesterday, continued today and was fiercely contested. Has Commenced Work. Contractor J. A. Pearce commenced, Thursday, the work of moving the res idence of Dr. E. E. Dixon to the vacant lot adjoining Col. W. I. Hobbs’ prop erty on race street. The house will be rearranged somewhat, and will be oc cupied by Dr. Dixon and family until their new and elegant home is comple ted. work on which will be begun right away. Dr. Dixon will have a beauti ful home, modern in style, convenient in arrangement and comfortable m every respect. It will add very materi ally to the appearance of the locality in which it will be situated, and will at tract much attention by its imposing appearance. 14 Main Street Phone 9 A Monster Devil Fish Destroying its victim, is a type of Constipation. The power of this mur derous malady is felt on organs and nerves and muscles and brains. There is no health till it’s overcome. But Dr. King’s New Life Pills are a safe and certain cure. Best in the world for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and A Night of Terror. “Awful anxiety was felt for the wid ow of the brave General Burnham of i Machias,Me., when the doctors said she could not live till morning” writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. “All thought she must soon die from Pneumonia, but she beg ged for Dr. King’s New Discoyery, say ing it had more than once saved her life, and had cured her of Consumption. After three small doses she slept easily all night, and its further use com pletely cured her. This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases, Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free SPECIAL DISPLAY! NEW PATTERN HATSi MRS. J. E. JACKSON. Sparks’s Show Coming. John H. Sparks’s Old Reliable Virgin ia Shows and Great Trained-Animal Ex position will exhibit in Gainesville, May 10. on Friday afternoon and night. Larger, grander and better than ever before, twice its former size, but the price of admission is the same, 25 cents, children, under 12 years of age, only 10 cents. Known the world over as the cleanest, neatest and most up-to-date show in America. With all new, origi nal and startling features. Remem ber the day and date. An All-Day Singing. There will be an all-day singing at Concord church the fifth Sunday in June, for which great preparations are being made by the people of that com munity. Profs. J. L. Moore and J. L Crow will be present and a great time is expected. A big old-fashion country 11-18-15-17 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA GJKJ Clothing and Furnishings For Man and Boy. Cold Steel or Death. “There is but one small chance to save your life and that is through an operation,” was the awful prospect set before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a frightful case of stom ach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn’t count on the marvelous power of Electric Bitters to cure stomach and Liver troubles, but she heard of it, took seven bottles, was wholly cured, avoided surgeon’s knife, now weighs more and feels better than ever. It’s Every Suit tailored in our own workrooms, w you buy from us you buy direct from the maker save the middle man’s profits. Liver Complaint- C. B. Henderson, Morris Church, Va., says : I have had the Liver complaint very badly for three years, and tried medicines of every description, tut found no relief at all. Seeing your Ra mon’s Liver Pills advertised, 1 bought a box. After using these I found my complaint better, and after using two boxes I bought a third,' and now my disease is about cured. I shall always Sardis’ Suits, Extra Trousers, Hats, Shoes, wear and Neckwear. disappoints. Price 50 ce Brown & Co.’s drug store,