The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, May 11, 1901, Image 2

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SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1901 Commencement Sermon. The commencement sermon of the Gainesville public schools will be preached tomorrow morning 1 , at 11 o’clock, at Hunt’s opera house, by Rev. F. D. Thomas ot Elberton. It is ex pected that he will b‘e greeted by a large audience, the public generally be ing cordially invited. The graduating exercises will be held at the opera house, next Friday evening, at 9 o’clock. Young Man Suddenly Disappears From Home, leaving no Trace Hetiind. Ernest Finger, grandson of ‘‘Uncle Andy” Odell, with whom he lived on Findley street, is missing and his whereabouts are unknown. He left Tuesday afternoon, in the absence of his grandfather, and nothing has been seen or May, 11, 1901 Younger Boys to be Paroled. St Paul, Minn., May 7.^—At a regular meeting of the board of managers of the state prison to day at Stillwater, unanimous ac tion was taken for paroling Cole and James Younger, now serving life sentences. Cole, James and Bob Younger were sent to Stillwater penitenti ary in 1876, for the Northfield, Minn., bank robbery and the mur der committed during that' raid,] in which they participated with the James gang. The James broth ers, Jesse and Frank/ escaped to Missouri. Two members of the I gang were killed, and Bob Younger died in prison. Owing to the pe culiar circumstances surrounding the capture of the Youngers/ ef forts have been made to obtain their pardon. They might have escaped at the time, but remained behind to care for one of the gang, who was mortally wounded. The Youngers were sons of Col, Henry W. Younger, a wealthy southerner, who moved to Missouri I in 1889. After the guerilla war fare incident to the civil war they J joined the James gang and evaded all efforts at capture until their I sensational midnight r a i d o n I Northfield. heard of him since. I He is eighteen years af age, has been an employe of the shoe factory for the past year, is a quiet, unostentatious boy. without bad habits and extrava- I gant ideas, and has accumulated some I money. The general presumption is that he has gone either to Texas or one of the territories, and that no foul play has befallen him. The matter is being- investigated, and his relatives in Texas I have been written to to keep a watch- put for him and report to his grand father if he arrives in that state. A few days ago he wrote a note to a 1 young girl with whom he was supposed to be in love, saying he would never see her again, but this has been inter preted to mean that he intended going away to a distant state and would not see her on that- account, and not that he contemplated.self-destruction. Has always kept ahead of the procession, but this season we have made the distance between us and the ordinary kind so great that our Suits for^pring stand out in bold relief in a superior class and yet we keep our prices on a popular scale, In each of these prices we give you a great assort ment of new and exclusive styles to select from and are all absolutely pure wool and the best tailored and most perfect fitting Clothing made. BOY’S CLOTHING Miss Maud Smith Head. Miss Maud Smith, daughter of Mr. W. E. Smith, died last Monday after noon at 3 o’clock, after an illness of several months. She was nearly four teen years of age and was of a very happy disposition. Although she suf fered much prior to her death, she bore it all with Christian fortitude. The funeral services were held from the First Baptist church last Tuesday af ternoon at 3 o’clock, conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Wynne. The remains were interred at Alta Vista cemetery. A Union Meeting:. Evangelist Lincoln McConnell has consented to conduct a union revival meeting in Gainesville, to commence the first Sunday in June, if suitable ar rangements will be made for it. He will stop off in our city a few hours to day (Saturday), reaching here on the He wish- Is more Complete than ever before, Line of An immense morning train from Atlanta, es to meet all the pastors and Christian workers, at 11 o’clock a. m*, at the city A New Line of the Celebrated No Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in fac form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attrae If she is tiye must keep her health, weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her im. pure blood wilrcause pimples blotc hes, skin eruption and a wretched complex ion, Electric Bitters is the best medi cine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, ^aLvety skin, rich com plexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down inva lid. Only 50 cents at M, C. Brown & Co’s Drug Store. How a Paying Farm is Bun. Mr. Russell is a farmer who owns eighty acres of land and makes a specialty of dairying and fruit-raising. Of course, he hires a man and his wife by the year; gives them a neat, separate fen- iin t-house, and pays them $800 in cash a year for their services. An electric car line rubs past" the farm to a good market town, about four miles away. A creamery and canning factory is reached by this same trolley route. j At 5 o’clock in the morning, 'whir-r, whir-r goes an automatic! electric alarm m the tenant house. The hired man gets up and hur ries to the big barn. He feeds and grooms the cows and cleans out the stalls. Then the proprietor arrives in time to help at the milk ing. Both men wash their hands and pat on clean white duck suits used only when they milk. The milk goes to a neat milk- room adjoining the barn and is fed into a centrifugal cream sepa- rator operated by electric power 14 Main Street Phone 9, Sunday School Celebration. At the last session of the Chattahoo chee Association it was recommended that a Sunday School Celebration be held in each section, For the purpose of cpnsidering this and other matters pertaining to the Sunday School work, the. superintendents of all the schools in the bounds of the association are re quested to meet at the first Baptist church in Gainesville on Tuesday, May the 28th. at ten o’clock a. m. Respectfully, D. S. Gbindle, Moderator. Gainesville, Ga.’, May 9, 1901. Volcanic Eruptions of jby, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve them; also Old, Running and Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Beg cure on earth. Drives out Paii Aches. Only 25 cents a box. guaranteed. Sold by M. C. Brc Co., druggists. SPECIAL DISPLAY! NEW PATTERN HATS MRS. J. E. JACKSON j ForJacksonville Sufferers. Committees have been at work this week raising money for j the J ackson - ville sufferers and a nice sum has al ready been made up, though by Mon- | day it is hoped that this will be consid erably augmented. At a meeting held at the city hall Tuesday evening, com mittees were appointed from each ward in the city to solicit subscriptions, and such amounts as are raised by Monday will be forwarded by the mayor to the proper authorities at Jacksonville. The great conflagration which swept away 134 blocks in Jacksonville, left 10,000 people homeless and they are in great need. Gainesville should contribute liberally toward helping these dis tressed people, • The Southern Express Co. will de liver, free of charge, any express sent to the people of the stricken city. Red Men to Have Picnic. The Chattahoochee tribe of Red Men will have their annual picnic at New Bridge next Saturday, May 18th. They are making great preparations for the occasion and the picnic will no doubt be a happy one. Music will be fur nished by a good band, a pavilion will be erected for dancing, and a basket dinner will be spread at the noon hour. Everybody is invited to attend and bring well-filled baskets vniie inesKim mux-—still warm ind appetizing—is ready for feed ing to calves and pigs. The filled cream cans are hooked to a wire carrier, which spins them, by force of gravity, direct to the trolley platform on the road. In a few minutes a trolley car comes along, with a freight car attached, stops at the platform, takes the cans on board, and then whirls away with them to the creamery. The freight charges are but a few cents. (which are col lected weekly) and the empty cans are returned later in the day free of charge. Mr. Russell is credited by the creamery with so much cream and on settlement day he receives a check in payment.—W, E. Andrews in the World’s Work. 11-13-15-17 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA GEOBGli Clothing and Furnishings For Man and Boy. Every Suit tailored in our own workrooms. When you buy from us you buy direct from the maker and save the middle man’s profits. Suits, Extra Trousers, Hats. Shoes, Under* • * ... ■ wear and Neckwear. SOLE AGENTS FOR HESS SHOES. mem bers of the order will see to it that there will be no bad behavior, and that everybody has a good time. Meetings Have Closed. The revival at the Presbyterian church came to a close Wednesday night. The meetings were quite suc cessful and there were many accessions to the church. There was a general revival among the church membership, and the effects of tbe meetings will be felt for a long time to come. Rev. F D. Thomas of Elberton, who assisted Rev, L. A. Simpson, the pastor, through last week, returned home Monday. Removes everything in sight; so do drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty dangerous. Don’t dynamite the delicate machinery of your body with calomel, croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which are gentle as a summer breeze, do the work perfectly. Cures Headache, Con stipation. Only 25c at M, C. Brow© & Co*s’ drag store.