The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, July 06, 1901, Image 8

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Ar. Norfolk. The Tennessee supreme court has ;ruled that, in as much as law yers are officers of that court, and the constitution makes no provis ion for women court officers, no womed may be admitted to the bar in that state. Luxuries always come high, as witness the following advertise ment from The Boston Transcript: “For sale—1 gray African parrot, 10 years old; is almost human in conversation; can sing, count, whistle and spell. Price, $275.” 1015s 1Z 4dm NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Hall’s Great Discovry. One small bottle of Hall’s Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles,removes gravel,cures diabetes, seminal emissions, weak and lame back, rheumatism and* all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women, regulates bladder troubles is cnildred. If not sold by your drug gists, will be seat by mail on receipt of *gl. One small bottle is two month’s treatment and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole man ufacturer, St, Louis, Mo., formerly Waco Texas. . Sold by E. E. Dixon &. Co., and M. C. Brown & Co. ^ Gainesville, Ga. :* naan this. • * Temple, Texas, April 16. 1899. U I havfe used Hall’s Great Discovery for bladder and kidney trouble, and would not take a thousand doifars r the benefit received from using one bottle,feel that I am permanently cured .W. R. Tvler, D. D. S. Formerly of Barnesville Ga. Sometimes The Cracker is noti fied to stop a paper for which the subscriber has not settled in full, and subscribers are hereby notified that in Such cases the paper will not be stopped until all that is due has been paid. The United States postal law in this case say8 that the subscriber must pay his bill before he can lawfully order his paper discon tinued, and the fact that .the sub scriber refuses to take the paper from the office will not prevent the newspaper man from sending it until the bill is settled or until it is collected by law. y In other words, if you want The Cracker stopped, obey the law and act the man by paying for the time you have received it, and it will be stopped immediately. Otherwise, it will be placed in the postoffice until you pay up or the bill is placed in other hands- for collection. ‘ ; I wish to truthfully state to you and the readers of these few lines that your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is, without question, the best and only cure for dyspepsia that I have ever come in con tact with, and I have used many other preparations.”—John Beam, West Mid- » dlesex, Pa. No preparation equals Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure, as it contains all the natural digestants. It will digest ►Tho Kind You Have Always Boagi Vice President Roosevelt and Mark Twain have been invited to deliver addresses m # Kansas City at the celebration on Aug. 10 of the eightieth anniversary of Mis-* souri’s admission to the union. < 10 46 a' 10»B 1134* The pen which cheers one aching heart hath done a nobler act than that which signs a million dollar check. The piles that annoy you -so will be quickly‘and per manently healed if ypn use DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Be ware of worthless counterfeits. Geo. H. Fuller Drug Go. a!*---...: 4 18a 8U»f *10pillb ainesrille 4 36 a 3 33?' 832« *«?■ ofwd S 02a ..... .J JfiOij Jllj overow. 5 25 a 932b 35m tlaata^TI S10* 4 Brfi if tlanta.GT) 5 10 a 8 »p ! ‘ 9 lap’ 8 8 J ] Between Lola aaitthni. Do yon Want a sound liver, vigorous digestion, strong healthy kidneys, reg ularity in the bowels? Take Prickly Ash Bitters. It has the medical prop erties that will produceJbhis result. Dr. R. B. Dixon & Co. The Kind You: Have dear* tie Signature STATIONS. Sir Claud McDonald, who was British minister to China during the siege of Phkin and afterwards, was in New York the other day on his way home. He told an inter viewer that the story of the loot ing of the imperial palace in Pekin, as often told in the news papers, was virtually true. A number ol the women of thejvari- ous legations were implicated in tnis looting, and one story had it that the wife of a high American official went through the palace with an aart dealer, whose expert advice she* desired, and directed the breaking open of one or more cupboards belonging to the dow ager empress in a search for porcelains. Sir Claud had no f. knowledge of this incident, but he said h>e knew there were a num ber of persons in the palace, and his wife withdrew rather than be a witness to any looting. • Educate-Your Bowels With Cascarets. ..Gandy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. W®, 25c. JffifC. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Miss Lilavati Singh, A. M. Sv, of India, who visited this country last year and spoke at many re ligious gatherings* is * translating the autobiography of Booker T. Washington into Hindustanee. The power of reason is a gift from Bod which man should cher- • ' r . ish and strive to improve. But reason without faith is vain, though faith born of reason is sub lime. v “I am indebted to One Minute Cough ture for my present good health and my life. I was treated in vain by doe- tors for lung trouble f ollowing la grippe, I took One Minute Cough Cure and recovered my health.”—-Mr. E. H. Wise, Madison, Ga. Geo, H. Puller B«w Are Y„ur Kidney* T Dr. Hobbs* Sparagus Pills cilre all kidney tfl& S&mi- pie free. Add. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicag0>orN.Y. Out for Business. The Bookman recently published « selection from letters received by a large publishing firm m New York from wouldbe authors in various parts of the country. Here is a gem: Dear Sirs : Wont you please let me know why you kept my MSS =so long and now return it? * * * Please dont take me for • a freak, but a honest young man who trys to fight the battles of life s^nsea- ble. * * * This I only mention •as a part history of my life. If you accept, pay me a snug sum now and remainder years royalty. Then go to work and announce *in, the Patent Sheet and Associated • - . . v • -* ' V; - ;' , \ . Press Papers that you paid me $100,000 for the MSS. This the/ will take as a news item. I will keep all* this strictly secrete and so can you. Have a short history of my lite with a large Picture of . Under my picture have the words, “The^ handsome Young Hooeeer Author who made him- selffamous and received $100,000,- 00 for, ‘“A Few Strokes of his Pen.” Hoping at least to hear from you again, remain for business, Sin cerely, — Six former governors of Tonnes see are still among the living citi zens of that state, one being Uni ted States Senator William B. Bate. Far Infants and Children. Ute KM You Have Always Bought »43j» press.” .. iotte, connecting at 5* same numbers for and from W s York and tbe east, JEfW 5 * sleeping cars between CWTott* *^ ^ Charlotte and Riehmond and rf^ , ^ ins Washington Monday Fridays a tourist sleeping to ^ on this train through f Francisco without change,^ q-yfok •>« Greensboro with sleepers, for Pullman cars on this w*™** gecaad-^? and Charlotte. Ample 4 ^ coach accommadations forio -olid between Washington aim p R g. gjt Tia Southern Railway, 0 { cosw^i Jj. & N. R. R-» being : through without change f ^ ;Sef. Pullman between New York and - betwf^ lanta and Montgomery p^ingears IBS xningham and Richmond* *31 meals en route. . , train Nos. 11 andconnect»» Richmond and. Norfolk for Especial attention . of trains ^ ^ particularly the 38 Ed 34,?dso that sma elusive Pullman trsu*. FRANK S. &ANNON. S*q Pas-^ Th5?dV-P-& 5I ^ooks W.H.TAY^OS, ^ A bad complexion generally results- from inactive liver and bowels. In all such cases, DeWitt’s Little Early Ris ers produce gratifying results. Geo. H. filler Drug Co. Learn a lesson from the plants. When the storm c&mes and bends them to the ground, dp they droop their heads and perish? No; they muster new strength,'raise up to meet the smiling sun and grow straight again. ublsi BaJeig’i. > f it ClarenceX. Thurston,who was re cently appointed secretary of the United States legation of the Ar gentine republic, is the youngest of our diplomats, being just 21. He is a sou of former Senator John M. Thurston of Nebraska. There is more Catarrh io this section of the country than all other diseases put together, aud untiL the last few years -was* supposed to be ‘ incurable- For a great many years doctors pror nouneed it a local disease, and pre scribed local remedies, and by constant ly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires consti tutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 dro-ps to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Sold by Druggists, 75c. Toledo, O. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. You cai\ never cure dyspepsia by diet- ng. What your body needs is plenty of good food properly digested. Then, if your stomach will not digest it, Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of the natural digestants, hence must digest every elass of food, and so prepare it that nature can use it in nourishing the body and replacing the wasted tissues, thus giving life, health, strength, ambition, pure blood and good healthy appetite. Geo. H. Fuller Drug Co. ■Trxeorcha Agricultural COLLE.GE Main BuiUXmO. ABOVE 5EA. Lieutenant Hobson, in the course of a speech delivered in Boston the other day, gave it as his opinion that the faults of sailors as men were largely due to the fact that they were for the most part so much without homes and away from the influence of women. . The biggest oil gusher of all has been struck in the lands of the Creek nation, Indian Territory. nnnn^ trass s HHIar T Ds^ is ■SS&SSg Oldest DAHLONEGA, GA. A college education in the readh of all. A.B., B.S., Normal and Business Man’s courses. Good laboratories; healthful, invigorating cli mate; military discipline; good moral and religious influences. Cheapest ooard in the State; abundance of country produce; expenses from $75 to $150 a year; board in dormitories or private families. Special license course for teachers; full faculty of nine; all under the control of the University. A college prepar atory class. Co-ed.ication of sexes. The insti tution founded specially for students of limited moans. Send iyt catalogue to the President. less, S. Stswakt, A.M. Don’t Accept a Substitute! When you ask for Cascarets be sure you get the genuine Cascarets Candy Cathartic! Don’t accept fraudulent substitutes, imitations or counterfeits! Genuine tablets stamp ed C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. , It is easier to keep well than get cured. Dewitt’s Little Early Risers, taken now and then, will always keep your bowels in perfect order. They never gripe but promote an easy gentle action. Geo. H. Fuller Drug Co. Wc« ^ DfWfiElsIl* Genuine stamped C. C C. Never sold In bulk Beware of the dealer who tries to sell “something just as good.'