The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, July 13, 1901, Image 2

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Our Working QiriOm as he wrote it, was the addition oi either the word “capture” or the word “destroy.” Secretary Long said upon this subject. “My recollection is en tirely distinct. Immediately upon the declaration ot war, I had con- I ferred with the president about an order to Dewey to attack the Spanish fleet at Manila. ‘‘On Sunday morning, April 24, I went to the white house, sat with the president on a sofa in the corridor and earnestly advised the sending of such an order. But for Admiral Crowninshield’s state- J men11 should have said unhesi tatingly that I had with me the dispatch, which had been prepared J in his bureau of navigation, and that, the president approving, I re turned to the navy department and sent it in the bureau of navigation I to. be put in cipher. “ I then went out to drive. As I drove out between, 11 and 12 o’clock, I remember passing Ad miral Crowninshield. As to what transpired later at the white house at the meeting which he describes I, of course, have no knowledge. “It seems to me probable that I the president; after his interview with tee, sent for some of tne cab inet and Ad miral Crowninshield and took up the disp&teh* which, according to my recollection, had already been prepared, and gave it final consideration. Probably also there had then come in Dew ey’s dispatch of the d ay be fore, Advising us that he had been or dered to get away from Hong Kong.” V / At Mr. and Mrs. J. 6. Hyads’s. Miss Etta Mae Hynds entertained a number of friends last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hynds, on East Broad street, in honor of her gttest, Afes Ella ‘Griffith of Atlanta. Miss Hynds is a charming hostess and, the affair was, of course, a pronounced success. Life to the most favored is not always •full of sunshine, but to the average American girl or woman who is obliged to work for her living, and, perhaps to help others at home, life is often a heavy drag in consequence of illness. Women who work, especially those who are constantly on their feet, are peculiarly liable to the development of organic troubles, and should par ticularly heed the first manifestations, such as backache, pains in the lower limbs and lower part of the stomach, Are now offering tbeir entire line of Straw July, 13, 1901 IT WAS UNFORTUNATE. Tbe democratic convention ot Ohio appears to have gone a good deal out of its way to show its dis like for Bryan. Press dispatches tell us that not only was he ig nored, but that his picture was trampled upon by the delegates in the convention .hall amid great boisterousness. This was certain ly unfortunate for the democracy of that state. It is generally con ceded that free silver is a dead is* sue, and the Ohio democracy was no doubt right in eliminating any mention of it m its platform. New issues have arisen, ai d it is evi- dent to the observant man that | . the next fight will be made upon j other lines. ; Bryan will never be again nominated for the presiden cy; and we doubt if he would ac cept were it tendered him. But he is still a man of power and influ ence in the nation, especially in the west. Therefore, he is not en titled to insult nor abuse/ On the ] other hand, he should be counseled with and urged to participate in the workings of the democracy. His extreme Ideas will never pro-1 vail, but no man—save a fool, which Bryan is not—seeing the in evitable, will insist upon going up against a stpne wall of public opinion. Bryan has a great deal more sense than some who are con-1 etantly abusing him, and when the next fight is made his Services, if | he is treated with the The $2.50 quality to go at ;$2.00; and the S2 00 oual't go at $1.50 j H 1 Big lot of ART SQUARES, all wool, new patterns tfc< you usually pay $7.50 for—now for #4.50, areal barg 24 pieces Dimities, the 7^c. kind, while they last to go at 5 cents. New line pf very sheer Irish Dimities, the 20c. kind patterns bought late in the season so we can sell them at NEW WOOL DRESS GOODS for suits and separate si Prunella cloths in black and colors. New Satin finished netian cloths, Pecan cloths, Whip cords, Novel tv sniHnm Miss Ella Bee^tner, E. Rochester, Ohio.' faintness, weakness, loss of appetite and sleep. Tbe young lady whose portrait we publish herewith had all these symp toms, and in addition leucorrhoea, and was cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. First, she Wrote a letter to Mrs. Pinkham’s lab oratory at Lynn, Mass., describing her trouble, received in reply accurate in structions what to do >to get well, and now wishes her name used to convince others that they .may he cured as she was. . ' The same helping hand, free of charge or obligation, is extended, to every ailing woman in America. If you are sick you are foolish not to get this valuable advice, it costs you noth ing, and she is sure to help you. Don’t wait until it is too late—write to-day. The kind that shed dust and don’t crush. Just the thing f® A TRAVELING SUITOR SKIRT. An immense line of Daces and Embroideries, Table Linens and Napkins Not So Fast Ernest. Ernest Finger, whose return home was announced in The Cracker last week, seems to think, from every indi cation, that he is still an inhabitant of the wild and woolly west. Tuesday af- tefribon he, with others, went black- berrying, and Ernest donned bis wes tern duds— big hat. Mexican pantaloo- nas and all White gpoods, Etc., at special prices for the Summer Months. proper cour tesy and consideration he deserves, will be invaluable to the democra cy. Although not a leader of the whole democracy of the nation* he is the leader of a large minority, a nd we believe, his influence will be felt for some time to come. GOV. CANDLER fQr CONGRESS. We noticed in an issue of the Atlanta Daily News that the members of the bar* association, "which met at Warm Springs last j 'week, had been ‘ discussing the ■probable contest for. congressional honors in the ninth district. Real-1 .ly, the discussion seemed to row down to the present en- c um ben t, and his excellency, our present governor. Following that a representative of the News ( un dertook to interview the governor but all he could get was that the governor was not a candidate-* would not say that he would or would not run. We wish to suggest just here and now, that if. Allen D. Candler consents to run there wil| be some old-time political fighting dope— old time enfchusiaste like unto the days of ’82. A yell to return to pure democratic principles. And the man who goes to congress from the ninth will be Candler or else he will know that Allen Candler was iu the race. More on this subject later. Ninth District Democrat* I The Order to Dewey. Washington, July 8.—Rear Ad miral A S. Crowninshield, chief of the bureau of navigation, today issued a formal statement to the effect that he is the author of the famous dispatch to Admiral Dew ey, ordering him to proceed from Hong Kong to Manila, and there capture or destroy the Spanish fleet. Admiral Crowninshield states that he wrote the dispatch in the.white house, and submitted it to both Attorney General Griggs R E. ANDOE& CO 14 Main Street armed himself with his rifle, white-handled six-shooter and big bowie knife, and, with his belt full of cartridges, Started out to hunt down usual- Phone 9, and slay the sort of “big game 1 ly found itt north Georgia berry * patch es. Such a desperate and awe-inspir ing appearance did he present, thus ae- courted,. that the casual passerby, see ing him, as he scouted up and down the brush for grizzlies, hostile Indians and sich, gave one horrified stare and hurried on their way, with frightened faces and loudly palpitating hearts. After the party returned, their pails filled with the luscious fruit, some thing seems to have rubbed Ernest’s feathers the wrong way. It may be. that he was disappointed at not haying “laid low” any grizzilies, or caused anv red Indians to “bite the dust.” Any way it is alleged that the warlike Er nest. still armed cap-a-pie and accou tered like a Montana road agent, drew his trusty revolver and strutted up and down the yard, flourishing the deadly weapon in a most dangerously “promis cuous” manner. It is said, also, that he declared that he would rather be dead than alive, threatening to blow his brains all over the yard—to which, of course, the gardener objected—and then, going to an outhouse, fastened * PICKWICK . 6Y3TEM 5 f Ki^bf-shape cloffrlncf ^ Hand-Ib-RLflen HAND-MADE nar- l UTBAVTOUT) _*£GfST£Jt£D rXAD£-MAAK. Grossman, michaelson.- & ea makers- New v®*- WATERMAN, BURNETT & CO Eiseman Bros., 11-13-15-17 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA GEOKGIA. Clothing and Furnishings For Man and Boy. EveryJSuit tailored 'workrooms, in our own_ yon buy from us you buy direct from the maker save the middle man’s profits. Suits, Extra Trousers, Hats, Shoes, wear and Neckwear. • SOLE AGENTS FOR HESS SHOES. Georgia. They have engaged a suite of rooms in the Hudson house building and will open up soon. •