The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, July 20, 1901, Image 2

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SATURDAY, JULY the saipe question. \ “No,” he answered, affably,“they don’t run up now. They* used to go up for the accommodation of the traveling public who desired to get a good view of the city, but the public grew so numerous that the office renters themselves could not get up or down, and the service I’m sorry, too; Remarkable Showing Will be Made in Tax Receiver Cox's Rooks. Tax Receiver J. W. Cox is making up his books and in all probability will complete them today. Seven districts have been footed up, Wilson’s, Flowery Branch, Roberts’, Friendship, Clinch- em, Morgan’s and Candler, and these show a gain over last year of $44,776, an average gain per district of $6,397. There are seventeen districts in the county outside of Gainesville district, and the tax receiver states that it can be put down as a certainty that the re maining ten districts will foot up a gain of this much. Putting it on this basis the gain in the remaining districts of the county will he 363,970 which, added to the seven districts already footed up, amounting to $44,776, makes $108,746. The Gainesville district has not been footed up but Mr. Cox states that it will show a gain of over $100,000. • This added to the seventeen country dis tricts makes a total gain of $208,746. The above amounts are only the tax returns of the white people of the coun ty, and to this amount must he added the tax returns of the negroes, which show an increase over last year of $5,099. This makes the total increased valuation $213,845. . Of course these figures may vary a little, but it is a fair estimate to gay the total valuation wiff be in the‘neigh borhood of $213,845. At least $100,00 of the above increase is directly traceable to the Pacolet mill and the increase in' value of city property. The remainder, averaging nearly $7,000 in each country district, shows how improvements are being made and property is enhancing in value. All in all it shows that Hall county is growing, and is getting richer each year. .. .. • Mr. Jno. A. Smith, chairman of the board of county commissioners, was seen yesterday afternoon and shown the figures obtained from the tax re ceiver. He stated that he was very much gratified at the great increase and that it meant that the tax rate would he decreased 10 cents at least on the .hundred. This of course, is dependent upon the action of the state, hut it is hardly probable that the state rate vrill he increased. The board will meet probably next week duBIGNON OyT OF IT. Hon. Fleming G. duBignon has announced that he is out of the race for governor, or, rather, he has said that he will not be a can didate. He has reached this de termination because, of Jiis' ill health. His retirement has caused much discussion in political cir cles and it is now believed that the race will be between Attorney Gen eral Joe M. Terrell, Railroad Coip- missioner J. Pope Brown and Hon. Dupont Guerry. Ot course, other names are mentioned io this con nection, but the above are the on ly avowed candinates. Of these, it appears that the Hon. Joe Ter rell is at present tlie strongest, as many say he has profited most by the withdrawal of Mr. duBignon, who would have been a formidable candidate, he having the backing qf south Georgia, as well as many of the strongest influences of the northern part of the state. Messrs. Brown and Guerry favor state pro hibition, while Mr. Terrell is a lo- cal optionist, and altogether a conservative man Upon all lines* Then, too, Mr. Terrell made a friend of all the school teachers in the recent fight brought, on by State Treasurer Park, and, all in all, he appears tor be the strongest of the trio. The primary, howev er, does not occur until next year, and no one can fortell what will happen between now and then. To say the least of it, the situa tion is an interesting,' one, and promises to be more so before the primary takes place. ■ JL GREAT STRIKE. Another great strike—the great est ever recorded—is *on between the almagamated association of steel workers and the billion dollar, steel trust. was discontinued, the view is magnificent. I’ve tried it myself. Grand building, this. Cost $5,875,760 in actual figures; finished in solid marble, with bronze and mahogany trimmings from the first to the thirtieth floor, more than a thousand offi ces, and something like four bil lions of dollars represented in the corporations whodo business here; fireproof and—. ” “Thank you,” I said, gorged .with information; “you have lived in the city some time?” “N-o-o! I’m a tourist. Just came into the city yesterday.” “Do you knov the gentleman standing just outside the door, who says he’s neyer been in the building?” “Oh, yeS. That’s Mr. Billion Heir—he—” ‘ ,- X - N “He seems to take little inter est in this fine structure.” “Does he? He draws his inter- * esfc ot the rate of 14 per cent, on investment. He’s the owner.” - You can never cure dyspepsia by dieti ng. What your body needs is plenty of good food properly digested. Then, if your stomach will ndt digest it, Ko- dol Dyspepsia Core .will. It contains all of the natural digestants, hence Medium and Fine Shoes, and at Prices low er than we have ever sold them before. Andoe & Bell, 14 Main Street. Phone 9. prepare it that nature can use it m nourishing the body and replacing tbe wasted tissues, thus giving life, health, strength, ambition, pure blood and good healthy appetite. Geo. H. Fuller Drug Co. The Atlanta Constitution has re duced the price of its daily edition to $5 per year and Sunday, in cluding the Sunny South, to $7 per year. Its street sale has also been'reduced from 5 cents to 2 cents, and its daily edition will be delivered at any residence wherev er a carrier system' is established at 10 cents per week; or its daily and Sunday edition, with the Sun ny South, at 14 cents per week. This move on the part of The Con stitution; has already’been felt in Gainesville, as about forty sub scribers liave been added here this week, a carrier delivering their pa pers every morning. probably next week and make the tax*levy for the year at 80 cents. Indications, are that the rate will be decreased each year now, and it is no idle dream to think of paying 60 cents taxes in Hall county by 1903 or 1904. With state and county taxes reduced 10 per cent, and city taxes reduced 20 or 25 per cent, the people will feel bet ter, and the attraction offered thereby to manufacturing and other enterprises is very great. Seven hundred thou sand men, 200,000 of whom belong to the association, are striking, not for shorter hours, but for the rec ognition of their union. What the result will be no one can foretell, but tbe sympathies of all working people are with the strikers. The - ^steel combine has $1,580,000,000 back of it, and the strikers claim to have a fund of $250,000 with which ‘ 4o carry on their fight.. It appears now that the strikers will come out ~ 6n top. * ■ , . It looks hard for an army , of ■men to lay down their work and -strike, thereby entailing a loss .of ^thousands of dollars to their em ployers, and which means suffer ing upon themselves and their families, but it appears that this is the only way by which labor can command the consideration from the corporations that it deserves. PICKWICK ITT"* Rij^hFihope clotfiifxf . far ftard-lb-Rt^-flen HAND-MADE. , A'Seining Went. Messrs. Joe Davis, Charley Dayis, Sam Davidson, Fletcher and Oliver Car ter went to Pegg Shoals Wednesday seining. They were very successful, some sixty pounds of the finny tribe be ing secured. The largest fish weighed about three pounds. cured.. Dewitt’s Little Early Risers, taken now and thep, will always keep yohifbowels in perfect order. They neyer grip<£ but promote an easy gentle action fk Geo. H. Fuller Drug Co. Cow Killed by Iagbtning. During the storm Thursday evening —which was without a parallel in this section of the country- lightning killed a fine B. £. Andoe & Co. Dissolve. Y?he firm of R. E. Andoe & Co. has been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. G. G. Byers retiring, his interest being purchased by Messrs R. E. Andoe and Harry P. Bell, the remaining partners, who will continue the business under the firm name of Andoe & Bell. This house has been long established and has a trade not confined to this locali ty, but reaching out to several counties surrounding. Only good, up-to-date goods are carried, and no shoddy stuff is allowed in this store, cow belonging to Mr. Morgan, on Hynds street. Dur ing the same storm a tenant building at New Holland was struck and dam aged to a considerable extent. tawT-avcOn WATERMAN. BURNETT & CO Accidentally Shot Himself. “Babe” Moore accidentally shot him self in the leg last Sunday afternoon. How the shooting occurred, or at what place, is a mystery. Parties who claim to know the facts, say it was acciden tally done, but decline to say how or where it happened. Tife wound is not* very serious and “Babe” will soon be himself again. Keep your system in perfect order and you will have health, even in the most sickly seasons. The occasional use of Pbickly Ash Bitters will insure The new firm will continue to keep a full stock of ev erything, and by noticing their ad. this week you will find that they have just received the best values in shoes they have ever carried. They have put in some new lines of shoes which it will pay you tp investigate. Mr. Byers has several business prop ositions under consideration and will probably decide in a week or two what he will do. He is a thorough-going business man and will succeed in what ever he undertakes. As the town is growing and new en terprises are coming to the front and, as the old saying goes: “There’s al ways room for or\e more,” we, hope Mr. Interest Common and Cultured. I had come from the inland to the metropolis on a little sight-seeing trip, writes Alovsius Coll in the New York Commercial Advertiser. I stopped in front of one of .the magnificent office‘buildings which make New York famous. “Can you tell me,” I said, turning to a well-groomed man standing on the sidewalk, who was evidently at home, “wether the elevators in this building will carry sightseers up. to the roof?’’ “I really cannot say,” he an swered. “I have never been in this building. ” I stepped into the main en trance. To another stranger I put 11-18-15-17 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA GW Clothing and Furnishings For Man and Boy- EveryJSuit tailored in our ownjworkroonw- you buy from ue you buy direct from the ma & save the middle man’s profits. Suits, Extra Trousers, Hats. Shoes, Ufl wear and Neckwear. * SOLE AGENTS FOR HESS SHOES. Educate Your Bowels With Caa carets. Gandy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 86c. If C. C* C. fail, druggists refund money. jBBF WlP 1 US Wm IP lamuttiroufl