The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, August 24, 1901, Image 1

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VOLUME XIII thing, when the clerks happen to be in the rear of the room behind the prescription partition, for a countryman to walk in, stride the length of the store, and attempt to walk through the big mirror Usually, and disappointed sigh. The phil osophy of the Bottle Holder, who still retained the cob-stopper m his fingers, relieved the tension: “I reckon, boys,” he said, “thet we all ’ll hev to squinch onr thirst terday m city water. Thar’s a heap er gooddicker wasted an’hits all ther fault uv my dod-gasted ca’lessness. Les’ tek tu’ns suckin’ ther cob!” MONUMENT TO HALL upwards, the cry went up for small parks. Many of these mu nicipalities—notably Boston—took up the matter practically and mil lions of dollars were spent in buy ing plats of ground alfeady built upon, tearing down the building* ’and converting them into at tractive breathing places for Un people. The city is the natural owner of the square, and if it hs sold should become its purchaser Then the tree-shaded tract shouh be laid out by a landscape gar dener, and I have no doubt the Daughters of the Confederacy, or some ot our other patriotic soci eties, woujd gladly take charge of a fund to erect a monument there to the memory of Lyman Hall, who was a signer of the immortal Declaration of Independence from Georgia and for whom Hall county is named. No! sell not the square —but improve it and preserve it. and, making it a thing of beauty and a joy forever, cause our chil dren and our children’s children to rise up and call us blessed lon^ after our mortal bodies have been resolved back into their original earthy element.” A prayerbook was recently lost by an elegantly dressed lady in a Berlin confectioner’s and found— to the disgust of the loser. The book had three compartments—oim for prayers, one for sweets, and one for brandy. SYSTEMIC satabbh, Bjia Cures Catarrh* Wherever Located* There is a strong undercurrent of sentiment in the city, which re sents the proposed sale of the pub lic square for business purposes, even if the county commissioners find that they can legally do this. It is pretty generally conceded t{iat the square ought 10 be divert ed from its present undignified use as a hitching ground for country horses and mules, but that it should remain forever as a breath ing place for the people few dis pute. §aid a gentleman the other day, who has always beeh.foremost in promoting the city’s best in terests: “ • “It would be worse than •sui cidal to sell the square and cut it up into business lots. Our city is bound to increase overwhelmingly m population in the next decade of years, and if we destroy this breathing place we will never re gret it but once, and fchat will be always. We would simply go through the dear experience that has befaileiT other cities. The primary comiqercial instinct which animated the pioneers in these towns covered block after block with buildings. As the ciiies grew and wealth began to increase these same foolhardy util itarians saw that they had made a mistake, and all over the land, in 3itie3 of 25,000 population and which confronts him, however, when he espies a figure ad vancing toward him—his own re flection, of course—-which he fails to recognize, he steps politely aside for the other to pass, and t’other feller 4 ’ does the when same thing he leaps the other way, and until the roar of laughter that greets him gives an inkling of how he -is being fooled, he hops about like a heir on a hot griddle, bow ing aind grimacing to his counter feit like a monkey in a menagerie. • •«. * " ••• £ ... . Last Sunday morning residents along the line of .Main street were much amused at the odd proces sion which passed steadily down that thoroughfare. It was com posed of five stalwart mountain eers, in wool hats and jeans, and they were evidently brothers, for there was a close pbysiogmatical reseiqblance. They were march- One of Gainesville’s tutors hand ed us a sheet the other day, “which, ” explained the teacher, “one of mv pupils handed me for a Friday’s composition.” We herewith give the composition for the consideration of our readers: “This is on animals. The lion is ■ - .. .... . > . . the king of the menagerie and he will bite you^ head off if* you put it in his mouth The female lion is the Lady of Lions and you will get claimed if you go near her. The tiger is a striped animal and is very- ferocious, and he can shave you if you are not very careful, for he is a barbarous beast; There are men who try to fight the tiger, but they can never get the best of him. The leopard is like the tiger, only he’s got spots, and right there is where the saying comes from: ‘If anybody tries to pull down the American flag, shoot him on the spot.’ The dromedary is a beast of burcten and gives milk to the Arabs; There is no dairy like the dromedary. There are no pumps out there. The Arabs drink drom edary milk for dessert after eat ing the sand which is there. The giraffe is a hign-toned animal and has a long neck like a dude. He eats the leaves from; the tops of trees arid there’s Where he gets hie high living. The rinesoreous (meaning rhinocerous) is not a prohibitionist, for be always car* ries one or two horns with him. The camel is a humpty-dumpty animal and can go for a long time without water,, but our teacher "thinks we can beat the camel on that. That’s all I know about ani- • V \ .. ’ ‘ mals. . There are several kinds o : lions—the Asiatic lion, the African lion, the dandelion, the lion (ly ing) like the dickens. r t feiiss Mattie L. Guild, of Chicago, III, ( ss Mattie L. Guild, President Hli- Young People’s Christian Temper- Union, in a recent letter from Chi- Bo, UL, says: 1/ doubt if Peruna has a rival in aft I remedies recommended to-day dot frrb of the system. A remedy that y cure catarrh of the stomach will p the same Condition of the mucous mbrane anywhere. I have found it [ best remedy I have ever tried fot srrh, and believing it worthy my lorsement 1 gladly accord it.” itarrh of the abdominal organs la y much more common in summer ii in winter time. This form of ca- rh might be appropriately classed as imer catarrh. * ’eruna will cure catarrh wherever ated. In pelvic catarrh it has won Bl deserved renown. Peruna will [e any case of diarrhoea, acute of fcnic. Perana is an absolute specific [ dysentery. Peruna cures catarrh oi > liver. Peruna cures catarrh of the carie fishing-rodj.tliebendabl^ tops of which bobbed backward and forward at each step. Solemnly and quickly they. covered the ground, and one of the bystanders suggested that it was a contingent of “Middle-of-the-Road Populists” on a still hunt for a gubernatorial candidatei^^HiP. * *. * "‘ f ’ ; " There were three of them. They were from the country and they had corfie to town to and incidentally attend And a lit tie money wili go a long ways. You can also make a lit tle money go a long way at our store. We vrtll continue our do s o m e nerve is a great thing, nerve is [ecnliar combination of a vari- (of elements, by means which | possessor [ tjbereqf; is f pretty r to “get there ’ - There are a I of ‘‘nervy ” people in man’s N* But, the people wBqf were, ading on Main street Saturday pnoon, were made witnesses p exhibition of nerve far out 'the ordinary—a show ot nerve P suprising and laughable. A pthy looking pair came stroll- PP Main street, seemingly, uncounscions of the many hdering and twinkling eyes toed toward them, gazing into P 1 other,s countenances and ^ reading the silent story of pproGal love. Their hands re c ^sped in a loving grip and I occasional little squeeze the man would give the soft lit- ho held in his own paw, °^6d that Cupid was getting m ! e 8t work. It was reported 1 they came from the Southern °tin the same loving manner, Mo continued up Green street pir country home. No doubt f We happily made one ere ; * they deserve to be. L *** Co 6 , cler ^8 in Dr. E. E. Dixon a | * c ^ ra g store have a great rda , 8 i ) °M ou t of some of their visitors whose bucolic i c 18 turned topsy-turvy by 3 ri0lls angling of mirrors in more Tf * * 1 At is no uncommon < tradin Judge Prior’s court, to which they had been summoned ’ as witnesses. Aware of the fact that Gainesville jag fay Jtoyrn and-that the wary blind tiger js harder to hunt to his lair than the mysterious nocturnal giasticutis is to trace i to his den, one of the trio brought in a quart bottle, cob-stoppered and loaded to the muzzle with “giniwine mounting dew,” with which to re gale and refresh himself and pals during the day. It was about three-quarters, of the hour past nine when one of the triumvirate suggested that they all take a dram before “cote tuck up.” This mo tion, being a good one and in or der, prevailed, and the party ad journed to the basement of the courthouse, over which sanctum sanctorum Major Domo Jack Col lins has exclusive and autocratic jurisdiction. All, as the Irish would say, “had a great drought on ’em,” and the custodian of the bottle pulled the flask from his pocket as soon as his foot touched the bottom step of the stairway. Alas !• for the frailty of glass. The bottle struck against tbe sharp edge of the door casing, was shat tered, and the precious fluid which it contained was spilled upon the ground. For a moment the ex pectant drinkers gazed at the ( wreck of all their bibulous hopes, ( and each in turn heaved a deep I OCONEE MILLS Since the protracted rains crops are flattering. Mr. W. A. Thom son has the finest corn crop we have ever seen. M. J. W. Akin has sold his farm to Mr. Joe Allen of Atlanta. Mr. J.. P. Buffington, accompan ied by his sister, Miss Maggie, is spending the week at Young Har ris. Esquire H. A. Langford AND |WlLL MAKE CLOTHING' a SPECIALTY j Esquire ±1. A. Langiord is ex pecting to farm on a large scale 'next year. He is going td tend the enormous amount of four acres. Homer is like a great many ot us—he dosen’t believe in so much work nohow. Miss Becca Walker is- very sick with fever. Messrs. EL W. T. and Job n Gaines went on a pleasure trip to Charleston last week. Sunday school at Lebanon last Sunday was very dull indeed'. We have a stylish stock of Clothing, a la out of which you can secure a suit to please of goods to suit, the season. A beautiful fit, quality of goods, and at a cost to suit a flabby purse. Come early, Saturday, and take your choice, worsteds, skeleton back serges, black granite cloth, e Special Summer Suits very However, the superintendent ap pointed Profs. Loudon, Langford', and Baxter Thompson Jas musi cians pro tern., and of course the occasion was made enjoyable for the few present. The young peo- (HYNDS CO’S OLD STAND.)