The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, August 24, 1901, Image 3

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THE GEORGIA CRACKER, SATURDAY AUGUST 24, 1901 p»hloneg» Electric Ball- cP any A 8fe8 TtlS Amouat prom Gainesville. ^ t he coming week will j the question whether our a convenient and com- ^of electric railway corn er a committee from the & pahlonega electrie rail- ff ill circulate among our iy 4as k them to show their t 8 nd business sagacity by L ooo to the capital stock L which will insure rapid the depots and the )C ity and will give us rapid on with the two cotton extremely necessary that > amount be subscribed at der the franchise granted it the company will begin g |j n e within the corporate -erj§ht years I suf- v fared with Icwflamme- ~ A k \ tion of the womb end \ bladder,prof use end 1 P B l n f u t menstrua- j \ j^HH| 1 tlon M end at times It 8iBiSBlil|fl I seemed as though I / should diem I doo- J tored most of the Jj |y time, but seemed to jPnSg WvffljStotfKf fall every time. A sho'H time ago 'I began to take LYDIA E. PINK- < HAM'S VEGETABLE COM POUND, and thanks to U, to-day I am a well woman."—MRS. L. L. Towne, Littleton, N. H. Mrs. Towne, like many other suffering women, was a victim of Over Southern to Chattanoo ga, Tennessee. Account twelfth annual convention National Association Letter Carriers, Chattanooga, Tennessee, September 2— 7, 1901, Southern railway will sell round trip tickets xo Chattanooga, Ten nessee and return, from all stations on its lines at rate of one first class fare for the round trip. Dates of sale : Au gust 31, September 1 and 2; good to return until September 10, 1901. For detailed Information as to rates, schedules and arrangements, call on any agent of the Southern railway or connections, S. EL. HARDWICK, G, P. A., Washington, D. C. W. H. TAYLQE, A. G. P. A., . Atlanta, Go. BROOKS MORGAN, D. P. A.. Atlanta, Ga. JAMES FREEMAN, T. P, A., .... Macon, Ga. “Vanity Fair'’ aV Opera House. To hit the foibles and. fads ofthe day—to touch with pungent satire and laughable joke, as well as to brighten with music and song—has been the A Gallon of PURE LINSEED OIL mixed with a gallon of makes 2 gallons of the very best Paixt in the world pfcer 1st and Judge W! W. jident of the company, is it all the local details of road in shape before Gen- i who is president of the [ia electric company, goes the bonds of the railway said Mr. Murray Warner, ■terests in northeast Geor- les being president of the Rain gold mining company, Ijident of the North Geor- Kompany, which proposes Kid utilize the marvellous S of the Chattahoochee ftnpany—as a preliminary Kd the Dunlap shoals and Kchain She power which Bed there for commercial ge North Georgia electric Smild the electric railway fend put down the tracks to operate both systems lire four or five hundred Bad this amount we have Iry convenient point mid- painesville and Dahlon- pre that the people of 11 subscribe the small of them; first, bseause of kited desire to aid their \ to the front; and, see- s business men they will g it is a good investment, lithe history of all com- fl .know, anything of Kk is worth more than. Hill’s newest travesty. Foe this very happy purpose unusual attention was given to the artistic material compris ing the company,’ who number thirty people, whose various special acts have been warmly commended everywhere they have appeared tfyis season. “Van ity Fair” is due here at the opera house on Friday night, August 30th. , Admis sion, $1 boxes; 75e. reserved seats; 50c. galleiy. R. SMITH REWARD For a perfect lit go to C. B. SAUNDERS Moved to Daniel Building, over Mrs. J. E. Jackson’s store. “The Artistic Tailor.'j Clothes cleaned and pressed oi short notice. .Also LADIES - SKIRTS clean ep aud .pressed. All work git < prompt a tention. A Ragbag, Roaring Flood - Washed down a telegraph line wbich. Chas. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to re pair. “Standing waist deep in icy wa ter, 15 he writes, “gave me a terrible eough and cold. It grew worse daily. Finally the best doctors in Oakland, Neb.* Sioux City and Omaha said ! had Consumption and could not live, Then I began using Dr. King’s New Discov ery and was wholly cured by six bot tles.” Positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung trou bles by M. C. Brown. Price 5oc. C. A. DOZIER. Real Estate and Insur ance Agent. Office No. 1 State Bank Building,. New Goods Man. Mr. Osear Adams of Maysville, has accepted a position with the J. E. Mur- Mr. Adams has ler Bradford & Washington Sts DIXON’S OLD STAND. phy Go., of this city, had about seven ye the dry goods, business and is well up in that line, . Iitr.then that follows, as parse, for dividends are j than interest. We are Rasy on them, and their Ite be paid in when the F actually running over Our business has steadily go©« upwards since we start ed here a <£ew monthsago 'why? We have given the people of Gainesville , Sell, exchange and rent all kinds o' eal estate. Have in hand anything ou want in this line. Will make it our interest whether yon want to se r bnv. Will insure your property against loss by fire in old reliable and prompt paying* companies ; •‘ Will wonders ever cease?” inquire the friends of Mrs. L. Pease,-of Law rence, Kan. - They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years bn account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debil ity; but. “Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk,” she writes, “and m three months I felt like anew person. ” Women suffering from Headache, Backache, Nervousness, j Sleeplessness. Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guar anteed by M. C. Brown. Only 50c. J L Carlisle has finished and profiles for the pro- i all the rights-of-way ad Dahlonega have been [work will begin on fesoon. 4 As soon as the pesvillels subscription Fork will begin on the Iwill be pushed forward I a rapid rate. That it ever had. 'There^s nothing:: Abies that -cannot be fouod here and erytllill^ ^, is oiir motte Mallary Bros., MacWnery (fa ENGINE BUILDERS, SAW MILLS, COTTON GINS and PRESSES. The members of the T.-T. club were, delightfully entertained at the home of Mr. John Carter Thursday evening. MACON, GA: aneiseo* Cslifor- ud Return. 3e general convention church, San Francisco, ^cr2d, 1901, Southern [round trip tickets to G. J- & S. RAILROAD USES OF THE LEMON. ‘ (From the Boston Traveler.) •Juice of the lemon is one of the best and safest drin ks for any person, whether in health or nbt. It is suitable,for all stomach diseases, liver com plaint and inflammation of the bowels. Lemon is used indnte^mittent fevers. It will alleviate and finally cute coughs and colds, end heal dis eased lungs, k Its uses are manifold, and the more we employ i£ internally, the better we shall find ourselves. It will yet supersede quin ine. /These ate the stand-bys by which We are fast gaini the confifeuce of the 'people. Our delivery wagon makes daily calls Wour orderfe will be just as well taken care of and •promptly delivered as if you called in person. We a predate small orders as well as the large ones. ROYAL SCARLET CANNED GOODS. klifornia, and areturn, r ^es. From Atlan- pereon, S. C., ^6d..l5; r> |64.25 ; Camden, p® r i Columbia, Den- r Orangeburg, Pros- p Spartanburg, Sum* P tte and Gastonia, N. Yalley, Ga., $61.70 M&Uo: Griffin, Ga., I $62.65 ; Savan- I ^espondingly low |Pomts. Dates of sale L 26th . inclusive; final Sbth, 1901. fi°rtnatiou as to stop- | Enable routes, sched- P etc -, call on or ad- r Southern rail- Rev. John P. Sanders Writes *. Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. : I have been re lieved of a trouble which greatly endangered my life, by.usiug Mozley’s Lemon Blixer. My doctor declared my only relief to be the knife, my trouble being appendicitis, I have been permanently cured and am ’ now a well man. I am a preacher of the M’ E Church South, lo cated in the town-of Verbena, Ala. My brother Rev. E. . Co wen, recommended the Lemon Elixir to me. Ship me a half dozen large bote tles.C. O. D, V As mear perfection as possible. The peer of any goods in the market, Give them a trial. Mozle^s Lemon Elixir. Cured me of a long-standing case of chill s and feyer by using two battles. • ' J. C. STANLEY, Engineer E. T. Va. & Ga. R. R. PHONE NO. 13; Corner Bradford & ^ttanta, Ga. Morgan, i^’Atlanta, Ga ^rleston, S. C. !e de Canning re- Sunday morning American, J m be remem- ^ccessful candi- oiirnal contest Mozley’s Lemon Elixir- I fully endorse it for nervous prostration, head- che. indigestion and constipation, Having used with most satisfactory results, after all other imedies had failed. J. W. ROLLO, * GUAR DNDF $5,0 How Are Y^ar Kidney* f Dr. Hobbs’ Sparagus Pills eure all kidney ills- Sj Rl9 tree. Add. Sterling Remedy CoChicago .ox s