The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, August 31, 1901, Image 3

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THE GEORGIA CRACKER, SATURDAY AUGUST 31, 1901 any other person about* There was no report of a burgulary or even on at- temp at such to the authorities. What does this mean, a woman roaming* the streets of Gainesville immediately after the report of pistol shots and in the same vicinity; unattended? There is certainly something' mysterious in this midnight ramble of a lone woman when linked with the shots. Was she fleeing from an enraged ene my who sought her life? Was she seeking to avenge herself for some wrong stealing through the darkness armed with a revolver, with murder in her heart inspired by that green-eyed monster jealousy, or what was the .real cause of the excitement. The republican party in Penn sylvania is having a regular old “monkey and parrot*’ time. Phil osopher Matthew Stanley Quay and his senatorial lieutenant, Boies Penrose, look calmly on at the squabbles of the straight-outs and the reform elements in their party and settle between them upon whose shoulders shall fall the folds of the senatorial togas they now wear, after they shall have “fixed” all of their friends and delivered the keystone state’s chief city over bodily to the fran chise grabbers and corrupt muni cipal contracting gang that has for years dominated it. We are apt Veterans’ Association Meets, teeting ef the Forty-third ^Georgia nteers’ association was called to . on Friday, August 23d, by eleet- 1 H. Brown, of Forsyth county, dent pro tem. in the absence -01: 2 p t jgell, president. Minutes of meeting were read and adopted. ^11—thirty-five present. Speech o L- A. Simmons by his brother, Green bake, A Gallon of PURE LINSEED OIL mixed with a gallon of forever, my sister, if you have any of the symptoms mentioned in Mrs. Valentine’s letter, unless- you act promptly. Procure Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound at once. Ijt is absolutely sure to help you. Then write for advice if there is anything phil- R- Simmons. Washington, was read and highly ap preciated, and the association was glad hear from their old adjutant once jnore. Report of deaths was made by secretary and the memoirs are to fol low. .. Grant Park, Atlanta and Winder were put in nomination as places to jjold the next annual reunion. Winder receiving the largest vote, it was de cided to hold it there; date, on Friday the third Sunday in August, 1902* a t which time 1 to attend, as the association to know the number of its stir about your case you do not under stand. You need not be afraid to tell the things you oould not explain*' to the doctor—your letter will be seen only by women... All the persons who see priv ate letters at Mrs. Pinkham’s Labora tory, at Lynn, Mass., are women. AI. letters are confidential and advice abso lutely free. of toot paint bilL Is tab score durable than Pure whits Lead and is absolutely hot Poi sonous. Haxhar Paint is made of the best or PAINT MATERIALS—-such M all goodJWO nterS use, and is ground thick, very thick. No trouble to mix. any boy can do it. It is the common sense or House Paint. No better paint can be made .at any cost, and is For tlie better accommodation of many patrons Lathem Brothers have reopened their old barber shop next door to Lathem’s market. ;rjJ . Here is the letter: —“It is with pleasure that I add my testimony to vour list, hop- ing it may in- 1 duce others to them- selves of t h e i W benefit of your valuable rem- nT Before after our “liberties” as citizens of the great American republic, and scoff at those of onir benighted fellows across the water who bow the knee at the behest of effete monarchies, but r our liberty when carefully analyzed is of a very uncertain character and the dwellers in the big cities are greater political serfs than the subjects of his autocratic majesty of Russia. isearnest I ly urged I desires t. I vivors. I Resolved, Tha)t the thanks of the I p or ty-third Georgia Volunteer asso- I ciation are hereby returned to the citi- I zens of Gainesville and surrounding I country, to the Daughters of the Con- 1 federacy, and the ladies who eo-operat- | gd with them m arranging the table I with a sumptuous spread—a soldier’s I delight—and manifesting so much in- § terest in their behalf, and-courtesies I extended; also to the band and choir I for their inspiring music; to. Col. S . C. I Dunlap for reduced rates on G. J, & S. I railroad; and thanks are returned to I T. M. Bell and committee, comprisin g I Oampbell, Brown, Bagwell and Sim - 1 mons.for their arduous labors, and eon - I gratulate these gentlemen. The asso - I ciation also congratulates the orato rs [ of the day and the graceful welcome to. [ the veterans by Mrs. Shewmake. In- ! deed, it was a joyous day, and will long be remembered by the men who wore the gray. On motion, the association adjourn ed. District papers please copy, B. H. Brown, Pres, pro tem. Wakrbn H. Campbell, Sec’y. • ——— • . • Hair Cut fifteen cents, at either of Lathem Brothers’ barber shops—-un der the Arlington hotel and next door to Lathem’s market. • Runaway—Collision—Smashup. A heavy two-horse team, belonging to Bagwell, Buffington & Co., was standing at the narrow guage depot Thursday morning at about 11 o'clock,' when escaping steam from a passing locomotive frightened the bprscSs and they ran away. Out Broad street the Phill Byrd, fell headlong Tuesday morning at about 10 o’clock, from the third floor of the capital building in Atlanta. His skiill was fractured and be was sent to the Grady hospital in a precarious condition. Miss Edna Byrd, sister of the little boy, was at the time yisiting Miss Ma bel Thompson m this city. On Tues- edy. . taking Lydia Entel Zs E. Pinkham’s J Vegetable / Compound' I felt very bad- ly,was terribly *' I nervous, and 1 I tired, had sick 1 I I V f I iff 1 headaches, no MRSW.P. VALENTINE J appetite, P I—.■a,—--..,i.. gnawing pain in stomach, pain in my back and right side, and so weak. .1 could scarcely stand. I was not able to do anything. Had sharp pains all through my body. Before I had taken half a bottle of your medicine, I found myself improving. I continued its use until I had taken four bottles, and felt so well that I did not need to take any more. I am like a new person, and ygur medicine shall always have my praise.”—Mbs. W. P. Valentine, 566 Buy and Try a Box Tonight. While you think of i|, go'buy and [ try a box of Cascarets Gandy Ca- j thartic, ideal laxative, tonight, you’ll never regret it Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. R. SMITH if anything were wrong. The visitors evaded the questions, however,, and it was not until late Tuesday night • that she received a message calling, her home. Her newly made friends here regret that Miss Byrd’s stay was cut short, especially under such circum stances. Latliem Brothers will positive^ ly continue running their new barber shop under Arlington hotel. . Ladies Home Journal for September. The Ladies’ Home Journal for Sep tember is the ‘‘Special Autumn Fashion A stingless bee has been discov ered in Montserrat, in the West Indies. It gathers honey, the; quality of which can be improved by modern hives. C. H. SAUNDERS Moved to Daniel Building, over Mrs. J. E. Jackson’s store. ^ “The Artistic Tailor.’ Clothes' cleaned and pressed o: short notice. Also LADIES -■ SKIRTS All work giVc 5 $5000psldlf this testhno- - _ . nisi Is not genuine. -■ : ' Lydia Em Plnkham Med loins Go* eieanep and pressed, prompt attention. C. A. DOZIER. Real Estate and Insur Number” oft that excellent magazine. In addition to an .unusual number of interesting stories and striking fea tures; it devotes,seven pages tp a com plete setting forth qf the styles-to-be in dresses, bodides, hats and wraps. The. most important literary feature,, per haps, is the initial installment of “Miss Aicott’s Letters^to Her ‘Laurie ? ’’—^let ters whieh haye never before been printed. They ape edited by “Laurie” There is a day in the ance Agent. Office No, 1 State Bank Building, ler Bradford & Washington Sts DIXON’S OLD STAND. Sell, exchange and rent all kinds o' . Have in hand anything ou want in this line. Will make it our interest whether you want to se r buv. Will insure your property against loss by fire in old Reliable and prompt paying companies himself—now grown up. delightful description of a woods with Ernest Seton Thompson, and a jolly recital of “The College Scrapes We Got Into,” by “A Gradu ate.” The fourth part of Miss Tomp kins’s Aileen” brings that charming story near to its.close, and Mr. Bok dis cusses the need for parental cooperation in Question Again.” ,; Three articles about “Cats That Draw Salaries Famous People as We Do Not Know Them,” and “How a Village Changed its Name” combine to make an excep tional page, and a double page is devo ted to photographs of “The Handsome L<aces in America.” “The New Wed ding Stationery” is shown, also some of the photographs which won prizes in The Journal’s recent rural contest. In addition to the regular departments there are valuable articles on “A Clev erly Planned Nursery.” Plants Which Can be Raised in the House,” and plans for an ideal $7000 house. By The Cur tis Publishing Company, Philadelphia. One dollar a year; ten cents a copy. ed here a few months ago and why? We have given the people of Gainesville Mallary Bros., Machinery Co. iNGINE BUILDERS, S A W MILLS, COTTON HNS and PRESSES. That it evfcr had* There’s nothing in the way ot eat ables that cannot he found here and * ‘The Best of Ev erything” is our motto. USES OF THE LEMON- (From the Boston Traveler.) Juice of the lemon is one of the best and safest dnn ks for any person, whether in health or not. It is suitable for all stomach diseases, liver com- -alsint and inflammation of the bowels. Lemon : s used in intermittent fevers. It will alleviate and finally cure coughs and colds, and heal dis eased lungs. Its uses are manifold, and the more we emproy it internally, the better we shall find ourselves. It will yet supersede quin- These are the stand-bys by which we are fast gaining the confidence of the people. ~~ ■ Our delivery wagon makes daily calls. Your orders will be just as well taken care of and as promptly delivered as if you called in person. We ap preciate small orders as well as the large ones. ROYAL SCARLET CANNED GOODS. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir. Cured me of a long-standing case of chills and feyer by using two bottles. J. C. STANLEY, Engineer E. T. Va. & Ga. R. R. As near perfection as possible. The peer of any goods in the market, Give them a Trial. floors the wind .lifted the hair from> your head. The little mountain creeks became raging rivers, and the tiny branches were transformed into roar ing creeks.’ A Midnight Mystery. ^ A citizen who resides down on Main street reports that on Wednesday eve- ^flg somewhere between eleven and welve o’clock he was wakened by the sound of five pistol shots in quick suc cession. He immediately got zap and °°ked out into the night. Nothing Was vis ible, however, except the figure o a woman gliding swiftly through the fldows. There was no evidence of Mozley’s Lemon Elixir- Cured me of a case of heart disease and v indiges tion of four years’ standing. I tried a dozen dif ferent medicines. None but Lemon Elixer done me any good. TULES DIEHL. Cor, Habersham and St. Thomas Sts., Savannah, Ga. PHONE NO. 131. Corner Bradford ' ' U/asf?ii)$toi? Streets Mozley’s Lemon Elixir- I fully endorse it for nervous prostration, head ache. indigestion and constipation, having used it with most satisfactory results, after.all other remedies had failed. J. W. ROLLO, West End, Atlanta, Ga. Educate Your Bowel* With Caacaret*. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.