The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, September 14, 1901, Image 5

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THE GEORGIA CRACKER. SATURDAY,. SEPTEMBER 14, 1901 M’KINLEY SHOT Attempt to Assassinate the Presi dent. Physicians say he Will Recover. Buffalo. N. Y., Sept. 6.-—An at tempt was made this, afternoon to assassinate President McKinley. The would-be-assassin wM twenty- three years of age* a Polish anarch ist, who was in a crowd that sur rounded the president at the ex position grounds. He fired two shots point blank at President McKinley, one shot taking effect in the breast, the other in the ab domen. It was four o’clock when the at tempt to kill the president occured President McKinley had just re turned frpW Niagara Falls and was at a reception, at the Temple of Music. Over fifteen thousand people were present when the pres ident with three companions passed through the main entrance aiid arduhd Id t&e? sic. Several, detectives apd secret service men were in the crowd. Czolgosz had his hand inii band- age apparently, but in fact it was simply a cambric handkerchief that covered a revolver. When he reached the president he held up his right arm and fir§d two shots in rapid succession through the folds of the handker chief. Great confusion followed and was so thunderstruck DAILY expenses NEW FEATURES ing in its Uwn Falace Special Train. 77th Year of the oldest, Biggest and Best Show on Eart ie Pioneer and Perpetuators of Tented Amusement fnstitutions. SPECIAL AGENTS* E. E. DIXON & CO WOMAN SHOOTS WOMAN. approved 151 . house bills and vetoed 1> and approved 17 general resolutions, which had the effect of law. business Mrs* Sally Simpson near Gil 1 s- ville, Banks county, %as killed Monday morning by another white woman named Sallie Hicks. It seems that the two women, who were said to be of low character, had been living: in a house a mile or two from the town. They had some misunderstanding about a man whe had been visiting the place, and rhe Hicks woman be came greatly enraged and returned to the house at 4 o’clock in the morning with a shot gun and kill ed the Simpson woman, the Hicks woman. ^ The murderess has been arres ted and placed in jail. She is a sister of Jess Hicks of Gainesville, and up to a shdrt time ago lived on the outskirts of this city. Of the unfinished brought over from last session, 71 bills and Sir resolutions are ready for a third reading and to be put on their passage. Fourteen bills and two resolu tions await a second reading, while the number of bills laid* on the table were five and eleven - resolu tions. Forty-two bills were adversely acted upon by committees, still remain in the hands of com mittees unacted upon. ' There are now bending in the senate 19 house* bills and four res in the house the crowd they didn’t realize the situati on. | - Presided t McKinley reeled off the reviewing stand and immedi ately several bystanders rushed to his side, among them Dr. Rixey and several other physicians. 4 Circuses—3 Menageries—2 Stages Roman Hippodrome, Combined with tbe Grand Biblical Spectacular Production ing Solomon and' Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold In bulk Beware of the dealer who.tries to sell • “something just as good." Impressi ve and Eminently Moral and Mind Elevating Pageantie and Scenic stacie, with its Enchanting Ballets, Magnificent Scenery, Gorgeous Costumes ioo Beautiful Ballet Gfirls o Men, "Women and Horses in Cast* olutions, and 23 senate bills and two resolutions. Ten house bills and several resolu tions were defeated in the house. It is expected that fully bills will be introduced at the coining session, and there will be one xcuse for the body to fritter away so much valuable time as it did last fall, if it does Its' work promptly and efficiently. — Tlie .Legislative Session. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 9.-The status of business for the coming session ot the general assembly has just been compiled by Secretary Nor th en, of the senate and Clerk Boif- euillet, of the house. There were introduced in the last house 410 bills and 143 reso- t i - • . lutions. . Of these the governor .The president was borne to the Emergency hospital on the expo sition grounds. Immediately alter he fired, Czolgosg was knocked to the grpund by Jim Parker an At lanta negro, and two secret service men jumped on the assassin. It was only by desperate efforts he was kept from the crowd and by very skillful work that he was slipped to police headquarters and placed In the dungeon, to await his arraignment in court. CARL HAGENBACK PERFORMING Elephants that actually Play Musical Instruments. El. ephants that do everything but talk. phants that Waltz. Many physicians are now 1 prescribing Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly, hav ing found that it is the. best prescrip- write because it is the tion they can one preparation which contains the ele ments necessary to digest not only some kinds of food but all kinds, and it therefore cures indigestjqn^ana dys pepsia no matter what its cause; Geo. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. of So. Glen Falls, N. Y., des- cribes a condition which thous ands of men and women find identical with theirs. Read what he says, and note the similarity of your own case. Write to him, enclosing stamped ad dressed envel ope for reply, smd get a per sonal corroboration of what is h#re given. He says regarding Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis* wages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon fcTl disappear when the kid- ' neys are out of order ymm/f or diseased. Kidney trouble has • _ '’become so prevalent that it is not uncommon //).JtL -_// a child to'be bom i a ttlicted with weak kid- f ft % * neys. If the child urin-* Account of the general convention of the Episcopal church, San Francisco, California, October 2d, 3901, Southern railway will sell round trip tiekets to .San Fran cisco, California, and return, at special reduced rates. From Atlan ta $60 from Anderson, S. C., $64.15 Brunswick, Ga., $64.25 ; Camden, Charleston, Chester, Columbia, Den mark, Newberry, Orangeburg, Pros perity, Bock Hill, Spartanburg, Sum ter, S. C., Charlotte aud Gastonia, N. C., $65.25 ; Fort Valley, Ga.,. $61.70; Gainesville,. Ga., $61.60: Griffin, Ga., $61.10; Macon, Ga., $62.65; Savan nah, Ga., $64.70. Correspondingly low rates from other points. Dates of sale September 18th to 26th, inclusive ; final limit November loth, 1901. • .. For detailed information as to stop overs. side-trips, variable routes, sched ules, reservations, etc., call on or ad dress any agent of the Southern rail way or connection. ? W. H. TAYLOE, . A. G. P. A., Atlanta. Ga. BROOKS MORGAN, , D. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. R. W. HUNT, D. P. A., Charleston, S. C. 3 NEW AND NOVEL CIRCUS ACTS. IOOO RARE AND COSTLY ANIMALS. 50 HAIR RAISING RACES, L. D. Palmer. P*; of Camels [ family °f 20 Lions ' . ' | ^ Royal Bengal Tigers r ‘ 6 Polar Bears ' School of Sea Lions . Den of 8 Leopards h^Bir of Elands D “ ne J a * r of Horned Horses ‘ I - ,ve fy known species of Antelope ly Male bareback Riders. TO Female Riders 50 Aerial Acts 10 Wire Acts Troupe of trained Ponies . 20 Female Fqnestrians One Phillippine Cow, 24 inches high One Baby Sea Lion RJale Hippodrome Monkey Races Elephant and Camel Races • /_ Man againt Horses' Races . . : • Two-Tandem Races High Jumping Horse Races • : Two and Four Horse Chariot Races Two and' Four Horse Standing Races breast and between my shoulders from heart trouble. My heart would 'palpi tate, flutter, then skip beats, until I could no longer lie jn bed. Night after night I walked.the floqr, for toliedowh would have meant sudaen death. My condition seemed almost hopeless when; I began taking Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure, bsst it helped me from the first. Later I took Dr. Miles’ Nervine with the Heart Cure and the effect was aston ishing. I earnestly implore similar suf ferers to give these remedies a trial.” Sold by all Druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, ind. The mild and the immediate effect Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is : by druggists, in fifty- dollar \ HU >f Music, Fife and Drum Corps, Chime of Bells, 50 Cars and is, 29 Tableaux Cars, 12 Traps, 300 Thoroughbred Horses, 60 Ponies, Steam Caliope drawn by 40 Ponies and driven by one cent and one sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- 6f the . , letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. • EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILROADS • INDIGESTION ‘ • Constipation, Bloating after eating. Heart burn, Nervous Weakness, Impurities in the Blood and every disorder in the Kidneys or Liver is set ri^it by ' PRICKLY ASH BITTERS THK SYSTEM REGULATOR ; : It br&itaos the eye* steadies the nerves, sweetens the breath, . brings color to* the \ S - cheek, creates appetite., makes the body strong and the brain active. " • ■ MLB At BRUO STORES, ’ ; PRICE, SUM. # ™ * v 4 4 <1 pH It JJ KUULi!^ L if