The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, September 14, 1901, Image 7

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punlap lias returned froi jMrs. G. F. Turner are back jp to New York. P Estes is off to New York ls4>uying' trl P* tor Candler is spending a lew ■ b j s relatives in Gainesville. g Lambdin of Barnesville, is er daughter, Mrs. A. S. Har- E. Andoe and H. P.* Bell from a business trip to New yields and Miss Candler’s school 1 increasing. Five new pupils ■ g. Morgan of Rome, has ar- the city and is now with J. B. Mrs. Fjiahk Carter, S Merrill Street, Ameubury, Mass. This totter should oarry Faith antiConviction tothoKoantm of all Siok Women, “I suffered with inflammation and foiling of the womb and other dis agreeable female weaknesses. I had bad spells every two weeks that would last from eight to ten days and would have to go to bed. I also had head ache and backache mos^ of the time* and such bearing down pains I could hardly walk across the room at times. I doctored- nearly all the time for about two years and seemed to grow worse aU the time until last September I.was obliged to take mjrbed, and the doctors thought an operation was the only thing that would help me, but tins 1 refused to have done. “Then a friend advised me to try the [ and Mrs. B. D. Langford and [ter, Miss Inez, spent last Sunday [.Airy. [ q ( a. Dozier this week sold to rs J. W. and A. P. Large three lots near Gower Springs. j. William Candler of Washington, spent last Sunday with his aunts, Fields, and Miss Sallie Candler. £ 3. Emily Brown returns home to wab today after a very pleasant to her daughter, Mrs. R. D. Grigg. 8. Pillow returned home to Green-' ‘Miss., Thursday after a pleasant io her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Oli- We are moving this week and new I goods are piling in bn us from New York and other Eastern markets. improve. I took in all five bottles oJ ( Lydia E. Pinkham’s Blood* Purifier, four boxes of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Dry Form Compound, three boxes of Liver Pills and used three packages of - Sana tive, Wash, and I am as well now as I ever was. I am more than thankfti. every day fo? my cure. ” -— Mss. Frank Carter, 3 Merrill St. , Amesbury, Mass. & J. E. Murphy has returned from |B York where he purchased an ele- 3 line of fall and winter goods* for ■B, E. Murphy Co. ft, P. T. Schutz returned home to Snbus Saturday after a pleasant Bto her sister, Mrs. H. N. Merck, ■ace street. ■ige W. N. Dyer is remodeling the B place which he recently purchase Ind will 60pn have a convenient and jortable home. 1. W. A. Northcutfc and wife of Isville, Ky., are in the eity spending lek or two at the home of Mr. R. pett on Green street. rs. J. P. Flanders and Misses. Lula Eva Ellis have returned to their iesin Macon after a pleasant visit Irs. M. uBrotra. " ^ b. and Mrs. M. Gt Brown left this Hr for the Pan-American exposition Buffalo, Niagara Falls, New York pother points of interest. r. H. R. Slack and wife of La- Jnge, spent several days here this jk with Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Lang- 1. They were en route home from rkesville, where they have been for. iral weeks. [rs. J. E. Jackson is at home from r York, where she spent some time ving the latest things in millinery, lie selected a pretty line of goods will soon display them to the ad- ing gaze of the ladies of this section. Will be reacly in a few days to show tli e nicest line of goods of every description ever brought to the Gainesville market. veil! bm aaMIfthla taatlmo- nial Im not sanvlna. S5QOO Watch this space in this paper for the next / • few weeks and see prices showing the great est bargains ever seen in Northeast Georgia. . Don’t forget that I have moved to the large brick building, where J. H. Hunt’s Bank was, under Opera feouse. Thanking my many customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and hoping to see them at my-new place of business, I am, GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA SEWING MACHINES. I am-selling the best sewing machine on earth at less price than an agents in the United States. I will sell you a $40 machine for $25, a $35 machine for $20, and so on down. No agent’s com mission or profits go with me —my customers get this benefit them selves, If you haven’t got the cash I will sell you on time, with a good note. Call at the express office and let me whisper a little machine talk in your ear. I can show you any kind of ma chine, from the latest improved drop head Singer to tfhe cheapest' machine on the market. Don’t get caught with “cheap John” advertisements—come and see me. H. A. Terrell, ' - Gainesville, Ga. GUARANTEED UNDER A : R- R- FARE paid 200 FREE ij't'i 9 * 3 jyfioSm Scholarships offered. JL ♦ IKL' mtha Write quick to CA.-ALA. BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macon, Q*> Blue Ridge and Tallulali Palls Exposition, Sep tember 17-20. On account of this occasion Southern railway announces rate of one fare for the round trip to Tallulah Falls and return from all points on its lines within the state of Georgia. Dates of sale September 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th and for trains scheduled* to arrive at Tallulah Falls prior to noon of Sep tember 20. Tickets good to return un til September 23, 1901. For detailed information as to rates, schedules, etc., call on or address any agent of the Southern railway or con - nection. Brooks Morgan, D. P. A., \ Atlanta, Ga. W. H. Tayloe, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. GRIPSULES The quickest cure ^ A ■■ ^ vJ 4JJJ U for eoLOS, GRIP, ETC. PIANO S MANDOLIN 1 GUITAR! BANJO! Terms are Reasonable. Mrs. M, M. Child, Residence: Dr. W. A. Palmour’s. “I suffered such pain from corns I could hardly walk,” writes H, Robin son, Hillsborough, Ill., “but Bucklen’s Arnica Salve completely cured them.” Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, I cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils, < ulcers. ’ Perfect healer of. skin diseases and \ piles. Cure guaranted by M. C. BrowD, LOOKING FOR WORK. I am a competently skilled worker in rock, brick, wood, iron or other struc tural materials, and am ready to take [Large or small contracts. Refer to lead ing citizens of and can be addressed at Seneca, South Carolina. JOHN L. HAMBY. First New Bale. Gainesville received her first bale of new cotton last Saturday. It was brought in by H. C. Gilbert of near Pendergrass, Jackson county, and weighed 462 pounds. It was purchased by Mr. P. N. Parker at 10 cents. Working 24 Hours a Day.; There’s no rest for those tireless lit tle workers—Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Millions are always busy, curing Tor pid Liver, Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Headache, drive out Malaria. Never gripe # or weaken. Small, taste nice, work won ders. Try them. 25c. at M. C. Brown’s Tits Kind You Haw Always Bought Bern the Signature UST RECEIVED big LOT HU I ST’S turnipseeb. Geo. W. Lane, Pewamo, Mich. r writes; “Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best remedy for indigestion and stom ach trouble that I ever used. For years I suffered from 'dyspepsia, at times compelling me to stay iu bed and causing me untold agony. I am com pletely cured by Kodol Dyspepsia'Cure. In recommending it to friends who suf fer from indigestion I always offer to pay for it if it fails. Thus far I have never paid.’ Geo. H. Fuller Drug Co. Tbe OldReliatole. I am still at the same old stand ready to do*your work at any time. Come ^o see the old reliable who never fails to give you sat jsfaetion. Hair cuts, shaves, shampoos, sh.nes, baths—hot and cold, all the time. Don't forget me. LEE PARNELL, Arlington Block. Hot Rolls every day at Gunther’s.