The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, September 28, 1901, Image 7

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THE GEORGIA CRACKER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1901 Mr. John It. Brown* has b©6n at home several days this week. Col. Cliff M. Walker of Monroe, was in the city this week. Mr. A. J. Julian was in town Wednesday, a guest of Dr. J. W, Bailey. * < . % ... Dr. J. H. Daniel, has been nurs ing a carbuncle on the back of his neck for sev ^al days. Miss Marion Hulsey of Atlanta, has been in the city this week, a guest of Miss Annie Dorsey. Mr. Jiio. A. Pierce, who has been at Carrollton several months erecting a $14,000 church, was at home Wednesday. He has" also recently been given a contract for erecting a$4,000 Episcopal church in the same town, which shows that his work meets with approval everywhere. Too - busy this week: to change our “ad. v We are , opening and marking the best line of: Toys] Games, Blocks, Dolls, China cups and saucers, etc., that We have yet had. That means lots. Call of* ten and' keep up with our new things in Frames* pictures, mould ings, You are always welcome at Campbell’s Book Store. M. J. Charles was R. Morgan spent a day Br j D Ati» nta wee ^* ■garter Roberts of Flowery WTxmtt in town Wednesday. B George P. Estes is* back RVbu«uess trip to New York. B Ta) .lor of South Carolina is ■L at Mr. A. M. Evans’on ■ lE »ry avenue. • • • Bfltion is coming in every day H the price is not very en- BL ng to farmers. . . H,, <]\ J. Man son of Rome, is Hihecityon a visit to her sister, KjohnM. Hynds, H John Candler, private 'sec- Rry to the Governor, was here ft or two this week. Kiss Etta Mae Hynds has re-' ft ; from a pleasant visit to ■ cou and Atlanta friends. ; . ' «r. and Mrs. M. C. Brown are fftoine from a pleasabt trip to ■Un-American exposition. # fc Hartman Grigg has return- ■from a trip of several weeks to ■oldhome in Petersburg, Ya. ;. ■Work on Judge Rudolph's buil- ftg on East Spring street "is pro fessing nicely and in a few weeks ■will bo completed. ■Mr. if. A. Carlile is confined to B home on ‘ East Spriug street ■h fever. His friends hope to 1 him out again soon. v ■Mrs. J. A. Bishop and daugh- Irs of Jacksonville, Fla., arc in le city stopping at Mrs. Mattie lerritt’s on Race street. Dr. J. B. George returned last iturday from a trip to the Pan- merican exposition at Buffalo, id other points of interest. ildi. R. I. Woodsido of Pelzer S. Land Mr. W. E, McGee of Au« psta, attended the. Woodside- prsey wedding m this city Wed- Is now open lor the Fall trade. And, in coming into this new place of business, I can say to my former customers and friends, and to the trade generally, that l am better prepared to supply all their wants, and, if possible, at the same time give them better val ues Than.I Have Ever Done Before. . * • All the departments in my store have been added to greatly and filled lip with new, fresh goods , which have been bought at the very lowest Spot Cash Prices. and Thibets, all wool dark brown and checked Cassi- meres and black Clay Worsteds. I never sold a better suit than tfiese for $7.50, but to open up my new store on, I will offer the 50 Suits as long as they last at per Suit ......... 7.. *... $6.00 OVERALLS—One lot of Overalls at a great bargain. The story is short. The factory broke and I happened to be one of the lucky ones to get them at about half price. No better Overall for 5oc. They go How, as long as they last at .30c. DRESS GOODS! In this department you will find most of the latest weaves and styles in Suitings, Waistmgs, Skirt Goods, etc., and I only ask the ladies to come and se& and judge for themselves as to prices. I offer fhis week, one lot of a few hundred yards of aH. wool Flan nel Plaids and Stripes, specially good for Child ren’s school dresses, worth 5oe. per yard, now at 25c One lot of ladies’ Flannel and Albatross Waistings . • . • * - • . worth 40c per yard, this week at............... .29c. Big lot Embroideries, worth 10c, 12J£c and 15e, all to go at. • .••.••••••••«»»•»•«••••■•. ......... •••• .lOc. 5000 yards Standard Indigo Blue Prints (not remnants) worth 6c per yard, some stores advertise 5e yard .and claim great values, I offer them for awhile at... ............ .. .....—IO yards for ST tJ. 5000 yards Factory. Checks, °the 5c quality at SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! We Will move on or about October 1st, into the new store room now being pre pared for us next £oor to Red wine’s furniture store, on West Washington street. We are very much gratified at our business sinee opening up in the White Front Grocery jold stand and de sire to thank our friends for their ‘pat ronage. We will be better prepared than ever in our new store to serve you, and we hope to be favored with your future orders. Yours for trade, Johnson Bros & Waters. In my Shoe Department I have over bought myself a little. Have got more Shoes than I have room, and am .willing to'make a sacrifice to get rid of some lines. Don’t know of a better time to lose money on shoes than on the opening of my new store. One lot of 200 to 220 pair best grade Women’s heavy glove grain button Shoes, solid leather through but, all sizes,, worth $1.00 to $1.25 now at 7.....................75c. One lot Children’s heavy Shoes, all solid leather, sizes, 9 to 12 and 13 to 2, regular price 75 and 85 cents to go now at...........-...............50 and 55c* 150.Pairs Men’s Fine Shoes, regular price $1.25 now ^tt 100 Pairs Men’s Ga. Ties, same as others sell for $1.15 our price 93c* 5000 yards Best Checks in the market, worth at the mill today 5j£e, our price... ..7. 7.... . ..... 5g. 5000 yards Best, heaviest grade of yard wide sheeting, Piedmont brand at, per yd....-...... .5c, CLOTHING! CLOTHING! If there is any one department ’ in the store better than another, it is the Clothing department. I have given more time and special pains to this deparment in orc^er to have the , • BEST $6.QO Suit, 7.50 Suit, ' 10.00 Suit and 12.50 Suit, that could be had for the|money. In the first place, I have secured add bought ffbm one of the very best Tailoring Concerns in the country, 'and I can say this positively, that when it comes to fit, wear and general make-up, there is none better. Haven’t space this week for prices, but will mention one lot of about* 50 Suits. They come in' all wool blue and black Cheviots. Senator John Holder was in the city Wednesday afternoon. He is always a welcome visitor. At Lathem & Son’s restaurant you can get fried pysters, stewed oys ters, or oysters in any style. In this department we carry a full line all the time— such as Hay, • Grain, Flour, Sugar. Coffee, Tobacco, Syrup and all the fancy lines of Groceries. I give a few prices, as folknfs: Standard Granulated Sugar, 18 1-2 pounds $l.OO. ^ 13 pounds Good Green Coffee $1.00. Arbuckles Coffee, per pound lO.c Arm and .Hammer Soda, per pound ! 3c. Octagon Soap per bar ............ ........3c. Don’t Accept a Substitute! •When you ask for Cascarets be sure you get the genuine Cascarets Candy Cathartic! | Don’t accept fraudulent substitutes, imitations or counterfeits! Genuine tablets stamp ed CJG.C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. . 9 Mrs. B. P. O’Neal and children fe Cordelo, returned home Mon- Hay after spending the summer in ■e city at Mrs. Mattie Merritt’s fe Race street. ■ The friends of Rafe Banks re- ftet that he is still confined to fe bed with fever. He is doing Hprly well, but it will be some ■me yet before he is out. ;• ‘ - A ■ In the Ordinary’s court Ijist Bl nday Mrs. Amanda Chapman ftppHed foj homestead out of the ■operty of Thos. L. Chapman, fed the same was allowed. ' ■ Judge Rudolph is repairing his fettage on Academy street and fedjng another room to it. ^When Pis ready for occupancy Mr. and -irs. Attie Rudolph will move in- 0 it and begin housekeeping: - Keep your eye on out- adverti- 818. They are making some re markable reductions these days, to know where to buy you must watch our advertising col umns. Attention is called to th.e card 0 Mr. W. R. Dexter in another rdumn, He has opened up an Q P*to-date undertaking establish- and is sure -to get his share ^patronage. REMEMBER THE PLACE: NX’S BANK BIIILD1KG. LOOK FOR THE SIGN Fresh Oysters at La theta & Son’s market. They are the best that come to town. Try them. GUARANTEED UNDER A R. R. FARE PAID 200 FREE if I'J Scholarships offered. T 1 Jfl ■ Write quick to OA.-ALA. 3L^S!NESS COLLEGE. Macon, Ca Parnell’s Barber Shop. Parnell’s ba$ber # shop is now located in the building between Mitchell’s market and Gunther’s bakery, South. Main street. My former customers and friends will find me better equipp ed than ever to do their barber work. Dont forget the old reliable, but come to see me in my new stand. Always triad to see vou. Lee Parnell. j am selling the best sewing machine on earth at less price than an agents in the United States. I will sell you a $40 machine for $25, a $35 machine for $20, and so on down. No agent’s com mission or profits go with me —my customers get this benefit them selves, If you haven’t got the cash I will on time, with a good note. Call at the express office and let me whisper a little machine talk in your ear.- I can show you any kind of ma chine, from the latest improved drop head Stager to the cheapest machine on the market. Don’t get caught with “cheap John” advertisements—come and see me. H. A. *Terrelx, s ,7 j Gainesville, Ga. \ 7 w lumu UiLlA The MOST SUCCESSFUL CURB SOLD I f f for ! CHILLS aod FEVER and All Malarial Troubles. THE ONLY SAFE REMEDY FOM CHILURENe * TASTELESS mmi GUARANTEED. 9eea Yot Coateta Qwlalae Nor Otker Polsos. Does Hot blue the Stomeh Her Afltet He Heariig. W. A. VeLorty A Son, Dime Box, Tex.,my: “ Ramon’s Pepsin Chill Toific is the est vre have ever handled. My son prescribes it in his practice, and says it is the nly Chill Tonic which a child can take without injury to the stomach." A rice 50c. BROWN MF*G. CO., Prop'rs, Greeaerille, Teas. Food Changed to Poison. Putrefying food in the intestines pro duces effects of arsenic, but Dr. King’s New Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but sure ly, curing Constipation, Biliousness., Sick Headache, Fevers, all Liver, Kid ney and Bowel troubles. Only 25c at M. C. Brown’s Bears the Signature of 9in%vaShg ®xp map ‘'ORE YOU BUY Qet prices 09 The quickest t eure for colUs, grip, etc. Geo. W. Lane, Pewamo, Mich., writes; “YourKodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best remedy for indigestion and stom ach trouble that I ever used. For years I suffered from dyspepsia, at times compelling me to stay in bed and causing me untold agony. I am com pletely cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. In recommending it to friends who suf fer from indigestion I always offer to pay for it if it fails. Thus far I have never paid.’ Geo. H, Fuller Drug Co.. BEST- LIVERY -IN 8 - THE - CIT Don’t Let,Them Suffer. # Often children are tortured with itch ing and burning eczema and other skin diseases but Buckicn’s Arnica Salve heals the raw sores, expels inflamma. tioD, leaves the skin without a scar- Clean, fragrant, cheap, there’s no salve on earth as good. Try it. Cure guar anteed. Only 25c at M. C. Brown’s, Teams, double and single; Carriages, Surries, Hacks, Buggies, Drays, or any kind of team on short *notice. Bus n:eets all trains. Passengers and baggage delivered to any part of city. d # Telephone 57, North Bradford, tor what you want.