The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, October 05, 1901, Image 4

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THE GEORGIA CRACKER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1901. She was just a country maiden, gifted with a fairy grace, with laughter, love and. music all ashimng in her face, her heart was true and tender—ever free from sin and scorn*—just the sweetest little creature that has ever yet been born. Once I met her in the meadow at the dying of the day, midst the fragrance of the flowers and the breath of ripe’ning hay; when the glowing leaves of autumn were sighing in their fall, and love and peace and happiness wer6 waiting for us all. Yes, met her, and I loved her—on that sweet September day my heart was light and happy as the shadows rolled away, and we walked along together to her home among the pines and fixed us up a hammock midst the boughs of muscadines. And each day from school return ing with our little load of books, we’d laugh and sing together in the shady little rooks, and sit in close communion by the river’s lulling roll—-by the mirrors of the waters look into each other’s soul*. Long years have passed, dear Dora, since the time when last we met, but by former recollections fondly love you vet, for were you a country maiden, with a heart of purest gold—with the manners of an angel and a pure and loving soul.—Ex. * “I had long suffered from indiges tion,” writes G. A. LeDeis, Cedar City, , Mo. 4 ‘Likeothers I tried many ,prepar ations but never found anything that did me good until I took Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. One bottle cured me. , A friend who had suffered similarly I put on the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ’ He is gaining fast and will soon he able to work. Before he used Kodol Dis pepsia Cure indigestion had made him a total wreck.—Geo* H. Fuller Drug Co. / « ml . Mr. Bok’s Advice on Marriage, A young insfti recently wrote to the editor of The Ladies’Home Journal asking: “What have you to say, squarely and fairjy, to a ‘ young mau of twenty-nine who is about to marry?” In’ the October Journal Mr. Bok uses a page for' his answer. Its salient points are these: that a‘man . should make the woman of his choice his chum, as well as his wife ; that he should show; her the highest con sideration as well as love her; that he should remember that he owes his wife to her mother, and treat his mother-iri-law with res pect at Last; that he should keep his wife informed as to his in come; that he should give her a regular allowance and that he should have his life insured in her favor. And above all, that when a young man marries he must re member that he leaves a world of self and enters into a world of an other and self. W. T. Wesson, Ghohonyille, Va, druggist," writes: “Your One Minute Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction. My customers say it is the best remedy for cough, colds, throat and lung troubles.”—Geo. H. Fuller Drug Co. The Cosmopolitan for October is full of entertaining fiction. Thomas A. Janvier, for some time not seen in the magazines, re appears in the Cosmopolitan with a Mexican story of love and ad venture, “Forfeit to the Gods.” Bret Halrte, whose - “condensed notes” won him so much fame, contributes a side-splitting parody of Hall Caine’s “The Christian,” Irving Bacheller writes p, short sketch of a little New York inn, Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all'distress after eating; Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take; K can't help 111 but do you good Pfeuaredonly by E. 0. Dk Witt & Co., Chicago*. Xbofl. bottle contains times the 50c. size. Geo. H. Fuller Drug Co. The Shadows of Happinese.” E. W. Kemble tells a short humorous story of “How the Buzzards work ed a Spell,” while Clara Morris’ love story reveals her as an accom plished writer, capable of analyz ing and sympathizing with man’s deepest emotions. *T TOBACCO SLUT, and SMOKE Your Ufeaway! that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds' in ten days. Over 500,000 cured*. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book let and advice FREE. Address STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 It appears that there were busi ness, and not sentimental, reasons in the way of “Papa” Zimmerman of Cincinnati furnishing the mon ey to pay the debts of his son-in- law, the Duke of Manchester. Mr. Zimmerman was willing enough to find the money, but he insisted that it should be in the nature of a loan, at 5 per cent, interest, se cured by the assignmen t of the Duke’s life interest m his Irish estate. That offended the family pride of the Manchesters, of course, and when Mr. Zimmerman would not make any better terms the Dowager Duchess supplied the money herself. Mr. Zimmerman, however, has allowed his daugh ter, the Duchess, an income of $1,000 per month, on condition that the Duke’s relatives make similar provision for him* CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. ' The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of jg| OVER THE HOUSE ipe For Fruit Bails and Other Useful Information. . To make fruit balls spread warm boiled rice a half inch thick on a floured board. Have ready fresh eaches stoned and cut in halves, ut the two halves of each together end the rice in pieces just large enough to wrap*around each one and press them into shape with the hands, leaving the fruit well covered in the center of every ball. Boll the balls in flour and roll each in a cloth that has been buttered and floured. Tie them carefully in shape and boil in plenty of water for half an hour, putting a tin in the bottom of the kettle to lift them from, the boL tom. Remove from the cloths and serve with a hot 6weet sauce. Lemon sauce is delicious with the fruit balls. Cream together one teaspoonful of cornstarch, one ta blespoonful of butter, one egg and one-half cupful of sugar. Pour over them, stirring constantly, two cupfuls of boiling water and cook until thick. Remove from the stove and add the juice and rind of one lemon. Serve in a boat. . Handy Kitchen Utenelf. Kate Hatch McRae of Cripple Creek, Colo., has designed a machine for beating cake rapidly and thor oughly. with little exertion, the The Kind You Have Always Bought, and wtiiol? T in use tor over 30 years, has borne the signatucA^ and has been made tinder his sonal supervision since its infant* Allow no one to deceive ycuintliV AH Counterfeits, Imitations and “ J ^ ust-as-goocl ^, are b* t Experiments that triffe with and endanger the health p Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, pare, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wornis and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. genuine CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of * Right giving always means hav- lng.^-October Ladies’ Home Jour nal. The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist, M You Have Always Bog# In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. ROTARY CARE AND EGG- BEATER. picture showing the apparatus in operation. The beater, proper may be of any desired form to suit the numerous uses for which the beater may be used. When it is desired to make use of.the apparatus, the hanger is rigidly secured to the edge of the table by the clamps, and the cake dish is held underneath the downwardly projecting beater with one hand, while the crank is’grasp- the other hand to revolve the beater until the operation is com pleted. The beating frame is easily removed for cleaning or for insert ing another style for performing different work, and of course the machine, is not limited to beating cake, but will whip cream, make frosting and do all the labor in that line by simply inserting the beater of the proper shape. Educate Your Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If G. C. C. fail, druggists refund, money. — >--■ ■ ' —? — The etiquette that makes us do an insincere act is an etiquette to be avoided. - Honesty of action is the foundation of the finest man ners.—October Ladies’ Home Jour nal. jSl. JS ‘ 3* Q TT I JSk. m iet rs the Tiie Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Hie Discoverer of Swamp-Roof at Work in His Laboratory. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it—heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves )reak down and wairte away cell by cell Then the richness of the bloDd—the albumen —leaks out and the sufferer has Bright’s Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root the new dis covery Is the true specific for kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent And dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free y mail, also a book telling about Swamp- fcoot and its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper. * ilpilp ■ Being asked one day what one should do m order to become an efficient piano player Liszt re plied laconically: “One must eat well and walk much.”—October Ladies’ Home Journal, Health for 10 Cents. A lively liver, pure blood, clean skin, bright eyes, perfect health— Cascarets Candy Cathartic will ob tain and secure them for you. Genu ine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. The proper length of the fore head is one-third of the leugth ot the face; the nose should also measure one third, the mouth and chin together the other.—October Ladies’ Home Journal. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It isn’t any worse, but somehow H always seems worse, to be half a liar than half truthful. HARDWARE HEADQUARTERS Cane Mills! Cider Mills Leaher belts, Rubber Belts, In jectors, Steam Guages, Lubric| tors, Whistles, Pop Valves, Pip* Fittings, Lace Leather, Etc., Etc| Hammocks, Lap Robes, Velocipedes, Boys] Wagons, Mens’Saddles, Ladies’Saddles Buggy Harness. Z/o* Pepsin The MOST SUCCESSFUL CURB SOLD ... . for - CHILLS and FEVER and All Malaria! Troubles. THE ONL¥ SAFE REMEDY FOR CHILDREN. TASTELESS and GUARANTEED. Does Hot Contain Quinine Nor Other Poison. _ Does Hot Injure the Stomach Her lffeet tie Beam?- W. A. McLarty &_8on t Dime Box, Tex., say: “ Ramon’s Pepsin ChiB ^ the Tewu [best we have ever bandied. My son prescribes it in bis practice, and says only Chill Tonic which a child can take without injury to the stpmacn. I NMI BROWN ■■■■ injury to tne s CO., Prop’rs, INTERNATIONAL jCSTOCK I AND POULTRY) Is absolutely the best preparation of the kind made in the United^ will keep your horses and cattle healthy and fat. It saves ^ ee ^^ _ ^p re para: i0& j thrive and has no equal as an egg producer. For sale only by Price less than - GEO. H. FULLER DRUG COj Gainesville, Ga. V'..'- • v warn .