The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, October 19, 1901, Image 3

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SATURDAY, WAS A ROUGH RIDER. Mr. W. E. Crockett pf Gainesville, Was With Roosevelt at Santiago. Mr. W. E. Crockett of Gainesville, is being urg-ed to offer for the appoint ment of Internal Revenue Collector, the place now held by Rucker, a negro. He is well qualified to fill the position and no doubt would make an*accepta ble official if appointed. . Mr. Crockett was badly wounded before Santiago and suffered for quite awhile. The fact that die was with President Roosevelt’s Rough Riders will no doubt have considerable weight with the President m«the appointm ent if Mr, Crockett makes application for the place. Mr. Crockett Las been a resident of Gainesville for several months. He came here from Marietta, succeeding Mr. E. L, Bergstrom as*Deputy Collect or. He has many interesting' exper iences of his service in the army in Cu ba and can tell of the new Presidents actions ’ frith considerable enthusiasm and pride. Mr. Crocketts friends would like to see him succeed Rucker as Internal Revenue Collector. FOR HARNESS and oaddlo Gore:; Slerrieun. Llustang Lini- rnent is just what you need. It takes effect astonished tosee how quickly it heals soras. Headquarters for all kinds of Dress Goods, Ladies Staple Goods. L wW e.quote & few prices; /- I 0ne lot nice black twilled Overcoats, velvet collar, for $2.00. I onelot HEAVY ALL WOOL Overcoats, velvet collar, for $3.50. . j 0ne lot heavy Overcoats, fine beaver bines and black, for $4.50. We have I onll pto the stylish dress Coat for $10.00. I Boy’s Clothing, two-piece goods, from 75c to $3.00 per suit. * fonth’s Suits, long pants, coats and vests, $2,00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, to $5. jfeo’s Clothing running from $8.00 to $15.00. Special attention is called Ljr line of $5.00 and $6.00 Men’s Clay Worsted and heavy weight Cassimeres. • I Men’s working Pants from ,75c to $1.50 per pair. Fine line of Dress Pants Ljl.00 to 84.00 per pair. . . „ ; • ; ... f Big line of Overalls from 40c to 75c per pair, with and without aprons. ' We have a few broken sizes of Mackintoshes and Rubber Coats to close t at cost. 6,000 yards of the very heaviest yard-wide Sheeting at 5c per yard. The same amount of Checks at 5c per yard. We have Checks as loto as cents per yard. • ' One bale of short lengths in Shirtings, as long as they last at 33£c yard. It’s this way: You can burn yourself with Fire, with Powder,, etc., or you can scald yourself with Steam or Hot Water, but there is only one proper way to cure a bum or scald and that is by using . Mexican- Mustang Liniment. i It gives, immediate relief. % Get a, piece of soft old j Knelt cloth, saturate it with this liniment and bind loosely ttppn the wound. ' You can have no adequate idea what an excellent remedy this is for a burn until you have tried' it. *■' .*. ^ Strikes a Rich Find.- “I was troubled for several, years with chronic indi gestio n and nervbu- debility.” writes F. J. Green, -of Lan caster,. N. BE., “No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bit ters, which did me more good than all the medicine^ I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She savs f Electric Bitters -are just splendid for feniale troubles; tbar they are a grand tonic and invigoratoc for weak, run down women. Np other medicine can take its place in our fam ily.” Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed-by M. C. Brown ie are strictly in it on Groceries, and will meet any prices on them. I We sell at wholesale or retail. Country Merchants *. fc invited to call and get our prices Before buying. We can and will save you money. v A pnwi TIP If you have a bird afflicted with Roup or any rUilL lir« other poultry disease use Mexican Mustang Liniment. It is called' a standard remedy by poultry breeders. Nearing Completion. The store to be used by the Pacolet company at IJew; Holland* is nearing completion. Likewise the office build ing for the company is going up pretty fast,* : and will soon be ready. The county commissioners have not yet built the bridge across the branch be low the mill, but in a little ‘while the first licks will be struck. The bridge will certainly be a great convenience Stovall & Co, are still in the swim when it comes to anything in their line. They have the lar gest assortment of , goods ever handled by any like establishment in Northeast Georgia. Be sure to read their advertisement in this issue and call to see this up-to- date firm. SAME OLD STAND to the public: p busiest store in town —Because they, sell strictly for SPQT CASH and make one price to everybody. These are the reasons they are always busy and can undersell the credit stores* Follow the crowds this week and see where the people buy goods right. b HOE DEPARTMENT RESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Just received, one lot Tricot flannel all wool selling fast for waist —BARGAIN COUNTER.— Menens bbrated talcum Powder—-- - —.... __. ‘ 15c Stockinett dress shields . - - V.... IQc Childrens side elastics—- - - JOc 25c size bottle machine oil—j - T —l-- 5c Whitemore shoe polish the 25c size——... ...... 15c Colgates fiqe soap per cake...... -: ... 5c Our Queen soap per cake large --------- 5c Box paperties ... . . -— - ——- - - - - 5c Box paperties fine quality 1 - - - ... -— _ 10c Kid curlers per dozen....—- .. - -... . 5c Curling irons per pair 5c 50 yds. spool corticella silk ..;. —....... 5c 100 yds spool embroidery silk all shades .... - 5c Ladies all linen Hem Stitched handkerchiefs— 5c Mens all linen Hem Stitched handkerchief. 12-^c 3 cakes Octagon soap.. — - -.... 10c U NDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. UNDERWEAR IN'GREAT PROFUSION. Union Suit for ladies the kind that sells for 50c in other stores- _25c.each 2 ladies ribbed V6st for 25c each . V, Childrens Union Suits*for —-- 25c -r Childrens Vest Pants and Draw- -V' ers 25c Ladies heavy Rib Vest 50c- j Ladies heavy Ribbed Pants.... - 25c . . . .' A complete line Collates soaps and perfumery and toilet articles for sale at the one price store. A Complete Store * in itself. Our facil ities for handling Shoes are unequaled* having made a life study of them. This department shall always be kept up to the highest standard in makes, qualities and good values. Will give your foot ease and comfort, and -by giving low prices, will keep change in your Pocket. ■ ■--■■■■One Price to All.—— One lot Corduroy for suit or waist they are the latest per yrd-.-- Our black goods for skirts or suits, cant be matched in style or price. We have them from -39c to $1 One lot flannel suiting in black or colors the 50c grade All over Laces and appMque in black or white, velvets velvet ribbons and braids. .. : * cVfefSi Ladies take a look at our 75c and $100 Kid Gloves—they will fit perfectly and give satisfaction. New wash goods, in Cotton Coverts, Flan neletts, Outings, Gingham, Percales, etc. L0THING department. Mens and Boys Clothing. All Wool Suits for Men at -- - - Can’t be patched at $7.50. Boys Suits 69c up. Boys Knee Pants 25c up. Overalls in all grades. Mens Heavy fleeced Shirt and Draw ers, worth.75c Wrights Heavy fleece Undershirts and Drawer^ - - . - - - OMESTIC -DEPARTMENT. % One case apron Gingham the best 6c grade spot cash price-- ■ . 5£< Good co’tton flannel 5c Good yard wide bleaching 5c Good yard wide sea Island 5c Good- Jeans' - 10c 10-4 Pepperill sheeting unbleach ed - 18c • . i 10-4 Pepperell bleached --- 21c look at these goods and see if you can duplicate these prices MATHIS & COMPANY