The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, October 26, 1901, Image 6

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THE GEORGIA CRACKER. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1901 •• : jBAliiKOAb SJBEflIS SUBE. "Trust Deed For 8750,000 is Made on , Gainesville & Dahlo'nega Railway Co. It certainly looks like, the electric' railway system for ~ Gainesville is a ee?tainty. Last Wednesday Mr, W; A. Carlile, civil engineer for the company, received a trust- deed for $750,000, wifieh was at once recorded in the clerks office of thg superior court. The trust deed, or mortgage, is made to the Ki^ckerboeker Trust Company of New York, Trustees, and' covers all the property, real, personal and other 1 "wise and all;the franchises, given to the company by Gainesville and Hall coup -ty. The. mortgage is to secure $750,- 000 worth of 40 year 5 per cent , bonds. The bonds are of the denomination of $1000, are to draw 5 per cent interest," and become due September 111941. General A- & WSrner, the dead of. the Company, 4 was expected home from ALUMINIUM Aluminium is at the present time the cheapest metal igi the market, With the exception of iron, zinc and lead. The metal is now extensively used in place of copper, brass, tin and in some cases even "iron, espe cially when, the reduction of dead weight is a Question of great im portuned. Aluminium is also begin ning to he used very largely for elec trical conductors, as it gives nearly ,the same conductance : copper, weighs, only half as much # and costs less. / Ready for Fall Business with the most Superb Stock indite ever brought to Gainesville. Our various lines ■ its are as complete as experiencE and monEv cAn mol RIBBONS > » LACES AND , # EMBROIDERIES. DRESS We are showing all the newest fabrics GOODS! and most stylish shades in Wool Dress ^ . * Goods, Broadcloths, Venetians, Prunella Cloth, Camel’s Hair Cheviots, Pebbled Cheviots, Sicil- lians, Brilliantines, Henriettas, Ladies’ Cloth and Ker seys; with sill the latest Trimmings to match, such as Gilt Bi*ids, and Appliquea id black, white and colors. aluminium in‘" the past few years justified the most sanguine expecta tions. Twenty years ago fhe'.tot&l output in th<e world did not exceed four or five'tons and its . price wal $210,000 per ton; ten years ago it£ price was reduced to about '$10,005 per ton and the output increased to about 30 tons per annum. Now the price is $650 to $700 per ton, ibid the output during the last 12 hoontHsTs reckoned at 5,000 toinstr— Electricity. • | rf »"■- ■ .rnm- Ways of Russian Officers. One of the hardships of a New We have a nice assortment of these for Waists in both plain and fancy colors. . FRENCH FLANNELS. HOSIERY AND ' UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT I In this department we knocked the bottom *j in low prices. Give call and we will convnn of this fact. The Wrights Found Guilty. The bases against T. N. and R. L. : Wright-Were tried in the city- court | yesterday. The former was f foiind guilty of stubbing and was. given/ a fine of $35 and costs, while the latter Was sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and .•costs. They were accused of doing up it man named J. T. Benton, near Bell- mont, last week. This was not their first row^ as they have had serious trouble trouble. Opening display of Beautiful Silks for Fall and Winter wear, Our line .em braces the latest styles and*shades in Taffetas, Chinas, Gros Grains, Armures, Satins, Ben- galines and Peau de Soie at prices ranging from' 48c. to $1.35 per yard, Also pretty line of Silk,Waist Pat terns, no two alike. Exquisite line of Ready-to-wear Silk Waists, full line of sizes and all of the latest shades to select from, at prices from $&.98 * to $5.00 SILKS! SILKS I York correspondent who tried to accompany the Russians during the recent military activities in China had to do with thd convivial capaci ties of the czar’s officers, whose guest he was. Vodka and sakuska were their favorite, tipples. These, as everybody Snows, are not "soft,” and to drink a Russian toast means the rapid consumption of a full glass' of strong alcoholic liqui$. Then the glasses are turned unward and they must leave no moist ‘spot upon the tablecloth. One toast is STYLISH MILLINERY I -Everything new and np-toi Experienced trimmers and J ladies to meet and serve trade. We are Showing this season all the latest! ations in the milliner’s art in French Pattern Hatsi Bonnets. Also a pretty line of our own«designs, j , i ' t * i * Protracted Service At Myrfcle Street. A protracted meeting is in progress at Myrtle. street Methodist ^Church. The pastor is assisted .by Rev L. A. Simpson of the Presbyterian church. ^Services promptly at 4 and 7,30 p. m. The meeting will likely continue next week. A cordial inyitation is extended to all. No services on Saturday "night of this week. Our line of these floods is the' most complete we have ever had, including Paris Waist Cloths, Outings, Per- Etc. 2.000 yards good Calicoes worth 3,000-yards Calico worth 6q, at 5c. WASH GOODSI GENTS* , We wish to say that we FURNISHING up with the times in this GOODS. partment and are show the latest styles in D: Shirts, in White and Colors ; Collars, Cuffs, Ties—i in fact,' everything* to please the young, middle-a and old man. LINEN Beautiful line of Table Linen! DEPARTMENT. at 25e., 39c., 48c., 59c., 78c., $1.0G and $1.15 per yard. These goods are worth . from 15 to 20 -per cent; more than wc ask forthem. Nice assortment of Towels, 18x34, at 10c ; 19x36 at 12c.; 20x40, at 15c. each. Also nice line of Damash Tbwels at prices ranging from 20 to 50 cents each, You are invited to call and see the new Novelty Frames in wood effects. Gur line of circular Frames. Also the bargains in Pictures, Medallions 5c and up. • " Col. H. W. J. Ham has moved to 1 his cottage near the Seminary, and his East Highlands place has been rented by Col. H. H. Perry, who spend part of the win ter out there. Mr. Byron Mitchell has moved to the cottage next door to Col, S. C. Dunlap’s and the Barrett cottage, vacated by him, is now occUpied^by Mr. W. W. Hendrix of Bowling Green, Ky., wfio re cently moved here. DOMESTICS. 3,000 yards Cotton Cheeks worth 4^c. to be sold at 33,000 yards best grade Cheviot .Checks at 5c. a yard, worth 6%c. 3,0(H) yards 4-4 Sheeting, cheap at 5>£e., now £%xi. 3,000 yards heavy 4-4 Sheeting to go at 5c. per yard. ■ — • offhand,” replied Mr. Adee. "Can’t you give the gist so far as they draw the line between what sort of talk is permissiblesand FANCY This Department is full to overflow- GOODS ing with the very latest Novelties AND to be found in the Eastern Markets. NOTIONS. We mention prices on a few things here : Ladies’ White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at 2X, 3, 5, and 83^e. each ; also an all linem hemstitched for 10c. each. Gepts’ Handkerchief.s good styles, hemstitched, at -5c. and 8J4c. each ; also an all linen, hemstitched, at 12,15 and 25c. each, Full line of newest styles in Handkerchiefs. Ladies’ Belts, latest styles, at prices from 25c, to 50c. * Ladies’ Cash- mere Gloves at 15, 25 and 40c. pair. Beautiful lines of. Kid Gloves, guaranteed to* give satisfaction, colors— White. Black, Tan, Castor and Brown. Handsome line of the very latest things in Combs and Toilet Articles. ; * This Pepartment is large and ca plete with the largest variety! godds and lowest prices thatlj h%ye ever had before. A great many lines ofthj goods were bought from 25 to 33 per cent, less thj theii? value. We will sell them the same way. j had the largest sales in our Clothing Department j season we have had for a long time. We will quo q few prices here : Mens’ Black Saits, good styes j all wool, at $5:00. Men’s Black Suits, all wool,FH designs, at $5.90. Men’s Black Diagona* 0 j Suits, all wool, at $8.45, We also havethe hand^ 1 . lme of Men’s $10, $12 and $14 Suits? city. Nice lot of Youths’ Suits for $2.90, * J $5.40 each. Also a pretty line-of Boys’ to j $1.45, $1.87 up to $5.00 each. CLOTHING, CLOTHING! pie of the nations to whom they 2 accredited may be summarized follows: ♦ - . .“If wisdom's ways you'd surely seek. Five things observe with care— Of whom you speak, to whom you speak. And bow, and when, and where." —New York Times. A FIENDISH WEAPON. 'tt Would Kill and Leave Ko Marie to l*ell tb« Tale. & have handled a good manyfeut- ^mdish weapons, ** said a New Orleans Curio dealer, “but here is a little in strument that for pure diabolism beats anything I ever eaw. in my 'life. I Bought it the other day from a Norwe gian sailor^, who tells me it was given to him by a Jap at Yokohama—a*story that you may take for what it is ^worth.**,. . V.' * As he spoke he opened a show case and took out what seemed to he an or dinary Chinese marking brush of rather large size. The handle was some ten botches long and the diameter of a lead B^; giving a sharp twist It seimthted “iibput a hand’s breadth from ^(P^fehd; after the manner.qf a sword cane, and. attached to the smaller piece was a slender glass, rpd with a needle point. The rod waC' h'dt f 7nuch bigger Hian a knitting needle, and with the handle it had the effect df a VCzy small and delicate stiletto. ■> > “I should think that would break if • it were used to stab with, ’ ’ remarked a Gearrlhg fhs Turf. “I made one hole in five strokes,” announced the new golfer gleefully. "The idea!” exclaimed the other golfer, who was even newer* "I in variably make a hole with every Stroke; * I never can hit the ground in *the same place twice.”—Phila delphia Press. : ; MJOZI^YS LEMON ELIXIR Regulates the Liver, Stomach, Bow- ‘ ’ / els and Kidneys. For biliousness, constipation and malaria. Vor indigestion , sick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart fail ure. - ' For fever, chills; debility ami kidney diseases take Lemon- Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough organic reg ulatton, take Lemon Elixir. % 50c. and $1 -bottles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta. Ga Orders for Goods Gainesville for the Celebrated Butterick Patterns and “The Delineator. • ..... * . • /*: ’ . .. . _ ’ J % r- ' - Mail will Receive our Prompt and Careful Attention. Gainesville. Corner Main and Washington Sts Phone 118 ureateit Knitters In the World. All the women of Shetland knit They , learn the art In early childhood and continue it all through their lives. The wool used for their knitting is . grown oil the islands and is - carded and spun by the ' people themselves. Machinery they have hot except v the primitive spinning wheel. Many of the most elaborate shawls have taken months to make and some even 'years, so that a very fine shawl may be worth as much as $150 or $200. Most of the knitting is. however, of the more home- INSURANCE AGENTS. E, LIFE, ACCIDENT, 1 ► QLfRETY bonds. - dealer, “and that is where the fiendish* ness of the thing Comes m. Look close ly at the glass rod and you will see a tiny groove filed around it* about two inches frdm the hilt. . Suppose that it was drfrea into the body of a man, it would be certain to break at the groove *md would leave at least tbree inches of, glass buried in his/vitals. The punctnre would be so small that it would close when the stump was drawn out, and J doubt exceedingly whether a single drop of blood would follow. In other words, .the victim could receive his deathblow without knowing exactly what had happened to him. He would feel a shock and a pang, but find no wound! knd meanwhile {tie assassin would stick his brush together and go about his business.—New Orleans Times-Democrat ' * gestion, with great neryous prostration, bilious ness, disoidered kidneys and constipation. I have been cured by Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir, and am now ^ well man ; 1 :..x * ' . REV. C. C. DAVIS. Eld. M. E. Church, South, No. 28 Tatnall St., Atlanta, Ga. •* A Prominent Memphian Writes. Di. H. Mozley, Atlanta—Having been a great sufferer for three jrears from indigestion, and been treated by many physicians, who failed to give me any relief. Continuing to grow worse my brother advised me to try Dr. Mozley’s Lem on Elixir, which remedy he had used for sever al years. I commenced its use, and must say that your Lemon Elixir is the greatest medicine, on earth. Ih^venever suffered a day since I commenced using Lemon EUxir: R. L. ROCCO, Sell, exchange and rent all kinds c ' eal estate. Have in hand anythin; ou want in this line. Will make it our interest whethbr you want to se r buv. Will insure your property against loss by fire in old reliable and prompt paying companies For a perfect fit g° G. H. SAUND Moved to Daniel Building, J J. E. Jackson’s star “The Artistic T* Clothes cleaned and P r short notice. Also .^ T1 LADIES^ SKI clean ep and pressed. t prompt a ention. -a monster Tusk. The largest ivory tusk ever known is now in the British mu seum. It measures 10 feet 2 1-2 inches on the outside curve, has a circumference at the solid end of 24 1-4 inches and weighs 226 1-2 pounds. The museum tonight it for