The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, October 26, 1901, Image 8

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THE GEORGIA CRCAKER. SATURDAY; OCTOBER 26, 1901 Syndicate Miller. New York, Oet. 24—William F. Miller, the head of the Franklin syndicate, will soon" make an* ef fort to get bail. Lawyer'MeCiosk- ey of Brooklyn, who arranged for Miller’s re-arrest after the grant ing of a new trial, will enter*a pro test against ordinary bail being The Journal and Adver- Washmgton, Oet. 24—There .has ? been no report since Saturday at *the state department from Turkey or Bulgaria touching Miss Stone’s case. The officials, however,, are by no meanes discouraged, and are still confiden t that they will suc ceed in saving her life, buPwheth- er'by diplomacy or by force is not clear. T ; It is gathered that the friend ship of the Russian government has much to^do with the confi dence ot the officials here. That government has responded in the ♦most cordial spirit to the appeal of the state department which, -unable itself from geographical and political government of Bul garia, has been pleased to avail itself of the powerful influence t>f Russia on that government. The Turkish government has for its part responded in the same spirit4o the appeal of the United States, and altogether the two governments—-Turkish audBulga- rian—have been put to a degree.of expense equal to the -amount of the ransom demanded by Miss Ston'e’s captors in the military leaser mj littL ^ Ly. A tlantn.OT ** Atlanta.Si? Norcroas.. ** Buford Gainesville ** Lula ** Cornelia..!. " Mt. Airy... allowed tiser says that $815,000 of the sum secured from the creditors of the Franklin Syndicate has been traced. It is said that the sum of $100,000 was turned over to one man. Another sum of $115,000 is said to be on deposit in a local bank to the credit of a fictitious . « - name and recoverable by only Miller or a man interested in the syndicate, who went - to Europe Govern- Seneca..... Central Greenville and who is still there, ment bonds amounting to $90,0(50 and New York* Central bonds of $10,000 bought by Miller are also known to be in existence. You can bumyourseli witn Tire, witn Powder, etc. , or you can scald yourself with Steam or Hot Wafer, hut there is only one proper way to cure a hum Or scald and that is by using Mexican “V-V •’ Mustang Liniment. It gives immediate relief. • Get a piece of soft old linen cloth, saturate it with this liniment and bind loosely npon the wound. You can have no adequate idea what an excellent remedy this is for a burn until you have fried it. ~ ' - FstMa No. 35. Daily. Do you suffer from piles? If 59 do not turn ter surgery for relief. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salye will aet more quick, ly, surely and safely, saving* you the A Giant In Size. Bethlehem, Pa., Oct. 21.—-J. Daniel Reinhafd, probably the heaviest man in Pensylvania, died suddenly of hear £ disease today at his home in Bath, near here, aged 73 years. Mi| Reinhard weighed 493 pounds* last Saturday. He Was a. stonecutter, and for half a century was director of the North ampton county choir association and organist of the Bath Union church. He was the father of 17 children, 11 of whom are living. Eight of his sons.are of remarka ble physique, none weighing less than 300 pounds. Lewis Ockermab, Goshen, Ind: “De- Witt’s Little Early Kisers never bend me double like other pills, but do their work thoroughly and* make me feel like a boy.’* Certain, thorough,’gentle. —Geo. H. Fuller Drug Co. • Lv. Gre’nsboro Ar. Charlotte.. Lv. Gastonia... “ King’s Mt.. * Blacksburg “ Gaffney-.- 7 05a/ 737a] 9 25a 12 ami 130p| A irnU/l TIP* If you have a bird'afflicted with Roup or any rUlIL* I IP* other poultry disease use Mexican Mustang Liniment. -It is called a stand a up remedy by poultry breeders. The first rule of economy is to stop spending what you haven’t; then you*will eoon have something uti.pon which to economize. “The oldest ma'11 in the world” has just died again., This time his name was Ismail Hudjo and be lived at Khuti, in Albania,. The veracious correspondent who sends the story, which was sprinted in the New York Sun, and must therefore. be true, says that Is mail was 160 years old ana re tained his faculties and~more marvelous still, his teeth, to the . .• day of his death. . * ing the son present when the trial trip is made. He also wants the priqce to study American method* m shipbuilding. The yacht will be ready in Aptil. The crown prince, if he comes, will be accom panied by several naval officers. DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers never disappoint. They are safe, prompt, gen tie, effective in removing all im purities from the liver and bowels. -Small and easy to takge. Never gripe or distress.—Geo. H. Fuller Drug Co. Atlanta,CT| 5 Iifa| 3 55 p STATIONS. Grown Prince Coming. New YoVk, Oct. 24.—According to The Herald th&e i9 a possibil ity that the crown prince Wilhelm of OJermany will visit the United States about April or May of next year; Emperor William is hav ing constructed now at a shipyard in New Jersey a new yacht, or- deretTthrough the German minis ter at Washington. ■*. He intends ultimately to give the yacht to the crown prince anc -on this account is desirous of hav-- Mother-s every where praise One Min ute Cough Cure for the sufferings it has relieved and the liyes of their little root ones it has saved. Strikes at the of‘the trouble and draws out the inflam mation. The children’s favorite Cough Cure.—Geo. H. Fuller Drug Co. Note close connection made at 85*. 60c. Orastfite. Genuine stamped C. C. t. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the' dealer who tries to sell . ’ "something just as good.” Cured of Blood Poisqp. E. L. Colbert, Trebloc, Miss?, says: It certainly affords me great pleasure to add my statement to the great num ber you must already have, as to the value of the Ranaon Pills and Tonic Pellets- I have been using them in my family for nine years and do-not want anything else. I have.had them in stock the same length of time. One year ago I was blood poisoned, and af ter trying many remedies I was ,cured by the Pills and Pellets. It is not often that a princess of a reigning dynasty will re nounce all claims to the succession to the throne in order to bestow her heart and hand upon a pen niless young officer of Uhlans. Yet this is what the Archdnchess Elizabeth of Austria will do when she marries Prince Othou* Yon Windlsch-Graetze. *“Ik>ve rules the world,” they say, and it is sometimes to be noticed that not the princes and princesses Every man has to pay jbis owi tuition in the school of life—anc some pretty heavy -mortgages be sides. . between Atlanta New ierve all meals enrouta cars between Greensboro andUomsw coach service 05'*«ns stop at GainesviU .Lula, „ JneyandBlacksbare onl? same numbers for andfrom wa™ York and the east, sleeping cars between Lj Charlotteand-ittehmond ing Washington Mondays, * ^ ( Fndays a tourist sleeping 1 egMgJJS on this train through nrmuBC Frkncisco without change- Iei Greensboro with rieepgs Pullman caw on this and Charlotte. Ample flret * edach aoaommadations for local *To?S5anda6^Um t MSt^>Mj •olid between Washington via Southern Hallway»^ of 1 L. & N. E. R, being < through without change ^ classes. FuBman d***^#^ orleasi between New Yorkand-»«w ur^ lanta and Montgomery THningcs* mhigbam and Bichmond. all meals en route. . train ^ vio *' . Third Vice B. H. HABDWICK, A K^i Deafness Cannot-be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased porfton of the ear. Th ere fis on 1 y one way 1 to cure deafness Secretary Gage says he knowB of 2(X$25,000 vacant jobs. It is safe to wager that they are not in Washington. and thaffis by constitutional remedies. Deaf ness is caused by qn inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have Crumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed; deafness is the result, ,and unless the inflamatien can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed^ condition of the mu- evfcn 1 of the earth are unmindful of their allegiance to the gentle god. “I had long suffered from indiges tion,” writes G. A. LeDeis, Cedar City, Mo. ‘‘Like others I tried^ many prepar ations but never found anything that did Tie good until I took* Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. One bottle cured me. A friend who had suffered similarly I put on the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. He is gaining fast and will soon be able to work. Before he used Kodol Dis- pepsia Cure indigestion had made him, a total wreck.—Geo" H. Fuller Drug Co. The blood may- be jn bad condition, yet with no ; external signs, no skill eruption or sores to indicate it. The jymptoms in such cases being a variable appetite, poor digestion, an indescribable weakness and nervousness, loss of flesh . find a general run-down condition of the system clearly showing the blood has tritive qualities,has become thifl •and watery. It is in just such cases thal S. S. S. has done some of its quickest and inost effective work by building up t the The story that’ a negro cashier in ah Indian A bank lost recently $30,000 ? at craps may be pro nounced a fine pipq dream, It is sadder to lose a friend than a fQrtuue. Most any man will tell-you this-—who has never had a fortune to lose. to make it strong and vigorous. “ My wife used sev- ^ eral bottles of S. S. S. JL; as a blood purifier and y to tone up a weak and * fflW emaciated system,vfith \ * • very marked effect by hj ysssgSRtinL way of improvement. j ||| “We regard it a great tonic and blood purifier. ’’—J. F. Duff, Princeton, Mo. f I s the greatest of all tonics, and you will k/Wfind the appetite im- proves at once, strength returns, and nervousness vanishes as new rich pure blood once more circulates ' through all parts of the system. S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known. It contains no min erals# whatever. Send for our free book , on blood and skin diseases and write cui Bg| v physicians for any information or advice , *wn$pd. No change for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO- ATLANTA, GA. Turnon. If vou haven’t a regular, healthy^movement of the hnwAla every day, you’re HI or will be. Keep your h^wllSoJenfandbe well. Force, in the shapeof vio lent ohyfic or pill poison, is dangerous. The smooth, est easiest, most perfect way of keeping the bowels dear^d clean is to take % - CANDY Sm9 CATHARTIC ^ ^ and vigor.—Geo. H. Fuller Drug Co. the other In Knoxville, Tenn day. James Tallent was married a second time. He is 87 years old and has 74 grandchildren and 79 DAHLONEGA, GA. A colleg-e education in the reach of all. A.B., B.S., Normal and Business Man’s courses. ’Good laboratories; healthful, invigorating'cli mate; military discipline; good moral and religions influences. Cheapest board In the State; abundance of country produce {expenses from $75 to $150 a year; board in dormitories or private families. Special license course for teachers; full faculty of nine; all under the control of the University. A college prepar atory class. Co-ed.tcation of sexes. The insti* tution founded specially for students of limited means. Send rir catalogue to the President. los. S. Stbwaxt, A.M. Anyone sending » s f k E 0 nir SSgggJSss SsBSteSS great-grandchildren living s nd 37 of both dead. EAT 'EM J.IKE CANDY Palatable, Potent. Taste Good, Do Good, N^er*8icken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10, 2a and 60 cents oer bof. Widte for free sample, and booklet on health. Address J 433 WTWmtXMl XEMKPT COMPAST, CHICAGO ar SBW TOBK. Bean the Signature