The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, November 02, 1901, Image 5

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Lad Takes Father’s Life. 7 Spring Place, Ga. ? Oct. 29.—In |liamountains, -fe m§Ies? front* this placej A. J. McClure was killed by his son Mai ion this afternoon at 3 o’clock, WHAT ARE VOLCANOES? 77 ' . 7 Are Not Burning Monntalnji a» • We Understand Tliat Term. “What are volcanoes ?” Nine out of every ten persons would f ^other’s ignorance; or more r from a mother’s neglect to ^struct her daughter 1 fory.v n sa vs “woman must suf- F^fwroung women are so taught. a £ a little truth and a great deal KaBteratioa in this. If a young i „„ suffers severely she needs treat- ^tand her mother should see that mothers hesitate to take their .iters to a physician for examina- • - but no mother need hesitate to ft! f r eely about her daughter or ^ If to Mrs. Pinkham’s Laboratory tTvnn Mass., and secure from a man the most efficient advice with- charge. immediately have an answer of some sort to the question above, for have they not a lively remembrance of hay ing learned in theif schoolbooks that “a. volcano is a burntag mountain, from the summit of which -ire sent out smoke and flames?” This,popular fancy has been exploded by ^scientists, whose work is to explode popular fancies. In the first place, volcanoes are not necessarily mountains. In reality they are just the reverse—that is, holes in the earth’s crust. Out of these are thrown the materials which, accumu lating, form the heaps which we popu larly call mountains. These are, then, the result and not the .cause of the action. Neither are they “burning,’’ as we understand the term. There Is no combustion, nor any action we might reasonably call “burn ing.” The action need hot necessarily take place at the summit, for eruptions are just as frequent at the sidqs or. even at the base. The killing grew out of a. two days’ feud between httsbhnd and wife and the son killed his father to protect his mother. The second son arrived on the scene in time to see his father’s throat cut. threatened by his brother and he left while his fath er’s slayer was firing a gun at him. The murderer made good his es cape. \ The younger brother fears his brother-in-law* who went with him, has lost his life, too, as his father’s murderer said as he fled that he would kill him so there would be no one to tell ; any tale. The worst may yet follow. The sheriff and his posse have gone to the scene of the blood letting. Six Million Boxes a Year. In 1895, none; in 1900, 6,000,000 boxes; that’s Cascarets Candy Ca thartic’s jump into popularity. The people have cast their verdict. Best medicine for the bowels in the world. COMMON ENEMY . Kidney disease is the enemy we have most to fear as a result of the feverish restlessness of our modern civilization; It Is a treacherous enemy, working ou} its deadly effect under cover of'the most trifling symptoms. The'first indication of changes in the urine, frequent head aches, digestive troubles; should be the signal for prompt remedial measures. PRiCKLY ASH RITTERS Is m kidney remedy of great merit. It isr soothing, healing and Strengthening, quickly relieves the achitfg or soreness that always appears in the advanced stage, checks the progress of the disease, and .through its excellent cleansing and regulating effect id the liver and bowels, it brings back the strength and ruddy glow of vigorous health. The so called “smoke” Is nothing more or less than the clouds of condensing steam which are formed on .every ocasion when an eruption oc curs. so called, are Lastly, the “flames, merely the reflection pf the mass of molten rock and material inside the crater on the clouds of steam above, thus appearing as a glowing light. The. friction, too, set up by the motion of the materials cabses electricity, and Price, $1.00 Per Bottle* SPECIAL AGENTS, E. E. DIXON & CO INTERESTING ANNOUNCEMENT We have made arrangements to handle the celebrated, . The best and most satisfactory flour on the market Will sell same in any quantity at the Lowest Prices. Strength of the Army. Washington, Oct. 28.—Lieuten ant General Miles, in his animal report, states that the strength of the army at the present time was 84,513, of which number 33,874 are in the United States, 43,224 in the Philippines, 4,914 in Cuba, the remainder, in small detachments, being in Porto Rico, Hawaii, China and Alaska*itfiffxpect- ed that the fordewn the Philip pines also can be reduced. It is said that the only monu ment in the world erected to a Pole is in Savannah. It will proba bly be unveiled during the state fair;"' v . ^ "It seemed that . nothing short of a miracle could . save my little {daughter from , an, untimely death,” says; City Marshall A. H. Malcolm, of Cherokee,Kan: "When two years old she was taken with stomach and bowel trouble and despite the efforts of the best physicians we could procure, she grew gradually worse and was pronounced in curable. A friend advised Washingtoriy D. C. Baltimore, Md. Let me write the checks of a country, and I cafe not who writes its songs. Getting engaged appeals to all women, because it gives them a chance to let out a secret. Being happy is mostly not being unhappy. _ Ith the cook who can imder- cf.ftnii' Hftst whv the . man of the ME CAN PLEASE YOU. [Mailorders are Given Special Attention.] ; ... Thirty-five years of successful business in Atlanta has proven the. abovq ; assertion. - ^ .Whefi you huy $ suit from us you can feel satisfied that it comes -from Hands ^ because we are the only clbthifig house "south that paanufactures and sells direct to fhp cqp8t|pier. You know what that means. We save you all the wayjfrom 10 to 20 per cent. : - EISEMAN BROS of 11, 13,15, 17 Whitehair St. Temporary Quarters CORNER PRYOR AND ALABAMA STREETS, Near Union Depot- A young man in J see any thing in h would attract a girl Augusta storing frequently results ignorance; or more •itv. [ Nothing in the world equals Lydia E. iliams great medicine for regu- woman’s peculiar monthly oubles. Mallary Bros., Machinery Go. [IGINE BUILDERS, SAW MILLS,- COTTON HNS and PRESSES. . R. DEXTER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND DEALER IN }\ kinds of funeral furnishings, Bee teams and prompt attention pen to all calls either day or |ight. Parlors and ware rooms South Bradford street di- fctly in front of court house, GAINESVILLE, GA. DERRY FARM, 27 ACRES, 1-2 Mile of New Holland Springs, R. SMITH. - 1 jf r s. August Pfalzgraf, pf South jrron, WisT, mother of the young lady those portiait we here publish, wrote {January, 1899, saying her daughter [suffered for two years with irreg- menstruation — had headache all time, and pain in her side, feet veiled, and was generally miserable, ae received an, answer promptly with flvice, and under date of March, 1899, i mother writes again that Lydia E. iam's Vegetable Compound cured daughter of all pains and irregu- MAUON, GA By request the following inter esting soliloquy is republished: “A Dutchman, addressing his dog, said: ‘‘My dog, you have a schnap. You vas only a dog and I vas a man, but I vish I vas you. You effry wav haf the best of it. Yen you go mid the bed in you shusfc dura round tree times and laydown. Ven I go mid the bed in I haf to lock up de blace und vind up de clock and put the cat oud and undress min self und my vife vakes up and scols me; den de baby cries and I haf to vawk him up and down, den maybe ven , I shust go to sleep its time to get I oup again. Ven you get up you stretch yourself and scratch a couple of times and you vas.. up. I haf to light the fire and put on the kittle, scrap some vid my vife already and maybe I get some breakfast. You blay around all day and haf plenty of fun. I haf to vork all day and haf plenty of trouble. Ven you die yops dead. Ven I die I haf to go to hell yet?” Educate Your Bowels With Cascarets* Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. F information as to Routes, Schedules and Rates, both ®senger and Freight [ r ^ e to either of the undersigned. W will receive prompt reply ^reliable information.. ^•HcMillin, A. G. Jackson G -A.P. D. G. P. A. A. O.^Dawson, S. A., Augusta, Ga.< C. D. Cox, Gen’l Agt. I Magiix, ^ 5 i Agt. Aaanta - Athens, j • Hard wick, W. C.McMillin M Agt. Bean Brnmtnel and His Boots. In the “Reminiscences and Recollec tions of Captain Grownow” (who was himself a famous dandy) occurs the following annecdote of Bean Brum- mel, the time being 1815. The dandy’s dress consisted of a blue coat, with brass buttons, leather breeches and top boots, and It was the fashion to wear a deep, stiff white cravat, which prevented you from seeing your boots while standing. All the world watched Brummel to imitate him, and order their clothes of the tradesman who dressed that sub lime dandy. One day a youthful beau approached Brummel and said: “Permit me to ask yon where you get your blacking?” Ah!” replied Brumme^ gazing com placently at his boots, “my blacking positively ruins me. I will tell you in confidence. It is made with the finest cbiUnnoinukP 1 Discovered a new .-uisncr, The Professor^-I have a new conun drum for you. Why is a mouse like a haystack? T The Doctor—A new conundrum! That had whiskers when 1 was a boy. A mouse is like a haystack because the cat’ll eat it. New conundrum! Ho, ho! Ha, ha! The Professor—That isn’t the an swer at all. The points of resemblance are these: You can’t find a needle in a haystack, and you can’t find a needle in a mouse. Some people weary me exceedingly with their affectation of superior knowledge.—Chicago Tribum ^acou. f' V - Rilkes, !1, 4P.a Atlanta. S. F. & P. A. Macon. W. M. McGovern Gen’l Agt. In Pound, half pound boxes and in any quantity open The peer of any candy sold in Atlanta. HEINZ’ CELEBRATED PICKLES. HH • ■ HMMBI