The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, November 02, 1901, Image 7

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THE GEORGIA CRACKER, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 2, 1901. "T^Mabaffey of Jeffer- , n town during the past 1 3I ,(] Mrs. H. W. Bell of „ er e in the city last re- Marion Chambers has h from a pleasant visit to At- T. C. Black has gone to gomery, Ala-, to remain dur- |j, e winter. 9 Estelle Sims went to At- Monday to spend a few [visiting friends. L f v [. Johnson has return- [ on] a pleasant visit toT her ier at Oglethorpe. G. K. Faulkner of EelltOD, ttn town yesterday, enlivening i with his humor. l.J. W. Smith, cashier of the Rational Bank, spent a day *o in Atlanta this week. pj. J. Collins and Mrs. W. Lmer of West Point, ^re in [city, guests of Mrs. H. N. i Laura Bennett has retnrn- ome to Holly Springs, Mis?., ■apleasant visit to h«r sister, Geo. E. Sims. iNorrine Lester Cochrane of lessee, is in the city for a short land is stopping at Mrs/ Puck- on Seminary avenue. ‘ ev. J. A. Bell of Gainesville, ghted his hearers at this place two of his excellent sermons [Sunday.—Jackson Herald. n. B. F. Taylor arrived in the [Saturday and is now stopping. her husband at Mr. T. P. tin’s on South Bradford street. s, H. P. Farrow arrived last rday from Porter Springs, has closed for the season, is now a guest at the Langston i. r. J. W. Veal of Cobell, one of best citizens of Hall county, in town a day or two this shaking hands with his many ids. rs. H. H. Dean and children Miss Claude Law returned nesday afternoon from a ant visit to relatives at Mont- lerv, Ala. k Mr. Perry and his wife, nee ! knth Cannon, of North Car la, are in the city visiting the m parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cannon, iss Etta Mae Hynds has re ed to Wesleyan, where she is ymg under the former pastor he First Methodist church of esviile, Rev. J. W. Roberts. r - Will R. Davis went to At- la Monday to Witness the grand ra Monday evening. He says :°st $5 per head but, like the Cities of life, we have to have 1 Gussio Thomas is expected S0 thi8 week from the Scarritt lilliD g School at Kansas City, sre 8 ^ e has been studying for ne hme. Her eyes have given t ®°niuch trouble she is forced U P her work fof the pres- ANNOUNCBMENTS. For Mayor. To My Fellow Citizens: I take this method t of announcing myself as a candidate for the office of Mayor of Gainesville. If you elect me, I shall in the future as in the past, give the my best attention and dp all within ray power to further the city’s interests, and be a Mayor for all the people. I have the time to devote to the office and will devote it. Asking the support of my fellow citi zens, j l am, Very Respectfully, .T. B. Gaston. After having been solicited by many citizens of Gainesville, we annonnce our names as candidates for Mayor and Aldermen at the ensuing election, and if elected pledge ourselves to the best interest of Gainesville. For Mayor—P. N. Parker. For Alderman—C. * C. Staton, 1st Ward. .?• For Alderman—J. M. Williams, 2nd Ward. For Alderman—S. C. Dunlap, Jr., 3rd Ward. We earnestly solicit the support of every citizen of Gainesville. For Alderman. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Alderman from the Second Ward. D. Alexander. C* Roberts Is now located next door to Tel ephone exchange better prepared than ever to do repairing, and now carries everything in the line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, and Musical Instru ments. He will receive a new lot of fine Silverware, Novelties, etc. Call to see him. She Didn’t wear a Mask. Bat her beauty was completely hidden by sores, bloches and Pimples till she used Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Tien they vanished as will all Fruptions Fever Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Carbuncles and Felons from its use. Infallible for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Scalds and Piles, Cure guaranteed. 25e at M. C, Browns drugs store. All leather collars from 75cts to $2. W. A. WILSON & CO. How Are Y«ar Kidneys t Dr. Hobbs’ Sparatjus Pills cure all kidney ills. Sain* Ole free. Add Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or N. Y- DR. DIXON’S ROCK CANDY COUGH SYRUP For Coughs of all kinds. W. A* 'Wilson & Co pay cash or trade for hides and tallow. Brandon and Delaperriere’s old stand. Old Soldier’s Experience. M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes;” My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor’s treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health. They always do. Try them Only 26c at M, C, Brown’s drug store I obe you buy prices 09 Pure Dru^s from . . v I. C. ' Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Musi cal Instruments, Fine Silverware, Nov elties, Etc., at M. C. Roberts’ new store, next door to Telephone Exchange, in opera house block. He is also pre pared to do the best repairing. Work done promptly and satisfactorily. Go to seC him. GUARANTEED tJNDEP A $5,000 DEPQ5I1 B. B. FABE PAID 200 FREE Scholarships offeree^ Write quick to CA.-ALA. BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macon, C» Riding move them, buy. saddles at prices to Come to see us before you W. A. WILSON & CO. j The quickest cure for COLDS, GRIP, ETC. Wood wanted: good shelled stove wood. Those of The Cracker’s sub scribers who are to pay their subscrip tion in wood would oblige us by bring ing some in at once. MONEY TO LOAN. ; We procure real estate loans for five years time, payable in installments at 7 per cent interest. Call and see us. Dunlap & Pickrell. Ga. / ^ t 1 HE Place whereyou can get wliat is ad vertised^ and every dollar’s wortli that is bought in this store is guaranteed to be as cheap and as good value as can be bought any where.. Dress Goods. . or ' * 1 * • - , • > .. We offer this week some special values in La dies Dress Goods, plain and figured Worsteds, in all colors: 3 The 15c qu ali ty at v .... _ 12£c Best 20c goods at —..... ..—,15c A good 25c quality at- — 17ic A nice line of Suitings and Skirtings in all the newest cloths,*and sold in patterns: All wool Yenitian Dress Pattern worth $8.00 now at $2.50 All wool Dress Pattern $3.50 now at—,—$2.98 Skirt Pattern worth $2.00 now at —$1.40 Skirt Pattern best $2.50 value now at. - —$2:00 Best $3.00 Skirt Pattern. —..... - $2.50 We offer for awhile two special bargains in plain White Lawn. They are 40 inches wide. The first one is our best 12£c goods but will go now at- — 10c. The second one is that 15c lawn that the ladies talk so much about, and the price will be now --12£c. We still have a few pieces of that 25 and 30c Jeans that we are selling at—.-.---.20 and 25c. Capes, Jackets and Furs. . . Our trade m this line for the past four weeks has far exceeded our expectation—have sold more than we expected to sell the whole season, in fact have about sold out our first shipment, but now we are getting in a new fresh stock, and most of them better values than before. The Ladies and Children’s Jackets come in all the latest styles, and in all Colors, Tans, Royal blues, Castors and blacks. Ladies Jackets worth $3.25 at $2.69. Better quality, $3.75 values at. — -——$2.98 Best all wool $5.00 Jacket at-. . . — - - -—$4.00 Ladies $ 10 Jackets at—- $7.50. Ladies plush Cape a good v alue at $1 25 now at — —98c A good $2.00 Cape, at ——-—$1.50 Fine Silk Plush Cape $3.50 value —. —$2.50. A full line of Furs, Scarfs, Collaretts. One manufacturer of Furs has just sent us a ship ment of their goods to close out for them. You can get them at factory prices. A good fur scarf worth $1.00 now at. ——69c Better quality worth $2.00 at — - -$1.50 One Lot Scarfs 40 inches long worth $3.00 dow‘ at... $1.98 Fur Collaretts to be sold at abouj^one half their real value at from $1.25 to — •..*. - —$5.00 25 Doz. Ladies Under Vests usual value 15c now ——-10c 25 Doz Ladies Under Vests worth 25c each now .... -..19c 25 Doz Ladies Wool Under Vests worth 85cjiow at 69c 50 doz Mens Under shirts and drawers worth 30c each our price--..-. —25c 50 Doz Mens heavy fleeced lined under shirts and drawers worth 50 : each now at — — B9c 25 Doz Mens Wool Shirts and Drawers $1.25 Value.... . ..... 98c 20 Doz Ladies Fascinators the 20c kind now at ------ — i. .15c *20 Doz* better quality Fascinators at.... —20c 20 Doz 30c to 75c quality now at. - - -25 to 69c. Clothing*. Our Clothing Department is more complete, it is better by far than we have ever had it be fore. Our line of $10.00 and $12.50 Mens Suits cant be beat. It is made by one of the best Tailoring concerns in the country. Every but ton hole is hand made, the buttons* are put on to stay. The lining is right, its as good as any used in $25.00 suits, and the fit perfect. Have given special pains to our low grade suits too. We have now in stock one lot of Mens and Boys Suits, about 75 in all not one of them worth less than $3 50, as long as these suits last will sell them at...... $2.98 One lot of all wool $6.50 suits now at—$4.95. New lot of Hats coming in this week, some of those new styles that the young men are cal ling for so much. One special lot of Manufac turers samples, and odds and ends just come in. Not a hat in this lot woren Ie9s than $1.50, your choice now at....... * - .-75c LOOK FOR THE SIGN: G. F. TURNER Wheat & Fertilfeersr Best TennesseeSeed Wheat • Will sell for casli or-on time* Also fertilisers made espec ially for the grain crop. CALL ON K. H. Tot Causes Night Alarm. >‘One night my brother’s baby was taken with Croup,” writes Mrs. J. C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., “it seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King’s New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our children from Croup ahd Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trou ble that no other remedy would re lieve.” Infallible for Coughs, Colds, ThrOat and Lung troubles. 50o. and $1,00. Trial bottles free at M. C. Brown’s. On Southern Railroad, % mile from city limits, near new cotton mill. Fine for truck farming or dairy. 15 acres of original forest. See ' * . H. W. CRANKSHAW; j Bears the Signature Big Sham Battle. le^Candler-Horse Guards are pre paring for a big time on Thanksgiving day. They are drilling several times a week so as to, give a big sham battle during the day, and a big military ball at their armory at night. They pro pose to carry the thing Dut right, con sequently they are giving a great deal of a on !ir v CL ,f* Land to Rent here for what it produces over $500.00 per Acre. Nursery Partner Wanted The party needs some Capital. NICEOLDWINE^ At Vineyard in Gainesville for $1.00 per gallon. I. M. DePEW, Palmasola, Manatee Co.Fla. nnrnr' I 22 Season at same oid stand* Come to see me* A: