The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, November 09, 1901, Image 1

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VOLUME XIII busy all day long selling merchan dise and goods to diyers persons, while we do nothing but loaf about our doors !’’ And the merchant hearing them murmuring among them selves, rebuked them, saying; “0, ye of little faith! Why mnrmur ye among yourselves, and why Stand ye here idle all day long? Know ye not that^i candle set under a bushel giveth no light? Let your light shine. “For verily, verily W I say unto you, that in this day of push and hustle man seeketh the place to spend his sheckels where he re- ceiveth the best bargains; it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a bus iness man to.prosper without ad vertising.*” v.. v And the merchants were aston ished at his sayings* for he spake as one having great knowledge/ and they turned away sorrowful, for they were close-fisted and stin gy, likewise exceeding short sight* ed, since they were not like unto, a man that would seek to reap without sowing, that he might save the cost of the seed.—Griffin News.' r r - national thanksgiving. It fol lows.* “The season is nigh when, ac cording to the time-hallowed cus tom of our people, the president appoints a day as the- special oc casion of praise and thanksgiving to God. “This Thanksgiving finds the people still bowed with sorrow for the death of a great and good pres ident. We mourn President Mc Kinley because we so loved and honored him, and the manner of his death should awaken in the breasts of our people a keen anx iety for the country and at the same time a resolute purpose not to be driven by any calamity from the path of strong, orderly, popu lar liberty which as a nation we have thus far safely trod. “Now, therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt,- president of the United States, do hereby designate as a day of general, thanksgiving Thurs day, Nov, 28, and do recommend that throughout the land the peo ple cease from th,eir wonted occu pations and their several homes and places of worship reverently thank the Giver of all good for the countleSs blessings and ddr na tional life. ~ ' [ Mrs. 0. H. Buck, 2923 Douglas street, I Omaha, Neb., writes I «/ have used Peruna and can l cheerfully recommend it as being \the best remedy for catarrh and igeneral debility that / have ever \ used. ” Yours gratefully, Mrs. C. H. Buck. Peruna is applicable toc&tarrh of any mucous surface of the body in all atftges. From the slightest- catarrhal attack or cold to the most chronic or pronounced case of hypertrophic form Peruna is a specific. Men and women are subject to ca tarrh Miss Helen Murphy, a popular society woman of Oshkosh, Wis., is an ardent friend to Peruna. The following is a letter written by Miss Murphy, and gives her opinion of Peruna as a pre ventive as well as cure for catarrhal ailments: Oshkosh, Wis. The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus,O.: - Gentlemen—“Aboutth^©ontfasago I contracted a severe cold at an evening receptibh, which setiled on myliiiigs and threatened to be very serious. As my mother has; used Peruna with good results, she sent for a bottle for me and I found that it gave me blessed relief. Before the second bottle was consumed Miss Lillian Roenheld, a graduate from the Conservatory of Music, Paris, is the violin soloist of the Chicago Ger- mania Club. Miss Roenheldused Peru na as a tonic, when run down by over work. She speaks of it in the following glowing terms: - Chicaoo, Ii*i>. ; The Peruna Medicine Co.^Columbus, O.: Gentlemen— 1 “ I cannot give too great praise to Parana. Last winter my ner vous system became so overtaxed from constant overwork with my vioUn that my right side seemed partially para lyzed. Thanksgiving Day Designated. Washington, Nov. 2.—President Rposeyeit today issued his procla? mat ion fixing Nov. 28 as. $ d$y of consulted my physician. After giving me a couple^of^prescriptionB without Because a man’s wife is jealous of him it doesn’t follow that he is a favorite with the women. Women are even more subject to catarrh than men. This is due to many causes. The chief cause is the delicacy “We keep a bottle of it on hand all the titne and when I have been out in inclement weather, I take a dose or two of Peruna and ft pre vents my taking any cold and keeps me perfectly well. 99 Yours very truly, Helen Murphy. a book treating on diseases peculiar to women, sent free SPAIN-PETHEL. I Mr. Ernest jSpain and Miss Lu la Pethel were united in marriage lat the Baptist parsonage last Fri day evening, Rev. J. A.. Wynne performing the ceremony. The bride is the estimable daughter of |Rev. Mr. Pethel of this city and the^room is a young man of many good qualities. The friends of the young couple extend congratula tions. Rebecca J. Deaton. The letters were granted. G. W. Harrison, colored, ap plied for letters of guardianship for Ella Appleby, colored, and the same was Ranted/ Samuel Raney, colored, applied for letters of guardianship for Rosa Daniel, colored and the. let- ters were granted. Mrs. Mary L. Black, widow of Thos. C. Black applied for twelve months support, and it was al lowed. W. D. Little applied for letters of guardianship for hie two chil dren.. The letters wer&graflted. Jenkins case, L. H. Jenkins hav ing been assaulted and badly bea ten in this city on the night of the 18th. of September, by Chas tain, Peigler and others. CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS AND NOTIONS, we have no equal in this section.. We make this statement in no spirit of pride, but to let the people know the facts in. the case, and when you eome to investigate, we stand ready to prove the truth of the as sertion. Take notice of a few quotations: A LAEGE APPLE Dr. J. W. Bailey id the posses sor of some very fine apples which were brought from Montana by Mrs. Dr. Brice of Sfcevensville, Montana. They are about three times the size of the ordinary ap- very red and juicy, L ON suns. In Oxfords, Browns, Olive Men's unfinished Worsteds, Thibets and Cassimeres, pie and are altogether they are a very luscious morsel of fruit. The doctor was kind enough to compliment us with one. J. R. Boone has purchased the vacant lot on the corner of Green and Rice streets, from Dr. J-W. Oslin, the deal being consu lted this week. He has not yet determined whether he will build a home for himself on it or % elsewhere and erect one. city. Meltons, Beavers and Kerseys in all colors. GO TO ATLANTA WE CARRY a full stock of the “Foot Glove,” which has nothing to equal it. 1 They are selling rapidly. Try a pair and be convincd of its worth. Another special bargain is our best Veal Rip, half double sole, Ga. Tie. We have cut the price down to 95c. " LADIES’ FINE SHOES. Extra high cut, Veal Kip,, 75c. Best Red Kip Tie, Al.OO. Opr , line of Childrens’ School Shoes cannot be excelled. We handle the best “Brown's Blue Ribbon.'* Try a Pair. go to make hem Gainesville ost highly res pected and bdst beloved ladies and their .friends, who are num bered by the hosts* regret exceed ingly to see them go. Mr. and Logan will oecuiur/tb* home vacated by them.* •... - r f - •••. Atlanta where And it came to pass that in those days a certain merchant, doing business in' the city, after he had advertised his goods in the newspapers, there came unto him great'multitudes of people from all the region rotiod about, and they did buy from him abundan tly, keeping him and his clerks busy far into the night/ even until the eleventh hour. And that merchant, grew ex ceedingly rich, having accumula ted unto himself much gold and silver.'"' ' And his competitors, seeing these things, marveled greatly at his success; and they spake one to another, saying: “How be it that this man, who keepeth no lDa portance was transacted at this Meeting, General topiPA le atibg to the furtherance of the cause of ftocation were discussed and the I oar d adjourned to meet on the H Thursday Smith went tp/Spp^b Garolina M6hA^^ad^>fon^h fc * i>3&k from Apderson “Reddy” Chastain, and ■worn Greenville, Tom Peiglerj and placed them id jail here to await trial in the city court on Nov. 18, on the charge of assaut and bat tery. It will be remembered that they were two of the principals in WE ALWAYS Have a full and Complete stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries at Prices touching, the rock bottom. -i All invited-te-coaae-tuLsee us. You will be pleased with goods and prices. Feburary 1901 OfiDlNAEY’S COUET. following business was l8 acted at the ordinary’s court 9day. • H. Deaton applied for let- administration on estate of Hynds M’f’g’ Co’s Old Stand