The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, November 09, 1901, Image 5

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NOVEMBER 9, 1901 Ship Forfeited To U. S. The British steamer St. Epoch, plyjng between An twerps and New- port News, has been libelled arid claimed as aTo|feit^|hejUnited States in connection with the re cent tobacco smuggling Suicide By Burning. St. Paul, Minn , Nov. 8.—Mrs. William Mayer made an attempt to end her life in a terrible, as well as most unusual, manner to day. : I.t will probably, prove suc cessful. She piled newspapers into the bath tnb at h ei home,' poured oh kerosene, and finally bending over the papers^ set them on fire. - : - ^ The entire upper portion of -her body was burned* ih s frightful manner. ■ The flesh from t lier face and head cauie off likpafcphes, apd her eyes<were also^jiurnecL- c At the hospital she was found to be con scious, despite the terrible wounds. ‘ , r . /She said that she tried to kijl herself because she was a burden to h^f family^ v ’ ’restored to health p&kham’s Vege. i£pcui>& Their let- Pantile and prove this ’JL to be a fact, not a £L/. When a medS. f£ee» successful in ’» many women, you iv elf say without try. ,7/do not believe It OUIS.” SYMPTOMS LIKE THESE cases for which W;. W; Lawrence and others are how in the Norfolk jail await ing indictment. The ship was li belled under • section 2,072 and 2,074 of the revised statutes. ,The steamer is owned by par ties in London, and is said toj be worth$800,000. |She is afe* pres ent lying at a w For information as ; to B-Qutes Schedules and Rates, both BELCHING, BAD BREATH, BITTER TASTE, BLOATING After Meals, HEARTBURN, BACKACHE, ' HEADACHE, DIZZINE8S, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, LOW SPIRITS, write to either of the undersigned, ^ ^YoU^ wfft r %eceive^ hrdt&Jifr^ply and reliable information. C. C. McMillin, A. 6b Jackson 0. A,IX G. P. A. A. O. Dawson, S'. A., v ; ' Angusta, Ga.£ : S. E.^&AGitfc, r C. D. s Cox, Ger’l Agt. Gen’l Agt. ’ ;\‘ r t’felaii|al' 4 ■ . / Athens. Gen’l Agt. 3. F. f,x: & •:X.'ftfebn* S. W~ WiBKESi W. H McGovern T. F. & P. A Gen’l Agt. A&ante£ Augusts. in Newport Anton Dvorak, the famous mu sician, has been accorded a rare distinction by the Emperor of Austria, fle is the first musical composer who has been made a of -the Austrian House of He was the son of an inn- indicate ’ bad digestion, -A disordered system and failing state of health* PRICKLY Lords, Under a .careful and conserva tive pension commissioner the pen- sion|,^xp f ^nditures^hay^: |rgw4 to l?g t ^ than , $ 142,000,000 { ^er It can 9nly,be f cppiectuMid what the sum would be under a man of Genv Sickles* choosing;— Is a positive .and speedy cure. ft clears the body of poisonous seefe* tions, cleanses the blood, aids diges* Hm, strengthens the Wdneys,. purtfiei the bowels .and imparts . renewed energy to body and brain. The Birmingham News also be came a convert tb Wagner’s opera. The News says the opera was fil led i withT exclamations of’‘Mem Ifeia** heart); then tfeeiiiB- gers and audience would adjourn Change of Life. , Your medicine ci rible female illness. to ^Zevei Bier/’ Hoch Wagner! Savannah Press. lA Concord Sq., Boston, Mass. A Curious Baking Powder. The report of the Conneticut Agri cultural Experimental Station makes the following comment in reference to, an alnm baking powler which is seek ing customers in this yicimty. It 6ays: A particularly reprehensible adulteration; because very likely to prove; injungus to health, is that prac ticed by the Southern Soda Works, Nashville, Tenn. t manufacturers of Sweetheart One Spoon Baking Powder. This preparation contains more than twenty-five per cent of a ground rock, insoluble in strong acids and consis ting chiefly of silicates and magnesia. Prof. Penfield, of Yale University, ex amined this material and found it to be a mixture of pulverised talc and tre- molite, a species of hornblende. The under the micro ns cored more cases of Backache and orrhcea than any other remedy the [has ever known. It is almost infallible ich cases. It dissolves and expels )rs from the Uterus in an early stage vetopment, and checks any tendency lcerous humors. . Neglecting the Beautiful, A certain business man we know, and few men are busier *'• - ft: i ■f'f- : - .— . -f . • • than he, makes it a. practice „to eat a small apd hurried luncheon at noon-r-in order that he may hasten back to his desk? .No; there would be nothing remarka ble in such a habit.—This gentle man’s object is to secure a half- hour in which to run into a pic ture gallery or a flow er shopo or in some other way to get a touch of the beautiful into his crowded day. • ' • This plan is good business ' and vastly more, this man will tell you. He dreads becoming a mere machine, fit,only for grinding out office work. His argument is that to become a good workman he must cultivate all sides of . his na ture ; and especially must he keep his finger faculties fresh and sen sitive.—Therefore, he says, even as his face needs bathing daily in fresh water, so his spirit, in dan ger of becoming grimy from con stant association. { -with material and sordid things, needs this daily bath in the realm of the beauti ful. • ■' m There are persons who would not walk a dozen yards to see a sunset, thus confessing that sun set glories have faded from their souls. They would not take time from their rummaging among bargain counters for a view of a beautiful picture. To them it would seem sheer ^foolishness. to bdther with flower sh ows in" the; m idst ofbusiaess hours. ~ Nor would they turn aside for a mom ent from the ugly and narrow thoroughfare where mammon dwells for a walk amid the- green grass and budding trees. Everyone has opportunities for the cultivation of his finer, na ture. To miss them purposely* is to waste life’s best things and to rob the soul of its divine birth right of joy/in the beautiful.^—Ex. Your Vegetable Compound re moved a Fibroid Tumor from ■f'** womb after doctors failed to g v relief. Mbs. B. A. Loubabd, Westdale, Mass. ie bdst gnd most satisfiadto^ thfe Will sell same in any quantity at the Lowest Prices. the second bottle. Your medicine ” cured me when doctors failed. Mbs. Sabah Holstein, 1 Davis Block, Gorham St., Howell, Mass. Irregularity, pressed or Painful Menstruations, *Weak- of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Ming, Nervous Prostration, Headache, In-Potliid, half poiltfd boxes and In any. quantity open . The peer of any candy sold in Atlanta. t re monte appears >cope in sharp, needle-like splinters, which make it a dangerous admixture in food. Debility. -and medicine. I am , It is a thankful for the good it has done me. Mrs. J. W. J., 76 Carolina Ave., Jamaica Plain (Boston), Mass. Daring the fiscal year that en ded Jane 30 last the government sold 15,562,796 acres of public lands, being upwards of 2,000*000 acres more than had ever before been disposed of in a similar length of time. The net surplus from the entire forest and land administration was $3.158,442. )izziness, Faintness, reme Lassitude, “ don’t care ” and Hit to be left alone ” feeling, excitabil- ! irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, llency, melancholy, or the “blues,’* and bche. These are sure indications of We Weakness, some derangement of the HEINZ’ CELEBRATED , I was troubled-with Dizziness, Headaches, Faintness, Swelling limbs. Your medicine cured me. Mbs. Sabah E. Bakes, he whole story, however, is told. In an strated book which goes with each bot- the most complete treatise on female lplaints ever published. Mark Twain’s V womb trouble, and was entirely ” cured by Mrs. Pinkham’s medicine. Mbs. lu Ii. Town®, Littleton, N. H. Kidney Complaints Backache cf either sex the Vegetable fflftmd always cures. The Vegetable Com- Jila E. Pinkham’«5 i P oun d is sold by all Liter Pilis cure | maiffi'l 1 fo?m "ff'phij uYffa, I SiplTSfS,. 0 " r * Ha neadaens, 25c. I Correspondence freely m " ■! answered. I®® ®au address in strictest confidence, roil E. PI5KHAM MED. CO., Lynn, Hass. ngine builders, m MILLS, COTTON (iiiSiaClema»»s«* is a man^bf deep intellect and wide experience. He is con sidered one of the foremost lawyers in this country. In a re cent letter to the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Mr. Clemens says: • * “Personal experience and obser vation have thorough./ satisfied me that Dr. Miles’ Nervine contains true merit, and is excellent for what it is recom mended.” V Mr. Norman Waltrip, Sup. Pres. Bank ers’ Fraternal Society, Chicago, says: Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Georgia. R. DEXTER WE CAN PLEASE YOU. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND DEALER,!N |nds of funeral .furnishings, teams and prompt attention ht p caUs wthb? day ° r • Parlors and ware rooms ^ oath Bradford street di- i ln front of court house, Gainesville,, ga. [Mail Orders are Given Special Attention. ] Thirty-five years of successful business in Atlanta has proven the above assertion. : When you buy a suit from us yen can feel satisfied that'-it comes from First Hands, because we are the only clothing house south that manufactures and sells direct to the consumer. You know what that means. We save you all the way from 10 to 20 per cent. Miles* A * are invaluable for headache and all pain. I had been a great sufferer from headache until I learned of the efficacy of Dr. .Miles’ Pain Pills. Now I always carry them and prevent recurring at- tacks by taking a pill when the symp toms first appear.” Sold by all Druggists. The site of old Fort Washing to »be ton, New York cit} 7 , is marked by an elaborate stone me morial. This is to be dedicated November 16, the 125th anniver sary of the battle. James Gor- )don Bennett foots the expenses. TOBACCO SPIT . I and SMOKE ^VcuTT'T-’ ^ y° ur ^^ s l* ra j! he lua ^? 0, ,f n Y form of tobacco using hie and stron H> magnetic, full of w a V2 t rbytakin S tiO-TO-BAO, r^ds in ff ? ea ' strong. Many gain All drumS, da ^ s * ° ver S&eJ, OOO ^l a dvic/p^t:„ Cure guaranteed. Book- ^DYqo Address STERLING c “icago or New York. 437 of 11, 13,15, 17 Whitehall St. Temporary Quarters CORNER PRYOR AND ALABAMA STREETS .V tNear Union Depot" . V • Price. 25c. per ® ox '' Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind, Druggists Sell i Price ^1SP