The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, November 16, 1901, Image 3

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SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1901 STREET RAILWAY SURE . City Court Jurors. The following 1 is a list of the Jurors drawn for the November term of Hall city court, which convenes next Mon day morning: ! James M. Bagwel, James B. Orr, Geo. | W. Cantrell, James D. Hawkins (Clin- chern), John It. Brice, I. J. S. Head, T. B. Wright, John B. Barnes, Thos. H. Fraser. Alfred Adams, Madison Roper, Win. M. Buffington, Lvman L. Black- stock, Wm. E. Sailers, Jas. A. J. Hud gins, Francis M. Wilson, John W. Haynes, jr., Eli Carlile, Berry A. Carlile, Wm. A. Bowling, Jesse L. Thompson, Cr. W. McCrary, Henry S. Thompson and Jno. K. Moore. Junior'Guild of the Episcopal church. There will be an elaborate program and a most delightful evening is antic ipated. Every one is expected to bring apiece of' silver money, any where from ten cents to one dollar, hence the name. The Junior Guild is doing a noble work in helping to pay the min ister s salary and m many other ways. They will certainly appreciates a lib eral patronage from the public of the silver tea. Cannon, a stonecutter, threw a rock at Charles Kendrick, another stone cutter, and cut a severe gash 'UpOm his forehead. The wou nd was dressed and hasted with liniments, etc., aDd caused, but little trouble, though pretty sore. It appears that: because Mr. R. W. Dodgen, manager : of the works, refusec to discharge Cannon, against whom several of the stonecutters had a griev ance, they went out on a strke. Tues day evening Cannon and Kendrick met and, after a few hot words, the former knocked the latter in the head with a stone. They were tried before Mayor Mitchell Wednesday afternoon and Kendrick, whom the Mayor be- Dr. J; 15. Rudolph. Appointed. Dr. John B. Rudolph has been appoin ted special physician for the Gainesville Cotton Mill. The appointment took place this week. This is on important post and a valuable position. The many friends of Dr. Rudolph are glad to know that he has secured the place There were a number of applicants for job and it was awarded him over all others- ^ffBCT FEBRUARY 24th., 1901 - SOUTHWARD ” Daily Daily , xT e w York, P R R V petetersbuig, (V Norlina ,t Henderson x Ratoff* 1 fi J Southern Pines v Hamlet A Silver Tea. Ther# will be a Silver Tea at the Home Of Miss Mamye Simmons, on Green street, next Wednesday even ing at 8 o’clock, for the benefit of the The Myrtle-And Harder Company. Myrkle and Harder. Co., opened their three nights engagement at Hunt’s Opera House Thursday might in Byron’s powerful melodrama “Ups and Downs of Life,” for this production, Myrkle and Harder have all of the original scenery. When Oliver Byron was hav ing the scenery prepared for “Ups and Downs of Life/'^ hisf^latest aDd most successful play, his aim was to have hrNewYork, N Y P & N} f7 55 a tn E Philadelphia “ ! 10 20 am b New York. O D S S Co| f3 00 pm tv Baltimore, B S P Co j —.— tv Wash’ton, N & W S B J j tv Portsmouth, S A D Ry \ 9 00 p m EvWeldon “ j 1133 pm b Norlina “ {1255 am K Henderson “ {120am Ev Raleigh “ ! 302 am tv Southern Pines “ {518am tv Hamlet “ { 6 45 am kvyYilmmgloi 1 “ { [rCharlotte “ { 9 51 am tv Chester “ { 10 08 am [,v Greenwood “ {12 07 p m LvAthens “ i 219 pm lrAtlanta \ “ ! 385 pm Lr Augusta, C & W C { 510 pm lr Macon, C of Ga { 7 20 pm irMontg’m’ryA&WP| 9 23 nm Lr Mobile, I, & N { 2 55 am xNew Orleans, L & N| 7 80 a m x Nashville N C& St L! .535 am x Memphis J 4 00 p m f6 30pm 630 pm 1005 am 1236 pm 210 pm 245 pm 427 pm 6 43 pm 805 pm 330 pm 10 45 pm 1120 pm 1 §2 am .' 530 am OUlVlNG GOMES FROM HOME-LIKE SURROUNDINGS stage mechanism could be, one of the principal scenes of the play is the bur ning of an old boat house, and he was at his wits ends, as well as employing all his skill and ingenuity of his. me chanical force to make it thoroughly realistic after perfecting several mo dels, could not find one to his liking when he surmised the right thing to do, was to get some ideas from a real fireman and with this end in view he sought the advise of his friend Chief Ed. Broker of New York Fire Depart ment and telliog of his predicament he intimated to him that through his long experience in fighting fires he would be able to suggest some novel ideas. The Chief went to memorizing when he thought of the old boat house fiVe which occurred in his early days as a hre fighter. In the lower part of New York City near the Bowery, which was then a small and remote, section, a fire was discovered in an old tumbled down shack, sometime in the middle of the night and bid fair to be a vast conflagration, when aid was tel egraphed for (Telephones being then an unknown eoinodity) to the city and Chief Croker, then a fireman of one of the companies was dispatched with an engine and tender to the scene of the fire, not being able to save the old house, he was content to save the ad joining property and watch the old place burn, which took sometime, as it was built after a quaint Holland method. This -fire the chief explained with thorough vividness. The Author Oliver Brown brought his senic artist and stage Carpenter for another interview with the Chief and from this discription was evolved one of the most realistic and intense fire scenes ever exhibited on any stage. cuts a big figure in the house-hold happiness. Find a home that is neatly fur nished, and you will be prettynsure to find real honest comfort there.. Different people haye different needs and. tastes; in furniture. Whiat suits one wont sui t another, I study the needs of everyone, and buy accordingly j NORTHWARD J Dail tv Memphis, NC <ft St L! Lv Nashville, | tv New Orleans, Z, & N tv Mobile, Z, & N Lv Montgom’ry. A & W P Lv Macon, C of Ga Lr Augusta, C&.WC iv Atlanta. IS AL Ry You can get just what you are looking for from me and at prices always the lowest. > - Kr Athens, { 2 48 p m lr Greenwood “ | 450pm lx Chester, “ J ; 6 43pm lv Charlotte* ; “ { 630 pm lv Wilmington, “ | 3 30pm lv Hamlet, “ j 9 50pm tv So’thern Pines, “ } 10 55 p m tv Raleigh, “ } 100am lr Henderson' “ j ,227 am lv Norlina, SAL Ry { 310 a m Lv Weldon, “ -{ 4 20 a tn lr Portsmouth, “ { 7 00 a m lr Wash’ton, N & W S R{ __ lr Baltimore, B S P Co J lr New York, OD SS CoJ lx Phila’phia, N Y P & N { f5 46 p m { 3 10 pm { 5 50 pm 1 655 am } f6 45auL I f! 30 pm J 510 am { 8 00 am { No 66 J 9 20 am { 10 09-am 1 { 1207 pm { 1 27 pm { 215 pm { 4 43 pm { 5 35 pm Lv Hamlet. -}: 9 • Lv So'thern Pines, *‘ J 10; Lv Raleigh, “ { 12: Lv Henderson, “ { 1 ■ Lv Norl na, “ j 2 tv Petersburg ** {41 jr Richmond. “ { 4i tr Washington, PRR J 8 i P Baltimore, PRR { 10 ( |lr Philadelphia, PRR { 121 M New York, PRR { 3] Note-fDaily Except Sunday,: [ Gainesville, .Jefferson and Southern trains Headquarters for all kinds of :e connection at Winder with Seaboard Air : Railway to and from all ooints North, fest, South and Southwest—Vestibuled Limited {Central Time, g Eastern Tinie. Goods 6. J- & S. RAILROAD IBBIVAL AND DEPASTURE OF TBAINl AT GAINJESVIJLXiE, GA. Schedule in effect jan 20, 1901. Eastern Standard (76th (Meridian) Time. No. 82 leaves 7:17 a. m. for Social Circ No. 84 leaves 12,30 p. m. for Winder. No. 86 leaves 3:00 p. m. for Jefferson and So Ml Circle. No. 88 leaves 7,55 p. m. for Jefierson. No. 87 arrives from Jefferson 8,18 a. m No. 85. arrives from Social Circle 1,37 a/m. No. 83 arrives from Social Circle 4,35 p. mi. County Commissioners Met. The regular monthly meeting of the board of ’ county’ commissioners was held last Monday, all members being present. Regular routine business was transacted, accounts being audi ted and warrants drawn therefor. Nothing out of the ordinary was pre sented for the board’s consideration and the session was not a long one. One lot nice black twilled Overcoats, velvet collar, for $2.00. One lot HEAVY ALL WOOL Overcoats, velvet collar, for $3.’50. One lot heavy Overcoats, fine beaver blue and black, for ^4.50. We have them on up to the stylish dress Coat for $10.00. ~ Boy’s Glq|hiDgi.twp-piece goods, from 75c to $3.00 per suit. Youth’s Suits, long pants, coats and yests, $3.00, $3.50, : $3.00, $3.50, to $5. ' Men’s. Clothing running from $3.00 to $15.00.’ Special: attention is called to our line of $5.00 and $6,00 Men’s Clay Worsted and heavy weight Cassimeres. r? Men’s working Pants from 75c to $1.50 per pair. «.Fine line of Dress Pants from $1.00 to $4.00 per pair. ^ Big line of Overalls from 40c to 75c per pair, with and without aprons. We have a few broken sizes of Mackintoshes and Rubber Coats to close out at cost. > 3,000 yards of the very heaviest yard-wide Sheeting at 5c per yard. The same amount of Checks at 5c per yard. We have Checks,<as low as 3% cents per yard. g.One bale of short lengths in Shirtings, as long as they last at 33^c yard. lie is said to have exclaimed. “He would never survive the ordeal.” William XVJ who objected to this part of the ceremony, submitted to % but declared he would renounce the kingship rather than repeat the experience. Jjo 92, eaves 7,35 a. m. for Social Circle.; No. 96 leaves 3.40p. m. for Social Circ No. 98 leaves 4.-00 p. m. for Jefferson. No. 99 arrives 8:45 a. m. from Jeflerson. No. 97 arrives 10:20 a.m. from Social Circle o. 91 arrives 2,45 p. m. from Social Circle.' Connections. No. 82 connects at Winder;9,30 a. m. for Atk arriving Athens 10.11 a. m. No. 82 connects at Social Circle with Ga. R, R _ u ?usta 10-26 a. tn For Atlanta 11.55 a. m « e Augusta 2.25 p. m.:Arrive Atlanta 135 The New Buffalo Bill. The United States is now issuing some $10 silver certificates which, -when they) eonie to hand, will be worth keeping, a day or two to show to the children. The newest in the series is known as the “Buffalo bill,” because it bears the figure of a mam moth buffalo. In this series only American subjects are used. An Marriages To Occur. Madam Rumor has it that there will be a number of marriages to take place in Gainesville within a short time. eagle adorns the $1 bill, George Washington’s picture the $2 bill, the head of an Indian chief the $5 bill, and now the buffalo makes his ap pearance on the $10 note. The Myrkle and Harden Com pany opened its engagement at the Opera house Thursday night. They presented a good perfor mance. They were accorded a good crowd and well merited ap plause. Those who were present enjoyed a good play. We sell at wholesale or retail. Country Merchants Are invited to call and get our prices before buying, will save you money. Yours lor business, A Raging, Roarine* Hood bed down a telegraph line which [''Has p “Jime wn Pair. 1 j hisbon, la., had to re- iter'i t Ending waist deep in icy wa- Coil ?Ii an/ 1 ^ j’ U 2’ ave me a terrible pfoailv ffrew worse daily. M sim doctors in Oakland, Nsiimno* Clty and Omaha said I had ? n could not live, Then k Ran liKincr T^v- rr: ... _ Commissioner T. H. Kooertson au me court house next Wednesday afternoon A full attendance is de- SAME OLD STAND.! at 2 o’clock, sired.