The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, November 30, 1901, Image 5

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SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1901 hygienic virtue is ascribed, partic ularly to the plum, as a remedy in articular rheumatism or pre ventive to gout. Z The acid class, which includes raspberries, strawberries, peaches, apples, gooseberries, cherries, lem ons and oranges, stands at the head of the list. All these fruits arb prescribed for stomach troub- les.-^—Chieago Chronicle. Road Per Letter to Mrs* Pankham m bar Mrs. PinkhaM:—I was sick for two years with fall- the womb and inflammation of the ovaries and bladder. I was Moated very badly. My left FOR KIDNEY TROUBLES limb would swell so I could not ste P on foot. I had such ^bearing-down pains' I could n °^ stra ighten up or walk across the room, and such ®hooting pains would go V |KM§Bl|if^aA through me that I WeHMt thought I could not |§§|§p> \.. stand, it. My mother **** \ pl|i|||j|llf|§||| w got me a bottle of Lydia gfjpa^ I|||jj3i|jpg| E. Pink ham's Vegetable iSSlP 'jEEgg—ll^ix Compound and told me Ij&jpjlL, u to try it. I took six ^ bottles and now, thanks // to your wonderful medi- cine alone, I am a well woman. w I wish every woman suffering with female weak- ness would' begin its use at once.”—Mrs. Elsie Bryan, Ofcis- ville* Mich. ’* How many women there are who suffer just like Mrs. Rryan i .» - * have,you For information as to Routes^ Schedules and Rates, both No “Red Grandaddies” For Him. At that princely entertainment, the “Wimberly' ’ banquet near Sa vannah, an up the country " pencil pusher sat next to me. When the next course came it was shrimps. He looked at them, r and then at me. “Which strings do you pull to open them ? # -1 asked him. ' “Ary one, I reckon, ” replied he, emphatically, “but I shan’t pull any of ’em. I’ve been back yonder in that little dining room- with the rest of the boys and didn' t drink any whisky, but I swear all the whisky in Savannah conldn’t make me eat them red - grandad- dies, *' and amid the suppressed amusement of his neighbors he tilted nis chair back and waited for the next course.—Nashville South Georgian I* write to either of the undersigned. You will receive prompt reply and reliable information. C. C. McMillin, A. G. Jackson O. A. P. D. G. P. A. A. O.“Dawson, S. A., Augusta, Ga. S. E. Magill, C. D. Cox, Ger’l Agt. Gen’l Agt. Atlanta. .... Athens. W. W. HARDWick, W. C.McMillin Gen’l Agt. S. F. & P. A. Macon. Macon. S. W. Wilkes, W. M. McGovern T. F. & P. A Gen’l Agt. Atlanta. Ga. Augusta. IS MARYEIODSIY EFFECTIVE It conveys a healing, strengthen ing Influence to the afflicted organs which is instantly apparent. Quiets pain, stops wasting of the kidney tissue, removes that tired, despond ent feeling that all victims of kidney ailments have A short course with this splendid remedy brings back strength, good digestioa energy and cheerful spirits. Price, si.oo—at Bog sans. SPECIAL AGENTS, fi. E. DIXON & CO. will find they are deluding upon some professional theorist who has never cured a case of uterine or ovarian trouble, or you will find that they went to their druggist to get Lydia E. pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and were advised by the dealer to take something else. You may be sure that sUch suffering from female derangement will not exist when Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is used. This statement finds overwhelming verification in the- grateful letters from women. When you ask for Mrs! Pinkham’s medicine at your dealer’s, you may safely distrust the motives of any one who asks you to take something else in place of Lydia f. Pinkham’s Veg&tablo Compound* When a policeman in citizen’s clothes stops you on the street at nigh t and asks questions, the cor rect answer to make is, “you can search me.” INTERESTING The young Queen of Holland is a total abstainer from in toxicating drink. She is said to be the only teetotaler among [refining mon arches. except the Sultan of Tur key. These facts are a poser to those who make whisky drinking the unpardonable sin. The Sul tan of Turkey is the trickiest, most unprincipled, most cruel, most godless of all the rulers of the earth. A* real mean, desig ning rascally man rarely drinks; he is afraid of revealing his true character while in hia cups.— Jackson Argus. * ANNOUNCEMENT icateYoar Bowels With Csecarets. dy Cathartic, cure constipation forever, a If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Fruit Is A Good Medicine, it has not been a secret of the medical profession that the eating of fresh fruits is one of the most healthful ot habits. As a cure it is both simple and agreeable. Fruits are divided into five class es^—the astringent, the mealy, the oily, the acid and sweet. Each has an especial value. The graperis the king cure of all fruits, and is recommended partic ular to the consumptive, the an aemic and the dyspeptic; also for gout and all liver complaints. The preeription in each case is course, We have made arrangements to handle the celebrated. . . Mary Bros., Machinery Co. GINK BUILDERS, if MILLS, COTTON IS and PRESSES. The best and most satisfactory flour on the market. * Will sell same in any quantity at the Xowest Prices. : UNERAL DIRECTOR AND DEALER IN kinds of funeral furnishings, teams and prompt attention p to all calls either day or it. Parlors and ware rooms ! Sonth Bradford street di- |y in front of court house, GAINESVILLE, GA. In Pound, half pound boxes and in any quantity open The peer of any candy sold in Atlanta. HE NOTES THE CHANGE A correspondent, writing in the Macon Telegraph last Sunday from Valdosta, has the following to say of Judge J. B. Estes, who presided, at Lowndes superior court last week for Judge Han sell: “Judge Estes, who has presided here during the week, has made many friends here by hia judicial 'sermon” to the very simple, according to the complaint. To begin with, the patient consumes of grapes daily, increasing gradu ally to nine or ten pounds. This diet is to be continued until the patient’s health shows a general improvement. To the sweet fruits 4P RATES TO THE WEST, Western Atlantic R- R. ANDTHE hyile Chattanooga & St. Louis Ry. v P sell round trip homeseekers jts to all points m Oklahoma and b Territory on the following October 12th, November 5th and December 3rd and 17th. Tickets demeanor, colored people this morning when imposing sentences upon ten ne gro criminals, was a fine one. He touched upon the crimes of the young negroes and also on the law abiding character of the older dar kies, and -remarked upon how strange it was that these old, truthful, honest negroes of the older days should have begotten a generation of' loafing, a special cursing criminals such as the courts of the land show&l to exist almost every where. C. A. DOZIER. u Estate and Insur ance Agent. foe No, 1 State Bank Building, ’. exchange and rent all kinds c ® tate ; Have in hand anythin} m this line. Will make it ^terest whether yon want to se A Bullet JE»roof Brain. Sioux City, Iowa., Nov. 28.-— Geo. Champman, of Kansas City, who while traveling with Buffalo Bill, was shot through the .skull and recovered after five ounces of brain matter had been removed, is demonstrating that he has some brains left by touring the medical colleges and exhibition himself for requires physical and mental ability of a high degree to yritbistan<f its hard labors. The high tension to which the nervous system is constantly subjected, has . a depressing ef fect, and soon headache, back ache, neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, etc., develop in severe form.' Such was the case of Mail Carrier S. F. Sweinhart, of Huntsville, Ala., he says: “An attack o£ pneumonia left me with muscular rheumatism, headache, and pains that seemed to be all oyer me." I was scarcely able to move for about a month when I decided to give M?,:;. Pain Pills .and Nerve Plasters a trial. In three days I was again on my route ana in two 'weeks I was free from pain and gaining in flesh and. strength. Sold hr »I1 nr»«<i*ta. D*. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Washington, D. L nsure your property against ., e 111 °ld reliable and prompt companies WE CAN PLEASE TO U. [Mail Orders are Given Special Attention.] Thirty-five years of successful business in Atlanta has proven the above assertion. When you buy a suit from us ycu can feel satisfied that it comes from First Hands, because we are the only clothing house south that manufactures and sells direct to the consumer. You know what that means. We save' you all the way from 10 to 20 per cent. He was shot accidentally by companions, the bullet carrying away a section of the skull inches, and then glancing down ward and coming out at the rear of the brain. It was universally predicted by doctors that he would die, but when he recovered he had to pay big bills to the doctors and now he is getting even. KodoIDyspepsfa^Cure Digests what you ••eafgfg- Estate £ ^UaI}}E8 be cured of Vourllfeaway! e ®ade form of tobacco using ^ s > ten s ~° ngr * - of 11, 13,15, 17 Wbite^all St. J|ggj||| Temporary Quarters -CORNER PRYOR AND ALABAMA STREETS. - . Near Uttlon Depot • * ■■■