The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, November 30, 1901, Image 7

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SATURDAY NOVEMBER 30, 1901 Bradford has just comple x-room cottage on Center For Mayor. To My Fellow Citizens: X take thisT method of announcing' myself as a candidate for the office of Mayor Of Gainesville. If you elect me, [ shall in the future as in the past, give the office my best attention and do all within my power to further the city’s interests, and he a Mayor for all of Atlanta, was a r, Deputy sheriff J. this week. made a business this week, re- Wednesday mor- JofUis brother, jle, several day? ^ C. Thomas Carolina „ to the Clt y the people, I have the time to devote to the office and will devote it. Asking the support of my fellow citi zens, I am, Very Respectfully, J. B. Gaston, .Athens tfanuci ^ a Mrs. H. P. Hinton have moved beantlfol new Upson cottage on »avenue, where they both will vhted to receive their friends. oiston & Co,, sold a carload of or a and Shorthorn. cattle here ^ay at auction. The cattle rerv pretty and many Hall coun ts will he improved by this sale. g C. Dunlap has purchased the property on Green street, whieh posed of 8 acres between Prof, pnhertson’s and' Mr. E. P. Cham- After having been solicited by many citizens of Gainesville, we announce our names as candidates for Mayor and Aldermen at the ensuing election, and if elected pledge ourselves to the best interest of Gainesville. For Mavor—P. N. Parker. For Alderman—C. C. Stator, 1st Ward. For Alderman—J. M. Williams, 2nd Ward. For Alderman—S. C. Dunlap. Jr., 3rd Ward. We earnestly solicit the support of every citizen of Gainesville. A good fur scarf worth $1.00 now at— 69c Better quality worth $2.00 at ——JtJ —$1.50 One Lot Scarfs 40 inches long worth $8.00 now at................. —....- — .-..... — $1.98 Fur CoUarefcts to be sold at about one half their real value at from $1.25 to .. —. - - -.. . . -$5.00 Dress Goods We offer this week some special values in La dies Dress Goods, plain and figured Worsteds, in all colors: The 15c quality at........ — 12^c Best 20c goods at —. | —15c A good 25c quality at'. „ —-I7£c A nice line of Suitings and Skirtings in all the newest cloths, and sold in patterns: All wool Venitian DreBS Pattern worth $3.00 now at —.-L—.. $2.50 All wool Dress Pattern $3,50 now at —$2.98 Skirt Pattern worth $2.00 now at. -.. ... -$1.40 Skirt Pattern best $2.50 value now at-- -- -$2.00 Best $3.00 Skirt Pattern —.............. $2.50 We offer for awhile two special bargains in plain White Lawn. They are 40 incheB wide. The first one is our best 12^c goods but will go now" at—— —.......... . .. - - - —10c. The second one is that 15c lawn that the ladies talk so much about, and the price will be now . - :—*...—-12£c. We still have a few pieces of that 25 and 30c Jeans that we are selling at-— — -20 and 25c. ill porks beef, muttop, veal hand. Lathem & Son: 25 Doz. Ladies Under Vests usual value 15c now — i-; ——-—40c 25 Doz Ladies Under Vests worth 25c each host - .... . 19c 25 Doz Ladies Wool Under Vests worth 85c now at . - - - ...... 69c 50 doz Mens Under shirts, and drawers worth 30c each our price — ........ —^25c 50 Doz Mens heavy fleeced lined under shirts and drawers worth 50- each now at .——39c 25 Doz Mena Wool Shirts and Drawers $1.25 Value.- .. - —- ....—98c ■always on Ivall & Co., desire your trade and inter time is here, it will pay you |ad their advertisement and see | they have to offer in their line |is season. No cleverer people live (Stovall & Co., and they will al- I treat you right and sell you good (at lowest prices. nghead Cheese, the finest to Id, at R. D. Mitchell & Son’s. Inson Bros. & Waters, that new If hustling young men, who re ly openec^up business in the new [second door below the post office rest Washington street, are sue- fcg well. In this issue they have nvertisement whieh yon should and then visit their store. “The bf eyerythmg” is what they sell Bod at lowest prices. iSters received daily for our ous ts. We iiandle only the best. La st Son. The smokestack of the engine at the Queen City Planing Mills burned out at 1 o’clock Thursday morning. The alarm was turned in, but the flames were extingnished.before the depart ment reached the mills. No damage was done. 20 Doz Ladies Fascinators the 20c kind now at —...... —..... 15c 20 Doz better quality Fascinators at . 20c 20 Doz 30c to 75c quality now at - — -25 to 69c. Judge Gaston’s Side of Tlie Question. On the last page of this issue will be found Judge Gaston,s side of the con troversy in the municipal campaign. Clothin He only asks the citizens of the city to read his side of the matter, believing that they will then realize what he has done for the city, will endorse his ad ministrations, and will vindicate “him at the polls on December 10th. (It) Our Clothing Department is more complete, it is better by far than we have ever had it be fore. Our line of $10.00 and $12.50 Mens Suits cant be beat. Tt is made -by one of the best Tailoring concerns in the country. Every but ton hole is hand made, the buttons are put on to stay. The lining is right, its as good as any used in $25.00 suits, and the fit perfect. Have given special pains to our low grade suits too. We have now in stock one lot of Mens and Boys Suits, about 75 in all not one of them worth less than $3.50, as long as these suits last will .'■ell them at $2.98 One lot of all wool $6.50 suits now at $4.95. Our trade in this line for the past four weeks has far exceeded our expectation—have sold more than we expected to sell the whole season, in fact have about sold out our first shipment, but now we are getting in a new fresh stock, and most of'them better values than before. The Ladies and'Children's Jackets come in all the latest styles, and in all Colors, Tans, Royal blues, Castors and blacks. Ladies Jackets worth $3.25 at-.... ———$2.69* Better quality, $3.75 values at.... $2.$8 Best all wool $5.00 Jacket at - - - r — $4.00 Ladies $10 Jackets at —$7.50. Ladies plush Cape a good value at $1.25 now at - —*-98e A good $2.00 Cape, at— —$1.50 Fine Silk Plush Cape $3.50 value $2 50. A full line ofFurs’, Scarfs, Collarette. One manufacturer of Furs has just sent us a ship ment of their goods to close out for them. You can get them at factory prices. NOTICE OF ELECTION, ice is hereby given that an elec- dll be held at the City Hall, in isville, Hall county, Georgia, on 10th. day of December 1901, for ir and three Aldermen for said to serve for a term of two years , beginning January 1, 1902. One (d Aldermen to be elected from the |Ward, one from th*e Second Ward be from the Third Ward of said mountain Beef. We are hand ling the best mountain beef. Alsc pork, mutton, veal, etc. R, D. Mitchell & Son. Mr. Geo. F. DeLong Dead. Mr. George F. Delong, a highly res pected citizen and Christian gentleman, died at his home on . Athens road last Tuesday afternoon of scrofula. He has been in bad health for sometime and his death was not wholly unexpected. He is survived by his wile and eight children. His remains were carried to Dewberry No. 1. and interred Wednes day, Rev. D. S. Grindle preaching the funeral. Mr. DeLong was forty seven years of age. New lot of Hats coming in this week, some of those new styles that the young men are cal ling for so much. One special lot of Manufac turers samples, and odds and ends just come in. Not a bat in this lot worth less than $1 50, your chojce now at ../.. « _ > —75c 1. M. Winburn, from the 1st Ward, . Loden, J P & N P, from the 2d i, and J. C, Boone, from the Third 1, have been appointed by the >r and Council of said City, as Man- 5 of said election to receive and t the votes polled, as 29th. day of Nov. 1901. R. D*. Mitchell, hiay or City of Gainesville. LOOK FOR THE SIGN Celery, nice and fresh all the time at Lathem & Son’s. Campbell—Long. Mr. Joseph Campbell of Calhoun, and Miss Vandora Long of New Holland, were married at the Baptist Parsonage by Rev. J. A. Wynne at 10 o’clock Wed nesday morning. ilery, the kind that’s fresh and [at Mitchell’s market. F. TURNER Misgiving was appropriately ob- p in Gainesville, most of the P’ hanks and other business hous- ping the entire day. At the First pt church a union service was jin which all denominations par- Md. Rev. F, C. McConnell, for- p pastor of this chureh, hut now pary of the foreign mission hoard r Southern Baptist Convention, phed a most excellent sermon ,to jkr?e congregation, which filled parch °verflowii»g. The church icely decorated, and the music S Ter y appropriate and a very pleas- Ntnre of the service. Besides the p offering taken at the close of pvicej many articles of clothing p>d were sent in previously, all pch was distributed to the poor psday afternoon. is what you get at ptaurant. Try it. Lathem & Son. Riding; saddles at prices to move them. Come to see Us before you buy. W. A. WILSON & CO. OF LIVING COMES FROM HOME-LIKE SURROUNDINGS Public School’s Thank Offering. The city public schools got up a big Thanksgiving offering for the poor and distributed the same on Wednes day afternoon. The offering consis ted of clothing, food, etc., and it *was indeed, a gre^t help to the poor. The offering of the public school was larger than that of any previous - year. No session bf the school was held Thurs- Wood wanted: good shelled stove wood. Those of The Cracker’s sub scribers who are to pay their subscrip tion in wood would oblige us by bring ing some in at once. How Are Y«ar Kidney* f Dr. Hobbs’ Sparagus Pills cure all kidney ills. Sam* pie free. Add. Stealing Remedy Co., Chicago or N. Y- cuts a big figure in the house-hold happiness. Find a home that is neatly fur nished, and you will be pretty sure to find real honest Comfort there Different people haye different needs and tastes in furniture. What suits one wont suit another, I study the needs of everyone, and buy accordingly AH leather collars from 75ets to 5. W. A. WILSON & CO. X?fs3i, oysters and game every day at Lathem & Son’s. * 1 Brown’s bridge Is Open. The county commissioners of Hall county and. the ordinary _of Forsyth county met at Brown’s bridge last Tuesday at noon and accepted the new bridge from the contractor, Washing ton King, paid him for it, and opened the bridge to the public. Mr. John A. Smith, Chairman of the Hall county board, states that it is one of the best bridges in the county. It will prove a great- benefit and convenience to the traveling public. DR. DIXON'S ROCK CARP COUGH SYRUP For Coughs of all kinds. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAiLS. , Cougb Syrup. Tastes Good, in time. ?nM by druggists. You can get )ust what yon are looking for from me the lowest. MONEY TO LOAN. We procure real estate loans for five years time, payable in installments at 7 per cent interest. Call and see ns. Dunlap & Pickrell. ’Gainesville, Ga.