The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, December 14, 1901, Image 1

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LUME XIII • Remarkable Nerve. Rome, Ga., Dec. 9.—Mr. Sproull Fouche yesterday returned from Cl attanooga, where be had been ' at the bedside of Mr. Robert Spronll, who had both limbs crushed off just above the ankles / at Chickamauga Saturday. The fortitude of the young man was something remarkable. Thir ty minutes after the ponderous engine had passed over and fright fully crushed his limbs Mr. Spronll rolled and smoked a ciga rette. At no time did he make any outcry or show anything but Spartan courage. a sure-enough candidate for the presidency. Perhaps he will call it into existence again now that he has waived all his presidential chances in favor of Leslie M. Shaw of the Hawkeye State. Other wise Mr. Belmont will be alone in his glory. - V started here, to be known as the Atlanta Daily News. ' The staff of the new paper will be almost the same as the former Daily News with the exception that John S. Cohen, now manag ing editor of the Journal* will be editor of the new paper. The new paper will be capital ized at $225,000 and all stock is non-trausferable for three years. Morton Smith will be manag ing editor of the new paper. The first issue will come out January 1. Pension For Mrs. McKinley. Washington, Dec. 9.—On Fri day Representative Taylor, of Ohio, in the house, and Senator Hanna, in the senate, will intro duce bills granting a pension to Mrs. McKinley of $5,000 per an num. It is understood that ef forts will be made to add a like pension to Mrs. Benjamen Harri son, but these amendments will be strongly opposed. When the bill granting a pension to Mrs. Garfield was passed , amendments were proposed and adopted ad ding the names of Mrs, I, John H. Corlies, Secretary of the Council Bluffs, la., Athletic Association, leered of kidney trouble by Peruna. He says: 1 am a firm believer in Peruna. For three years / suffered with severe Me of the kidneys and other pelvic organs, trying several remedies without h fused Peruna faithfully for fourteen weeks and ah glad to say it \ved me entirely of all pains. fam in excellent health, have gained twelve pounds in weight,; and never petterin my life." >n. D. L. Jay cox, Chaplain of the Grand Army of the Republic, writes from {roadway, Oakland, Cala: am an old war veteran. I contracted severe biadder and kidney trouble, t hundreds of dollars and consulted a host of doctors, but neither did me Belmont's Shirt Collar. Washington, Dec. 4.—About the most noticable thing in congress today was the shirt collar of Rep- resenative Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont. Amid the crush of statesmen, rush of officeseekers, and banka of flowers, it could be seen flashing in and out like a sig nal light. Nothing at all like this collar has been seen since General Spinola died. But his famous neckband had little or no starch m it, while the Belmont collar is like a board. The sen- NO NEW PAPER FOR ATLANTA. Atlanta, Dec. 10.—H. M. Atkin son has sold his one-third interest in the Atlanta Journal to John S. Cohen and Morton Smith. Some days ago there was a movement to start a new afternoon paper with Messrs. Cohen and Smith at the head, Mr. Cohen resigning from the Journal. This purchase probably prevents the starting of the new afternoon paper. James R. Gray today be came the editor and general man ager of the Journal. James K. Polk and Mrs. John Taylor. These widows of former presidents were in need of financial aid at the time. The present Mrs. Harrison, not having married President Harri son while he was in office, can hardly come in the class of pres ident’s widows, and consequently it is believed efforts m her behalf will fail. finally some of my comrades who bad been cured by Peruna, advised me yit 1 at once bought a bottle and found it helped me so much that I kept \sing It for nearly four months. . *:•,' hruna has proven the beshmedidne I ever used, my pains are gone, and J we myself to be cured. 1 feel well and would not be without a bottle in of need for ten times Its cost.” b. Mary Lawler, of Appleton, WIs., If the kidneys are healthy they Will :ured of kidney trouble by Peruna. excrete the poison from the blood. The recent letter to Dr, Hartman, she renal veins return the purified blood “.Last August I caught a summer from the kidneys to the general eir- which settled in the kidneys and eolation. d me serious inconvenience. Noth- Peruna stimulates the kidneys to ex- did seemed to help me. and the Crete from the blood the accumulating r advised a change of climate. As poison, and thus prevents the convul- was out of the question for me, I sions which are sure to follow if the Peruna as a last resort, and I found poisons are allowed to remain. It gives s a God-send to me.” great vigor to the heart's action and a kidneys are the natural gateway digestive system, both of which are apt if which much of the waste tissue to fail rapidly in*this disease, its escape. This waste matter be- Kidney diseases are more liable in is a very poisonous substance if al- summer than in winter. Send for a i to accumulate. The renal artery copy of “ Summer Catarrh,” written by is the blood charged with impuri- Dr. Hartman. This book will be sent ;o the kidneys. ] free to any address upon application. No Four Year Official Term. Atlanta, Ga., Dec, 9.—The sen ate today passed the Howell reso lutions, which is the same as- the Blalock resolution. It seeks to appropriate certain parts of the public property fond for the pay ment of the interest on the public debt. The Soldier’s Home bill was al so passed by the senate. The con stitutional amendments bill, with several sections stricken out, par ticularly those relating to four year terms, passed the senate. It is as easy to draw back a bul let after discharging the gun as it is to >rec&ll an unkind word. m congress. The senator discar ded it, however, when he became AFTER COWETA GOLD. Gen. A. J. Warner, of Ohio, who has extensive mining inter ests in North Georgia, came down yesterday morning and went out to inspect the Clarke gold mine, in the western part of the county. He.was accompanied by Mr. W. A. Carlisle, a mining ex pert of Gainesville, Ga. They spent the day looking over the property and collecting specimens of ore, which they took with them upon leaving last night, presuma bly for the purpose of having it Assayed.—Newnan Herald. WOODRUFF-DYER IThe marriage of Mr. Thomas J. |)odruff and Miss Minnie Dyer lurred last Sunday afternoon [4 o’clock at the residence of |dge W. N.'Dyer on North * street, Iv, J. A. Wynne performing the lemony. Only a few friends Ire present to witness the cere- |nv, the^marriage^being a quiet pe affair. &.The’ groom ' is a llesman at Canning’s store, and p the confidence of the public, p bride is a’niece 'of Judge W. [• Dyer and has ahost of friends, M of whom wish the young cou- f 8 every happiness. I DB, WALKER LEWIS. [9r. Walker Lewis, who was pre ying elder of the Gainesville dis- fict last year, and who was trans- CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS AND NOTIONS, we have no equal in this section. We make this statement in no spirit of pride, but to let the people know the facts in the case, and when yon come to investigate, we stand ready to prove the truth of the as * ...... sertion Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 9—-The house today passed a bill appropriating $20,000 for the military of the state. The original bill called for $80,000, There was very little opposition to the measure. Good Roads Special In Atlanta.! Atlanta, Dec. 9.—The South ern railway’s good roads special train arrived early this morning from Montgomery, Ala. A sec tion of road near the Soldier’s Home is being put ; in .condition for work and a practical demon stration of road building will be made there Wednesday. The state good roads . convention will be held in Atlanta on that day. FOUGHT ON AIR LINEBELLE. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 10.—In a des perate fight on’the Air Line Belle, a passenger train coming into At lanta over tbs Southern Railway this morning, Thomas Collins, a merchant of Sheltonville, Ga., stabbed and killed James Pierce, a farmer. Collins is badly wounded in the throat and head, and may die. Take notice of a few quotations: ITS. We have Boys’ two piece Saits, good values, as From this figure up to $5.00. In Oxfords, Browns, Olive Men’s unfinished Worsteds, Thibets and Cassimeres, city, Meltons, Beavers and Kerseys in all colors. Saye It Would Hurt Terrell. Atlanta, , Dec. 9^The ^an nouncement that Hon. James M. Smith will be a candidate for gov ernor is hailed with delight by the opponents of Attorney General 'ferrellf ^4rMy ’owi&wAbat Mr. Smith’s candidacy will injure Terrell’s chances more than they would injure any other candidate Ahdl pBrhaps if MfCJINSt WE CARRY a full stock of the “Foot Glove, 1 * which has nothing to equal it. They are selling rapidly. Try a pair and be convincd of its worth. Another ' special bargain is our best Veal Kip, half double'sole, Ga. Tie. Wc have cut the pnee down to 95c. ■ - ; ... - , ■ LADIES’ FIXE SHOES. Extra high cut, Veal Kip, 75c Best Red Kip Tie, $1.00. Our line of Childrens’ School Shoes cannot be excelled. We handle the bes1 “Brown’s Blue Ribbon.” * Try a Pair. pred to the South Georgia Con ference recently, has been appom- H presiding elder of the North Nod district. The friends of p r * Lewis wish him well in his f e w work. rell has more chances than the other candidates. He is strongest in mostfpi the counties,of Georgia and every new candidate of course would cut down his prestige. The men who are giving Hon. Jajqes M. Smith most encouragement in this campaign are the anti-Terrell: men. They are delighted at every thing that seems to diminish the big lead which the attorney gener al undoubtedly has. who does the very IvtlirF MATS Beautiful, complete line at $1.50, Plenty of Caps that will please the boys. We are making, a specialty of the “Black Cat” brand of Stockings, at 10c, 15c and 25c. They are the highest grade on the market.' - The Color Of It. in view of the prompt renewal o Congress of attempts to limit Nfla butter traffic, fch? attitude J^the Live Stock Convention at “hicago the other day, indicating ^ 6U an d active hostility to such jetion, is not without interest. e convention, voicing the opin °nsof the vast Western live stock • e st, insisted that the oleo man “as much right to color his ■ r °fluct*B the dairyman had "to ,oior butter.” WE ALWAYS Have a full and Complete stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries at Prices touching the rock bottom. All invited to come to see us. You will be pleased with goods and prices. The total number of immi grants landing in the United States last year was 562,868, and in his report Secretary Gage says that they are of a better class than the immigrants that we got last year, Every man est he can is a true hero, Hynds M’f’g Co’s Old Stand