The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, December 14, 1901, Image 7

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THE GEORGIA CRCAKER, SATURDAY DECEMBER 14, 1901 Mr, R. T. Mauldin, a good Hall courir ty citizen living- near Mauldin’s Mills, was here Monday. Fresh pork, beef, veal, mutton, and all kinds meats at Whiteside’s, mar ket. Prompt delivery. Either telephone, send or bring your orders. I do the best repairing, on short no tice. I also do hand or machine engra ving, W. H. SUMMER, . Celery, the kind that’s fresh and nice, at Mitchell’s market. W. A* 'Wilson & Co pay cash or trade for hides and tallow. Brandon and Delaperriere’s old stand. Yon can find a complete line'of fire works all fresh, not an old one in the hoi&e at Will Summer Jr., Tile Famous' Chesepeafee Bay Oys ter is sold at R. D. Mitchell & Sons market. / Christmas Choppers will miss the prettiest things in town if they fail to see my line. W. H. SUMMER, The Jeweler. Celery, nice and fresh all the time at Lathem & Son’s. Cols. Howard Thompson and Fletcher Johnson visited Atlanta this week. For first-class work go to M. C Roberts. He does only the best, at lowest prices. Buy your Christmas goods from Will Summer Jr. ' Fish on ?hand all the time. R. D. Mitchell & Son. Fruit Cake, the very best, 25 cents a pound, at Gunther’s. . . I want to sell all the Canned and Bottled goods, Spices, Teas, and, such goods cheap. Call and see me. Will Summer Jr. Tampa Bay fish—shipments re ceived,, twice-a-week—at Whiteside’s market. •- '/ . •• *- : o r- , Col, Robert L. Berner of Forsyth, was a visitor to Gainesville this week. Ousters received daily for our cus tomers. We handle only the best. La- them & Son. In both silver and ebony goods for the holidays my line cannot be surpas sed. W. H. SUMMER. Mountain B.eef. We are’ hand ling the best mountain beef. Also pork, mutton, veal, etc. R. D. Mitchell & Son. Mr. J. M. Hubbard was among the number from Gainesville who visited Atlanta Thursday. Fish, oysters and game every day at Lathem & Son’s. Bindley was a prominent mta Thursday. megs and Teas at Will Summer Jr. *• Cincinatti, candy—the fi- jsin 1 lh. J^lb., and 10 aoods-sold only by Cinci- , jjorns, seai&, sets, knife file, shoe buttoners ike n ice Christmas gifts. Buy H. SUMMER. ^ River oysters—fresh a y__ a t Whiteside’s market. e & Bell sell the famous Queen shoe for women. Read their sement in this issue and call on ,r these famous shoes. e r and Ebony novelties, Mani as at M. C. ROBERTS, The A good far scarf worth $1,00 now at-4-;——-69c Better quality worth $2.00 at —— iw.,$1.50 One Lot Scarfs 40 inches long worth $3.00 bow ftt. * .. . «> • m . . - -'• *V.. '*■- «'«.V - - ... -- - - - _ $ 1.98 For Col 1 arefcts to be sold at about one half their real value at from $1.25 to ....u -.$5.00 Season’s delicacies is what by eating at Lathem’s restau- We offer this week some special values in La dies Dress Goods, plain and figured Worsteds, in all colors: The 15c quality at........—12£c Best 20c goods at —^... . ..15c A good 25c quality at - - ^17£e A nice line of Suitings* and Skirtings in all the newest cloths, and sold in patterns: All wool Yenitian Dress Pattern worth $8.00. now at ——....y— „—. —$2.50 All wool Dress Pattern $8.50 now at—-—$2:§8 Skirt Pattern worth $2.00 nrow at.... ....$1.40 Skirt Pattern best $2.50 value now at....-$2.00 Best $8.00 Skirt Pattern...... —.. .....$2.50 We offer for awhile two special bargains in plain White Lawn. They are 40 inches, wide. The first one is our best 12£c goods but will: go now at——. — ...................—-10c. The second one is that 15c lawn that the ladies talk so mnch about, and the price will be now • •.. ——.... —-12£c. We still have a few pieces of that 25 and 80c Jeans that we are selling at—......20and25o. watches, jewelry, musical ients and holiday goods, at low r es. At M. C. ROBERTS’. 'Our jewelry, watches, clocks, mthe “old reliable,” W. H. 25 Doz. Ladies Under Vests usual value - 15c nof , .. .—.. . .. ———lOcr 25 Doz Ladies Under Vests worth % each now 25 Doz Ladies Wool Under Vests worth" 85c now ^ ... 1.1 ...69c 50 doz liens Under shirts and drawers worth 80o each our price. —. —...... 25c 50 Doz Mens heavy fleeced lined under; shirts and drawers worth 50- each now at——S9c 25 Doz Meqs Wool Shirts and Drawers $i.25Vaiua- - - - —— ...... ------—98c iae—all kinds—fresh and nice at Whiteside’s market. srs. John T. and A; R. Dorsey Ihnrsday in Atlanta. .» candies for cakes. Crystalized and loose candies. The largest town. Will Summer, Jr. ir Orders are appreciated 20 Doz lilies Fascinator? the 20e kind now at — — — — — - > • . . — ——j;!•• . . . . . ..... lOC 20 Doz Mity Fascinators at.... —20c 20 Doz 80c % 7ge quality hp'f at... .25 to 69c. ou want a self winding clock? If can get it from me. W. H. mod Meal is what yon get at ftaurant. Try it. Lathem & Son; ly one knows extracts'used at mnts are much better than* the in kind. You can get the gobd Our Clothing Department is more complete, it is better by’far than wehave ever had = it be fore. Our line of $10.00 and $12.50 Mens Suits cant be beat. 1$ is made by one of the best Tailoring concerns in the country. ^Everybut* ton hole is made, the buttons are put on to stay. Tbetining is right, its as good as any used in $25,00 suits, and the perfect. Have given special pains t&i our low grade units too. Websvenow in friigpk one lot of Mens and Boys Suits, about 75 in all not one of them worth lets than $3.50, as long as these suits last will sel 1 them at.. ? * - - - - - -- -$2.98 Ooe lot of all wool $6.50 suits gow at--$4.95. Our trade m this line for the past four weeks has far exceeded our expectation—-have Bold more than we expected to sell the whole season, in fact have about sold out our first shipment, but now we are getting in a new fresh Btock, and most of them better values^ than before. The Ladies and Children’s Jackets come in all the latest styles, and in all Colors, Tans, Royal blues, Castors and blacks* Ladies Jackets worth $3.25 tit- — - -—-—$2.69. Better quality, $3.75 valnet at .. - - ——$2.98 Best all wool $5.00 Jacket at $4.00 Ladies$10Jackets at.1-.....—. — ,$7.50. Ladies plush Cape a good value at $1.25 now at ............ —98c A good $2.00 Cape, at — ——..— $1.50 Fine Silk Plush Cape $3.50 value - — : $2.50. A full line of Furs, Scarfs, Collaretts. One manufacturer of Furs has just sent us a ship ment of their goods to close out for them. You can get them at factory prices. Will Summer Jr. '■ >ale— year old mule, about 1100 pounds. Apply to ielaine purses, fountain pens, ce line of plated ware for tbe ys. Call on W. H. SUMMER. Thomas M. Bell spent Thursday inta. py cakes and crackers—simply New lot of Hats coming in this week, some of those new styles that the young men are cal ling for so much. One special lot of Manufac turers samples, and odds and ends just come in. Not a hat in this jot worth less than $1.50, your choiceWiow at -v...- —M. —75c Christmas Gifi* I will present every one who gives mean opportunity the benefit of a cheap price on such goods as I handle. Send in your orders a day or so before Christmas, r I certainly will try to please you. Will Summer Jr. ish Pork, beef, mutton, veal, Iways on hand. Lathem & Son pary brushes, sugar shells, boh its, etc., a large Jot to select from, H. SUMMER’S. | and Mrs. R. Smith spent Thnrs- > Atlanta. py from 6c. pound up at Will Summer JV. Paves of the very best loaf bread cents at GUNTHER’S. [ largest line of silver, gold, filled ®ony goods ever seen in Gaines- pan be found at my store. W. H. MER. ^-Fashioned farm sausage is Ifactured by us, its the best. R. D. Mitchell & Son. pure including nice chocolates bn Bons 25c. ^ too fresh, but fresher than the ^ied over by others, as all the a &d raisins at Will Summer Jr. ken received this week. Uiank tbe people of Gainesville i eir patronage, and wish to say I ■ % appreciate their future or- , My market will always he np- »and prompt delivery is insured LOOK FOR THE SIGN Mrs. J. M. Bell, and Mrs. Howell Abbott were visitors to friends in At lanta Thursday. „ : " Christmas Goods* We have a full line of fruits, nuts, raisins, candies and confectioneries for the Christmas trade. Can fix you up stick and fancy candy, or anything in onr line, at lowest prices. We also Riding: saddles at prices to move them. Come to see ns before you buy. W. A. WILSON & CO. OP LIVING COMES FROM HOME-LIKE SURROUNDINGS Wood wanted: good shelled Stove wood. Those of Thb Cbacker’s sub scribers who are to pay their subscrip tion in wood would oblige us by bring ing some in at once. Mrs. S. C. Dunlap returned from a pleasant visit to Atlanta Thursday. Tax Notice* Notice is hereby given that the City Tax hooks will close on Dec. 15th. 1901. Bv order of the Mayor. Nov. 20tb. 1901. J- Blalock , Clerk. eats a big figurerin the house-hold happiness. Find a home that is neatly fur nished, and you'will be pretty sure to find real honest comfort there Different people haye different needs and tastes in furniture. What suits one wont suit another, I study the needs of everyone, and buy accordingly All leather collars from 75cts to >. W. A. WILSON & CO. DR. DIXOR’S ROCK CARD! COUGH SYRUP For Coughs of all kinds. Mr. Charley Woodl iff has been in Charlotte, N. C., for a week or two on business, ~ Christmas Trix. We are head quarters for Christmas trix for young and old. Our line of fruits, candies,—stick and fancy,—nuts, raisins, etc., cannot be surpassed in the city. We also have a complete line of fireworks. Call on us and let us fix you up with what you need in these goods. Prices the cheapest. CINCIOLO BROS. Manahan’s Old Stand. - : - BUY Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use In time, told by drogRiatg. You can get just what you are looking for from me and at prices always the lowest. aEEBg&BBEEMBi MONEY TO LOAN. We procure real estate loans for five years time, payable in installments at 7 per cent interest. Call and see us. Dunlap & Pickrell. . Gainesville, Ga. ^