The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, December 21, 1901, Image 3

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GEORGIA CR ACKER, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21/1901 , Crockett May Get It. * It is believed here that President | Roosevelt will appoint Deputy Collec- tor W. K. Crockett of Gainesville, In- ^ 4 ternal Revenue Collector, to succeed H. A, Rucker, at Atlanta. His friends have been very active in his behalf, ... although Mr. Crockett himself will do illy nothing to secure the appointment, ita, p>-e ferrmg not to embarrass the P.resi- i. dent by asking for it on aceount of the “’P 1 * close personal friendship existing be tween them.' -- ^ Mr. Crockett is|an efficient man In the service and his appointment would give satisfaction to not only his own party, but to his Democratic friends as well. OVER THE HOUSE. HOLIDAY PRESENTS rpe For Fruit Balls and Other Useful Information. To make fruit balls spread warm boiled rice a half inch thick on a floured hoard. Have ready fresh peaches stoned -and cut in halves. Shit the two halves of each together and, the rice in pieces just large enough to wrap around each one and press them into shape with the hands, leaving the fruit well covered in the center of every hall. Roll the balls in flour and roll each in a cloth that; has been buttered and floured. Tie them carefully in shape and boil in plenty of. water for half an hour, putting a tin in the bottom of the “kettle to'lift them from the bot tom; * Remove from the cloths and serve with a hot sweet sauce. Lemon sauce is delicious with the fruit halls. Cream together one teaspoonful of cornstarch, one ta blespoonful of butter, one egg and one-half cupful of sugar. Pour over them, stirring constantly, two cupfiils of boiling water and cook until thick. Remove from the stove and add the juice and rind of one lemon.; Serve in a boat. They are herein plenty. We’ve got them in every shape and style. Some of them, in Silver and Ebony, are: Bon Bon, Olive, Fish, Shaving and After- dinner Sets, Soup ladles, Gravy ladles. Tea spoons, Military brushes, Sugar shells. But ter knives, Puff boxes. Seals, Hat, Cloak and Bonnet -brushes, Valise tags, Napkin rings, and a thousand other things which we cannot (7 ‘ _/ . .. mention, but which you will find here; CLOCKS, from-$L75up to §20.00. WATCHE3 from $1.00 up. We can’t name them all, so just come and-Sefe. for yourself. Always glad to see you. - I do all kinds of Repairing, Man ufacturing, and Engraving by hand or ma chine, tffECT FEBRUARY 24th., 1901 ' SOUTHWARD Daily Daily r v New York, P R R ^ Philadelphia, _ R Lt Baltimore, PRR [v Washington, P R _ r v Richmond- S A LJ petetersbuig, ^ Norlina - v Henderson “ 'v Raleigh Pensioners Blanks. The blanks for all classes of pensio ners heretofore allowed have been re ceived by Jndge Dyer, and all who are entitled to draw can call at the Ordi nary's office and make opt their appli cations. The Ordinary’s office will not be open, hibwever, Christmas day and the day after.’ W. H. Summer, The Jeweler No. 7 Bradford St. / Southern Pines Hamlet ir New York, NYP&Nj f7 55 a rr [/Philadelphia “ i 10 20 arc [v New York, O D S S Co j f3 00 pm l Baltimore, B S P Co } • [vWash’ton, N& WSB J — LPortsmouth, SA LRy! 9 00 pm tv Weldon “ I 1183 pn [vNorlina “ ! 12 55 am iv Henderson “ I 120 a m LvRaleigh “ ! 3 02 an [v Southern Pines “ ! 5 18 a m [vHamlet “ i 6 45 am [v Wilmington “ j — [rCharlotte “ !. 9 51 an L Chester “ ! 10 08 an [v Greenwood “ i 12 07 pn LvAthens “ 1 2 19 pn [r Atlanta \ “ i 3 35 p n [r Augusta. C&WC 1 5 10 pm [r Macon, C of Ga | 7 20 p ir [r Montg’ra’ry A&WPJ 9 20 on [r Mobile, L & N j 2 55 a n [r New Orleans, L & N | 7 30 a rt b Nashville N C & St L [ 5 35 a n L r Memphis | 4 00 p n A Double Wedding. There was a double wedding in the city Thursday afternoon, the contract ing parties being Mr. Thomas J. Dea ton and Miss Ida Reed, daughter of Mr, Perino Reed; ancl Andrew J. Deaton and Miss Wincie Reed, daughter of ’Squire W. R. Reed. The families on both sides are prominent, and, the young people have many friands who wish for them every happiness in life. Handy Kitchen Utensil. Kate Hatch McRae of Cripple Creek, Colo., has designed a machine for heating cake rapidly and thor oughly with little exertion, the Epworth. League Meeting. The services at the First Methodis t church tomorrow evening will be in charge of the Epworth League,-and the following program has been arranged: Subject Daily No 38 8 45 p m 9 30 a m Gifts to Our King” Song—“Joy to the World.” Prayer. Scripture reading and short talk by pastor. Song—“All Hail the Power of Jesus Name.” Recitation, Miss Fay Logan. Song, Male Quartette. Recitation, Miss Julia Belle McLeod. Solo, Dr. W. L. Logan. Recitation, Miss Mary Smith. Solo, Miss Mattie Tilson. Trio, Misses Hahn, Tilson and Mrs. F. H. Logan. Recitation, Miss Rachael Tomlinson. Closing song, No. 64. is OUR MOTTO. ~ orcter? We will appreciate it. eafter we will.. only advertise from are finding out where we are, and Won’t you let us have your Our goods advertise us, and her behind the counters. The people iherefore we are keeping busy. ROTABY CAKE AND EGG BEATER. picture showing the apparatus in operation. The heater proper may be any desired form to suit the numerous uses for which the beater may be used. When it/is desired to make lise. of the apparatus, the hanger is rigidly secured to' the edge of the table by the claikps, and the cake dish is held underneath the downwardly projecting heater with one hand, while the crank is grasp ed in the other hand to revolve the beater until, the operation is com pleted. The beating frame is easily removed for cleaning or for insert ing another style for performing different work, and of course the Johnson 2 DoorB b«low Poutoffice, _ West Washington Street, Gainesville, Ga Slave Taken Charge. Robertson & Law have taken charge of the drug business recently purchased of the Geo. H. Fuller Drug Co., and Will continue the business at the old stand. Mr. Law will arrive in the city about January 1st. Dr. C. H. Finley and Allen Thomas remain with the new fitrrr for the present. Mr. Thweatt Robertson will be with the new firm after January 1st. .. .v Hamlet. “ { 9 40pm J 9 20am „v So'thera Pines, ■* { 10 32pm { 10 09 am Lv Raleigh, “ J 12 28 a m } 1207 pm Ly Henderson, “ } 1 44 a m { 1 27 pm Lv Norl na, “ J 210am | 215 pm tv Petersburg 1 “ | 4 09am { 4 43pm ar Richmond. “ J 4 56am j 5 35 pm ir Washington, PRR { 8 45 a m J 9 30 pm p Baltimore, PRR | 10 03 a m J 11 25 pm p Philadelphia, PRR }12 27pm| 256 affi lr New York, PRR { 3 15 p m { 6 30 an^ I Note-fDaily Except Sunday/ [Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern trains hake connection at Winder with Seaboard Air |ine Railway to and from all points North, Headquarters for all kmds*of Jast. South and Southwest—Vestibuled Limited 'rains. ^Central Time, g Eastern Time. Brown—Whitmire. Mr. Wallace M. Brown of Gaines ville, and Mrs. Fannie Whitmire of Toccoa, were married at the home of the bride at Toccoa Thursday morning at 8:30 o’clock, Rev. C. T. Brown, brother of the groom, officiating. Only a few friends Were present, thewed- ding being a quite home affair. Im mediately after the ceremony the coup le left for Gillsville to visit Rev. C. T. Brown’s family for a few days. Today, (Saturday) they will reach the home of the groom’s father, Mr. Berrien H. Brown, in Forsyth county, which is to be their future home. The groom has been connected with the Palmour Hardware Co., for the past several months and is^ an estim able young man. The bride has often visited here and is ^ well and favorably known in the city. G. J. &S. RAILROAD Goods Below we quote a few prices: ‘ : ' ' — ' - ' l / . . f • ' One lot nice black twilled Overcoats, velvet collar, for §2.00. One lot HEAVY ALL WOOL Overcoats, velvet collar, for §3.50. One lot heavy Overcoats, fine beaver blue and black, for §4.50. We ha them on up to the stylish dress Coat for §10.00. Bov’s Clothing, two-piece goods, from 75c to §3.00 per suit. Youth’s Suits, long pants, coats and vests, $2.00, $2.50, §3,00, §3.o0, to i Men ? s Clothing gunning from §3.00 to §15.00. Special attention is call to our line Of $5.00 and §6.00 Men’s Clay Worsted and heavy weight Cassimere Men’s working Pants from 75c to $1.50 per pair. Fine line of Dress Par from §1.00 to §4.00 per pair. Big line of Overalls from 40e to 75c per pair, with and without aprons. We have a few broken sizes of Mackintoshes and Rubber Coats to el< out at cost. 3,000 yards of the very-heaviest yard-wide Sheeting at 5c per yard. ~ The same amount of Checks at 5c per yard. We have Cnecks as low CG nubile of short lengths in Shirtings, as long as they last at 3%c yard Schedule in effect jan 20, 1901. Eastern Standard (76th (Meridian) Time, | No, 82 leaves 7:17 a. m/for Social Circ j No. 84 leaves 12,30 p. m. for Winder, | No.86 leaves 3:00 p. m. for,;Jefferson and So pal Circle. ' j No. 88 leaves 7,55 p. m. for Jefferson. No. 87 arrivesjrom Jefferson 8,18 a. m No. 85. arrives from Social Circle 1,37 a.'m. i No. 83 arrives from Social Circle 4,35 p. m. - : No. 81 arrives from Social Circle 8,37 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. No 92) eaves 7,35 a. m. for Social Circle.J No. 96 leaves 3.40p. m. for Sodai Circ No. 98 leaves 4:00 p. m. for Jefferson. No. 99 arrives 8:45 a. m. from Jeflerson. No. 97 arrives 10:20 a.m. from Social Circle No, 91 arrives 2, 45 p. m. from Social Circle. Connections, I No. 82 connects at Winderj9,30 a. m. for Ath ens arriving Athens 10.11 a. m. | No. 62 connects at Social Circle with Ga. R, R I / ^ u ?usta 10-26 a. m For Atlanta 11*65 a.m “You know, Harold, it hurts me st as much as it hurte you.* 9 “Yes, connects at Social Circle for Augusta a i-; arrive Augustai9.25 p. m, connects at Social Circle forAtlan t !•; arrive Atlanta 9.'20 p. m Samuel Ci Dunlap, Receiver you d-d-donH have to •sit down on the p-p-place after- We are strictly in it on Groceries, and will meet any prices We sell at wholesale or retail. Country Merchants Are invited to call and get our prices before buying. W will save you money.® Yours tor business, word, Conn., scratched his leg with sty wire. Inflammation and blood set For two years he suf- Z 1 , 1 densely. Then the best doctors 6 amputation. “But,” he writes, i^ ? ne bottle of Electric Bitters d /2 i es Suck tin’s Arnica Salve )r ^ was sound and well as ever.” ier./!' U i )tlons ’ Eczema, Tetter, Salt eot?’ ^: res an d all blood disorders rv>b C ‘ ^t er s has no rival on earth, esat-^ C * Brown will guaran- ^g^ 13,0 ^ 01101, refund money. Only SAME OLD STAND