The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, December 21, 1901, Image 6

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W«rt WadBDgtosbed alwA fSeteo- 4FJ* meanT* J®«rt toe alarm- **T l«t* w*t The meujwsalois aze ^ w^dfarf the grtfat ealmlf. "The the Jno. A- Smith Mfg. Co., Mr- ^pesattos was not as repulsive as jaa W- C- Hkhb3S and Mr, E- A- Smith- may Mi fact; 1 performed it ^V ^MBpanj k to lie incorporated with a brush. Ton see; a certain family wn^pr a fanpotA pliar^^r gtwl^ i^sdCS CO- flf I3J 8C®S2iDt2ISCC hlFC & large 03 jsraiig W W wfarieeaJe and retail painting ef the bead ofthe bouse, who 41— «««I. In dqmrtod from fids vale of tears some ^BCTtantile tomeMt. theyprapane ,j^, B , fceeB ^ re fc* llMk - At the time tar and Belt real estate, erttosr a*|>«ib ^ pgrtaM m ^ae he wont * t*1 Beer private sale, and rent or sell tte beard, which was contrary to his usual same. To loan money and make ad- custom, and the family, who remember ranees to farmers, merchants, or other Hm beet with a smooth fare; ban persons, and to bay ?nd sell exchange. been anxious ever since to get off the make eoSleetaoos. etc; to bay and sell whiskers. I was engaged to snave the cotton, own and operate warehouses portrait, and hard times and approacb- .. . «_ • , ., --:-y ■, fag sent day persuaded me to accept and cotton compresses, and mammae- ^,. , _ . ^ , .. . \W. . , . the cmumlssSou, which, needless to say, t * reaDd se.l fertilizers; to bmld and ^ highIy antipathetic to my artistic own houses, saw and manufacture ram- h^Unets. her and timber,'and lease property; “I had to depend entirely on the recd- to carry on a general manufacturing lection of the family for my data, and besaoess, and manufacture raw mater- I found, to my alarm, that each man ia! of any and every kind mto articles ber had retained a different impression <rf use. trade, and commerce; to borrow of toe old genflcmaa-B chht One clflim- ramerrad ferae bonds, debentares, «**»“ double andraotter Irttel J that ft was sharp and cot: a notes, and mortgages to secure the foug^ter described it as square and same; to carry (to a general merehan- ^pmifapd/ and Hw> widow assured fee business, either wholesale or re- m<> privately that it was shaped Iffcs tail, or both, as they may desire; to the prow of an armored cruiser. Alto- bmld, operate, purchase, and own getber I found myself in a deuce of a tramways and street railroads; to boy &*- It was no trouble to take off the and sell stocks, bonds ana shares of whiskers; I did that in three fell ,. swoops: but when I blocked out the otter eorporafeon* JtoT^rimratoBy rad railed to the The Gainesville Mdse Co-, will go out crowd for suggestions, than was a of business February 1st. It is owned grand chorus of pretest. Strange to by the Jno. A. Smith Mfg Co. It is lay, I pleased nobody, and I have been probable that several of those now en- correcting, amending remodeling and gaged Witt the Gainesville Mdse. Co., doing ft all over again ever since. One •°sfiszrz?z£z ' on riie left'and half on the right. I Go To Sep Him. finally effected a compromise by paint- SolomOn Sacks continues to sell dry tag in two warts, one on each side. I j goods, clothing, boots, shoes, etc., atj gut my fee all right, but before I take | tbe same old stand, and the trade i, j another tonsorial job I'd go to driving [ urged to continue to call upon him for j * °* r hew Odessa Ihnrf- I genuine bargains. He is selling every-1 _ — j thing in his line mighty cheap and it! dFE AND LOVE. will pay y^u to see him before making ^ fa of a birth subHme; yon r punn^jM^r J It hum not apace, it knew not tint) ] & has a guerdon from above, _ ' j Woe lore la life, and Ufa fa lore. TAX NOTICE. Tm. with ]W dngovd gift of kra. • j Would seek to make true lore farlom; I I will be at t.. court noose in Gaines-1 •*»**■ J° or =«y mm I 7 _ , _ I That bw fa Ufa, and life fa love, mile on the first Tuesday m January, I , 1302, for the purpose of wmding up the Tonffannt newWa before my*ye* II note t3ip*n with a acant surprises tax business for the year 1901. T« cannc* spml the taem/tro^ Everybody can pay on that day with- j knre fa life, and life fa love. Out Cost. j We mortals are compact of change, M. J. ChaB3.ES. I We have a thought of wondrous range— . j Wet boy and gui,'for man and wife. Tax Collector Hall county. I life b to W is life. -»LOi ±ii.NG, CLOTHI] Mens Black all wool Snis* v„ n . f5,00 BUck all now at $3.90- Mens all WO ci ? G1 worth? 11 for $8.40. Mens an*! ■»»*? wife cheap at $12,50, nowsti, mee lme feer goods. Bot= B',1 double breasted suits at 98c I(jo is each. Also nice line of 1.40,1.90, 2.00 andBjBo. Big!** coats at S.Ou, 4^S5, 5 oO. g CpjJ c n- eacb. We don’t think of above* be matched in Northeast G«jrma S go at 20c. 300 yards best quality Jeans, cheap at 40c, will be sold at 33 cents yard. Shoes, Shoes. 200 Pairs “Murphy’s Best” Mens Kip Ties 6 to 11 to go at 1.20 100 pairs Gents satin calf bals, real value 1 25, now |1.00 pair. To pairs gents satin calf bals superior quality, worth 1.5 J, if 4 r it 1.25. 75 pairs gents fancy satin calf bals, same shoes that retail everywhere at ~ $2.00, now in this sale at $1.50. 50 pairs gents high grade calf bals, cheap at $2.50, will be sold for $2.00 pair. Good line of Boys Shoes at very low prices. 100 pairs Ladies satin calf bals, first quality, good heavy stock, eheav* *»«- * > will be sold at $1.00. 100 pairs Lt «.*us iipfivy oil grain bals, value $1.25, will also go at $1.00. 50 pairs ladies fine satin calf bals, cheap at $150, will be sold at $1.25. Also an odd lot of ladies fine shoes, worth $2 to $3, in sizes 2 to 4£, to go at $1.50 pair. These are made of best Vici Kid and if we can fit you, you can get a big bargain m these goods. Also have a beautiful line of Ladies, Gents, Misses and Childrens fine shoes^at prices thatuan’t be matched in Gaines ville, quality considered. Hosiery, underweai Gents Heavy Undershirts and Drawers i each, worth 60c. Gents undershirt*«3 worth 30c. Gents Lambs-ool undershid drawers at 98e to 1.25 ea. cheap at L50.! fleece lined Tests, not seconds bat first o cheap at 75c. now 50e. Ladies all wool heavy, worth 1.50, now to go at 1.00 ad dies, Misses and Childrens <; 0neiti | Suits’ * at low prices. Misses and Boys ribbed hose, double knee, toe and heel, 15c, to go at 10c pair. Also a big lined from 12|c to 25c pair. Handsome line ] and Gents hosiery from 8c to 25c pair. F ASHIONABLE MILLINfl We make a specialty of due goods atloia Ladies hats from 25c up. Experienced I mers and sales ladies in charge of this ^ meat. Xf we do not have what ycawantu make it for you. \ Very large and complete stock of everything in Dry Goods, Mill ry, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Clothing and Furnishing Goods. j SOLE AGENTS IN GAINESVILLE FOR CELEBRATED BUTTERICK PATTERNS & “THE DELINEATOR lers for goods by mail will receive .our prompt and careful am Do not fail to call to see us before buying, andsome China Given as Premiums to Purchasers False lore fa like the wind«jg sheet Figured in anew and bliadii*g sleet; The shelter whence you dare not more « Is—love Is life, and life fa love. —Waiter Berries Pollock is Longman's Mags tion A WORLD OF TROUBLE I Why the Apartment Bonne manager Had a Case of the Bines. I The manager of the apartment bouse; I a well fed, well featured, well dressed man, was standing in the main door way of his establishment, which, by the way, is owned by an out of town capitalist, who is not the most generous provider in the world and insists npon the fiat being conducted npon the most economical lines. The manager was not happy, however fair he may have ap peared to the eye, and he heaved a long drawn sigh as a Mend approached and greeted him. “Wbat’e wrong?” inquired the new comer. “OI>, we’ve all got our troubles!” was the vague and lugubrious reply. “You oughtn’t to have any. ” “But I have, just the same.” “What, for instance?” “Well, I'm worried sick because I j haven't got an elevator boy. ” “There shouldn’t be any difficulty in removing that trouble, I should say. ” •‘There ia I’ve tried 40 and can’t get one to suit.” “You must bo very bard to please.”. j “It isn't that,” sighed the manager. “I'm all right; bat it's this way: The old man insists on having the elevator I boy wear a uniform, and he furnishes it. Uniforms cost money, and when the I last boy retired he- left a brand new ! uniform, and the old man won't get | That's the rub. M0ZLETS LEMON ELIXIR- A Pleasant Lemon Tonic- Cnres indigestion, headache, malaria. Kidney disease, fever, chills, loss of appetite, debility, nervous prostration, heart failure, and appen dicitis, regulating the Urer, Stomach, Bowels anb Kidneys. GAINESV1LI DEAN BUILDING, OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE **Ten Klglits In A Bar Boom.** j There are numerous pastoral plays j of merit touring the country, but none I which equal that old play“Ten Nights j in a Bar Boom.” It contains more j real heart interest and moral teachings j than all the pastoral dramas combined, I Henry Ward Beecher, the famous Brooklyn divine, after witnessing the Palmer production said:- “It is better than any sermon ever delivered from the pulpit.” His words have been en dorsed by many thousands of people j who have witnessed this excellent play. | This season the Palmer production is larger and more complete than ever before. The scenic effects are grander. The cast is a metropolitan one inclu ding Mr. Bevy Sutherland, Mr. W. N. Hammett. Mr. James Jackson, Mr. Harry Watrons, Miss Julia Bennett, Miss Della Harrison, Miss Fray Phil lips and little Verna Marie, one of the greates of child artists whose portray- the drunkard’s COLD - WEATHE COAL VASES AND COAL Hvv IS ALREADY IN. BESIDES THESE OUR UNE OF. Fire Sets, Tongs, Shovels and Pokers . Dogs, Stove Boards and Grates IS THE MOST ATTRACTIVE EVER SHOWN IN GAINESYILL& x Mozley’s Lemon Elixir Cored me of indigestion and heart disease, after years of suffering when all other remedies and doctors bad failed. N, D. COLKMAK. another. That’s the rub. I can find plenty of boys of sufficient intelligence, ample experience, industrious habits, good moral character and fine address, but I'll be darned if I can get one that the uniform will fit, and there you have It Now what the dickens am I to do? Ain’t that enough trouble for any one man V’—Washington Star. Kodol Dyspepsia Carol Digests what you eat* j al of Mary Morgan, daughter, is considered the best piece of child acting ever seen on the stage. The appearance of Palmers “Ten Nights in a Bar Room” at Hunt’s Opera House, Christmas day and night will be awaited with interest. Matinee pri ces. 25 and 15; Night prices, 75. 50, 35 and 25c. Moozley’s Lemon Hot Drops. Dr. w* E. Bingham, Druggist, North Port, Ala., -writes: Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops is - he most salable and best remedy for coughs >nd colds I ever sold. Sold by druggists. Twenty five cents per >ott!e. Prepaid by H. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta