The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, January 11, 1902, Image 5

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JANUARY 11, 1902 It- was recently announced in a Chicago paper that a cargo of man ufactured honey, in the comb, had been received in the city from Cal ifornia. In reply to this the pub lisher ot the American Bee Journal has offered $1,000 for the eight of a single pound of manufacturec comb honey. He adds that he has been making this offer for twenty years without finding a taker. SYWIPTOSHS LIKE THESE BELCHING, BAD BREATH, ^ BITTER TASTE,* BLOATING After Meal®, HEARTBURN, BACKACHE, HEADACHE, DIZZINESS, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, LOW SPIRITS, indicate bad digestion, a disordered system and failing state of health. Mrs. Frank Carter, 3 Merrill Street, Amesbury, Mass. This Setter shoseisi e&awy !F&§th smsS GohirSotioh to£heH&os»ts of aiESi&k Woffss&sam “ I suffered with inflammation and falling of the womb and other dis agreeable female weaknesses. I had bad spells every two weeks that would' last from eight to ten days and would have to go to bed. I also had head ache and backache most of the time and such bearing down pains I could hardly walk across the room at times. I doctored nearly all the time for about two years and seemed to grow worse all the time until last September I was obliged to take my bed, and the doctors thought an operation was the • only thing that would help me, but this I refused to have done. “Then a friend advised me to try the Pinkham medicine, which I did, and after using the first bottle I began to improve. I took in all five bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Blood Purifier, four boxes of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Dry Form Compound, three boxes of Liver Pills and used three packages of Sana tive. Wash, and I am as well now as I ever was. I am more than thankful every day for my cure.” — Mbs. Frank Cabteb, 8 Merrill St., Amesbury, Mass: PRICKLY ASH ' BITTERS ROBERTSON & LAW Remedy For Coughs. A home remedy for a cough is the following: Take half the quantity of castor oil that can be purchased at the druggist’s for 5 cents and put II simmer. Add a Is a positive and speedy cure. It clears the body of poisonous secre* tions, cleanses the blood, aids diges tion, strengthens the kidneys, purifies the bowels and imports renewed energy to body and brain. it over the fire to cupful of granulated sugar and half a lemon from which the seeds have been removed. Allow the mixture to simmer for fifteen minutes or so, taking care not to let it become dark in the process. Strain, bottle and take a teaspoonful when the cpugh become^ troublesome. Irregular bowel movements lead to chronic constipation. Prickly Ash Bitters is a reliable system regulator; cures permanently. DR. E. E. DIX- that this Boy’s Mother Says ijias been S2i’d by the mothers of I ©any other boys and girls, re garding the wonderful curative i strengthening qualities of iMifcs’ Nervine Hasting, Nib. “Our little boy, Harry, had spasms [for 3 years and we feared the disease Jwoula affect his mind. Though we [doctored continually he grew worse and 1 ad ten spasms in one week. Our at tention was directed to Dr. Miles’ Nerv- [ine and we began its use. When he lad taken the fourth bottle the spasms disappeared and he has not had one Iforflve years. His health now is per- £ct” Mrs. B. M. Tindall. Dr. Miles’ Remedies are sold by all druggists on guarantee to enefit or money refunded. 3r.? : 1tiss Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. VBBSSaBMBB aliary Bros., Machinery Co. GINE BUILDERS, MILLS, COTTON and PRESSES. - MACON, 6A R. DEXTER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND DEALER IN kinds of funeral furnishings, teams and prompt attention to all calls either day or Parlors and ware rooms South Bradford street di in front of court house, was Pro- Western & Atlantic R. R. ANDTHE ishyile Chattanooga & St. Louis Ry. i”iU sell round trip homeseekers pets to all points in Oklahoma? and Idian Territory on the following |tes: October 13th, November 5th and rjt December 3rd and 17th. Tickets Ntvyentyone days from date of r- Stopover privileges will be al- ped fifteen days going at any point I Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma and In- Territory. For rates and full information call 1 °r write to John L. Edmondson, S. E. P. A,, Atlanta, Ga C. A. DOZIER. fez/ Estate and Insur ance Agent. Office No, 1 State Bank Building, 1^11. exchange and rent all kinds c estate. Have in hand anyt-hinj ; ant in this line. Will make it 'buv ereS ^ w ^ e tker you want to se .? Jpsuye your property against iJj-J kre in old reliable and prompt ^ companies Derry farm, 27 ACRES, l % Mile of New Holland Springs,; R. SMITH, lCal Estate & Renting: Ag’t.* Gainesville, Ga. JM’T TOBACCO SWT and SMOKE ‘canbe^ . ■ " IM YourLIfeaway! & be madA of ,?- ny form of tobacco using ! and mV We i?’ strong, magnetic, full ot >s2t bytaki ^ HO- TO‘BA pounds in tit I ? en stron &- Many gain ^ AlldJJJf “Over S&l?,QQG h£5d advic e g ?rl> t «,* Cure guaranteed. Book- " ’ go Address STERLING ’» Chicago or New York. 437 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Council Chamber, Jan. 1st., 1902. The first meeting of the council for the year 1902, was called to .order by Mayor P. -N. Parker. Al dermen J. M. Hubbard, C. C. Sta ton, T. V, Eberhart, J. L. Wil liams, S. C. Dunlap jr. and L. D. Puckett present. Upon motion of L. D. Puckett, Alderman J. M. Hubbard was elec ted temporary clerk. The busi ness before the council was to fix salaries, elect city officers, and* ap point standing committees tor the year 1902. The following officers were elec ted with perquisites of their offi ces, and at salaries per annum, as stated, payable monthly: B. H. Parks, Chief of Police,-- $400. J. P. Prator, Sanitary Inspector and day Police, _400. R. T. Bagwell, First Night Po liceman,. 400. E. M. Montgomery, Second Night Policeman, — 400. H. II. Dean, City Attorney, without Extra Compensation,-100. W. E. McKinney, City Treas urer,. — ...... 50. W. K. Vandiver, Street Over seer, 400. Jno. W. Bailey, City Sexton_B00. Emory Merck, City Electrician, without extra compensation for Extra Work on Water Main,--600. J. A. Moi>re, Engineer at W. & L. Plant,... -.. -720. Dr. K. A. Smith, City Physi cian; Fee of seventy cents per visit and furnish medicine at own ex pense. Alderman L. D. Puckett unanimously elected Mayor tern. The city printing awarded to A. S. Hardy at $40 per annum. The Mayor announced the fol lowing Standing Committees for the present year: I. Committee on Police: Puck ett, Chairman; Staton and Eber- 2. Committee on Finance: Puckett, Chairman; Hubbard and Dunlap. 8. Committee on streets: Dun lap, Chairman; Eberhart and Sta^ ton. 4. Committee on health: Hub bard, Chairman; Williams and Puckett. 5. Committee on buildings, chimneys, and awnings: Staton, Chairm an; Puckett and E berh art. 6. Committee on Fire Depart ment : Staton, Chairman ; 'Dun lap and Williams. 7. Committee on Light and Water: Hubbard, Chairman; Williams and Dunlap. B. Committee on market: Wil liams, Chairman; Puckett and Hubbard. 9. Committee on cemeteries: Eberhart, Chairman; Hubbard and Williams. * 10. Committee on public prop erty : Dunlap, Chairman; Hub bard and Staton. 11. Committee on ordinances: Williams, Chairman; Dunlap and Packets 12. Committee on relief and petition^: Eberhart, Chairman; Hubbard and Williams. On motion council adjourned to meet January 2, 1902, at 7 o’clock p. m. for the purpose of passing License Tax Ordinances and other business. ' v J. M. Hubbard, P. N. Parker. Temporary Clerk, ~ Mayor. A system regulator is a medicine that strengthens and stimulates the liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels.. Prickly Ash Bitters is a superior system regu lator. It drives out all unhealthy con ditions, promotes activity of body and brain, restores good, appetite, sound sleep and cheerful spirits. DR. E. E. dixon & co. A Good Snake Story. ‘ Rattlesnakes -are grateful if you gam their affection,says a South Georgia fellow-devil. “My brother Jim found a six-foot rat tler near town caught under a boulder, and instead of using his foot to crush it, he sympathetically released the snake, which there upon became a pet and followed Jim and guarded him as watchful as a dog. One night he ^ras awak ened, and missing the snake from its usual place at the foot of the bed he knew something was wrong. He got up and lighted a lamp to investigate, and found a burglar in the next room in the coils of the snake, which had its tail out of the window rattling for the police.”—Jackson Argus. Health for 10 Cents. - A lively liver, pure blood, clean skin, bright eyes, perfect health— Cascarets Candy Cathartic will ob tain and secure them for you. Genu ine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. Artistic House Furnishing. The secret of success in artistic house furnishing is the harmonious blending of wall and floor covering with the woodwork rather than in discriminate following of the latest style. For instance, red wall cover ing is fashionable and combines most effectively with woodwork in dusky Flemish oak, but is thorough ly unsuited to golden oak, which calls for a dull, soft blue in burlap or cartridge paper. - % 1 Kitchen Maxims, ' A good manager looks ahead. There is no work like early work. Clear as you go. Muddle makes more muddle. Spare neither soda nor hot water in washing up greasy articles. Dirty saucepans filled with hot water begin to clean themselves. Not to wash plates and dishes goon after using makes extra work. Sensational Bank Robbery. St. Louis, Jan. 7.—Six, masked men entered the National Stock Yards bank, north of East St. Louis, Ill.^last night and, after capturing and gagging the two night watchmen and firemen at the plant and blowing open the vaults with dynamite, secured $5,000 in coin and currency, with which they decamped. For nine hours—from 7 o’clock last night until 4 o’clock a. m.—they were at work on the vaults without be ing interfered with. The entire East St. Louis police force, aided by the St. Louis police, are guar ding all the avenues of escape, but as yet have obtained no clue tp the whereabouts of the robbers, who, it is believed, "escaped on horseback. CATHARTIC CANDY All 10c. Druggists* 25c. 50c. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just as good.” How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Tol edo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. j. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business* transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by. their firfn. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Warding. Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. . Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Condition of The Treasury. Atlanta, Jau. 6—The reports called for by the governor on Fri day evening from the comptroller- general and the treasurer were landed in this afternoon. They show: Actual available cash in the treasury today $1,188,000 Probable receipts up to Octber 1 2,260,000 For the Housewife’s Desk. A series of gayly covered books, bound in scarlet leather, are found in the smart stationery and leather goods shops. They make nice pres ents for the busy housewife, who has to observe system and order in the management of her household, as her husband does in the running of his business. These books are so prettily bound that they make, a gay showing on the writing table of my lady, although there is nothing friv olous or flighty about their con tents. A large flat book is the din ner record. This is an aide memoire to the hostess, who cannot be expect ed to remember whom she invited and who declined and accepted her invitations during the dinner giving season. The recipe book, the house hold expense book, the expense book and all the other handy and busi nesslike arrangements to facilitate the smooth running of the modern home form. are to be had in convenient $8,898,030 This will enable the governor to pay all appropriations made at both sessions of the last legisla ture, including for the present year the new class of widowed pen- >ners, all arrearages due teach ers for work done last year, amounting to nearly -$700,000, and one month’s work and pos sibly two by again resorting to a ^temporary lean. This, however, is not certain. During the next, month $850,000 must be paid to pensioners, and about the tenth of February $800,- 000 of the arrearages due teach ers will be paid. In about sixty days thereafter the balance due them forg list year’s work can probably be paid, after which perhaps about the 1st, of Jane ihey will get £800,000 on this year’s work. A little later on m July an ef fort will be made to pay them $800,000 more. For the remain der of the appropriation for school purposes for the present year, some i $900,000, the teachers will have : to wait* as heretofore,, until the taxes come in next fall and winter.* All pensioners who were paid last year will be paid, this year, but the new class of widow pen sioners who were put on the rolls last year, but not paid, to wait, as heretofore, until the taxes but not for 1901, no provision having been made for their payment. The military will get $20,000 ♦ for the present year, and all the special appropriations to the va rious institutions of the state made at the last two sessions of the legislature will be paid in full as the money may be needed. ; * .. Mow Are Y«ar Kidney* » Dr. Hobbs’ Sparatrus Pills cure all kidney Ills. 1 pie free. Add. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or I ■ •• - - • : •. ;‘v. ,,,... • -7*