The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, January 11, 1902, Image 7

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SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1902. REAPPOINTED POSTMASTER. Col. II. P. Farrow Will Serve Pour years More in Office. Col. Henry P. Farrow was Wednes day re-appointed Postmaster at Gaines ville, for a term of four years, by Pres ident Roosevelts He has held the of fice four years, having* been appointed in January 1898. Col. Farrow’s administration has' been a success in every particular and he has given the people good service. Shortly after his installation into of fice he secured larger and better quar. ters, and put in new fixtures, with the latest yale combination lock/boxes, etc. He surrounded himself with' compe tent and efficient assistants, and the office has been run in a creditable, up- to-date manner. On account of the growth of the city Col. Farrow will add, at an early date, a number of new boxes. At present every box is rented, and there is a de mand for more.. . It -is to supply this demand that additions and improve- Miss Beulah Evans is at home, from a pleasant visit to Woodstock. [ Pirule-JHOM’OW. pirk le of Bellmont, and Sorrow, of Chestnut Monn- . united in marriage at the „he bride’s mother, Mrs. Fan- last Wednesday morning, ^Siiupson of Gainesville, offi- ; A nUI nber of guests were pres- Ijtness the ceremony and the was an interesting event, the bride and groom are proini- ]d have many friends through- , coU nty. Immediately sitter the x an elegant dinner was served, hicb they went to their future t Bellmont. Their friends ex tern heartiest congratulations it wishes. Mrs. T. H. Robertson and little girl are guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Brown in Forsyth county. I Mrs. DeLaey Law and children have arrived in the city and are occupying a house on Academy .street. Mrs. T. M. Bell is in Savannah on a visit to her brother, Mr- W. A. Win- burn, the weU known railroad man. Mrs. C. G. Reed has returned home after.a. visit to her parenis, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Delaney, at Marietta. Miss Shenton entertained very pleas antly last Tuesday evening at Mrs. J. E. Jackson’s. A number pf guests were present and all enjoyed the occas ion* ' My tiatli rooms are warm and comfortable at all tunes. Lee Parnell, theharher. Mr. James T. Dunlap of Atlanta, was here a day-or two this week, returning to the Gate City Thursday afternoon. Messrs B. H. and B. A. Merck have opened a wholesale business in the Dean storeroom on North Bradford street, under the firm name of B. H. Merck & Co. We wish them success, Bath Rooms warm and comforta ble at Parnell’s. Between Gunther’s and Mitchell’s . «r- Mr., James Rudolph goes to Lexing ton Business College this week to take a course. Upon his return he will be with the J. E. Murphy Company as bookkeeper. order to get rid of what we have, prices have been put Editor what they will briiigr. L, Elizabeth Rowland Dead, j Elizabeth Rowland, wife of L Rowland, died at the home of [sband on Davis street Thursday [g at 6 o’clock at the age of 66 [of dropsy. She is survived by Lband and three children. The ^ services were held at Myrtle church yesterday morning, con- 1 by Revs. A. A. Tilly and J. W. ove. The remains were interred i Vista cemetery by Undertakers i & Son. down to [ Perino Boone Place Sold. > E T. Castleberry purchased last |sday the Perino Boone place on street for $1,100. Soon after the Lseby his father, Jerome Castle- tourchased the place and will oe- rthe home at once. It is a good t property. Mr. A. D. Oliver was one of the good citizens who was in town from Polks- ville Tuesday. * Mr, W. A. Crow of Gillsville, was in town Wednesday. Tax Collector Charles was here Tues day and Wednesday. The store room of Mrs. Jasper Dor sey is being put in shape by the car penters and will be ready for occupan cy by February 1st. W. J. &. E. C* Palmour will put a stock of goods into the store as soon as they can get poses- sion of it, and will have it and their present room full of goods. The new year has started off with mighty fine weather. Everybody has been in a rush to get everything straightened out, and all hope for a year of prosperity. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Bailey left Tues day for Florida to spend several weeks. The doctor goes to Florida every win ter a pleasant trip and he always enjoys his outings. Much of his time will be spent in fishing, and no doubt he will have his usual good luck. upon us for a good clean hair cut, io or shave. Always glad tcf see se Parnell. The People are invited to bring their corn to ns to grind. We have a new mill, well equipped, and we guar antee satisfaction. Fuller & Porter, proprietors, [ A Good Woman Dies. Priscilla Luther died Friday pf last week at the home of her ter, Mrs. John Deaton, several* South of the v city. She was 75 if age and was a consistent mem- the Methodist church. Her re- were interred ’last Sunday at le church. What’s Your Face Worth. Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you have a sallow complexion, a jaun diced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin,-all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King’s New Life Pills: give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Complex ion. Only 25 cents at M. C. Browns Drug Store. insions to be Paid February 5th. tensioners of Hall county, whose are allowed, will be paid to W. N. Dyer on February -5th., ision Commissioner Lindsey, and barly date thereafter Judge Dyer ly the pensioners at his office, is a snug sum coming to the Hall i pensioners and they will soon toying their claims. > Your Patronage is solicited for our new corn mill. Let us grind, your corn. Satisfaction guaranteed. Fuller & Porter, proprietors. • - White Man Turned Yellow. Gre?t consternation was felt by the friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington,' Ky., When they saw he was turning yellow. His skin slowly changed color* also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He was treated, by the best doctors, but without benefit. Then he was adyised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, and he writes: ‘‘After taking two bottles I was wholly cured.” A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 50e. Sold by M. C. Brown, druggist. Tbe County Schools. Almost every school in the county opened up last Monday. with a fairly good attendance. Indications are that the term will* be a successful one. Both teachers and pupils have gotten down to hard earnest work. Here’s succcess to the county schools. Wanted His Picture, t we have all sorts and conditions pie is shown by the fafet that a seeing some pictures in one of H & Company’s show windows Using the comedy company play- Hunts opera house, walked into Dre and, approaching Mr. Bent H, inquired his price for taking es. Mr. Stovall good naturedly be man his camera was not in ng* order that day and cited him are enough picture gallery. They Were Here. There was the largest crowd in town last Tuesday that has been in Gaines ville in many a day. . The town was literally filled with people, and they were a good natured lot. Many came to attend public sales, while#others came to do some trading. It resem bled circus day with a big free street parade. District Stewards Mjeetin g. The first district meeting of the stewards of the Gainesville district was held at the First Methodist church this week. Many prominent church men were present, and the meeting was-& pleasure one. Much business was transacted at the meeting, over which Presiding Elder W, L. Pierce * PICKWICK nSyatem >F Rijghftahape clotfiintf ’ Hand-db-Fifcjlen HAND-MADE Our and Ladies’ Jacket Free. Coupon no. 1202 draws the Jacket. Coupon no. 2883 draws the Gun. Persons holding these numbers will please call, present their coupons and get article named, free of charge. J B. MATHIS & CO. es W. Chase’s clever comedy -re the laugh comes In,” which >*le Daniels is presenting at Hunt’s i House on Monday evening Jan. • and any one enjoying a good king farce should be sure to see tls replete with funny situations ^hen one imagines the troub- fe at an end, something else turns h is said to be one of the most rly written comedies of the day. is its first season on the road and r b°dy will be anxious to see it. lces > 35, 50 and 75 cents. A Profitable Investment. “I was troubled for about seven years with my stomach and in bed half my time,” says E. Demiek, Somerville, Ind. “I spent about $1,000 and never could get anything to help me until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken a few bottles and am entirely well.” You don’t live by what yon eat, but by wbat you digest and assim ilate. If your stomach doesn’t dige t your food you are really starving. K< - dol Dyspepsia Cure does the stomach’s work by digesting the food. You don’t have to diet. Eat all you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stom- ash troubles. ROBERTSON & LAW. Bought Garner Place. Mr. A. J. Mundy bought the John D; Garner farm, three miles west of Flow ery Branch, at public outcry last Tues dav for $5OQ0. The farm consists of 385 acres of fine land along the .Chatta hoochee river. Mundy has a knack of doing things that nobody else has. We dont sup-' pose any other man in tbe county could buy an $8000 farm for $5000, especially at a public sale, but that’s just what he did. ' Armature is Oa The Way. — A new armature for the dynamo at the water and light plant, which was damaged by accident last week, has been ordered, and is expected to reach -the city in a day or two. f SMOPT-STQtffl R£0/ST£R££> TJZAD£-f4ARK. - Grossman, migi-iaelsonw & makers- Hew york, • A- J. Mundy. who bought the * arm last Tuesday, made a visit I s new posessions. Wednesday. ^ one of the best farms in Hall b and the Garner residence is 0 b e tbe finest houses in tha coun- 1 Northeast Georsria. We make the above heavy cut for the next 45* days to clean up our Winter Goods, which takes in • 'The Best Meal is ground at our new corn mill, recently equipped to do the best grinding for the people of this section. Fuller & Porter, proprietors. Mill in Laundry building on Main street. s, Boys’ and Children’s Overcoats, Pea Jackets, Ulsters, Winter Suits for Men, Boys and Children; Winter Under wear, Hats, Men’s Odd Pants and Colored Shirts, Our line of SHOES are the best, and they are going at COST. Don’t miss getting a pair. For the class of merchandise we carry, and for the close margin we make this is a sacrificing cut, and yon should avail yourself of some of tnese value s while they last. ' In conclusion we beg to thank you for your kind patronage in the past, a nd wish each and everyone a happy and prosperous new year. Respectfully yours, ~ Job Coudn’t Have Stood It If he'd had Itching Piles. , They’re terribly annoying; but - Bncklen’s Ar nica Salve will cure the worst case /of piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For Inj uries, Pams or Bodily Eruptions it’s the best salve in the world. Price 25c a box. Cure guaranteed, by M: C. Brown. • Farrow, after spending a s at Sorter Springs, the Queen fountains, returned to the city ^ °f the week. The Colonel, if * e s of the people are consulted, j||: 6 P re sented with a new com- l0t f S Postmaster at Gainesville _ er His administration au admirable one. Gov. Canciler to Speak, Governed* Candler will come to Gaines ville on the 18th., instant to deliver an address at the exercises to be held on General Lee’s birthday by the Daughters of tbe Confederacy. The occasion promises to be an interesting one. New Corn Mill. ' Bring us your corn to grind, as we guarantee you best meal. Fuller & Porter, at the Gainesville Steam Laundry. WATERMAN, BURNETT &