The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, January 18, 1902, Image 6

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OWN AND OPERATE ONE OF THE MOST ELEGANTLY APPOIN TED DRUG ESTABLISH MENTS IN THE SOUTH. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, f Ranges, Glassware, Crockery, Tin, Woodenware, Tin and Sheet- iron Workers. I Both Wholesale and Retail. Few cities, irrespective of size, or population, in the entire country can boast of a better or more finely ap pointed. drug- establishment, whose in* terior furnishings harmonize perfectly with solid mahogany wood, piano fin ished, artistically beveled mirrors, with scrolled ceiling to contrast, than Is pos sessed by Gainesville. The resources of the cabinet makers and decorators erafts have beentaxed to their Hmit> to give to the people of this little city Rnfth a pharmacy as is eredtible to the men engaged in this department of business. But their outlay of expense and labor has not been misapplied, for Gainesville citizens appreciate the progressive methods of those who ca ter to their necessities, and show their appreciation by a liberal patronage. A visit to the store in person is, how ever, necessary to gain a fall appreci ation of the pains which have been ta- I WHOSE ANNUAL TRANSACTIONS REPRESENT AN AGGREGATE OF $75,000.—PLANTS AT GAINESVILLE AND MARIETTA, GA F- M. TUMLm Treasurer of Hall Comity. F. M. Tomlin, Treasurer of Hall comity, is native to its soil, haviug been born three miles west of Gainesville m 1854. Born on a farm, he was reared, and the principal part of his life has been industriously devoted Marshall Sales. t-O bucolic the following property, to wit: ; pursuits. Being a good Democrat, certain house and lot in Gasl * 0 .“. 5 Ville, Hall County, Ga., fronting and a man of rare virtues and -Grove street, ninetyfeet, and™! qualification as a Citizen, his par- baek at right angles on Thomas d ty sought, nominated and fcri- 200 (Two Hundred) feet; said housed umphantly elected him Treasurer lot bounded on East by Grove m rtf TT^ii - -trtrtrt • on South by Thomas street, on S] of Hall county m 1900; taking by lots {< Jn,erfy owned bj H Charge of the omce Jan. 1, 1901. Thomas, and on North by lots ftaj Mr Tumlin Improving himself to ly owned by Garenee Morrison sj be an efficient, and conscientionsj J®**®?* Shamblee. public official and the people flail county have only com mend a- on she now lives, for taxes due theta tion for the manner in which the) of Gainesville. Ga., for 1901. I duties of his office are conducted, .f, lso ,f the sametime cn^ eknnU i,. rt? r , . •* will sell the following aesenbean . - re-election er ty, to wit: One vacant lot wonld be a difficult man to defeat. South side of Oak street, where &] MOZLETS LEMON ELIXIR. OF LIVING COMES FROM HOME-LIKE S0RR0USM 5GS eats a big figure in the houserhold happiness. Find a home that is 11 nished. and you will be pretty sure to find real honest comfort there ^ Different people haye different needs and tastes in furniture, one wont suit another, I study the needs of everyone, and buy acc0 At the Capitol* I have just taken the last of two bottles of Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir for nervous headache, indigestion with diseased liver and kidneys, The Elixir cured me. I found it the greatest .medicine I ever used. taoet> _ J* H. MENNICH, Attorney President National Bank* McMinnville, Tenn., writes: From experi ence in my family your Lemon Elixir has few f any equals, and no superiors in medicine for ne regulation of the liver, stomach and bowels. */our Lemon Hot Drops are superior to any rem- t.Jies we have ever been able to get for throat 0:>d lung diseases. W, H- MAGNESS. fo Dr. H. Moziey, Atlanta. McNeel Marble Plant Marietta, Georgia.