The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, January 25, 1902, Image 4

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EH K i5>: ■n ^SSSU’ m?- THE GEORGIA CRACKER. SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1902. jhe Georgia tracker, Official Organ City of Gainesville Gainesville Ga„ Jan. 25, 1902. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure MAN IS NOT MONARCH. Els Senses Are Less Acute Than Are Those of Animals. Man’s vaunted facilities are far less acute than some of the lesser crea tures. The human eye is a wonderful piece of mechanism, with its little bundle of nerves that In some ^mysterious way make visualization possible. Yet this eye, with all its delicacy of discern ment, is but a circumscribed organ as compared with the eye of the eagle, which sees infinitely farther than can any human eye. The same is true of the human ear. The rats and the mice that haunt our houses, the squirrels that caper about the woods and the numberless other little animals all hear better than we do. They may not trace refinement in “sound as accurate ly as can man, but for catching sound at long range theirs are the ears most perfectly constructed. The sense of touch Is more accurate ly developed elsewhere in the animal kingdom than in mam No man made device for measuring water pressure equals that of the fish, whose sides all strung with nerves register the water pressure correctly every time and in form his fishship just^how much he can stand and when to move up or down. A dog’s sense of smell is always re spected by man, who frequently, as In the case of a hunter, relies on It to sup plement the findings of his own less active olfactory nerve. When it comes to the human voice, there are birds with ‘whose music man’s music cannot be compared. Not Patti herself ever sang more sweetly than the meadow lark at break of day. A Seotck Cynic. A young Scotchman was once halt ing between two loves, one possessed of beauty and the other of a cow. 1^ Digests what yon eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. x It allows yon to eat all the food yon want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents format ion of gas on the stem* ach, relieving all distress after eating; Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It ean*t help but do yew good Prepared only by E. C. DeWitt & Oo., Obi The SL. bottle contains times the 50c. ’Jhere is %lso a great consola tion offer. $500 will be distrib uted among those who fail to se cure one of the larger prizes and whose estimates come within 500 bales either way of the exact fi gure. This allows a margin of 1000 bales within -which all esti mates are sore to receive part of the prize money offered. The point is to strike tbe estimate ex actly during January. This is a possibility. In a contest similar to this the Constitution has had the number bit exactly ancf paid out $1,000 for the estimate. In another similar contest the esti mate has come within one of the, exact figure, and all the prizes of- all together for you. On April 15th we trust, a check for $1,000' will reach some one of our sub scribers and help make times eas ier in this locality,* The Atlanta Constitution for 1902 will be better than ever be fore; Its special news features are unsurpassed. The BoerrBrftish War; the Philippine and Cuban Operation; the Nicaragua Canal question; the busy session of the most important Congress we have ever assembled, Working out the details of diplomacy, commerce, war and peace, forecasted by the new President’s recent message; the developments of the South’s great industrial movements; the Charleston and West India position, now in progress; building and equipping of Louisana Purchase Exposition Ex- the the at St. Louis; diversified farm and village industries & improvement; the Rural Free Delivery of the farmer’s mail; the Good Roads and better schools question; and thou sands of other important things will be found fully and reely discussed in the Constitu tion for the year. The farm and armer a page will be under the able direction of Col. R. J. Red ding who has for years presided over this department to the great delight and encouragement of all Mexican readilj . ove Mustang Liniment A toad under suffers no more than the faithful hone that is tortured with Spavins, Swinney Hamm Sores, Sprains, etc.' Most horse owners knowthi* and apply the kind ef sympathy that heals, known far and wide as > * Mexican Mustang’ Liniment, Never fails—not even, in the most aggravated cases.^ * Cures caked udder in cows quicker than any known * remedy. Hardly a disease peculiar to muscle sldn or joints that cannot be cured by it. ; questioners. The Woman’s Kmg- fered have been paid put upon es- dom, the Children’s pag^e and oth- timates that were not fifty re-jer interesting departments will moved from the exact estimate, be ably conducted, and will be statistics of last six years; especially adapted to those ad- To aid the contestants in ma-1 dressed. The ringing editorials I her own personality shines in .Mexican i^hel^remedy on ttemMtetfcr Mustang Liniment It keeps horses and mules i a conditioa)' all king intelligent estimates hereon of the Constitution speaking right the -writings of this gifted woman, we give the following statistics of | out in meeting exactly what it | Already the Sunny South has despair of arriving at a decision he a]> plied for advice to a canny compatriot, who delivered himself thus: “Marry the lass that has the coo, for there’s no the deeference o’ a coo’s vat «e in any twa weemen in Christen dom.”—Pearson’s Weekly. six former years.: $3,500 CASH PRIZE CONTESTS. The Atlanta Constitution’s Great Offer for 1902. Tbe Cotton Receipts at Savannah, Ga., from September to April @2.000. «w O fl o 39 ca <D ro Savannah cot* ton Receipts Sept. 1. to the 15th day of fol lowing April. Savannah Cot ton Receipts April 10th to 15th. Total U. S. Cotr ton- crop for same season. 1895-1896 711,257 4.872 7,157,346 1896-1897 808,693 4,824 8,758,864 1897-1898 1,140,479 6,889 11,199,994 1898-1899 1,029,681 3.817 11,274,840 1899-1900 1,036,822 6,332 9,436,416 1900-1901 ‘975,693 9,802 10,383,422 ac- sub- this means in the advocacy of true de- quired a llBt of OTer 50 ,000 mocratic doctrine and the devel- ., , , . A ^ , scnbers and during the year opment of the South, and m be- interests of the I fi S" re "iH doubtless be more than doubled. The price of the Atlan- ’ @1,500 Cash Prizes to Agents for tbe first Quarter of 1902. Full Statistics given for your Guidance. An Unparal leled Offer for our - Readers. The Constitution’s market page will give each week the port re ceipts for the cotton season from which yon can always see the Sa vannah, Ga., port receipts from The Atlanta Constitution offers I September 1, 1901 up through the two cash prize contests from Janu-■ Friday immediately preceding ary 1st to April 15th, 1902. publication. This will keep yon $1,500 in cash prizes for agents. P osted to within two or three days These prizes range from'$400 for before ^ tlme y° u send ln y° nr the highest to $5.00 for the- lowest es titnate. list from any agent daring the The $ 2 >°°° contest is an ex in addition $250 will be I P r68S contract to which the Con- divided pro rata among all agents 8titnt i on will stand in' every par- who send twenty or more sub- ticnlar - Yetfit is in its nature scriptions and fail to get any other I simply an advertisement by which prize. This is a liberal offer and half of the great masses of our plain people are alone easily worth the subscrip-1 ta Constitution and Sunny South tion price of the paper over and is only $1.25 per year. The price again. ' of The Sunny South* alone is 50 The management of the Atlan-1 ct{# P er y® ar straight to all per- ta Constitution will continue its sons alike, except when clubs of former policy in all respects.. Mr. ^ ve accompanied by $2.50 in full Clark Howell *s President and P a y ment thereof, the elubraiser Editor in Chief, Mr. Roby RobinH rec f ives for Ws work a year’s sub- son, the new Business Manager, j SGr iption to the Sunny South, and the same well-disciplined The combination price of this pa- corps of staff writers and heads of P 83 * with The Atlanta Consirtu- departments, will ably conduct all i ^ on an ^ Sunny South is only $1.- For a perfect fit go to C. Hr SJ UNDER] Moved to Daniel Building, over ij J. E. Jackson’s store. "The Artistic Tailor, Clothes cleaned and pressed« short notice. Also LADIES - SKIRTS clean eDand pressed. All work™ prompt a ention. DUNLAP and THO INSURANCE AGENTS. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT,' &| SURETY BONDS. the details of it will be sent you Con- by applying to the Atlanta stitution, Atlanta, Ga. The $2,000 upon 4 the Savannah, Ga., cotton receipts will be given as follows: the Atlanta Constitution com bined with the Georgia Cracker for only $1.50 per year may be come better known in this com munity, send us the subscriptions to the Atlanta Constitution and our paper at the {advertised price the affairs of this great newspa per. The Constitution’s long and honorable^ business course keeping faith with the people in all its contracts, contests, and engage ments, as well as in its consis tent and conspicions editorial fair ness places it among those relia ble institutions of onr countryJip- on which the people may depend The Sunny South has been OFFICE: this combination Idunlap bi/dgH Phones 35 and 140. 75. Whenever is taken up the_ subscriber may submit two estimates m the Sav annah Cotton - Receip ts Con test, one on each paper, although sub scriptions to The Sunny South alone do not get any estimate. With such a great general news paper covering the? world’s news and national questions, and a great literary paper covering the MONEY TO LOAN. We procure real estate loans for years time, payable in installments 7 per cent interest. Call and see ns. DCTYLAP & PlCEBSL Gainesville, Ga. , brought under a dose subscrip- w hole field of romance and fiption tion alliance with the Atlanta as depicted by current Southern Cheap Excursion R ateSj | To Charleston and Constitution. It is now a weekly wr ^erSj you will of course need Account of South Carolina ^ literary paper conducted in the j an< ^ livest local paper, j j- er state, and West Indian To the person sending a yearly of the two ’ an<J Wlth ife - vour es ' subscription to the Atlanta Con- N^te on the&Sayannah, Ga., stitution (weekly) together with Q°tt°n Receipts for thb period, mentioned and we will forward position. For the above occasion tfc the correct estimate of the cotton receipts of Savannah, Ga*., from September 1st, 1901 to April 15th, ■ $1,000 if the estimate is received during January. $500 if the estimate is received during February. $250 if the estimate is received during March or up to April 10th. The above are for the exact es timates, there are besides these the following prizes that will be paid out for the nearest estimates to the Savannah cotton receipts | received at any time during the contest: $250, $100, $75, $50, $25, for the next nearest estimates in their order. CONSTIPATION "I have gone 14 days at a time without a movement of the bowel*, not being able to interest of Southern readers. One &i vin £ current local topics and the of its afrowedpurposes is the ex-1 best news antd freshest ploitation of the Southern field of I commenf upon events of locai in-1 Georgia Railroad will literature and the encouragement I terest. We trust this combina-1 trip tickets at A of Southern talent. During the» secured by The Atlanta Con- c^arieeton. . . . year contests for the best compet- stitution, Sunny South and / The ! Through sleepers on itive stories by Southern writers ^ eor gi a Cracker will be found best I j n g Atlanta at 8:00 ^ will be announced. During the suited to all our readers. The m., and Charleston past year a competition of this l price, is. merely nominal when the II :09 o’clock P* Jbf ‘ - - - - jules, dates of sale ana . ^ tickets ask agents Georg character resulted infl some 500 j serv i ce i® e ven h a lf considered, on move them except by using hot water injections. J stories submitted-, all of which are ^ ^ ^be three papers men- j roa J Chronic mnst.inn.tlnn -fnr snvon vaaik nlnnad mo In 1 1 i -* • i . t IUt*U ^ _ Chronic constipation for seven yean placed me ln this terrible condition; during that time I did ev erything I heard of but never found any relief; such was my case, until 1 began Using CA8CARBT8. I now have from one to three passages a day. and if I ; rich 1 would give $100.00 for each movement; it is such a relief.’* Aylmer L. Hunt, 1689 Russell St., Detroit, Mich. well worth reproduction* and the I tioned, including your estimate majority of them have appeared ln the Constitution’s $2,000 cash and will continue in the Sunny I contest. To get the Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good. Da Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c, 50c. .. CURE CONSTIPATION. .. Storilag Bwriy Compaay, CUrac*. iMbMl, Saw Ink. South’s interesting columns. The Woman’s Department of The Sunny South has been placed under the direction of Mrs. Mary E. Bryan. Her name has been connected with The Sunny South for nearly a generation. She has brought to her work a ripened ex perience gained in the service of the same clientele. The charm of contest. To get the full benefit of the high prize, send in your subscription now so the Constitu tion may receive it.during Janu ary and record it to your credit. Make vour figures very plain, un mistakably plain, the statistics will guide you to an intelligent estimate. . Address all orders to: The Georgia Cracker Gaines ville Ga. C. C. McMillin, G. A. P. D- Angosta, Ga S. E. Magill, Gen’l Agt. Atlanta. E. P. Bonner, H. T. A. 4 Maccu. L. H. HilLj U. T. A. Atlanta. Ga. A. G- jAI G. P- L C.D- Gen W. CJfc S. F. & p ;| . ■