The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, January 25, 1902, Image 5

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HOW THE CHINESE GET RAIN Peculiar Practices In Vogue la tbe > Celestial Kingdom. It is one of the peculiarities of the Chinese that, while they fiave develop ed elaborate philosophies, none of them has Jed to any confidence *in the uni formity of nature. Neither the people nor their rulers have any fixed opinion es to the causes of rainfall. The plan In some provinces when the heed of rain is felt is to borrow a god from a neighboring district and petition him for, the , desired rain. If his answer is satisfactory, he is returned to his home with every mark of honor; otherwise he may be put out in the sun as a hint to wake up and do his duty. A bunch of willow is usually thrust into his hand, as willow is sensitive to mois ture. . Another plan In extensive use is the building of special temples, in which are wells containing several iron tab lets. When there Is a scarcity of rain, a messenger starts out with a tablet marked with the date of the journey and the name of the district making the petition. Arriving at another city, he pays a sum of money and is allow ed to draw a new tablet from the well, throwing in his own by way of ex change. On the return journey he is supposed to eat only bran and travel at top speed day and night. Some times he passes through districts as greatly in need of rain as his own. •Then the people in these places way lay him and, temporarily borrowing his tablet, get the rain intended for anoth er place. Prayers are usually made in the fifth and sixth months when the rainfall is always due, and a limit of ten days | is set for their effective operation. Un der such conditions rain usually falls during tlie prescribed time. When the prayers are in progress, the umbrella, among other objects, comes under the ban. In some provinces foreigners have been mobbed for carrying this harmless article at that time. t‘l wsanyenwe j publish my fetter j stating the grand effeoi 1 LfDiA E. PlNKffAlVFS * VEGETABLE OOMPOUNO' \ has had on my health. if MP5. ANNA ASTON J “I wassufferingto such an extent from ovarian troubl e * that my physician thought an operation would be necessary. Yoiir medicine having been recommended to me, I "decided to try it. After using several bottles I foupd that I was cured. My system was toned up and I suffered no more with my ovaries. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is the greatest boon on earth to suffering women.”—Mbs. Anna Aston, Box 13; Troy, Mo. Ovarian trouble is serious trouble. Every woman knows this. Frequently she has ovarian trouble when she thinks she has only a “paifi in the-side” All at once she finds herself unable to walk. She is a sick woman. An operation, dangerous and expensive, is the usual procedure, and. at best, she can expect merely to gather together the shattered remnants of health Rafter a tedious struggle. Many times this is necessary and many times it is not. It is wise for every woman to be convinced that every backache . and sideache, every abdominal pain, indicates something wrong, and something which will not go away itself or be driven away by hard work. It is also right for every woman to know that for every disorder of the feminine organs Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is the perfect treatment, that it is the medicine always safe to use and always certain to help. When your health and perhaps your life is at stake. Is it wise to pass by a remedy whioh holds the record for the greatest number of absolute cures of female ills and which is recognized by the profession to be the greatest medicine for women in the world, and aocept something else which you know little or nothing about? Read the records of cure in the letters like Mrs. Aston’s printed regularly in this paper, and if you are sick, do not he satisfied to take a substitute for Lydia Em Plnkhagn*s VegstsbSs Q^mptttmdn THE COlfflffiON ENEMY Kidney disease is the enemy we have most to fear as a result of the feverish.restlessness of our modern civilization; It is a treacherous enemy, working out its deadly effect under cover of the most trifling symptoms. The first indication of changes in the urine, frequent head* aches, digestive troubles, should be the signal for prompt remedial measures. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS is a kidney remedy of great merit. It is soothing, healing and strengthening, quickly relieves the aching or soreness that always appears In the advanced stage, checks the progress of the disease, and through its excellent cleansing and regulating effect in the liver and bowels, it brings back the strength and ruddy glow of vigorous health. Price, $1.00 Per Bottle, SPECIAL AGENTS, E. E. DIXON & CO The engravers at the bureau of engraving and printing have Corn- President Ladies of the Lexington, ' Ky., Chapter, Daughters pf the Con federacy, have asked the mana ger of the opera house there tb re fuse in future to give dates to “Uncle Tom’8 Cabin-” shows. B B” 1ft S SBB We have deposited with PhK* lH s|n| the National City Bank, BB Esa a _ of x,ynn, $5,000, which — be paid to any per son who can find that the above testimonial letter is not genuine, or was published before obtaining the writer’s special permission. Lydia B. Pinkham Medicine Co. pie ted a vignette of Roosevelt that will always be used as the official picture of the Presi dent. After his death it may be used on government money or se curities, but not until then. This vignette was made from what was decided to be the best photograph, of the President after every phot ograph be has had taken in the last ten years had been examined. Don’t Live Together* Constipation and health never go to gether. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers promote easy action of the bowels without distress. “I have been troub led with eostiveness nine years,” says J. O. Greene, Depauw, Ind. “I have tried many remedies but Little Early Risers give best results.” ROBERT SON & LAW. \ FLOWER AND TREE ncate Your Howela Witts. CaseaKets. dy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. FOREIGN BANK METHODS Palms and ferns should never be al lowed to stand in a draft. When moss is seen on fruit trees, it may be taken as evidence of lack of thrift in the trees. . The ideal soil in which to set a plant is one that is moist, without being' wa ter soaked, neither too dry nor too wet. Dust is a great enemy of window plants in connection with dry heat. Care must be taken to keep the air moist. In India the tea plant is naturally a tree, but by means of pruning it is kept so small that It seems to be only a bush. • ' *■ For setting in a dry soil the plant should be well rooted and stocky, as it must depend on the roots it already has to make a start. Vines of all kinds flower and fruit freely.only after they have reached the top of their support. When they have “arrived,” they set about blooming. Peonies should be planted in October. Once planted they should not be dis turbed, but should be allowed to form strong clumps. Thus treated the flow ers increase in size and beauty with each succeeding season. I The Undeveloped System In Use In Continental Europe. A bank check is looked upon with suspicion in Italy. Practically no small tradesman would take a check, and none of them keeps a bank account. It was still more surprising to me to find that such a statement would be almost literally, true of Paris itself. I was studying the mechanism of the Bank of France under the guidance of one of the officers. We went into one great room in the old building in which there were 200 desks inclosed in wire cages, all empty at the moment. I asked what these were for. “These cages are for our city col lectors,”' I was told. “When a small merchant borrows from the Bank of France, he does not, as with you in America, borrow a bank credit and have his loan merely added to his bal ance on the books of the bank. With us the merchant, when he makes a loan, gets the actual money and takes it away. He probably has no bank ac count with us. He writes no checks. When the loan is due, he does not, as would be the case in your banks, come in and pay his Indebtedness with _a check; Instead of that we send a col lector to him, and that collector Is re paid the loan in actual currency. Two hundred men start out from the Bank of France every morning to collect ma tured loans. Several days each month it is necessary to send out 400 men, and on the 1st and the 15th of each month 600 collectors go out.” These collectors were uniformed men, carrying leather pouches, in which they have the matured notes and which are later filled with curren cy as the collections are made from the bank’s borrowers.’ I stood at the paying teller’s desk as I went farther along Jn my tour of the Bank of France. AsT halted there the man who happened to be at the win dow at the moment presented a check for 50,000 francs. The money was counted out and handed over to him, stored away in a big wallet, and 3 he passed on. I asked if it were not un usual for a man to draw out so much currency and was told that it was not. It was but another illustration of how undeveloped Is the banking system of continental Europe In Its uses by the general public.—Scribner’s Magazine. iMallary Bros., Machinery Co.. GINE BUILDERS, IW MILLS, COTTON IS and PRESSES. Child Worth Millions. “My child is worth millions to me,” says Mrs. Mary Bird of Harrisburg, Pa.; “yeti would have lost her by croup had I not purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure.” One Min ute Cough Cure is sure cure for coughs, croup* and throat and lung troubles. An absolutely safe cough cure which acts immediately. The youngest child can take it with entire safety. The little ones like the taste and remember how often it helped them. Every lam- Income tax returns show that Herr Krupp, the famous German gunmaker, is the richest man m the German Empire. His income is given as between 20,000, 000 and 21, 000,000 marks a year. MACON, GA R. DEXTER Twentieth Century Medicine. Cascarets Gandy Cathartic are as far ahead of ancient pill poisons and liquid physic as the electric light of the tallow candle. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. Inhabitants pf the Danish is land, St. Croix, have another petition to King Christian, ad vancing reasons against tho sale of the islands to the United States. Mrs. Hannah M. McPherson, who died inKBaltimore the other day, is to be buried with a portion of the old ' flag which inspired Francis Scott Key to write “The Star Spangled Banner. ” Her hus band, the late William W. Mc Pherson, was given the flag, which had floated over Fort McHenry, for his bravery in defending it in 1812. Most of the historic em blem was wrapped around Mr. Mc Pherson’s casket when he died, but a small piece was cut from it and preserved. SAP RATES TO THIS WEST, i Western & Atlantic R. R. AIMDTHE shyile Chattanooga & St. Louis Ry. ill sell round trip homeseekers pts to all points m Oklahoma and p Territory on the following October 12th, November 5th and A Profitable Investment., “I was troubled for about seven years with my stomach and in bed half my time,” says E. Demick, Somerville, Ind. “I spent about $1,000 and never could get anything to help. me until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have 1 taken a few bottles and am entirely well.” You don’t live by what you- eat, but by what you digest and assim-~ ilate. If your stomach doesn’t digest your food you are really starving. .Ko dol Dyspepsia Gure does the stomach’s 4 wqrk by digesting the food. * You don’t have to diet”. Eat all you wanb Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stom- ash troubles. ROBERTSON & LAW. : December 3rd and 17th. Tickets l twenty one days from date of Stopover privileges will be al- ® fifteen days going at any point tkansas, Texas, Oklahoma and In- Territory. 0. ,r rates and full information call r write to John L. Edmondson, S. E. P. A„ Atlanta, Ga Irregular bowel movements lead to chronic constipation. Prickly * Ash Bitters is a reliable system regulator; cures permanently. DR. E. E. DIX ON &CO. „ kills, not necessarily, suddenly, but SURELY. It preys upon the intellectual powers more than we realize. It consumes the vitality faster than nature can replenish it, and we cannot tell just what moment a temporary or complete aberration of the mind wi& result. Headache and pain should be promptly re moved—but properly. Many pain cures are more harmful than the pain. Beware. If you would be safe, take w&sPainPiHs. “As a result of neuralgia I lost tnj sight of my right eye, and the pain 1 have suffered is incomprehensible, be ing obliged to take opiates almost con tinually. A friend gave me one of Dr. Miles’Pain Pills and it promptly re lieved me. I then purchased a box and now my trouble is gone.. They have also cured my daughter of nervous headache, and I heartily recommend them to others.”—W. 'J. CORLKY. Bre- mond, Texas. ' Sold by Druggists. 25 Doses, 25c. Dr. Miles Madlonl Co., Elkhart, Ind. Arkansas Republicans protest to the President against allowing Powell Clayton to control the pa tronage of the State. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. - Tastes Good. In time. Sold by^rnpgists. Under Cover ©f Darkness. The minister of a Scotch parish was going from home and procured the clergyman of a neighboring parish to officiate on Sunday. His servant who was also the beadle, was sent over to the station to drive the reverend gen tleman to the manse. When the train arrived, the beadle asked him to wait awhile, as he had some messages to do before he went. It was two^ hours before he returned. The good man was furious and threat ened to report him to his master. “Weel, sir. ^ ye can dae that if ye like,” said the beadle, “but be tell’t me himsel* to wait till it was dark afore I drove ye ower, for if the folk o’ the village saw wba was to preach Henry C. Payne, the new post master General, has started to Washington with his family. Strengthens and stimulates the liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels. Prickly Ash Bitters is a superior system regu lator. It drives but all unhealth con ditions, promotes activity of body and Prickly-Ash Bitters cures the kid neys, regulates the liver and purifies the bowels. A Valuable system tonic; DR. E. E. DIXON & CO. Estate & 3 Uaiye8vtl: brain, restores good appetite, sound sleep and cheerful spirits. ‘DR. E. E. DIXON & CO. * The German budget estimates shows a deficit of 70, 000, 000 marks. TOBACCO SMT and SMOKE Chicago Record-Herald: “Cap tain Hobson is now preparing to lecture. If he will take the Schley case for a subject he may succeed m attracting some attention.” p 1 * niaclewpi? n3 l form of tob a«» using te ,and vio-nlv’ ? tro “& magnetic, full of ® b y taking m-TO-BAC, ^ in t«j ? en str 9 n gf. Many gain i ° Ver BOO,0OO Cure guaranteed. Book- °*CQ r£r^- Address STERLING ** Ch *cago or New York/ 437 PiSCCS-vBtfR : E ; RPR