The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, January 25, 1902, Image 7

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Wj W. Higsby spent last l8 aday in Atlauta. „ an d Mrs. J. A. Wynne spent 9 present week at Cornelia. ^ r8 C. E. Lambdin and Miss JeLambdin are visiting MrB. g. Hardy. Fudge J. J- Kimsey of Clevel- 3 has been here this week at- ,diug Hall superior court. lo j Cliff M. Walker, of Monroe, eree in bankruptcy for this dis- was in the city on business COURT IN SESSION. SHERIFF TRIES TO TURN OUT DEPUTY SHERIFF. Dyle Sticks W ores than fly paper. —Dirty Linen of Sheriffs Office now Being Aired.—“Con tracts” and “Sell- Outs” the Prin cipal Stock in Trade. Hall superior court, January term 1902, convened last Monday morning with Judge J. B. Estes on the bench. Solicitor General Char ters is on hand representing the state. The grand jury was organized with Mr. E. P. Chambers as fore man, and Mr. W. W. Cooper as sec retary. The folio wing bailiffs were «worn in to wait on the court: Jv K. Bucket, J. S. Lathem, N. C. Odell, P. E. Patterson and Prank Whelchel. Judge Estes delivered a lengthy charge to the grand jury after which that body retired to their room and began its duties. The civil docket was taken up Monday and is still being heard there being many civil cases to be considered. The criminal dock^ et will perhaps be reached today or Monday. -o - We kragroin^ out of busi ness and must sell pur large stock of goods at once. In to get rid of what we haYe, prices have been put down to the lowest notch, and goods will * be sold for what they will bring. Sheriff M. O. Gilmer has sought to discharge Deputy Sheriff J. A* Lyle, and has served him with no tice to vacate the. jail instanter. Deputy Sheriff Lyle retaliates by refusing to get out and drawing a contract entered into between him self and Gilmer when they com bined forces in 1900 and ran for sheriff and deputy sheriff to de feat A. J. Mundy. That was last week, and .charges and counter charges have been made by both since the row started. Las t Monday the January term of Hall superior court opened and Gilmer complained to Judge . Es tes that Lyle would not let him go to the jail for,prisoners andbad refused to vacate his office after he had ordered him to do so. Judge Estes thereupon took a hand in the g8me and instructed Gil mer co go to the jail, demand the keys of Lyle, and if he refused to do so to summon a possee and, if it took every man in Hall county, ariest’Lyl© and bring him before the court. f|Lyle heard What the Judge said and going from the court room to the jail, reached there before Gilmer and his crowd got there. When Gilmer Came up, he demanded the keys of Lyle, who requested a receipt from Gilmer for them, which was given. Lyle remains in the jail, but is bereft of all authority. He says he will not now get out of the jail until he is put out by legal process. Lyle will now institute legal proceedings against jGilmer for damages, etc. He has employed Cols. H. H. Perry/ Howard Thompson and P. M. Johnson. The fight promises to be an inter esting one. Lyle has a contract duly drawn, “signed, sealed and delivered,” with Gilmer which shows how they combined forces two years ago to defeat “Andy” Mundy for sher iff. The contract shows they were willing to make any kind of deal, “holy or ubholy,” to accomplish their purpose and, although they succeeded, they will not profit by it, for Gilmer has so far gotten nothing out of the office, and now he kicks Lyle out Aud the latter will get no more. The contract was to the effect that in consider ation of Lyle’s withdrawal from the race for sheriff, he was to run as deputy on Gilmer’s ticket, was to live m the jail and receive all fees and compensations arising therefrom, and was to receive in addition half the fees of the sher iff’s office at the court house. Gil mer was to be sheriff in name and receive half the fees from the courthouse office. Judging from the way thingsl have turned out, he hasn’t got much out of the job. Ever since; Gilmer and Lyle have been m office they have either been in a row with themselves or with some other citizen or official. The people of Hall dounty have been more greatly annoyed since the present regime’bas been in the sher iff’s office than they ever were be fore. Mr. R- E* Williams has re- Ledhome to Macon after a [easant visit to the family of his L Alderman J. L. Williams, in is city. [Mr. A. P. Dixon and danghter, returned [Meriwether county [me last Sunday after a pleasant lit, to the family of his brother, l E. E. Dixon. Ltteotiou is called to the adver- [ement of Mr. G. P, Turner in Eg issue. See what great bar- pQg are offered by this excellent [dreliable firm. “Turner’s Big Ire” will always treat you right fa our readers are urged to visit [g big establishment. Mr. George H. Fuller, formerly heral freight agent of the inesville, Jefferson and South- 1, with headquarters at Gaines- Qe, has been appointed commer- f agent for the Seaboard Air [is at Abbeville, S. C. fhe Macon E vening News in a (ling editorial pays a high and nted tribute to the locomotive [ineer, and sustains by argu- ot the contention that the vast jority of railroad wrecks are iisd by the negligence of other cials. PROPERLY OBSERVED . The birthday of General Robert Edward Lee was appropriately ob served m Gainesville last Satur day. Interesting exercises were held at the court house, under the auspices of the Longstreet chapter. Daughters of the Confederacy.' Several speeches were made, the principal one being that of Gover nor A. D. Candler, orator of the days, who spoke for nearly an hour, during which time he held the close attention bf the audience, who fre quently cheered the sentiments ex pressed by him. At the conclusion of the speech es, Mrs. C. C. Sanders, president of the chapter, delivered Crosses of Honor to a large number of old veterans. All in all, the exercises were quite interesting and enjoya ble. ~ If so, see us now. February 1 st., When we must leave this store, will soon be upon THE BRAVE FIREMEN our Patronage is solicited for new corn mill. Let ns grind yonr i. Satisfaction guaranteed. Fuller 'orter, proprietors. At a meeting last < Tuesday of the fire company, the following officers were elected: Captain, C. B. Stovall; Assistant captain, C. C. Dunbar; Secretary, J. T. Dor sey ; Treasurer, Harry Walker. Alderman C. C. Staton is fchair- man of the fire department com mittee of council. Two paid men, Charley and Walt Dunbar, remain at headquarters all the time and keep everything in tip-top shape. There are no more efficient fire fighters anywhere than the mem* bers of the Gainesville depart ment. * Pry us for a good clean haircut, ppoo or shave. Always glad to see . Lee Parnell. pllon N. N. Littlefield for p grade acids and guano. f or Rent: The brick store build- now occupied by the Gainesville se. Co., on corner South Main and ad streets. Building is two-story [basement, 50x165 feet, well suited large wholesale business. Posses- Pgiven February 1st. Apply to ^ P. N. Parkeb, Gainesville, Ga. f PICKWICK vSYATEM °F Right-shape clotblncf fcZ fland-fo-RF-Men HAMD-MAOe. JORDAN—PRESSLEY. e W Corn Mill. Bring us yorr i to grind, as we guarantee you meal. Fuller & Porter, at the aesville Steam Laundry. Mr. A. H. Jordan and Miss Mat- tie Pressly were married at the office of Judge F. M. Loden Wed nesday, the wedding being some what of a surprise. The groom ’s home is near Oscarville, and the bride was from near Brown’s bridge. They have the best wish es of friends. ■toney Loaned On Farms* r make loans on improved farms, i 1, au d the surrounding counties, eayears time, with the privilege of hng pay ments on the principal sum * n Y time. For further information p to R. P. Lattneb, K 1 1. State Bank Building, Grain es- •3 Mr " <Si*aolt > Njfgy fignaMTouTi mS& 9 I ,/t£G/SrSR£J> TJtAOM-MAJOC. . - ' GROSSMAN. CaiCHAEUSON-r Sl 09. MAKERS-WEW YORK. 20 to 25 Per Cent Off the Marked. Price. Everything Marked in Plain Figures. We make the above heavy cut for the next 45 days to clean ap onr Winter Goods, which takes in Oak Camp, Nov. 29., W.- O. W. installed the following officers Thursday night: T.M. Bell, Con- Melchor, Littlefield, deals in. the hlizers at the lowest prices, ICe hereby given that I severed my connection with rm of House & ^Oliver and °t responsible for any furth- ^atious of the concern, or lessors. W. N. OLIVER; sul Commander Adviser Lieutenant; W. G. Hum phreys, Banker; J. H. Pitchford, Clerk; W. M. Manes, “Escort j J. I. Adams, Watchman; Wf B. Gurr, Sentry; M. P. Portson, H* M. Newman, J. G. Hynds, Managers; K. A. Smith, Physician. ’ The camp will meet in future each week, instead ot |twice-a month. The camp has forty odd members and is in a flourishing condition. r Pea Jackets, Ulsters, Winter Saits for Men, Boys and Children; Winter Under wear, Hats, Men’s Odd Pants and Colored Shirts. Oar-line of SHOES are the best, and they are going at COST. Don’t miss getting a pair. Bor the class of merchandise we carry, and for the close margin we make this is a sacrificing eat, and yon should avail yourself of some of these values while they last; In conclusion we beg to thank you for your kind patronage in the past, and wish each and everyone a happy and prosperous new year. Respectfully yours, CANDY " The comments of the Atlanta Consti tution on the announcement of Hon. Josepeh M. Terrell for governor indi cates that that paper will support him in his race. * ^ G C. C. Never sold In bulk, ft* dealer who tries to sell lcth ®£ just as good.** Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. - WATERMAN, BURNETT & CO